• 2.cmd (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    very simple drive and directory changer. no
    rexx required.  based on 2.bat from pc
  • 2coldir.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    doubledir for os/2

  • adu40.exe (178K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    adu/2 v4.0 evaluation (new pricing!)
    96/01/18. tool for file management. demands
    made on such a tool are short loading times,
    a short execution time, a low need of
    resources, & a range of functions that meets
    the practical needs of the user.
  • agrep204.zip (157K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    agrep.exe v2.04 - an advanced file searching
    utility. original source for aix, os/2 and
    algorithms like boyer-moore included(1996)
  • alfld_15.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    allfolders - set eas of directory tree.

  • archive.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    free os/2 archiver tool (archive every 'x' days).

  • as2e003.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    attribute-sensitive find utility for os/2
    warp.  asf enables you to get, for example,
    italicized keyword from html documents and
    text files.
  • assoed20.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    assoedit.exe allows you to inspect or modify
    associations set for file- and typefilters.
    you can add new associations, remove old ones
    and change defaults associations.  also, you
    can add new filetypes.
  • attmn07c.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    attribute manager v.0.76.50 beta. a small pm
    application that allows you to easily manage
    ordinary and extended attributes (.subject,
    .comment, .keyphrases). freeware.
  • attr2.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    change file attributes under os/2

  • au.zip (163K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    filefinder, fileremover, filesizer, pm disk usage.

  • b_dir132.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    (v1.32) B - 32 bit OS/2 DIR replacement
    32 bit command line program. Replaces OS/2's
    DIR command. Supports file highlighting by
    extensions, recursive directory searches,
    changing of file order. Can change what 
    information is shown.  Fully configurable
    by using switches and either editting
    program or environment variable.
    Freeware, Dohn Arms, dohnarms@uiuc.edu
  • babel16.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    babel is for converting between file formats
    used for molecular modeling.
  • backdasd.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    version 1.10 of the dasd utilites.  includes
    backdasd, restdasd, and setdasd.
  • backini.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    os/2 2.0 util will backup any file, includes
    options to back up only if file has changed
    since the last backup.
  • bbsfm120.zip (133K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    The BBS File Manager (ver 1.20) - View, move
    and edit descriptions of all your BBS's
    files from a single powerful screen.  Very
    fast and easy to use with pop-up windows.
    Works with any BBS that uses FILES.BBS fmt.
    MANY more features!
  • bc93090.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    utlbcomp v93.090 compare 2 binary files. it
    formats results much better than the standard
    "comp" command and does not stop at 10
    mismatches. it will handle files of different
    length but will stop on eof of the smaller.
  • bchun100.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    bchunk-1.0.0_os2.zip binchunker for unix, version 1.0.0.

  • brane10.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    Brane 1.0 - Another simple, but
    configurable code converter. Can
    convert text and binary files.
  • browse2.zip (232K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    browse.zip - Browse for OS/2
    Allows easy disk browsing,
    long labelling,
    reports of drive type,
    and content previewing.
    Mr Antonino Iannella
  • bsplit13.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    split and combine any large binary file.

  • butcher2.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    Butcher 1.2.0 for OS/2 and Unix (c) 1997 by Ali Onur Cinar 
    Butcher is a small utility which will help you to make volumes in size,
    you prefer, from large files.
  • case16a.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    lower/upper/mixed-case conversion utility for
    file/dir names on os/2 or win32 (win95/nt)
    system. this supports .longname eas of os/2
    system. freeware.
  • catfil.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    cat.exe for os2. unix like cat program.
    options include: numbered outputs, page
    redirection, and pause.  for use  with os2
  • cc108os2.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    advanced, flexible, powerful file
  • ccopy.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    incremental backup copy of files for os/2 2.x

  • ccp110.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    ccp v1.10 - ccp  conditionally copies files
    that match the source file specification(s),
    excluding those that also match the optional
    xsource filename pattern(s).
  • cd34.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    ** Color Directory Version 3.4 **
    A program to list the contents
    of a directory in color.  Fully
    configurable.  Freeware!
    For OS/2 2.0 (With Service Pak),
    2.1, 2.11 and WARP Version 3.
  • cd_short.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    a substitute for command line 'cd'. make
    directory current by entering substrings of
    directory names; searching several drives;
    open wps folders from the wps. freeware. 2.03
    fixed: with warp4 fp11 and later, some dir
    were not reachable.
  • cdir11.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    french program you can change directory and,
    when you are in a directory, you can run an
    executable program (exe, com, bat).
  • cdir2_15.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    works like dos & os/2 dir command. adds color
    and configuration support. dos version shows
    eas. version 1.50
  • cdsg.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    small pair of utilities to make it easy to
    switch from a dos to os/2 session and
    maintain the same directory.
  • cff51b.zip (235K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    culver's fabulous filesystem version 5.1 beta
    portable 32 bit filesystem/database engine
    has a permanent malloc and copyable objects.
  • cfspak.zip (197K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    cyno's filesplitter/splicer 1.0 - file transport utility.

  • chdate10.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    file date change utility.

  • chdirc20.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    os/2 change dir to any dir on current drive

  • chkjfs01.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    a program to test a jfs partition (v0.1).
    there must be a correct os environment.
  • chkph2.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    chkpath v2.01 will verify that all
    directories in a system path can be accessed
    (including libpath). it will also auto-check
    some common paths.
  • chksto.zip (1,054K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    chkstore vers. 2.12. checks on use of space
    on home directories. if user exceeds imposed
    limit, then system "revokes" user by changing
    access of home dir and all subdir to rda. if
    home dir is increased or user deletes files
    then "unrevoked".
  • clean.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    automatically clean specified directories of
    files at predetermined intervals. useful with
  • clndsk10.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    cleandsk v1.0. purge garbage files from all
    directories of specified drive/path. dos &
    os/2 executable. supports both fat & hpfs.
  • clog-v02.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:32

    archives files with a given suffix.

  • clone240.zip (803K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    clone cleaner disk utility for os/2 finds
    duplicate files across multiple disk drives.
    by file name or by file contents. clone
    cleaner is the only utility that finds
    duplicate files by content across multiple
    drives including hpfs!
  • clonkill.zip (141K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    README for Clone Killer for OS/2
    since i needed a program to find and eliminate duplicate files on my cd's and harddisks
    and since the already available programs for OS/2 didn't work the way i wanted to find my files,
    i wrote my own "clone killer"
    - Freeware under the GPL (since i consider it a rather "quick hack" :-)
    - comes with source, so there is space for you to improve the code and send me your improvements
    - finds files on any kind of drive (hard drives, cd's, network drives)
    - uses crc32 (slower) or md5 (quicker) checksum algorithm
    - uses own config file for easy configuration and adaption
    - scans complete drives or only subdirs
    - scan directories or also recurses into directories
    - scans for given specified filetypes ( maybe only *.jpg or *.gif or both or...)
    - stores values in database (example: you have files already on cd and dont want to scan these cd's every time
      you try to find your clones)
    - generates "CMD" file to delete the clones found or run it in "unattended" mode in a batch file..
    - delete all duplicates found or files only from specified drives or directories
    Latest versions can be obtained from "http:\\www.nheller.de" under the "freeware" section
    have fun, Norbert Heller, Mai 1998
    email: "norbertheller@swol.de"
    www: "http:\\www.nheller.de"
  • cmntm030.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    comment manager v.0.20 beta - a small pm app
    that allows easy management of .subject,
    .comment and .keyphrases extended attributes.
  • cmpare.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm file comparison utility (without
    vrobj.dll) v1.3. file comparison utility.
    will visually compare any 2 files, text or
    binary, regardless of file size differences.
    written in vx-rexx 2.1; requires vrobj.dll.
    register for $4.00.
  • cmpfls.zip (481K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    compare files--ksc file compare prgm
    94/12/15. v1.1. compares signature checksum
    for all files compared. files with identical
    signatures compared byte for byte. identical
    file names placed in one of two list-boxes,
    one to keep, one to delete.
  • cmpfs120.zip (198K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    compare files v1.20. compare large numbers of
    small files (large files work it just takes
    longer) with each other, for os/2 warp. find
    duplicate files with different names.
    requires vrobj.dll.
  • cmpupd.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file compare utility.

  • cnvrt110.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    converts filenames from uppercase to
    lowercase and visa versa on hpfs.
  • colorls2.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    color ls (require emxrt.zip, gnufutil.zip)
  • cols.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    simple text filter to format ascii files in
    several columns
  • comnt110.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Comment.Cmd 1.10 (4-Apr-1996)
    Comment.Cmd is a REXX program that
    allows you to display and change file
    comments from the command line.
    Freeware (GPL).
    Christopher J. Madsen  ac608@yfn.ysu.edu
  • compdir.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory compare program for os/2 or dos

  • compos2.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    to compare 2 files

  • contrast.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm based graphical file comaprison utility.
    wow!  fancy program with highlighted file
    differences.  very well done.
  • conv111.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    convert v1.11: converts filename case on hpfs.

  • convert.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pc to unix text file translator.  converts
    from unix lf-only files to os/2 & dos cr/lf
    files. fapi. source.
  • convertu.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    converts uppercase file names to lower case and visa versa

  • copyini.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    copyini.exe - a tool to copy the os/2 ini
    files(june, 20th 1991)
  • copylock.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a tool to copy(replace) a locked (used) dll
    (similar function like repmod.exe).
  • crc99028.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    crc32 v99.028 creates a database of crc 32
    calculations for the files you specify and
    allows you to compare these at a later stage
    to report the changes. it is possible to
    automatically create lists of changed files.
  • crlist.cmd (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    create a filelist of the os/2 cd-roms v1.00.
    rexx program creates a list of all files in a
    given  directory tree (e.g. e:\os2image on
    the os/2 installation cd-roms).
  • css10.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    by dropping a file or folder, opens an os/2
    command window with working directory preset
    to that of the dropped file/folder.
  • cssd101a.zip (260K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    cssdir is a versatile, flexible and very
    powerful directory/ filesystems analyzing and
    searching tool for ecomstation.  search by
    file dates, sizes, ea sizes, text strings.
    compute files crc, ea crcs, exclude/include
    by file suffixes, more.
  • cssd102.zip (264K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    cssdir is a versatile, flexible and very
    powerful directory/ filesystems analyzing and
    searching tool for ecomstation.  search by
    file dates, sizes, ea sizes, text strings.
    compute files crc, ea crcs, exclude/include
    by file suffixes, more.
  • cv112.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    converts uppercase file names to lower case and vice versa

  • cverteol.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    converteol 1.0 alpha - freeware end-of-line
    (eol) converter.
  • d.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    colorful double directory for protected mode.

  • d2.zip (83K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    double directory for os/2, misc. util

  • d2fn103.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this program reads the current date from the
    system and uses it to change the name of a
    specified file(s).
  • d53.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    better directory lister for os/2;ver 5.3

  • datecopy.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    datecopy.exe - a tool to copy the date from
    one file to another. usage: datecopy srcfile
    dstfile(oct 29 2000)
  • dbls.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    finds all matches on drive for the given filename

  • dcd.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    smart change directory across drives.

  • dcf2ctu.zip (79K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dcf/2 test facility. this program enables
    users to test their disk drives to see how
    much space that dcf/2 ver 1.2 would gain
    back. it is a live example of the new dcf/2
    ver 1.2 engine.
  • dcomp.zip (61K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory comparison utility.

  • dcopypm9.zip (177K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 file manager, handles directory-trees,
    configurable popup-menu, multiple filemasks.
    it includes source code for developing your
    own supporting dll. source also included for
    a sample dll supporting the
  • dd.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    deletedirectory v3.10, a text-based os/2 2.1
    program that will remove a directory, any
    files in that directory, and any child
  • dd051.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dd -- An OS/2 color directory lister
    "dd" is a replacement for "dir".
    Check out the features:
    o Configurable color and positioning
      of items (date, size, attribs, etc)
    o Directory sizing
    o Fast scrolling
    o Multi-column output that adjusts
      for longer filenames
    o Configurable highlighting (you
      could turn all "readme*" files
      green, for instance)
    o Oh so much more
    And now, for a limited time only,
    dd is absolutely FREE. Just clip
    the coupon from your Sunday paper.
  • dd14.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    display directory v1.4 (msc 6.00b vers, also
    dos bound vers, bug fixes)
  • ddir0_10.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2-dos double-dir v.10 - family app.

  • ddump001.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dual dump - browse, limited edit to 2 files.

  • deldat10.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    deldat v1.0. small programm thats delete
    special directorys cyclic.
  • deltree.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    clone of deltree command from dos 6.x for 32
    bit os/2 version: 0.99.
  • deltree2.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    delete an entire directory tree, like msdos deltree.

  • deltree3.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    clone of deltree command from dos 6.x for 32 bit os/2.

  • deltree4.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    deletes a directory and all it's files &
    child directories.
  • dentist.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 resource extractor/lister/viewer.
    although this util will extract resources and
    permit you to modify them with the sdk tools,
    the sdk is required to replaces the
  • df2-3211.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    enhanced 'unix like' df command with nfs &
    improved cdrom support.
  • dfmanpdf.zip (747K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    e-racer/2 manual in pdf format.

  • dfree.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dfree is a command-line utility that displays
    free space information for all of the
    partitions it finds.  it calculates total
    space as well as total free space and graphs
    each partition as a percentage of total free
    space (text-graph).
  • dfsee328.zip (869K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    display file systems; fdisk, hpfs, fat, ntfs,
    undelete.  display and analyze file systems
    hpfs, fat(32), ntfs, partitions (fdisk,
    setboot), undelete for hpfs and ntfs. a
    text-only utility for analyzing and sometimes
    fixing disk problems.
  • dfsee510.zip (1,020K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dfsee v5.10 - display file systems fat,
    hpfs,  ntfs, jfs with  analyse and managing
    for os/2 and dos(jan 15 2003)
  • dfstat.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the df utility to display statistics on disk
    volume usage(aug 5 2001)
  • dh_fs.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    yet another command line free space utility.

  • dhrff.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory list and file find v1.00 (32 bit).
    searches across multiple disks. in mode 0
    output matches dir with additional selection
    and information options. in mode 1 output
    matches rexxutil sysfiletree and more. free.
  • dhrgcd.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    global change directory v1.01 for os/2 2.0.
    similar to norton ncd (without graphics)  but
    uses a single index for all hard disks. free.
  • diff.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix ascii file compare for os/2

  • differ.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory differ 1.4 (compare directories)

  • dircolor.zip (106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    colored replacement for the os/2 dir command.

  • dircolr5.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dircolor5.zip) colored replacement for the
    os/2 dir command.
  • dircomp.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory comparison utility.

  • dircount.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this will return the full size of a
    directory, including all sub directories.
    freeware. with c source.
  • dirman21.zip (122K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory manager version 2.01f for pm
    similar to norton commander for os/2. also
    has user define macros.  (requires unz50x32
    to unzip)
  • dirp202.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    DIRP v2.02 Copyright 1995 Richard Hulme
    Displays all programs in given
    directory.  Accepts same switches as
    normal DIR.
    Runs under DOS v3.x+ or OS/2 v2.x+
  • dirsc01a.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    DirScanner v 0.0.1 alpha for OS/2. Required MySQL v3.22.26a or later.
  • dirsize.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    simple directory program to show the size of
    a subdirectory. could use some improvement
    but is useful nonetheless.
  • diskdump.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a tool to dump the contents of a disk for a
    logical sector number(lsn)
  • diskfree.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    bound disk space checker.use -h for opt

  • djdemo.zip (1,129K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    diskjockey demo v1.0 - os/2 file maintenance
    utility. performs operations copy, move,
    delete and rename, easy-to-use drag and drop
    file compression utilities.
  • dl.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    kernal level list of all directories

  • dm2.zip (275K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory manager/2 - version 02.02.11.

  • dmap00.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 program to display path names, vol ser
    on all disks. source included.
  • dmast231.zip (306K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dirmaster v2.31 - a powerful pm filemanager
    as shareware(jan. 2nd 2000)
  • dmp.zip (281K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    interactive file manipulation utilities: cap,
    dmp, export and import, which allow a user to
    interactively manipulate data files for which
    the record structure is known.
  • do_98359.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    delolder v98.359 program which given mask
    deletes files if they are x days old.
    optionally process files in subdirectories.
  • doscopy.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    doscopy.exe - an undocumented function

  • drchk034.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    drivecheck v.034 - graphical rexx wasted
    drive space scanner.
  • drea10.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    drea.exe v1.0 - a displayer of the
    ea(extended attributes) of a file. created
    with dr. dialog as a japanese version(sept.,
    7th 1998)
  • drman11d.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory manager pm ver 1.1d

  • drsz10.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory size information" v1.0 by keith
    ledbetter for os/2 2.0+ allows you to easily
    determine the total size (in both files and
    bytes) of any directory. supports fat or
    hpfs. free.
  • drvebo.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    drivebook is a pm notebook which gives the
    user information on system hard drive space
    (mb disk capacity, mb used and mb free with
    percentages/graphs). handy for a quick check
    of drive space when installing apps.
  • ds.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a directory sort utility.

  • ds131.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this program compares files in first (left
    window) directory with files in second (right
    window) directory. tests files for this
    events : not exit, size, time.
  • ds60n.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a better dir two columns, more options, more info...

  • dscopy.zip (732K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dscopy synchronizes the contents of two
    directory structures, copying newer versions
    of files over older versions based on the
    file's date/time stamp. both pm and command
    line versions available and supports both
    hpfs and fat.
  • dsiz13.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory size utility - v1.3 - 16bit
    dos+os2. lists directories with file counts
    and total sizes on one or more disks. version
    1.3 adds performance enhancements over 1.2
    this file is bound for 16bit os/2 or dos.
  • dsiz33.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dsize ver 1.3 - 32bit directory size lister.
    lists directories with the total count and
    size of all files on one or more drives.
    version 1.3 is a performance improvement over
  • dsize.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory size utility version 1.5 94/12/29.
    count & totals size for one or more disks.
    reports file count, total size & directory
    names. options for multiple drives &
    different sort sequences. includes text file
    of documentation.
  • dsize10.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    analyze file/directory space usage on drives.

  • dsk4wps.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dsk4wps v1.50 : a tool for building diskettes
    from loaddsk, emt, mif or diskimge files(mar
    22 1996)
  • dskspc.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm disk space utility v2.4 95/12. displays
    disk/partition letter, volume label, total,
    free & used space, & % used. scan repeatedly
    for changing space, to include cds & network
    drives in totals & to print display contents.
    requires vrobj.dll.
  • dslib_a.zip (923K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    libraries for dirsync

  • dsplit.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file splitting and joining utils for multiple platforms.

  • dsplus20.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    diskstat plus! drive space monitor. full featured demo.

  • dstat105.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    displays information about your disk drives.
    report: volume, filesystem, local/remote, tot
    size, free, usage. version 1.05.
  • dsx.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory sort program for dos & os/2
    (bound). sorts file names (but not directory
    names) and rewrites them back to the
    directory using standard api calls.  will
    also work on network directories.  similar to
    norton's ds program (batch mode).
  • du.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    gather directory usage statistics like unix du command.

  • du_df.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory, disk, & mem info. quick & neat

  • du_df2.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    another du and df for os/2. bound, windowed,
    and source.  df will display free space on
    all mounted drives.
  • dump21.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dump2 v2.1 - a dump program for os/2 and dos
    with binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal
    dump option(aug 15 1993)
  • dumputil.zip (281K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file dumping, editing, exporting, importing utilities.

  • dups.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    duplicate file finder.  find and delete dup
    files.  dups by name and duplicates by
    content.  shareware.
  • dw12.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    disk watch v1.2 - free disk space monitor
    utility. if the amount of available space
    falls below a specified minimum the operator
    is alerted through an alarm. v1.2
  • dx.zip (0K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    extended directory v2.3 95/09/01. utility for
    command line. delete trees in file system,
    exclude searching w/ a file mask & use
    "macros" for output or system commands. help
    panel is german, english documentation comes
    w/ package.
  • eabr031.zip (0K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    eabrowse, extended attributes editor, version 0.31

  • eabrowse.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 pm extended attribute browser

  • eabrws03.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    browser/editor for extended attributes, warp
    update (beta). by henk kelder.
  • eadump.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    shows all eas for files (wildcardable fspec)

  • efco2312.zip (487K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the ef commander v2.31.2 as shareware(august,
    28th 2000) see:
  • efcomm.zip (493K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ef commander os/2-pm v2.29. complete file
    manager for the os/2 desktop. if you've ever
    used and liked norton commander, you'll like
    this dual- windowed program, which comes
    complete with bubble and online help.
    shareware, $39.00.
  • efm.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the exact file manager (1988)

  • enrdm23.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    enriva development dirmaster v2.3.
    filemanager for os/2 pm.
  • eqtree.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a program to synchronize two directory trees.

  • eracer2.zip (312K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    e-racer/2. find and delete duplicate files on
    your local hard disk or network at warp
  • ex2.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a binary search-and-replace program.

  • extfs2.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 2.0 util to list file extensions & disk
    usage. extfs2 lists all of the different file
    extensions in a directory along with a count
    of the number of files with each extension.
    32 bit os/2 only.
  • ezdos203.zip (159K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ezdos, both real and protected mode
    executables.  manage files and directories,
    even across a netbios lan.
  • f2100027.exe (1,512K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 version: 2.10.03 csd level: 2000027.

  • fastdir2.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    version 2.01 of fastdir fancy directory
    display program for os/2 and dos -- sort by
    name, ext, date, size, etc.
  • fbd099.zip (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    FBDIFF 0.9.9ß (OS/2) - File base differencer.
    Monitors any group of files for new files,
    changed files, deleted files and duplicates.
    Shareware - registration is $20 CDN.
  • fbe11.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    files by extension, os/2 and dos, with c src.
    list files in current directory by extension.
    runs under os/2, presentation manager and
    dos, using vio.  with msc 5.1 source.
  • fbidasd.zip (121K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 drive & directory information. freeware.
    nice os/2 drives and directory informations
    what you search, ..omitted in the operating
    system... try it , its is free.. greets from
    lugano. rexx support required
  • fbrowser.zip (629K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file browser 1.00 beta 12. file manager with
    integrated web browser, graphic viewer,
    netscape plug-in viewer and wps support.
  • fc010.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file commander" v0.1, an os/2 clone of norton
    commander.  this is a different program from
    "file commando", available here.
  • fc20.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a norton commander like os/2 textmode app.
    same functionality and same keymapping as the
    original program. user configurable.
  • fc2_212.zip (260K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file commander/2 v2.12. 32 bit text mode file
    manager and shell that allows you to locate,
    copy, move, delete, view, edit and execute
    your files in a quick, convenient and
    customizable manner.
  • fclean2.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2-dos file utilities; update fdisc2 file
    info for hpfs drives only; source available
    (see readme).
  • fcopy413.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fatcopy - copies files/directories between
    hpfs and fat.  converts long hpfs names to
    8.3 fat names. generates unique names if
    necessary. generates logfile with name
    mapping by default.
  • fcut10.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ───────═ File Cutter v1.0 ═───────
    │  This is a very flexible file  │
    │splitting program especially for│
    │  binary. Cut any part of file  │
    │  with any size you want. Both  │
    │ 32bit OS/2 and DOS executables │
    ──(C) VG Soft & Gamzun Y.F. 1996──
  • fd101.zip (125K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    find dupliactes files on your disk - allows
    file mask and date size compares. shows a
    sorted list of found files.
  • fdate.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    change filedate w/c source

  • fdump.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file dump utility - pm, hex/ascii

  • fdupe010.zip (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    finddupe: finds duplicate files on your hard
    drive. optionally uses your maximus setup to
    scan for on-line dupes. os/2 32-bit, free.
  • fenx2.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    phoenix file recovery utility v1.20 dated
    06/08/95. file phoenix will scan a selected
    drive and list all files which are possibly
    recoverable.  you can then select one or more
    files and recover them to another drive.
  • ff.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    kernal level file finder

  • ff148.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file find utility for os/2 2.0 ga. v1.48 file
    find utility for os/2 2.0.  32-bit command
    line application. search for files on hpfs or
    fat partitions.  smaller and faster than
    before.  freeware.
  • ff2.zip (318K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ff2 v7.5c searches/replaces text, finds
    duplicate files, generates batch commands,
    maintains your config.sys by eliminating no
    more existing paths. ff2 creates the found
    files as in a wps folder.
  • fff131d.zip (183K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    frisky fine finder v1.31 for os/2 2.x and
    warp 3.0 german version.
  • fff13e.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    (v1.3) FFF - OS/2 Frisky File Finder
    full featured file finder with DRAG &
    DROP and many other features like searching
    for files by name, date, time, size and
    attributes with Operators ">", "<", "="
    Shareware (US$ 25.- private; US$ 50,- 
    business). Runs on OS/2 2.x or Warp 3
    U. Hegemann Softwareentwicklung
  • ffile.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    find file/pm. find files using environment
    variables locate dlls in libpath, .h's in
    include, .exe in path etc useful for finding
    #included files, or dlls and any other exe
    that you are unsure of. note: works only on
    os/2 2.0.
  • fg100.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filegraph v1.0 for os/2 and dos. filegraph is
    a simple util which graphs the relative space
    used by each directory on a disk. the tree
    display is in an outline form which may be
    expanded and collapsed.
  • fgpm10.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filegraph/pm v1.0 disk space analysis
    utility. analyses and graphs disk space usage
    by directory.
  • fi.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fi allows you to attach file information and
    comments to a file. freeware.
  • file39.zip (175K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix 'file' for os/2 and msdos. port to os/2
    1.x--2.x and msdos of ian darwin's file(1)
    command.  the unix program attempts to
    determine the type of file based on the
    contents. a database of signatures (the
    magic(4) file) is used.
  • fileb205.zip (228K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filebar 2.05 - for os/2 2.1 & warp. os/2 warp
    or os/2 2.1 too slow? newest version of
    os/2's shell replacement is complete rewrite
    of previous 1.xx level & has a lot of new
    features. enhancements over version 2.04.
  • filebar.zip (228K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filebar v2.05. application launch bar and
    shell replacement for os/2. uses much less
    memory than ibm's wps and gives precious
    memory back to your applications. great for 4
    or 8 mb systems which, along with passwording
    features,& more.
  • filecmt.zip (261K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    drag'n'drop files onto this viewer to read
    and edit their .comments standard extended
    attributes. viewer and rexx files updated as
    of 4/15/97.
  • filecpy2.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filecopy02.zip filecopy is a utility for
    copying defective files. filecopy will attemt
    to read any available byte in a file, and
    fill in a given byte for all unreadable
  • filef202.zip (120K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file freedom 2.0 is a full-featured pm file
    manager that comes complete with an internal
    zip viewer as well as some features designed
    especially for networks.  now freeware!
  • filefind.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    norton-like filefind, inc. other drives

  • fileq223.zip (108K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filequery v2.23 enhanced dir, attrib,
    text/file search command.
  • filer110.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filer v1.10 for os/2 v2.0.  text-based file
    manager, similar in appearance to norton
    commander.  beta; doc's in german.
  • files202.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    emulates qnx files command - replaces dir.
    this is a glorified directory listing program
    based on qnx's files command. lists files and
    recurses the directory tree.  it includes
    source code.  (bound)
  • filespy.zip (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filespy, show file type of nearly any file.

  • filespy2.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filespy/2 - a tool that shows info about
    files and their type (apr 21 1997)
  • filestat.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a rexx script plus a dll (with source) that
    you can use to install a desktop object
    telling you statistics about file dropped on
  • filetest.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    these are simple batch files to create
    sequentially numbered files from any source
    file called test.dud.
  • fill121.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    floppy disk filler, v1.21

  • fill_os2.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fill/2:  os/2 floppy diskette filler.  copies
    a filespec to floppy, packing as many files
    and eas as possible onto diskette.
  • filsiz06.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filesize - a file size utility that shows
    logical and physical size, and ea size.
  • filtyp.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this is a simple little external function
    written in os/2 rexx that will identify what
    file type a specified partition uses. it will
    pretty reliably identify fat, hpfs and cd-rom
  • find278.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the document finder v2.78 as vrexx
    application(dec 13 1997)
  • finder2.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm file finder progr - multi thread

  • findex.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    findex lets you search all drives/directories
    on the system path for a program and reports
    the location of its executable files. under
    windows or os/2, findexec also reports the
    requisite dynamic link libraries (dlls).
  • findit3.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    version 3.0 of find-it, a fast file finder
    for os/2. drag 'n' drop, full wild card
    support, multiple drive searches, automatic
    drive selection etc.  vrobj.dll required (see
    rexx file area).
  • findstr2.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 program to find strings on disk.

  • findx.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    enhanced version of the dos and os/2 find
    utility. allows wildcards in filenames;
    wildcards in string pattern; searching
    through binary files; searching for labels in
    c and asm source files; case insensitive
  • finfo10.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file info 1.0 for os/2. a file infomation
    browser that retrieves info on file and
    directory objects from any wps view.
  • fit30.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    FIT 3.0: Intelligent Disk->Diskette file copy.
      Multitasking, 32-bit, Many options, Shareware $20.
  • fitt101.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    uz42_32e.zip fitt v1.01 os/2 pgm to fill floppies.

  • fixfile.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fix files which have some bad sectors.

  • fixtitle.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fixtitle-chges longnames to match filenames
    94/12. rename files using wps & the command
    line, the icon titles may not match name of
    files. dir will list different set of file
    names from those viewing directory through
    wps. fixes bug in os/2.
  • fj775d.zip (638K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filejet, v7.75 (german). multi-platform file
    manager and editor for os/2 ,
  • fj775e.zip (627K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filejet, v7.75 (english). multi-platform file
    manager and editor for os/2 ,
  • fjet32_1.zip (443K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filemanager and editor for os/2 and dos.

  • fl-sar20.exe (434K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freelance search and replace - provides a
    text search and replace capability for
    freelance for os/2 and freelance for windows.
  • fl10a.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filelist - dir browser and os/2 command line.
    combines a list of files with a command line
    on the same screen. dos and os/2 commands can
    be performed conveniently on selected groups
    of files.  includes dos and os/2 executables.
  • flcmp162.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pmflcomp (v1.62) pm file comparison. compare
    2 files 3 ways: ascii(line by line) hex(byte
    by byte) and checksum. contains bug fixes.
  • flcomp.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm file compare - this pm application will
    compare two ascii text files. it displays
    lines that are different in the files.
    printed output is available. hex compare is
    in the works.
  • flinf11.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    flinf v1.1 - file list to inf converter.
    32-bit os/2 command line utility.converts
    many different file list formats.
  • flist58.zip (122K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    version 5.8 of filelist, an elaborate
    character-mode file manager/browser for os/2
    (also runs nicely in a pm window). shareware
    ($35).  myrn2_090.zip
  • fm2_025b.zip (121K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file master/2 version 0.25 - public beta
    release of the new files.bbs manager for
  • fm2_267.zip (1,085K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file manager/2 v2.67. os/2 warp+ pm 32-bit
    file/directory/disk/archive/etc. maintenance
    package with plenty of bells and whistles --
    a swiss army knife for os/2. only file
    management winner of a 1995 os/2 magazine
    editor's choice award.
  • fm2utils.zip (620K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fm/2 utilities - 05/25/98 - freeware.
    collection of utilities designed for use with
    fm/2 (they can also be used without fm/2).
    fatopt, hpfsopt, qformat, rencase, mov,
    kill/2, ptree and more.
  • fmanager.zip (1,528K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the file manager for os/2 by n.d. nguyen(1999)

  • fmas025b.zip (121K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filemaster/2 version 0.25b, public beta
    release of the new files.bbs manager for
    lorabbs - os/2 version only!
  • fmos2.zip (154K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fmos2 (fileman) is a fullscreen/window
    program for managing files/directories on
    several drives simultaneously.
  • fndit205.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    findit v2.05 for os/2. an os/2 file finder.

  • fpart.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file partitioner - splits & combines files -
    what we wish zip would do. now with many
    argument enhancements - can fill partially
    filled media with variable partitioning sizes
  • fr.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    universal text find & replace utility v1.0
    that works with any file sizes, any file
    types, and any file formats. works with a
    single file and multiple files. it does not
    disturb your file format.
  • free15.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a "free space on drive" utility that returns
    errorlevels for use in batch files.
  • freesp.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freesp.exe  - a command exe to show all free
    disk space (july 2000)
  • frehd402.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freeos2 v4.02 - a tool that shows the
    partition size, the free space, and the
    serial numbers of the installed hard
    disks(jul 1 1999)
  • frepm402.zip (133K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freepm v4.02 - a pm tool to show the size of
    partitions, the free space, a balance of the
    space, and the serial numbers of the hard
  • frjfs110.zip (1,027K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freejfs v1.10 ported from open source(apr. 13th 2001)

  • fs2.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 2.0 file size calculation and reporting
    util. fs2 displays file information, totals
    sizes of a file or group of files, and
    calculates the total amount of disk space
    actually allocated for the file(s). 32 bit
    os/2 only.
  • fs21demo.exe (1,456K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 v2.10d1 demo. elegant, easy to use
    graphical file manager for os/2. intuitive,
    dual file window display makes it easy to
    drag and drop files from one partition and
    directory to another.
  • fs21demo.txt (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 v2.10d1 demo readme file.

  • fs2demo.zip (990K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 2.03 - demo ver. elegant, easy to
    use graphical file manager for os/2 warp and
    os/2 warp 4. intuitive, dual file window
    display makes it easy to drag and drop files
    from one partition and directory to another.
  • fsb2.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    full-screen directory browser for os/2.
    command shell. one window shows the
    directories and another shows the file
    contents of the "current" directory.  allows
    convienient traversal of the file system
    while allowing easy command entry.
  • fsbasm.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file search and browse for os/2

  • fscrap10.zip (209K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    File Scraper is utility for file 
    searching. In the queries it uses such 
    file attributes as size, date of 
    creation, date of last access, date of 
    last write. Also you can use logical 
    operators AND, OR, NOT. Demonstration 
    verion works with one drive only. 
    Andrey Iliynikh, ai@casper.che.nsk.su
  • fsinf99e.zip (266K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this is the information file (inf) for
    filestar v0.99e. minor changes from previous
  • fsplit.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fsplit splits a multi-routine fortran file
    into individual files.
  • fst03f.zip (134K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fst (file system tool) 0.3f is a tool for
    checking filesystems, like chkdsk, and for
    displaying information about filesystems.
  • fstar99e.zip (433K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar v0.99e an os/2 pm file manager with
    drag&drop, point&click interface, file data
    all views, 21 dialogs, nice two window
  • fstarhlp.zip (688K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 v2.01 hlp file.

  • fut_1_00.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix-dos file conversion and vice versa, file
    splitting and file hex dump utility.
  • fyf110.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    findyourfiles v1.1 - locates files on local,
    networked, and cd drives. can search inside
    zip and lzh compressed files.
  • fyf120.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    findyourfiles v1.2, flexible vio file finding
    program. new: find files based on content,
    regular text and regular expression searches.
  • gcpchg10.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    command line utility changes text or binary
    data in files.
  • gdel12.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    global delete version 1.2.

  • gdelpm.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    global delete.

  • gdiff.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    gdiff is a freeware os/2 program that will
    compute differences between 2 files, and save
    the results to a "gdiff formatted" difference
    file. gdiff can also "undifference" a "new"
    file, given an "original" file and a
    difference file.
  • getit.zip (285K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    getit v1.1. finds text files anywhere on
    system. enter up to 4 search strings.
    manipulate files retrieved during a search.
    create result file of text passages relevant
    to research objectives, using built in
  • go2_12.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 command-line directory-changing utility,
    crosses disks, networks, simple-to-use.
    freeware by james e. johnson jr.
  • go320.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    GO! v3.20 - "The way CHDIR should have been  
    written." Searches for directories matching  
    command line argument on all logged drives & 
    automatically goes there.  For example, to go
    to a directory named H:\WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES 
    just type GO QUOTES.  "Desqview aware", now   
    includes 386 optimized version, an internal 
    virus/integrity check, and much MORE !
    SHAREWARE ($5-10 reg)  Author: Steve Ryckman
  • go_v241.zip (37K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    go v2.41 a directory changing utility that
    allows you to use a substring of the target
  • gopm.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm change directory aid.

  • gres2.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    global regular expression substitution.

  • gsee72.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    gsee v7.2 - a search program for files with
    many options (dec 1993)
  • hdiff.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    compares two text files and produces a
    difference file, which can be used for
    version control and similar archival
    purposes.  this is an os/2 port of hdiff 1.22
    for dos. includes a difference-applier, hed.
  • hdspace.zip (123K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    disk space monitor v0.835.

  • hdu2tud.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    HTML2TEXT 1.2 [OS/2,DOS]
    Simple HTML marks remover.
    Deletes < and > symbols and all
    characters inside. Usage:
    h2t.exe  .
    DOS2UNIX 1.4 [OS/2,DOS]
    UNIX2DOS 1.5 [OS/2,DOS]
    Converts dos end-of-line to unix and back.
    OS/2 executables can be packed with LxLite
    and dos with any existing packer.
    Freeware. You may use this program
    freely. Please mail if any problems,
    comments to cygnus@topaz.kiev.ua
  • headtail.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    head & tail: two os/2 text programs. similar
    to the unix head and tail programs. head
    displays the first few lines of a text file.
    tail displays the last few lines of a text
    file. compiled for os/2 warp 3.0 and later.
  • hexdmp13.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hexdump - hexdump - generate printable hex
    file dump that contains no characters below
    ascii 32. option to restrict print to first n
    bytes of file.
  • hexdump1.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    make a hexdump of a file.

  • hfs010.zip (517K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hfs/2, version 0.10, an installable file
    system to permit read/write access to a
    hierarchical file system (that is, macintosh)
    diskette. written by marcus better. no charge
    for use, but see license details.
  • hfsuo31a.zip (816K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hfsutils v3.1a - the  "hierarchical file
    system" used by macintosh pcs. hfsutils is a
    package for manipulation of hfs volumes.
    source is included. for dos and os/2(nov 22
  • ho.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ho's purpose is to automate tedious file
    operations. ho is an extremely expanded
    version of the batch file do command.
  • hog3.zip (173K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    scans and shows disk usage of your system on
    pm, german version.
  • hogger.zip (106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tells the user how many bytes are stored in a
    directory that the user may select, and how
    many bytes are "hidden" in each subdirectory
    branching from the  selected directory.  this
    information is presented as a pie chart.
  • hogger2.zip (110K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    v2 Hogger - Gives size of a dir tree.
    This program asks the user to select a
    directory and the tells the user how 
    much data is held in all directories 
    under each subdirectory.  This data
    is then displayed as a pie char, bar
    chart and listing.
  • hotdir73.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    color sorted directory utility hotdir plus
    7.3. work w/ fat or hpfs. sorts files,
    displays diff type files in different colors,
    and has many customizable options.
  • hpfsdfrg.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    utility to defragment files on an hpfs
    partition. please read the file readme.1st
    prior to executing this program.
  • hpfsdt2.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this program toggles the dirty bit on an hpfs
    partition, which will allow os/2 to read the
    partition on the next reboot without running
    chkdsk on the drive.  this should only be
    used for a good reason, of course.
  • hpfsimg.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hpfsimg.exe is a tool to create an image of a disk < 1 gb.

  • hpfsls.zoo (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a port of the unix 'ls' program (hpfs aware).
    uncompress with zoo21e.exe
  • hpfspm12.zip (121K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hpfspm v1.2, pm utility for hpfsrem (for
    ez-drive and removable media).
  • hpfsrem.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    allows removable disks w/hpfs to be removed safely.

  • hpfstl17.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hpfstool v1.7 - pm undelete for hpfs drives

  • hva.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hva is the hpfs volume analyzer(v3.07). don't
    use unknown parameters of hva.exe! this can
    destroy all the data on a volume.
  • hva2001.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    hva is the new hpfs volume analyzer.don't use
    unknown parameters of hva.exe! this can
    destroy all the data on a volume. this can
    destroy all the data on a volume(mar.
  • ilgdm221.zip (198K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dirmaster v2.21 is a  powerful directory opus
    (amiga) inspired filemanager. fully hpfs
    aware, with two dir windows/lists, more than
    30 internal functions.
  • ilgdm222.zip (204K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ║ iLogic Software and Alexander Wilkens presents ║
    ║                                                ║
    ║ DirMaster v2.22  -  Released October 9th, 1995 ║
     DirMaster is a  powerful  Directory Opus (Amiga)
     inspired  filemanager for  OS/2 PM.  Fully  HPFS
     aware, with two dir windows/lists,  more than 30 
     internal functions, user-configurable functions,
     support  for  7  archivers,  ZipStream  support, 
     multi-language, drag&drop,  click&click and much
  • inf2real.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rename os/2 inf files to long filesnames (32bit).

  • info10.zip (401K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    info v1.0 - unregistered 95/04/14. gives info
    about c: drive.
  • ip8605h.zip (1,982K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a hpfs386 component(seperate wseb option)
    only for all nlvs. requires fixtool f.142+
    for installation(mar., 15th 2002)
  • isoren10.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    isoren v1.0 - a utility to rename
    file/directory names to iso level 1/2(sept.,
    13th 2000) this is needed for long names for
  • j6217.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    j.exe VIO file manager (require emxrt)
  • j6306.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    j.exe VIO file manager (require emxrt)
  • jagspeed.zip (61K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    jagspeed/2 - a 32-bit os/2 pm file manager.
    unlike os/2's drives program it looks like
    traditional dos fullscreen file managers with
    pm user-interface and multi-tasking(apr 23
  • jc240d.zip (603K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    WINDOWS95,DOS und OS2. Volle Unterstuetzung
    der langen Dateinamen unter WINDOWS-NT, WIN95
    und OS/2, Multidateieditor mit Syntaxcoloring,
    deutsche Version, CIS Registrierung Nr. 10356,
    11228+16493, bei BMT oder REGISTER.DOK
  • jc241e.zip (617K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    JetCommander, V2.41 powerful NC-Clone
    for WIN-NT/95,DOS and OS/2. Full long filename
    support under WINDOWS95 + OS/2, Multiple
    file editor with syntax coloring, Only one
    user interface for WIN-NT,WIN95,DOS+OS/2
    CIS Registration Nr. 10356+11228+16493,register
    with BMT or see REGISTER.DOC for info.
  • jfstools.zip (925K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tools for jfs as build 14.084(apr 9 2003)

  • jlcd10.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    jlcd 1.0 windowed directory changer w/source.

  • jmsncd.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a clone of nortons ncd written in rexx.
    source is not included.
  • jsort13.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unlimited size,key,#key pm/command line sort program v1.3

  • knowdisk.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    version 2.0 - total face lift to this freebie
    larger bar graph displays.  vrobj.dll needed
    but not included. (see rexx file area)
  • ktouch.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    KTOUCH/2 Disk Utility For OS/2 resets
    the file date (last write) to "now" as
    in "classic" TOUCH programs.  It can also
    set the filedate to a specific date/time, or 
    increment or decrement either/both date and
    time.  This allows you to reset filedates
    set on the same date/time but in multiple time
    zones, or when you need to make the date
    reflect the file revision number.  Freeware!
    Run "ktouch -?" for instructions.
  • lancopy.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lancopy.exe - a program to transfer files
    with tcp/ip over lan without lan
    requester/lan server.
  • lcd64.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    updated change directory utility.  very
    similar in function to norton's ncd.
  • lcd65.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    les's change directory for os/2, revision
    6.5. an os/2 replacement for the cd command.
    lcd supports both fat and hpfs. the
    registered version has a full screen mode
    similar to that found in norton'c ncd for
  • lcmd.txt (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    larsen commander v1.1 readme-file file.

  • lcmd117o.zip (542K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    larsen commander 1.1.7 for os/2. powerful gui
    file manager and command processor like the
    classic norton commander. larsen commander is
    pure gui, w/built in command line and a
    scrollable monitor.
  • lcmdkeys.txt (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    keyboard shortcuts in the default larsen
    commander 1.1 configuration.
  • lcopy41.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lcopy version 4.1 for filling floppies.
    uploaded directly from south africa
  • less373.zip (279K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    less v3.73  with an os/2 option(see
    defines.os). source included(jan 14 2002)
  • lf1_02.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    simple file-manager program.  list files
    program is a simple file manager with a few
    nice features such as "touching" files
    (changing date and time stamps), and a simple
    file viewer which runs standalone or from an
    lf menu.
  • lf37-os2.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    multi-featured dir pgm for os/2. api design

  • lftocrlf.lzh (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    program to convert unix lf delimited files to
    os/2 cr/lf delimited format. includes source
    code. freeware.
  • lnf_2.zip (463K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lost'n found file search utilities v1.2

  • loccmds2.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    (v1.01) loccmds - REXX 'cmd' files for
    'loc'ating files along OS/2 'paths'.
    Finds libpath duplicates DLLs.  Free.
    Rick Curry, RCC, 
  • lpt209.zip (221K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    parallel port file-transfer and remote
    execution.  lpt tool to transfer files over a
    parallel port connection or to execute remote
    commands (rexec) using a laplink style
    parallel cable and lzw compression for higher
  • ls.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix style directory listing utility under
    os/2. it displays file flags, sizes, dates,
    and extended attribute sizes, and will
    recursively list a directory tree. it is
    hpfs-aware. free software. c source and
    makefile included.
  • lsof.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    utility to list open files.

  • lstman.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    list man v1.1 95/02/09. developed for os/2
    warp v3, but should run on os/2 v2.1 or
    later. utility that creates a list of file
    paths & names, to be read by other programs,
    including dos. can launch programs & pass
    filename list to program.
  • lu200.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lechleitner's utilities/2 2.00 is a very
    small but growing couple of command line
    file- and directory-utilites for os/2.
  • lx091.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lx v0.91 list extensions. os/2 32bit text
    mode object orientated directory lister.
    highlights executables & directories.
    displays extended attribute size. hpfs aware.
    list files by type (graphic, archive etc ) as
    well as by multiple file extensions.
  • lx91.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lx, a text mode directory lister/file find utility.

  • makepath.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    makepath.exe v1.0 - a tool to create multiple paths(1996)

  • maptsf.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    maptsf v1.7 - the map to tsf file conversion
    utility(may, 6th 1997)
  • mc-4_0.zip (277K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    midnight commander v4.0 - norton commander clone.

  • mc3543b.zip (277K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    midnight commander, norton commander clone.

  • mc454bin.zip (564K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    midnight commander 4.5.4 beta for os/2.

  • mc454src.zip (2,267K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    midnight commander 4.5.4 beta for os/2 source code.

  • mcd101.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    mar'c change directory version 1.01, smart
    directory changer. for example "mcd system"
    will change to \os2\mdos\winos2\system. v1.01
    now works with hpfs file systems.
  • mdfbu31.zip (278K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    backup files with the same extension, pm

  • mkpat18o.zip (196K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Software package BINPATCH creates and
    applys patches. Generate compact update
    patches for your software; handles
    complete directories at once; with path
    support for updating subdirectories;
    creates SELFEXECUTING patches using
    InfoZip and offers you a menu driven
    application of your patches using rar
    packer; AUTOFINDS patch target dir or
    requires registration for commercial
    usage only; MULTIPLATFORM creating and
    applying patches on all of DOS/Win3.1,
    Win95/NT, OS/2 and Linux; generate in
    one platform apply with another.
    Homepage: http://binpatch.home.ml.org
    Author: KayHayen@bigfoot.com
    NEW 1.8: Now uses installed packers as
    InfoZip, LHA (free) and RAR (shareware)
    to create and pack patches in one step.
    Autoscan finds patch target. Even better
    handling. Revised documentation.
    (English OS/2 version)
  • mkpath.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    make path. a command line utility that can
    make directories many levels deep with one
    command. run without arguments for brief
    help. free for the using.
  • mlrxshl.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    mlrxshl provides tools which improve the
    command-line environment.
  • mmd.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    mmd v2.0 (multiple make directory) will
    create up to 124 levels of subdirectories in
    one shot.
  • mmfm209.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    multi media file manager /2 ver0.9 plays
    multimedia files, copy delete rename edit,
    more functios soon to come, upload
  • more13.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    A better MORE command, a very small DOS version, plus an OS/2 version
    that uses the EMX runtime.  Scroll by screen, line, nonstop, or abort
    output in the middle of the display.
  • move.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    mov - move files, between drives too. move
    workalike that allows moving between drives
    and optional overwriting.
  • move11.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 file move utility.  a quick and dirty
    move utility for os/2. this version fixes a
    minor bug, and reduce size by not using
    fprintf. source code included.
  • moveos2.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    another move.

  • movest.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    movestuff (v1.6) allows you to move or copy
    either aliases or home directories from
    server to server (or within the same server)
    on a network. will also move cross-domain.
  • mrfilepm.zip (243K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    update to mrfilepm. nice tool bar and many
    other new features. fast and easy to use.
    this is ibm ews -- freeware.  it is finally
    officially released for public distribution
    by ibm.  program dated march '95.
  • mvsf1.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    savefile 1.0 - preserve imp. os/2 files
    95/05/12. savefile is a shareware utility
    which will make sequential backup of files
    under os/2. for example, config.sys would be
    backed up to config.s00, config.s01,
    config.s02, and so on.
  • names.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    names utility converts files to mixed case,
    revises "long names" and more.
  • namesv11.zip (117K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    names-v11.zip this application checks files
    on hpfs drives, change a case of names, and
  • nd230b7.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    color directory program for dos & os/2.
    allows configuration via an .ini file. use
    this instead of dir... you'll love
  • ndir220.zip (100K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    new directory for dos and os/2 v2.20.  adds a
    few more nice options.  color dir program for
    dos and os/2, very configurable.
  • nedump.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    nedump v1.31 - a ne executable file dumper(1996)

  • nemo10.zip (186K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    captain nemo for os/2, version 1.0. norton
    commander(r) clone. complete file management
    with advanced features.
  • newtree.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory tree program. this program draws a
    visual representation of a directory tree and
    lists the number of files in each directory.
    designed as a teaching program, so the code
    can be used in any tree-handling program.
  • no.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    no. excludes file system objects, then runs a
    command. for example, "no *.exe del *"
    deletes all files except *.exe files. run
    without parameters for brief usage help.
  • no_xxx.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    no allows you to run a program on all files
    not matching the wildcard you supply on the
    command line.
  • nortutil.zip (430K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the emperor norton utilities is a collection
    of humorous text programs. source included.
  • odir.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a bound directory listing program.

  • os2-tree.zip (398K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    shareware version of the program os2tree.
    displays graphical representation of all
    drives. powerful file manipulation tool.
  • os2_11or.zip (421K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    OnScreen/2 fileviewer  v2.11, for OS/2,
    DOS & Win32.  Loads OS/2,  MAC  &  Unix
    text files, also supports binary files.
    Features  redirected  stdin,  hex mode,
    bookmarks, syntax  highlighting, styles
  • os2_ls.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix like ls pgm for os/2 protected mode

  • os2c-124.zip (448K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2-commander v1.24 is the final norton
    commander clone for os/2. offers integrated
    archive handling, hpfs-support, a
    user-definable menu, a tree-function, the
    most powerful find-function you've ever seen,
    a dbf viewer, browser and editor.
  • os2c-128.zip (446K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 commander v1.28.  the best norton
    commander clone for os/2. it offers an
    integrated archive-handling, better
    hpfs-support, a user-definable menu, a
    tree-function, the most powerful
    find-function you've ever seen and much more!
  • os2cat12.zip (235K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file- catalog program

  • os2cp210.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Copy an fully configured OS/2 2.1 GA. 
    OS2COPY will make an exact copy of an 
    OS/2 2.1 GA BootManager system from one 
    partition to another (eg. from C: to F:)
    without loss of setup:
    (w/ 8.3 file names). > NOT HPFS to FAT <
    It can thus be used to copy from the hard 
    disk of one computer to another, using a 
    screwdriver. RTFM carefully before use !
  • os2crc32.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    bit crc file checksum generates 32 bit crc
    for any files passed on command line. source
    and os/2 executible inc.
  • os2d40.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dir lister for os/2 or dos 3.3+.  4 col
    (name/size) or get
    name/size/date/time/attributes.  fully
    pageable.   displays space used, space free,
    # dirs/files, vol hdr, cur dir, etc. toggle
    between 4 col and 1 col without leaving
  • os2del.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory delete.

  • os2dir1.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory display program

  • os2ff.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 file finder

  • os2gfc.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    graphical file comparison v1.2. compares two
    files on disk and notes lines that are common
    to both. draws bar chart giving an overall
    view of matching lines, and the text of
    either file, or a composite file, is
  • os2ntree.zip (57K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file tree manager with source code

  • os2tools.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a whereis, xdir and findstr (different)

  • os2touch.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    very small touch utility w/ 'c' source

  • os2tree.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    seetree for os/2 by hl santos. disp dir tree.

  • os2where.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    yet another whereis for os/2

  • os2xdir.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 directory program

  • osc129b4.zip (241K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2-commander v1.28beta4 the best norton
    commander clone for os/2. it offers an
    integrated archive-handling, better
    hpfs-support, a user-definable menu, a
    tree-function, the most powerful
    find-function you've ever seen and much more!
  • ov-os2.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    overview disk managment, for os/2, text base.

  • partinfo.exe (128K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    freeware commandline utility to show disk
    partition information.
  • pcd231.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    paddys directory changer.

  • pcrun.zip (713K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pcrun for os/2 2.x 94/09/20. shareware
    utility like the launch pad in os/2 3.0 warp.
    only useful with os2 2.x version.
  • pcrunw.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pcrun for warp 95/01/07. small, but important
    enhancement for the os/2 warp launch pad.
    after copy pcrun to your hard disk include
    pcrun into the launch pad (via drag&drop) can
    now run any executable file without creating
    an object.
  • pedump.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pedump - a tool to dump a file with pe format

  • pf2.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    kernel level file find, partial names

  • phenx135.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    deleted files recovery program.

  • phoenix.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 hpfs/fat unerase.  this one was here
    before but was removed at ibm's request. it's
    back now since it's been re-posted on ibm's
    bbs. files dates 2-27-91.
  • phoenix2.zip (175K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    phoenix/2, undelete for fat and hpfs.

  • pi_96280.zip (63K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    patchit v96.280 used to "patch" files rather
    than distribute the whole thing. there are
    two utilities included. makbuild.exe compares
    the current and previous version of a file
    and creates a much smaller 'patch' file.
  • pmatno10.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm attrib 1.0 for os/2 2.x - a pm drag and
    drop attribute filter.  this copy does not
    contain vrobj.dll required to run.
  • pmattrib.zip (380K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm attribute editor shows and modifies
    file/directory attributes.
  • pmc_13a.zip (319K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    file watcher (with checksums).  pm checksum
    v1.3 tells you when a file on your harddisk
    has changed and provides a means to check the
    authenticity of files.
  • pmcc12.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm control center v1.2 - two user defined
    "button bars"; program launching; file
    listing/printing/finding and maintenance;
  • pmccpy04.zip (1,684K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a pm interface for tarmo toikkanens ccopy (a
    fast file cleaver/mover/copier) for
    os/2.pmccopy is freeware whilst ccopy is
  • pmde24.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm directory enforcer ! v2.4 a 32-bit multi
    threaded utility for comparing directories.
  • pmdiff40.zip (202K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    PMdiff v4.0 (OS/2 version)  - Side by side
    graphical file comparison and file merge.
    Files are display in adjacent windows,
    and lines are drawn clearly showing the 
    differences between files. Merged files
    can be created and saved contained selected
    changes from both files.
    Available for Windows NT, Windows '95 and OS/2.
    Shareware - US$30, UK20
    Email pmdiff@arac.demon.co.uk for information.
  • pmdis108.zip (207K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pmdisk v1.08 - a multifunctional disk
    manager.pay attention for some options!(apr.,
    17th 1999)
  • pmdmatch.zip (149K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pmdmatch v1.10 - os/2 dir diff side by side
    display of two directories.
  • pmdu11.zip (319K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    PMDU - PM Disk usage reporter
    Reports used disk space from 
    a directory tree
    Stellar-X Pty Ltd
  • pmfinder.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a pm file finder that also searches inside
    zips,lzhs,arcs,paks.  with c source
  • pmlist12.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 pm ascii file viewer no 64k limit

  • pmspt070.zip (262K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pmsplit070.zip  with pmsplit you can split
    any file and concatenate splits to restore
    the original file.
  • pmts100.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    calculates the size of a directory tree and
    displays it in a small window. originally
    designed to work in conjunction with xfolder.
    includes a command line version too.
  • pmund151.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm undelete, version 1.51.

  • pmundel.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm front end to os/2 undelete has file
    filter, multi selection list box shows
    progress. ipf help panels. a vx-rexx app.
  • pmwip120.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm program for an unrecoverable deletion of
    files and subdirectories version 1.20.
  • pmxpd.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm expunge, directory deletion utility

  • prune102.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    added the ability to remove files based on
    the number of days old, or the julian date.
    prunes the leaves (files) from the tree.
  • psplit2.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    splits and unsplits large files to disk.

  • psutils.zip (375K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    postscript utilties release 1 patchlevel 17.

  • pull33.zip (129K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pull is a cross-platform tool for convenient
    file extraction and packaging.
  • qsrt101.lzh (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filter to sort text. designed to replace dos
    and os/2 slow sort
  • ramfs102.zip (127K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ramfs v1.02 - an ifs-based ram disk for os/2
    warp 4.0. source is included(oct 29 2002)
  • raptor.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    command line utility for dividing a single
    file into multiple files.
  • rcopy01.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    RCopy is a replacement for xcopy /s/e, Source
  • rcp11.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rcp v1.1 - the remote file copy. emx runtime
    is required. source is included(nov 19 1996)
  • rcsort05.exe (202K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rc's version of sort, which handles more than
    64k. dual-mode fapi, as well as dos-extender
    and windows versions. (self-extracting)
  • rencse.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    renca3e. renames files to same name but all
    upper, lower or mixed case. includes source.
  • rendir.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rename subdirectories (van wingerden)

  • rendo10.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rename directories

  • replacer.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    searches drive x: for instances of files
    named y, replaces each y with the y that you
    pass as an argument.
  • rm.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a clone of the unix rm utility.

  • rmdeldir.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    remove delete directory on specified drive.
    can be placed in startup.cmd using for loop.
  • rmfpos.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a pm utility to remove directories(sep 7 1998)

  • rpath.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rememberpath 95/06/14. rememberpath helps
    manage paths. save paths under a short name &
    call them by this name. also can go back in
    path-history. able to manage 100 paths & can
    use it in batchfiles. useful in
  • rwpc.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    find duplicate exes along the path.

  • s12412.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    msj: file finder utility for pm. file finder
    utility for presentation manager.  the
    article also discusses dialog boxes,
    monospace fonts and search techniques.
  • scanx106.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    scantext is a program that counts the number
    of lines in a file or directory in which
    there are occurrences of a single word or a
    string of words.
  • sdfl.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    sorted double directory listing program for
    os/2.  hpfs aware.
  • sdir_os2.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    sorted directory lister (ted cash 9/88)

  • select.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    this program reads all lines from the
    standard input and puts selected lines on the
    standard output.
  • selprune.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    selectively prune from a tree, and sometimes
    leaving the tree in tact.
  • sfn10.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rexx script to recursively read files, mangle
    names into non-conflicting 8.3 format and
    link them to a given directory on a tvfs
    (virtual) partition.
  • sfrename.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Sfrename renames and adjusts attributes of
    OS/2 files EA DATA. SF and WP ROOT. SF so
    that DOS backup and defragmenting utilities
    can be used.  A second execution restores the
    original names and attributes.  Freeware by
  • shfrag.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os2 (fat) fragmentation display, source
    included. os2 fat file fragmentation display
    c source code included. based on pcmag's
    chkfrag prog. code shows how to access os2
    sectors directly and traverse a fat table.
  • shfrg2.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os2 fat file fragmentation display c source
    code included. based on pcmag's chkfrag prog.
    code shows how to access os2 sectors directly
    and traverse a fat table. new version v1.2
    fixes access problems on disks smaller than
    32 mb.
  • shlong10.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    showlong: exposes (lists) non-fat names on an hpfs drive

  • showea.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    show extended attributes.

  • sit0994.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Search-IT for OS/2 & Windows 0.99.4 beta
    A file find and text search utility. This
    package contains both OS/2 and Windows
    versions of the same program.
      - search across multiple drives
      - OS/2 version is multithreaded
      - place cursor on found text position
        in the browser window
      - Windows version is truly cooperative
    !!! Beta version - use at your own risk !!!
  • size.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    shows size of all directories below a specified path.

  • sk102e.zip (288K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    split'n'kit/2 english version 1.02. os/2
    english version copies large files on floppy
    disks. easy in use. supports drag&drop.
    included command line tools for os/2 and dos.
    so you can split and kit under dos, win95 and
  • smap.zip (374K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    spacemap for os/2 gives you the power to
    manage space usage on your disk drives. it
    lets you see exactly how much space is being
    used by each directory and file. this is a
    demo and uses it's own disk drive to show
    what it can do.
  • spac10.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    space: free space display for os/2 2.0+ by
    keith ledbetter. text and bar-chart display
    of free space available on all drives. free.
  • spacca.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    split a file in blocks.

  • space.cmd (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    catalogue disk space usage. where did all
    your disk space go? this little proggy is a
    rexx routine that prompts for a drive letter
    to catalogue. verifies user input, verifies
    drive is available, then lists number of
    files & space used.
  • space22.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    displays the disk space used by directories
    on a drive. update to space21.lzh. now works
    with 386hpfs drives
  • spaceh17.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    spacehog v1.07 - a program to you maintain
    the amount free space in the specified drive
    to under 2g-512 bytes for different
    compilers. source is included(june 19 2000)
  • spacehog.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    v1.06a hide diskspace above 2g-512b.

  • spcwatc2.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    lan disk monitoring utility w/o vrobj.dll.
    lan spacewatch v1.2 is a graphical disk
    monitoring utility that scans disks at
    specified intervals. on lan server network,
    will send messages to users to advise of low
    disk space on selected drives.
  • sphydir3.zip (852K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    structured professional hypertext directory
    manager or sphydir.  in this version there
    have been new features added (like java
    applet support), some bugs removed, some html
    generation changed, and some new bugs added.
  • sphydir4.zip (1,245K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    sphydir - the structured professional
    hypertext directory editor(oct 4 1999)
  • splitfil.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    small pascal program to split up text files.
    written in speed pascal/2 for learning
    purposes only.  incl executable and source.
  • sprun101.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    selectively prune files from a directory
    tree,  but leave the branch in tact.  could
    also go  to other extreme and remove the
    whole branch.
  • sr.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    sr (search & replace). sr is a 32-bit command
    line search-and-replace utility for os/2. run
    without arguments for simple instructions.
    may be used from fm/2 as a command.
  • srccopy.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    srccopy.exe takes a list of source/object
    files and a destination directory, checks
    their date and time against the same files on
    the destination directory and copies only the
    files which have a newer date.
  • st102a.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    scantext v1.02a a program that counts the
    number of lines in a file or directory in
    which there are occurences of a single word
    or a string of words.
  • stampm.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    stamp'em for os/2 v.1.00. an os/2 gui program
    that allows you to point 'n click to change
    file time and date stamps. requires
    vrobj.dll. the os/2 rexx interpreter. a
    shareware freebie from absolute value
  • stats102.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    bit integrated program to access
    file/folder/tree info.  requires os/2 3.x or
  • stpos2.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    subdirectory tree manager plus for os/2 v1.05.

  • stree.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    recursive tree size utility w/tagging ability.

  • stree114.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    showtree - display directory tree in command line window.

  • string.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    fast string replace. fast command line string
    replace program allowing both ascii and hex
    replace capability. may be used on text and
    binary files.
  • strip20.zip (259K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    strip-data file code stripper os/2 & dos
    command line program which removes the
    formating codes from ascii data files such as
    *.ipf and *.html. this allows you to read and
    spell check the 'normal' text.
  • strsch.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm string search (w/o vrobj.dll) v1.0
    95/04/29. will search for any string of text
    in any number/kind of files on any number of
    drives. displays complete information about
    all files containing text & all lines
    containing text.
  • subdir.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    sub-directory lister. many options. handles > 4g size.

  • sumdir12.zip (89K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    ndr v1.2 shows a graphic size of all files in directories

  • sv2dsk.zip (239K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    save to disk - save & copy utility. this
    program copies files, untouched, to a floppy
    drive (a: or b:), overwriting with newer
    files only when appropriate. it is a pm based
    program with vrexx & rxextras add-ons but
    written in rexx code.
  • sv2txt.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    text for sv2dsk.zip: a program which saves
    files to floppies. contains full setup and
    running information for sv2dsk.zip. also an
    explanation of how each section of the
    program runs.
  • synchpfs.zip (633K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    synchpfs v1.06 - a japanese os/2 pm program
    to compare two directories and to create a
    difference list. supports ea on hpfs(sep 9
  • tabx.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tab expander.

  • tail.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the tool tail.exe reads and writes as
    standard i/o the header or the tail of files.
    it works like a unix tool, no emx is needed.
  • tee93239.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    stdt v93.239 make files and can also be of
    use in batch files. its task is to capture
    the output of a command to a file while also
    displaying the output.
  • textfilt.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    line v1.3 - print specified line in a file.

  • tfc100.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tadzio's file compare utility. small and fast
    side-by-side file compare utility for os/2.
    vio application, designed as a stand-alone
    program or plug-in for ztree bold. capable of
    comparing very large files.
  • tfile10.zip (290K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tfile is a utility designed to present file
    system information in ways that have value to
    file system maintainers.
  • tolower1.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    convert filenames to lower case.

  • touch.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a touch for os/2 and dos

  • touch2.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    another touch (j. van wingerden)

  • trecal10.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    total recall v1.00 os/2 pm disk navigator.
    get at those nested directories fast & easy.
    recalls last 9 directories accessed.warp 3.0
  • treed.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 & dos directory tree display

  • treedo16.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    TreeDo/Command line utility, ver 1.6
    Traverses dir tree, performing supplied
    command in each dir.
      TREEDO is a simple command line program
      that does a command through all subdirs,
      with some dir substitution capabilities
      and knowledge of MAKE.
      As an example, the following will delete
      all *.tmp files on your C: drive:
          cd \
          treedo -v del *.tmp
      It can be used like the unix
      "find . -type d -name -exec {}".
    Includes C++ source, can also be compiled
    for straight DOS.  No charge for use.
    See TreeDo.txt for more details.
  • treegone.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    treegone1.zip directory tree nuker.

  • treesize.zip (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    TREESIZE (for OS/2 and DOS) Directory Lister
  • treesz11.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    treesize is a powerful directory space
    lister. calculates all the directories on
    your drive with size and percentage.
  • treevw11.zip (118K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    great file management program!

  • ts1.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    dos/os2 text search

  • tsearch.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    text search performs simple searches in any kind of file.

  • tvfsv211.zip (457K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    the toronto virtual file system v 2.11 as wpi
    version. the wpi installer is required(jan
  • tymstamp.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    tymstamp.zip - version 1.0 for os/2.tym-stamp
    allows a user to change the date and time
    stamp on files.  vrobj.dll required
    (available in the rexx file area).
  • typ_os2.zip (335K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    show used compiler/packer/crypter, display
    content of many archive and selfextractors,
    partition table(+errors),boot sectors,bios
    password and chipset display.
  • udir.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    os/2 extended directory listing utility.
    like directory command but with more options.
    for example to get directory of files on
    drive c with ext bak the command would be
    udir \ udir \*.bak /s. source and library
    source available.
  • undelpm.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    use this pm app instead of os/2's undelete.
    this is a demo of undelpm.
  • undels.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    pm based undelete. includes everything i can
    imagine to put in it.  filters, sub dirs,
    etc. needs vx-rexx dlls.
  • uniq1.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    grabs all the uniq lines from a file.

  • unique2.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    grep, sort, and now unique can be used as a
    pipe to remove adjacent duplicate lines from
    a text file. very handy for madd data.
  • unsdel10.zip (33K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    safe delete and undelete utilities for os/2
    2.0 only. hpfs aware.
  • usage11.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    usage.exe is a utility that displays the
    amount of disk space that your directories
    are utilizing.
  • ux_dos.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    unix to dos, convert text files between unix & dos.

  • v20demo1.zip (993K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filestar/2 version 2.00.3d demo, an os/2 file manager.

  • validate.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    validate-it-now030b1.zip  validateitnow is a
    file validator which allows you to do crc
    checking on a set of files.
  • vbdiff17.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    visual binary diff 1.7 interactively displays
    two files in hex and ascii with differences
    between the two hilighted. requires emx 0.9b
    runtime. includes source.
  • vc140.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    visual compare; file comparison utility. lets
    you see the differences between two program
    source files in a full-screen, scrollable
    display. shareware. executables for dos and
  • vcomp.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    vcomp 1.03 enhanced compare utility for os/2
    & dos. allows for comparing entire trees of
    files against others, supports hpfs long
    filenames and checks extended attributes
  • vfat106.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    vfat2ea_v106.zip) converts vfat long
    filenames to .longname eas.
  • vfatea11.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a vfat to ea converter to work with the long
    files names under os/2 (jan. 2001)
  • vgo11a.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    vgo v1.1 and go v1.1 for os/2. find files
    anywhere, then execute commands on them.
    needs vrobj.dll (not incl.)
  • vszap.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    directory and file remover.

  • vundel.zip (54K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a visual undelete utility (v1.1) that shows
    you all files available for undelete via
    os/2's undelete command, and quickly and
    easily undeletes selected files for you.
  • warpca.zip (299K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    filemanager for warp by pcmagazine.  this is
    similiar to windows file manager with an
    exception of recognizing hpfs files.
  • warptape.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    rxbakeas.cmd and rxreseas.cmd, allow you to
    backup extended attributes from warp drive
    partitions with your dos backup tape
  • waste2.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    waste/2 calculates space lost to cluster size.

  • wcd_162.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    wolfgang's change directory v1.62. tool for
    os/2 & dos that allows to change to a
    directory across all drives & without to
    enter the complete path & directory name. can
    create, delete & rename directories & do an
    automatic database update.
  • wdc_dmpa.exe (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    disk manager for os2 95/08/29. this is a
    patch for western digitals disk manager from
    their www page.
  • wdir2081.lzh (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    · ··──[ WackyDir for OS/2 0.81ß ]──·· ·
    · ··──[ by Reverse Engineering ]──·· ·
    WackyDir is a colourful replacement for
    OS/2's lame DIR command.  It allows
    complete colour customization, sorting,
    and extension colouring.  Works with both
    FAT and HPFS file systems.
  • wf101.zip (91K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    wf - wild find, version 1.01, searches
    directory trees for filespecs.
  • whereis.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    whereis with long filename support.

  • which.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    which file am i using? os/2 which.exe is
    modeled after the unix which command. it will
    tell you where a file is located as directed
    to by an environment variable.
  • which100.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a clone of the unix locate command.

  • which213.zip (144K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    which - find executables and libraries on
    various paths, with source.
  • whris.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    bug-fix version (version 2.4) of an os/2 2.x
    command-line file find utility. searches
    multiple drives and allows you to search
    environment variables for files.
  • whris200.zip (21K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    an os/2 2.0-specific command line whereis.
    lots of features.
  • wipe.zip (19K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    command line utilities that first overwrites
    (per dod recommendations) then erases files,
    making it nearly impossible to retrieve the
    data of the files.
  • wipe02b.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    wipe - file wiping utility v0.2 beta for os/2.

  • wipedisk.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    safe way to delete all files on a floppy. v1.00.

  • wiper.zip (16K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    wipes dir including subdirs

  • wiz114.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    wizard directory changing program 1.14 for
    os/2. supports a stack of past directory
    locations, nicknames for commonly used
    directories, partial matching, dir tree
    display, etc.  works with hpfs long file
  • wpcdcp20.zip (581K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    warpcd copy v2.0 release 2 (jun 10 2001)

  • wsfil102.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    WSSFill disk-filling utility version 1.02 for
    OS/2.  Copies files to floppy, preserving
    long file names as extended attributes and
    minimizing wasted disk space.  Fully
    functional shareware.  Registration fee
    $7.50.  ASP author member.
  • wswin.zip (175K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    an os/2 and windows file and text serach
    utility from pc magazine.  includes source
  • xcomp110.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    xcomp/2 v1.10 - the recursive file compare
    utility for os/2.
  • xdel107b.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    extended del command for os/2.

  • xdel_new.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    xdel - an enhanced del command for os/2.

  • xdelete.zip (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    del all matches inc. subdirs and other drives

  • xdfcopy.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    xdfcopy.exe - a utility to extract *.xdf files

  • xfile14.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    x-file 1.4 - super open file dialog fixer.
    desktop enhancer which adds major
    enhancements to the standard os/2 microscopic
    "open/save as" file dialog. nothing
    paranormal here - just real useful stuff.
  • xfrm.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    xfrm v2.2 file edit filter 95/08/27. file
    edit filter to change strings in files to
    other strings. can change strings in binary
    files such as exe. os/2 & dos mode
    executables included in package. updated from
    a previous version.
  • xlist.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    an intuitive file manager. easily navigate
    between drives and directories. features
    include tree, file locator, tagging,
    multi-thread copying and erasing.  plus 48
    user-defined function keys, session starting
    and archive viewer,etc.
  • xlist271.zip (216K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Xlist V2.71g DISK & ARCHIVE MANAGER!
    Provides a integrated platform for file
    and directory management.  Many features
    including directory tree, user-programmed
    function keys, fonts, mouse support, intl.
    date aware, file locate and OS/2 support
    for HPFS.  View ARC, ZIP, ZOO & LZH archive
    files directory structures.  Will emulate
    DOS directory structures for ZIP and LZH
    archives with embedded pathnames.
  • xlistos2.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    Xlist V2.71g DISK & ARCHIVE MANAGER!
    Provides a integrated platform for file
    and directory management.  Many features
    including directory tree, user-programmed
    function keys, fonts, mouse support, intl.
    date aware, file locate and OS/2 support
    for HPFS.  View ARC, ZIP, ZOO & LZH archive
    files directory structures.  Will emulate
    DOS directory structures for ZIP and LZH
    archives with embedded pathnames.
  • xt10.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    xtouch - extended touch - command line
    utility to update specified file(s) creation,
    lastaccess, and lastwrite date and time
  • yaff.zip (13K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    yet another filefinder. this was originally a
    dos utility modified to support hpfs file
    entries. source included.
  • zdir.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    a recursive os2 directory listing, provides
    cumulative files, and more
  • ztb180.zip (322K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:29:33

    new version of ztbold 1.80. 32bit text-mode
    clone of xtreegold. with full archiving
    support, and handling of eas and hpfs.