• [FAQ] ASCII Art - answers to frequently asked questions

    From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Feb 16 03:06:52 2023
    From: colin.randall2@gmail.com (CJRandall)
    Subject: [FAQ] ASCII Art - answers to frequently asked questions
    Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.ascii-art.animation,news.answers
    Followup-To: alt.ascii-art
    Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
    X-Disclaimer: Approval for *.answers is based on form, not content. Organisation: none what so ever
    Summary: Ascii-Art FAQ version 3 <pre>
    it contains texts written by:-
    Jorn Barger, Bob Allison and Matthew Thomas
    together with texts gleaned from many others
    this is the most recent (v3.0.3.32) publication
    it is provided such that it may be helpful
    changes from v3.0.3.31 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.30 are: google-groups fix+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.29 are: no m$.outlook+google-groups bad
    changes from v3.0.3.28 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.27 are: links updated+validated
    changes from v3.0.3.26 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.25 are: links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.24 are: posting-frequency

    Archive-name: arts/ascii
    X-Archive-name: ascii-art/faq
    Posting-Frequency: occasionally
    Last-changed: 2021-12-08 cjr
    Compiler: CJRandall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>
    Copyright: Public display of this document in proportional-fonts is forbidden

    | | : : :: \ \ ;;
    J J : : :: \ \ ;;
    L L : : __ _ _________ \ \ ;;
    | | : : / |`| |`|___ ___|`-.\ \ ;;
    J J : : / . | | | `-.| |`-. `-.`\ \ ;;
    L L : : / /| | | | | | `-. `-\ \ ;;
    | | : : / /_| | | | | | `-. \ \. ;;
    J J : : / ___ | | | | | `-\ \`-.
    L L : : / /`-.| | | |___ | | _ \ \-.`-._
    | | : : /_/____|_|_|_____|_|_|_(_) _ \ \ `-._`:
    J J : : |__________________________| `-. \ \-.,-'
    L L : : _ _ _ _ _ ___ `-. `-. \ \ |
    | | :_: /\(_`/ `-| |`-_/\-| )-_| `-. `-. `-. \ \|
    J J | | /--\_)\_,_|_|__/--\|_\__|__ `-. `-._`-\ \
    L L|_| |___________________________|`-. `-._ `-.\ \
    | | | _____ ___ ___ `-.`-._ `-._ \ ,!`-.
    J J | | ___|`/ _ \`-._/ _ \`--. `-._`--._`-'||`-'
    L L | | |_ / /_\ \ / / \ \ `-._ `--. `-,+.`-._
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    | _,--------------.____ -========\_(A)`-.._ `-|X||\
    Ool | _| ` |_`--. `-- |X||/
    /VK | | | ALT.ASCII-ART: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS / ||-. ======================================================================== [Subject:] (FAQ) Welcome to ASCII art ========================================================================

    __ __ __ _,
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    \\ /\\ / //_\) || // \)// \\ ||'||'|| //_\) || // \\
    \/ \/ \\__,_||_\\__,\\_//_||_||_||_\\__, \|_\\_//

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    _/ _\\_/__)) \\__,_||_ _||_ ((_||_||_ \|_

    Answers to frequently asked questions about ASCII art ========================================================================
    On the Web, the FAQ and other useful documents can be found in the
    ASCII art Documentation Archive (ADA), at the following locations:- ========================================================================
    *** There is a wealth of information about ASCII Art ***
    *** in the ASCII Documents Archive *** ========================================================================
    International Mirrors ======================================================================== https://www.votrezone.com/ada/ (Calgary, Canada) https://vyznev.net/ascii/ada/ (Helsinki, Finland) https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/q/ada/ (Lulea, Sweden)

    https://dmoz-odp.org/Computers/Usenet/FAQs/Individual_Group_FAQs/ ========================================================================
    -+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+- ======================================================================== Contents ========================================================================
    [1] What's alt.ascii-art?
    [2] What is ASCII art?
    [3] What does ASCII mean?
    [4] Why do all the pictures look strange?
    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art?
    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art?
    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art?
    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering?
    [9] Where can I find Figlet's address?
    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself?
    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something?
    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art?
    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz]
    [14] Have a picture or graphic and would like it Asciified?
    [15] How do I convert a picture or graphic to ASCII art?
    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage?
    [17] What are ASCII art signature files?
    [18] What is ASCII art animation?
    [19] What does ObAscii mean?
    [21] Where can I find pictures/tutorials/infos/chatrooms/experts?
    [22] Historacle's What types of ASCII art are there?
    [X1] The Ascii Art 10-Commandments

    [1] What's alt.ascii-art? What's going on here? ========================================================================
    You're probably reading this because it's been posted to
    news:alt.ascii-art, news:alt.ascii-art.animation or rec.arts.ascii.
    If you're not, jump in and take a look. In these Usenet groups
    people discuss ASCII art, request ASCII art, post ASCII art, post
    improved versions or variations of other people's ASCII art, and
    generally have fun.

    [2] What is ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is any sort of pictures or diagrams drawn with the
    printable characters in the ASCII character set.
    (For a definition of ASCII, see Question 3.)

    :-) Probably the most common ASCII art picture is the smiley (-:
    =) but it can get a lot more sophisticated than that. (=
    .-" +' "-. Here's a small ASCII picture of
    /.'.'A_'*`.\ a snow-scene paperweight,
    |:.*'/\-\. ':| drawn by Joan Stark:
    \:~^~^~^~^:/ If this picture looks very strange and
    /`-....-'\ you can't really tell what it is,
    jgs / \ don't panic -- see Question 5.

    People use ASCII art for a number of reasons. Here are some of them.
    * It is the most universal computer art form in the world --
    every computer system capable of displaying multi-line text can
    display ASCII art, without needing to have a graphics mode or
    support a particular graphics file format.
    * An ASCII picture is hundreds of times smaller in file size
    than its GIF or BMP equivalent, while still giving a good idea
    of what something looks like.
    * It's easy to copy from one file to another (just cut and paste).
    * It's fun!

    [3] What does ASCII mean? ========================================================================
    ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
    7-bit as defined in ISO-646 is a basic set of 128 numbered symbols
    which almost all kinds of computer can display. Here are the ones
    that are used for ASCII art:

    032 [space] 048 0 064 @ 080 P 096 ` 112 p
    033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q
    034 " 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r
    035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s
    036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t
    037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u
    038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v
    039 ' 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w
    040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x
    041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y
    042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z
    043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 {
    044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 |
    045 - 061 = 077 M 093 ] 109 m 125 }
    046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~
    047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o

    There are other characters in the set (with the numbers 0 - 31 and
    127), but they can do bad stuff to Usenet readers, so PLEASE DON'T
    USE THEM in your pictures (except characters 10 and or 13 which
    are used to insert a new-line by a variety of Operating Systems).

    [4] Why do the pictures look strange? ========================================================================
    If one particular picture posted to this group looks faulty, but the
    rest of them look fine, then its most likely a problem with that
    particular picture, or with the poster's Usenet program. But if
    *all* the pictures look bad, then your Usenet reader may be set to
    display messages in a proportional font (see Question 5).

    * If using Google-Groups from a web-browser try "uBlock Origin" a
    plugin for user style-sheets so you can use the following to fix
    the layout when using Chrome or FireFox by inserting these lines
    in "My filters" in the settings:
    groups.google.com##html-blob > br:style(display:none!important)

    * If there are a lot of almost-blank lines in the picture, then
    the message is probably suffering from `wrapping'. This
    wrapping may be being done by your newsreader; see if it has an
    option called `wrap long lines' or similar, and make sure it is
    turned off. If this doesn't work, then the wrapping was probably
    done by the news program of the person who sent the picture, in
    which case there's not much you can do -- everybody else will be
    seeing the same thing.

    * If there are a lot of < and > symbols in the picture, with
    words like HTML, FONT COLOR, B, I, and so on inside them, then
    the picture has been sent in HTML format and your newsreader
    does not understand HTML (most newsreaders don't).

    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is created using a fixed-width font (like on a traditional
    typewriter), because this is the only way to make it portable.
    However, several Usenet readers now display messages in a
    proportional font (where different characters are different widths).

    When using proportional fonts you can never be sure whether your
    image will look the same in a different proportional font. If you're
    making art in Arial and the receiver has Times New Roman or whatever
    then perhaps their space character will be wider but their semicolon
    is narrower and then things don't line up properly.

    The following two lines tell you which kind of font you're using.
    The arrow ends up in a different place for different font types and
    is right most of the time:

    You are using a [Proportional] [Monospaced] font
    ................................. --^--

    Also, to see what your program is doing, look at these two lines:
    If they look the same length, you're using a fixed-width font and
    all should be ok. If the second line is longer than the first, you
    need to change your settings to use a fixed-width font.

    In Mozilla Thunderbird, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Language & Appearance.
    In Forte Agent, the option is set in
    Options > Display Preferences > Fonts
    and Free Agent, the option is set in
    Options > General Preferences > Fonts
    In Outlook, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Read > Fonts ____
    Tools > Options > Send > Automatically wrap text at |____|

    set both the PROPORTIONAL font and FIXED-WIDTH font to
    NOTE : If LUCIDA CONSOLE is not available as a font, pick another
    Detailed information on how to configure other Usenet readers is
    available at the: ASCII-Art Documentation Archive.

    If all else fails, copy the text of the picture from
    your program and paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad).
    It's a hassle, but at least you'll get to see the pictures.

    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    You can create ASCII art in any text editor, [jorn barger]
    such as: Notepad in Windows,
    SimpleText or BBEdit in MacOS,
    nedit, vi, vim, or pico in Unix, _+m"m+_
    BEd or AZ in AmigaOS, edit in DOS, Jp qh
    or any of the various Emacs editors. O O
    Yb dY
    A 'quick-start' program for learning "Y5m2Y"
    is JavE, a free Java program, that can be
    obtained from:- http://www.jave.de

    Some editors have features which make them more
    suitable for ASCII art than others, but that is
    largely a matter of personal opinion. Features which
    are both useful for ASCII art and available in many
    text editors, include the following:-

    * Overtype, also known as overstrike: removes the need for
    you to constantly realign characters using the Backspace,
    Space, and Delete keys. Try the Insert key if there is one
    on your keyboard, or your program's Options or Preferences.

    * Rectangular copy and paste: allows you to select rectangular
    sections of text (not just rows or parts of rows). On programs
    which have this feature, it is usually done by holding down a
    key such as Ctrl while selecting text.

    * Find/Change: allows you to change all the characters of one
    value to another (eg: change all the ~s to "s).

    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art? ========================================================================
    Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)
    A good way to learn is to study how someone has made a picture.
    What characters are chosen and how the characters are laid out.
    How a texture is made.

    ########:::::::::::######## The best way to learn is to Practise.
    #########:::::::::######### Draw your cat, your toaster, your
    ##########:::::::########## partner, your musical instruments,
    ###########,---.########### anything that will sit still long
    ##########/`---'\########## enough. Practice makes, if not
    #########/ \######### perfect, then at least pretty good.
    ########/ \######## Whether you do small drawings (less
    #######:`-._____.-':####### work involved) or large ones (easier
    ######::::: ( ) |::::###### to make recognizable) is up to you.
    #####:::::: ) ( o:::::##### If you're interested in tutorials,
    ####::::: .-(_)-. :::::#### there are many available from the
    ###:::::: '=====' ::::::### ASCII-art Documentation Archive.
    A good way to begin drawing is to \`"-.
    type a row of spaces for however ) _`-.
    wide you want your picture, and , : `. \
    then copy this row and paste it : _ ' \
    for however many rows high you ; *` _. `--._
    think the picture will get. `-.-' `-.
    Turn Overtype on and place the | ` `.
    cursor somewhere in the middle :. . \
    and begin drawing. This can save | \ . : .-' .
    using Delete, Backspace, Enter : )-.; ; / :
    and Space-bar keystrokes. : ; | : : ;-.
    Saving this empty `canvas' as a ; / : |`-: _ `- )
    read-only file for future use can ,-' / ,-' ; .-`- .' `--'
    save you even more time later. `--' `---' `---' bug

    Another method is by tracing a picture either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    You can also modify existing art. Take a piece of art you think
    could be improved. Make a copy. Now work on it. When you are
    good at that, try to improve a really good pic. Then see if you
    can fix a damaged file. Now take some small pics and put them
    together into a big composite image.

    When drawing ASCII art be aware that there are a few characters
    that differ in size, shape and position among fonts:

    ' apostrophe -- tilts southwest-northeast or vertical
    * asterisc -- appears in the middle or top
    ^ caret -- differs in size and shape
    ~ tilde -- appears in the middle or top
    I aye -- straight line in sans-serif, with strokes in serif
    try using the vertical bar (|) instead.
    # hash -- hash symbol on most, currency on some old computers.

    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering? ========================================================================
    There is a program called Figlet which does that sort of thing
    automatically -- you type in `Jane Smith', and you get back

    ___ __,
    ( / ( o _/_ /
    / __, _ _ `. _ _ , / /_
    _/_(_/(_/ /_(/_ (___)/ / /_(_(__/ /_
    (/ [figlet:cursive.flf]

    in this and a whole lot of other fonts (see Question 9).
    The ASCII art text produced by Figlet can be quite stunning,
    so try it first before asking for help from the newsgroups.

    IF, however, Figlet doesn't produce the kind of results you want,
    THEN post to alt.ascii-art or rec.arts.ascii with your request and
    ensure that you include:
    * that you have already tried Figlet or don't have access to it
    otherwise you will probably just get told to use it.
    * a description of the kind of lettering you want, along with
    any other symbols or logos which you would like incorporated
    into it.

    [9] Where can I find Figlet ? ========================================================================
    The Figlet home page is at:- http://www.figlet.org/
    and links to the FTP site:- ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/
    where you can download
    versions of the program or source-code for many different platforms.
    Also http://www.Jave.de has a Figlet feature to write or draw with.

    You can run Figlet on the Web by going to one of the following sites
    and choosing your text and options on the Web page. Different sites
    offer different options (e.g. multiple fonts at once, justification,
    and limited line length). Some of these sites also provide an e-mail
    Figlet service for people with browsers which don't support forms.

    * http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    * http://www.patorijk.com/software/taag/
    * http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/figlet/figlet

    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself? ========================================================================
    / \ Don't assume that if somebody posts
    | | something to a Usenet group, that gives
    |.| you the right to use it however you like,
    |.| copyright laws still apply.
    |:| __ For more information, see the article:-
    ,_|:|_, / ) Copyright Myths FAQ:
    (Oo / _I_ `10 big myths about copyright explained'
    +\ \ || __| in news:news.announce.newusers.
    \ \||___|
    \ /.:.\-\ It is also available via https at:-
    |.:. /-----\ www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
    / |:<_T_>:| Generally, ASCII artists don't mind
    |_____\ ::: / if you copy their pictures and re-post
    | | \ \:/ them or put them on your own Web site,
    | | | | as long as you don't make any money
    [nosig] \ / | \__ out of them, like on Mugs or T-shirts,
    / | \____\ since they may want a "cut of the take".
    Here are a few important considerations:-

    * If the picture contains a few letters in one corner which don't
    seem to be part of the picture, they're the artist's initials.
    DO NOT remove these initials -- would you cut away the part of
    a Van Gogh painting containing his name? Leaving the initials
    on is a small price to pay for being able to use the picture
    for free.

    * If you're going to use a picture in your signature file, or in
    a place (such as a log-in screen) which means you're going to
    be using it a lot, you should really e-mail the artist (or post
    to the newsgroup, if you don't know their address) and ask for
    permission, because otherwise people may get the mistaken
    impression that you were the one who drew the picture.

    * If you find a picture you want to use, or post, but it doesn't
    have initials on it, a common method of marking has been to use
    the tag: Unknown. More recently the tag: [nosig] has been used.

    As for posting other people's ASCII art,
    after a discussion in news:alt.ascii-art _ ___
    the following rules were agreed upon: #_~`--'__ `===-,
    1. If an ASCII ART picture has initials `.`. `#.,//
    on it, leave them on when posting it ,_\_\ ## #\
    2. If an ASCII ART picture doesn't have `__.__ `####\
    initials on it, mention that you ~~\ ,###'~
    didn't draw it when posting it. \##'
    3. If somebody posts a picture without [nosig]
    initials and you have an original copy
    with initials on, feel free to re-post the original version.
    * The re-post ought not to be taken personally, as we all
    know that ASCII art often loses proper credits.
    Responses to the re-post are not necessary.

    One contributor suggested the following:

    1.) Ultra polite:...ya make yer own ascii and use it.
    2.) Very polite:...Ya contact the author and ask if ya
    can use it...
    3.) polite:...Ya use it but you keep the Credits
    in there like they should be.
    4.) rude:...Ya use it and strip credits.
    5.) Very rude:...Ya use it and claim that it Is
    _Your_ very own creation...

    You choose ... I think the default choice is #3 but you should
    make up yer own mind.... [Krogg]

    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something? ========================================================================
    Give your request the subject: `REQ:' or `[req]'
    Whatever you're looking for a picture of, in the message describe
    more exactly what you're looking for. Generally, the more specific
    you are, the more likely you are to get some response.
    If you just say something like:
    `can someone draw me a fish, please'
    then you may not get many replies, because people may not know
    what size or feel they're wasting their time by drawing something
    you won't want. If you don't have Web access, mention this fact,
    otherwise you may get replies consisting only of URLs for the
    kind of pictures you're looking for.
    If someone is rude back to you directly, then please be patient,
    since it may just be a troll trying to wind you up.
    .' )) __-:!:- If you have a picture
    .' .' )) and want it Ascii-fied
    ((__,' .' .ASCII! -:!:- see Question 14 and 15.
    -:!:- ((__,'^*

    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art? ========================================================================
    It doesn't matter if your ASCII art isn't particularly good; we'd
    like to see it anyway. We won't be rude about it (although you'd
    better tell us what it is, or we might ask :-), but if it shows
    potential, you may find that other people will `re-diddle' it --
    change a few characters, make it a bit better, and re-post it.

    HOWEVER, there are a few things you should check before you
    post to news:alt.ascii-art any piece of ASCII art
    (see also Question 13).

    * Are you sending it as PLAIN TEXT?
    Turn off "send MIME message" and select "PLAIN TEXT only".

    * Is it under 72 characters wide? Most news readers can only show
    lines which are under either 72, 76, or 80 characters wide, so
    if your picture is wider than 72 characters it may get wrapped
    [see Question 4]. Also remove any unnecessary space characters
    from the end of each line of the picture, to prevent lines from
    being too long (and getting wrapped) without your realizing.

    * If it IS over 72 characters wide?
    Then a warning in the subject line [wide:110] or whatever the
    original picture width and Check Your Post Output Line-Wrap
    Previous versions of this FAQ used a system to prefix posts
    such as: [pic] [info] [req] [big] which may be used as a guide
    when providing warnings.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove leading spaces from
    the first line of a posting which can be resolved by placing
    a dot '.' on a line of its own above the message.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove a single leading space
    from a posting which can be resolved by ensuring there are at
    least two leading spaces on each line of the message.

    * Have you used any TAB characters or Control Codes?
    Inserting control codes (ASCII characters 0 to 31) in a picture
    can sometimes achieve interesting effect on your computer screen
    or news reader, such as reversing text or changing its colour.
    DO NOT post any of these pictures to news:alt.ascii-art, post to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii instead for two reasons:-

    1. the effects that the control codes have on your news reader
    are almost certainly going to be different from those on
    the thousands of other news readers that other people use

    2. on some news readers, control codes can cause messed up
    displays, messages not appearing, or (in some cases) the
    news reader crashing.

    If you're not sure about whether your message will turn out ok,
    post it to a test group (such as news:alt.test or news:misc.test)
    first and make sure that you can read it ok, also using a different
    newsreader, if you can.

    [See Question 10 for advice on posting someone else's ASCII art.]

    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz] ========================================================================
    [13.1] ASCII art is a very simple medium.

    /\ / /\ / / /\ /\ /
    \/\ \ /\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ __ \/\ \/_ /\
    \ \/ \ o \ / \/ \ \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _
    ___ (" )( ") The following List of Items (" )( ") ___
    / \_\ \/ / should NOT be posted to \ \/ /_/ \
    | D_ ]\ \/ the Usenet groups:- \/ /[ _G |
    | D _]/\ \ / /\[_ G |
    \___/ / /\ \ news:alt.ascii-art / /\ \ \___/
    mark (_.)(._) news:alt.ascii-art.animation (_.)(._) JavE


    NOTE: alt.binaries.pictures.ascii supports posting of ASCII
    software tools or fonts (in ZIP format) and binary images
    of ASCII or other FontSet (in GIF format) and any other
    ASCII art related material, but no Spam, in relation to
    discussions in the alt.ascii-art newsgroups.
    Use the subject header: [abpa] for easy identification.

    -= List of Items =-

    * Binaries, Trojans, Zombies, Virus, Spam.

    * ANSI,`extended ASCII' or `high ASCII', and non-Western font art.
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Many computer systems have an extended character set of 256 or
    more characters, based on the ANSI, Unicode or BIG5 character
    sets and having the first 128 characters possibly identical to
    ASCII. These characters should not be sent to news:alt.ascii-art
    because many computer system types do not display them properly,
    even those that do, do not display them in a standard way, for
    example, the Windows ANSI character set is different to the
    Macintosh ANSI character set. Capture and send a GIF of it to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it on a Web page and
    post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which Web pages are written in
    can be read by some Usenet readers, particularly those built-in
    to Web browsers, allowing colours and animations in ASCII art,
    however, few newsreaders support it and to many appears as a
    jumble of <TAGS> and are totally unrecognizable,
    If you have a picture which uses HTML for a particular feature
    such as colors or animation, put it on a Web page and post
    the URL address of the page to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * JAVA, JavaScript, Flash, GIF or whatever animated ASCII art.
    This relies, not only on the newsreader being able to display
    HTML, but also being able to run Java or JavaScript.
    Put it on a Web page and post the URL address to
    news:alt.ascii-art.animation and news:alt.ascii-art

    * Proportional Font ASCII art screws up on many readers' displays
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Send a GIF of it to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it
    on a Web page and post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art

    Finally, do not use any control codes, non-ASCII characters,
    or word-processor-type formatting in your postings. These are
    particular to your editor or computer system they will almost
    certainly not have the intended effect on the systems the rest
    of us use (they may even crash some Usenet readers).

    ==================================================================== [13.2] What can I post to rec.arts.ascii?

    /\ / / /\ /\ / / /\ / /
    \/_ \/ \ \/\ \/_ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \
    \ \/ \/ o \ \ \ / o \ / \/ \ \

    The official charter for rec.arts.ascii, as sent in the newsgroup
    control message, is:

    The group news:rec.arts.ascii will be an appropriate group for
    postings to include, but not be limited to, the following:

    o All forms of ASCII art including, but not limited to:
    - Standard ASCII art.
    - Animations.
    - ANSI color graphics.
    o Discussion about pieces of art.
    o Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfilment.
    o Questions and answers covering:
    - Creating and viewing ASCII art.
    - Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.
    o Discussion about artists in the field.

    rec.arts.ascii is a moderated group meaning that all posts are
    reviewed before being sent to the group. That work is done by a
    robo-moderator which filters Spam and checks the posts have the
    correct format before approving them. It can also target a
    specific poster's traffic for human moderator approval.

    Subjects must be tagged either:
    [PIC] for pictures
    [REQ] for requests for others to draw pictures
    (people replying with pictures change the tag to [PIC])
    [DIS] for general ascii art related discussion and replies.
    [ADMIN] for the moderator to post important information.

    >> NOTE: Please read:-
    http://www.drabble.me.uk/usenet/raa.shtml (guidelines.txt)
    >> for concise up-to-date list of permitted subject tags
    >> and usage before posting.

    The robo-mod also checks that the posts are in PLAIN TEXT only,
    that line length is set to LESS than 80 characters UNLESS the
    phrase [long lines] is in the BODY of the post, when the LIMIT
    is then raised to 200 characters.

    Cross-posting is permitted provided that:
    o - it is to no more than three groups
    o - the followup-to header is set to only one group.
    Cross-posting to other moderated groups is NOT permitted.

    [14] I have a picture and I would like it Asciified? ========================================================================
    In this case, post a request to news:alt.ascii-art asking for
    someone to `asciify' it, but
    to save downloading time for people reading the messages,
    if possible give the URL (Web address) of the picture instead.

    If you saw the picture on a Web page, you can find out its URL by
    right-clicking on it (on the Macintosh, right-clicking,
    Ctrl-clicking, or holding down the mouse button) and selecting
    `Open this image' (or its equivalent for your Web browser), then
    copy the URL from the Location bar to your news program (make sure
    you copy it exactly).

    If the picture is not on a Web site anywhere, put it up on your own
    site (if you have one), or get a friend to put it up on their site,
    and post the URL to alt.ascii-art. If you can't do this, post your
    request to the newsgroups and wait for someone to reply, then post
    the picture to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or e-mail to them.

    [15] How do I convert a picture to ASCII art? ========================================================================
    [15.1] programs:
    There are computer programs available which convert graphics files
    of a variety of formats (often GIF) to ASCII art. They go by names
    such as ascgif, gifa, gifscii, and gif2ascii. Do a Web search for
    any of these programs to find places where you can download them.


    Many think that you just put a GIF into a converter program and
    out comes a perfect ASCII pic. Here are some things you can do
    to improve the chances of getting a good conversion:-

    o Use an 8 bit grey scale or color image instead of a 2 bit B&W.
    o Use an image with a wide, even distribution of tones.
    o Keep it simple, like a face or close-up of an object.
    o Avoid busy backgrounds. Generally avoid bright backgrounds.
    o Use an image that is tightly cropped, without a lot of waste.
    o Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions,
    you will probably not like 9 to 11 out of 12.
    o It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture,
    concentrate on the focal points and important areas.

    [15.2] tracing:
    Another method is by tracing a picture, either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    [15.3] image2html:
    There are computer programs and web-servers available which convert
    graphics files of a variety of formats to HTML colored TEXT art for
    use on web-pages.
    Try: https://www.text-image.com/convert/

    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage? ========================================================================
    HTML, the language used in Web pages, can display ASCII art
    using the "pre-formatted text" tags .<.P.R.E.>. .<./.P.R.E.>.

    .<.T.I.T.L.E.>. Ascii art on a webpage
    : __ :
    : =='_)) __-:!:- (your ascii here) :
    : ,.' .' ))-:!:- :
    : ((_,' .'-:!:- :
    : ~^~~~^~~^~~~^~ :
    .<./.H.T.M.L.>. (remove the dots)

    HTML can be used to add special effects such as colours,
    font size, and blinking text.

    Please be aware that within a PRE tag block, when using some older
    Web-Browsers or when Scripting string$ to Web, some characters may
    not render properly and need to be 'Escaped' or replaced with a
    mnemonic code. The list of characters are:-

    character glyph escaped mnemonic dec hex

    Quote " \" &quot; &#34 &#0x22
    Ampersand & &amp; &#38 &#0x26
    LessThan < \< &lt; &#60 &#0x3C
    GreaterThan > \> &gt; &#62 &#0x3E
    Escape \ \\ &#92 &#0x5C

    For full instructions on how to do this see:-

    An auto-generator to do this:-

    [17] What should I know about signature files? ========================================================================
    A signature file (or `sig' for short; not to be confused with the
    initials added to an ASCII picture) is a small, personalized text
    file which an e-mail or news program can add to the end of every
    message a person sends -- the equivalent of a letterhead for dead
    tree (paper) mail (or snail-mail). Usually it contains little more
    than the person's name, organization and e-mail address, maybe an
    inspirational quote of some sort and some people like to incorporate
    ASCII art into their signature files as well.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ \|/ ____ \|/
    | | | ___| | (_) \| | __/ __| @~/ ,. \~@
    |_ _|___| |__| | .` | _|\__ \ /_( \__/ )_\ Mike
    |_| |____|_|_|\_|___|___/[Figlet] \__U_/ Jittlov

    The lack of importance in relation to global warming, violence in
    society, and so on, can be the subject of heated arguments. To be
    brief, (almost) no-one will complain if your signature file is four
    lines long or fewer -- and it is quite possible to draw good ASCII
    pictures which are that small.
    Also check-out SigGen at https://sourceforge.net/projects/siggen/
    (@) (@) `) There are a lot of web-pages on this with )
    ^ < > ^ ( google search ascii sig. _______)
    === `----Richard James-----------------'

    Some newsreaders don't allow you to have a signature file which is
    longer than four lines, while others just complain. Five or six
    lines may be acceptable, but any longer, and you're starting to
    take the risk that your signature will be longer than some of your
    messages; this wouldn't really make sense on paper, so it isn't
    really acceptable in cyberspace either. The exception is in messages
    posted to news:alt.ascii-art itself -- we're used to seeing long
    sigs, so we won't complain.


    But, no matter what the length of your signature, make sure it's
    fewer than 72 characters wide, otherwise it may end up a horrible
    mess (see Question 8).

    [18] What is ascii-animation? ========================================================================
    An animated image produced by a sequence of changing ASCII pictures.
    The speed will depend on the system you are using.
    o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o
    /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\
    / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \
    Ascii-Animation transports vary a lot. The earliest known portable
    types used the Control-Codes of the (often .VT or .ANS) terminal
    screens for either `paging' or `direct cursor addressing'.
    Sometimes found as c-code in .sigs, which, when compiled and run
    produce moving patterns or images.
    o _ _ _
    _o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_)
    _< \_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/
    (_)>(_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_
    * A collection of .VT files can be found at:
    Most Web Ascii-Animation uses Java or Javascript.

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using JavaScript, see:-

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using Java, see:-

    * To watch an ASCII episode of the movie Star Wars see:-

    [19] What does ObAscii mean? ========================================================================
    ObAscii = Obligatory Ascii

    Obligatory: [adj] compulsory (of a ruling) having binding force

    Ascii: [slang] ascii-art picture

    A funny way to remind people to put a drawing in their post.

    This means an ascii in every post! (especially off-topic threads)
    Failure to comply can result in flaming! This implies that if you
    don't include an ascii in your post you deserve to get flamed!

    The concept of ObAscii has been around since the creation of the
    usenet group news:alt.ascii-art and it's purpose is to provide some
    on-topic content to an otherwise off-topic posting.

    *NOT* The 1st ever! ObAscii :
    From: Matthew Thomas <mpt26@spamfree.land>
    Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:50:09 +1300
    Organization: University of Canterbury.nz (opinions are my own)

    ,' \ [snip - 3rd party flame ]
    ` | BOLLOCKS!!!
    J |
    J L I am staying out of this as much as
    | | . , possible, Colin, because I really ...
    | | `v_L.'
    // ,>'--\'_ :.
    \`' \ - /-. [snip - rant/rave]
    / /`""| :.
    ),' `-
    ( ,-' \ Anyway, I think a lot of this
    ) ,' ,' h flaming would decrease if everyone
    / / / `)--.. was required to post a (different)
    \/ / \ <) obligatory ASCII pic in each message
    < , L<' -- at the very least, it would slow
    F/ _/ ,' the flames down.
    L ,-' \
    | ___L So, to start the trend, here's my
    / ( F
    J ___,' L ObAscii: the Statue of Liberty.
    | ,' |
    F ,' |
    (_,--..__ mt-2|_
    ,' `"`--.._\
    ,' / \
    / (_
    [snip - .sig of Matthew Thomas]

    [21] Where do I find ASCII art pictures, tutorials and information? ========================================================================
    There are a number of ASCII art Usenet groups:-


    are English-speaking ones that were once widely used.

    alt.ascii-art [original ASCII art discussion group]
    alt.ascii-art.animation [is about animating ASCII art]
    alt.ascii-art.endless-blabla [an off-topic follow-up troll-trap]
    alt.binaries.pictures.ascii [ASCII art sofware/image drop-zone]
    rec.arts.ascii [primary moderated ASCII art group]

    Lots of ASCII artists put up libraries of their own and others'
    ASCII art on their Web sites, as well as tutorials on how to draw
    ASCII art:

    Ascii-Art Document Archive (address as listed in the header)
    The DMOZ Open Directory Project ASCII art sites:

    Wikipedia's page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art
    Ascii-Art Archive https://www.asciiart.eu (faq)
    Ascii-Art Collection https://asciiart.website (scarecrow)
    Ascii-Art Dictionary http://www.ascii-art.de
    Ascii-Art Links https://www.incredibleart.org/links/ascii.html
    ASCII Art MUD Gallery http://bits.untergrund.net/MUD_Gallery
    Ascii-Art Pictures http://www.asciiworld.com
    Ascii-Art Stocker https://ascii-art.net (SSt)

    There is an on-line panel of experts at: The ASCIItorium

    And webrings:

    Also IRCascii.8bit:
    http://www.acid.org (irc.efnet#ascii)

    Kanji/UTF-8 and proportional-font text-art/ascii:

    [22] History Oracle: from the old-old FAQ v1.2 March 14, 1994 ========================================================================
    What types of ascii-art are there?

    o Linedrawing - like stickmen
    o Lettering - like Figlet does
    o Grey scale pictures - These create the illusion of grey shades
    by using letters for their light emitting value.
    Here is an example of how they break down by light intensity:
    (Jorn Barger's light value scale)

    Darker .'`,^:";~ Lighter
    bright /|\ -_+<>i!lI? /|\ dark
    letters | /\|()1{}[] | letters
    on rcvunxzjft on

    * Message split, to be continued *

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Feb 16 03:06:52 2023
    * Continuation 1 of a split message *

    dark | LCJUYXZO0Q | bright
    background \|/ oahkbdpqwm \|/ background
    Lighter *WMB8&%$#@ Darker

    o 3-D images - Can be viewable by people with similar vision in
    both eyes. You try to focus as if you are looking at the back
    of the monitor. The image should pop into focus and create a
    3-D illusion. Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose
    on the monitor glass.
    o Geometric Article - Text is formed into meaningful shapes.
    o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.
    o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.
    o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.
    o Color - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen
    and 'ANSI' color compatible software, or Web access using HTML.
    o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics if you have color
    o Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Color Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Scroll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed
    by scrolling down. The image plays out as the screen is redrawn
    with the next 'page' of the image.
    o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds
    at times. The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that
    has already been printed on. This allows for darkening, and for
    placing different characters at the same place on the paper.
    This kind of art is obviously only printed.

    88.._| | `-. | `. -_-_ _-_ _- _- -_ - .'| |.'| | _..88
    88 `-.._ | |`! |`. -_ -__ -_ _- _-_- .' |.;' | _.!-'| 88
    88 | `-!._ | `;! ;. _______________ ,'| .-' | _!.i' | 88
    88..__ | |`-!._ | `.| |_______________||."'| _!.;' | _|..88
    88 |``"..__ | |`";.| i|_|MMMMMMMMMMM|_|'| _!-| | _|..-|' 88
    88 | |``--..|_ | `;!|l|MMoMMMMoMMM|1|.'j |_..!-'| | 88
    88 | | | |`-,!_|_|MMMMP'YMMMM|_||.!-;' | | | 88 88___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!|d|MMMo * loMM|p|,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____88
    88 | | | | | |_|MMMMb,dMMMM|_|| | | | | | 88
    88 | | |..!-;'i|r|MPYMoMMMMoM|r| |`-..| | | | 88
    88 | _!.-j' | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._| `i-!.._ | | 88
    88 _!.-'| | _."| !;|1|MbdMMoMMMMM|l|`.| `-._| |``-.._ | 88
    88..-i' | _.''| !-| !|_|MMMoMMMMoMM|_|.|`-. | ``._ | |``"..88
    88 | |.| |.| !| |u|MoMMMMoMMMM|n||`. |`! | `". | 88
    88 | _.-' | .' |.' |/|_|MMMMoMMMMoM|_|! |`! `,.| |-._| 88
    88 _!"'| !.'| .'| .'|[@]MMMMMMMMMMM[@] \| `. | `._ | `-._ 88
    88-' | .' |.| |/| / \|`. |`! |.| |`-88
    88 |_.'| .' | .' |/ \ \ | `. | `._-Lee| 88
    88 .' | .' |/| / \ |`! |`.| `. | 88
    88 _.' !'| .' | / \| ` | `. |`.| 88 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ========================================================================
    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Apr 15 08:12:26 2023
    From: colin.randall2@gmail.com (CJRandall)
    Subject: [FAQ] ASCII Art - answers to frequently asked questions
    Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.ascii-art.animation,news.answers
    Followup-To: alt.ascii-art
    Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
    X-Disclaimer: Approval for *.answers is based on form, not content. Organisation: none what so ever
    Summary: Ascii-Art FAQ version 3 <pre>
    it contains texts written by:-
    Jorn Barger, Bob Allison and Matthew Thomas
    together with texts gleaned from many others
    this is the most recent (v3.0.3.34) publication
    it is provided such that it may be helpful
    changes from v3.0.3.33 are: minor revisions+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.32 are: additions+corrections
    changes from v3.0.3.31 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.30 are: google-groups fix+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.29 are: no m$.outlook+google-groups bad
    changes from v3.0.3.28 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.27 are: links updated+validated
    changes from v3.0.3.26 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.25 are: links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.24 are: posting-frequency

    Archive-name: arts/ascii
    X-Archive-name: ascii-art/faq
    Posting-Frequency: occasionally
    Last-changed: 2023-04-14 cjr
    Compiler: CJRandall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>
    Copyright: Public display of this document in proportional-fonts is forbidden

    | | : : :: \ \ ;;
    J J : : :: \ \ ;;
    L L : : __ _ _________ \ \ ;;
    | | : : / |`| |`|___ ___|`-.\ \ ;;
    J J : : / . | | | `-.| |`-. `-.`\ \ ;;
    L L : : / /| | | | | | `-. `-\ \ ;;
    | | : : / /_| | | | | | `-. \ \. ;;
    J J : : / ___ | | | | | `-\ \`-.
    L L : : / /`-.| | | |___ | | _ \ \-.`-._
    | | : : /_/____|_|_|_____|_|_|_(_) _ \ \ `-._`:
    J J : : |__________________________| `-. \ \-.,-'
    L L : : _ _ _ _ _ ___ `-. `-. \ \ |
    | | :_: /\(_`/ `-| |`-_/\-| )-_| `-. `-. `-. \ \|
    J J | | /--\_)\_,_|_|__/--\|_\__|__ `-. `-._`-\ \
    L L|_| |___________________________|`-. `-._ `-.\ \
    | | | _____ ___ ___ `-.`-._ `-._ \ ,!`-.
    J J | | ___|`/ _ \`-._/ _ \`--. `-._`--._`-'||`-'
    L L | | |_ / /_\ \ / / \ \ `-._ `--. `-,+.`-._
    __-------_ | _|`/ _____ \ \ \_/ /_._ `--._ `-.|X||-./
    | |/|_|_./_/_____\_\_\_____/=\`-._ `-. |X||.|
    | _,--------------.____ -========\_(A)`-.._ `-|X||\
    Ool | _| ` |_`--. `-- |X||/
    /VK | | | ALT.ASCII-ART: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS / ||-. ======================================================================== [Subject:] (FAQ) Welcome to ASCII art ========================================================================

    __ __ __ _,
    \\ \\ / ___ '|| ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ _/|_ ___
    \\ /\\ / //_\) || // \)// \\ ||'||'|| //_\) || // \\
    \/ \/ \\__,_||_\\__,\\_//_||_||_||_\\__, \|_\\_//

    ___ ___ ____ ____
    /\ (( / // | || || ___ _,_ _/|_
    /_\\ \\ (( || || __\\'||\) ||
    _/ _\\_/__)) \\__,_||_ _||_ ((_||_||_ \|_

    Answers to frequently asked questions about ASCII art ========================================================================
    On the Web, the FAQ and other useful documents can be found in the
    ASCII art Documentation Archive (ADA), at the following locations:- ========================================================================
    *** There is a wealth of information about ASCII Art ***
    *** in the ASCII Documents Archive *** ========================================================================
    International Mirrors ======================================================================== https://www.votrezone.com/ada/ (Calgary, Canada) https://vyznev.net/ascii/ada/ (Helsinki, Finland) https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/q/ada/ (Lulea, Sweden)

    https://dmoz-odp.org/Computers/Usenet/FAQs/Individual_Group_FAQs/ ========================================================================
    -+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+- ======================================================================== Contents ========================================================================
    [1] What's alt.ascii-art?
    [2] What is ASCII art?
    [3] What does ASCII mean?
    [4] Why do all the pictures look strange?
    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art?
    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art?
    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art?
    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering?
    [9] Where can I find Figlet's address?
    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself?
    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something?
    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art?
    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz]
    [14] Have a picture or graphic and would like it Asciified?
    [15] How do I convert a picture or graphic to ASCII art?
    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage?
    [17] What are ASCII art signature files?
    [18] What is ASCII art animation?
    [19] What does ObAscii mean?
    [21] Where can I find pictures/tutorials/infos/chatrooms/experts?
    [22] Historacle's What types of ASCII art are there?
    [X1] The Ascii Art 10-Commandments

    [1] What's alt.ascii-art? What's going on here? ========================================================================
    You're probably reading this because it's been posted to
    news:alt.ascii-art, news:alt.ascii-art.animation or rec.arts.ascii.
    If you're not, jump in and take a look. In these Usenet groups
    people discuss ASCII art, request ASCII art, post ASCII art, post
    improved versions or variations of other people's ASCII art, and
    generally have fun.

    [2] What is ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is any sort of pictures or diagrams drawn with the
    printable characters in the ASCII character set.
    (For a definition of ASCII, see Question 3.)

    :-) Probably the most common ASCII art picture is the smiley (-:
    =) but it can get a lot more sophisticated than that. (=
    .-" +' "-. Here's a small ASCII picture of
    /.'.'A_'*`.\ a snow-scene paperweight,
    |:.*'/\-\. ':| drawn by Joan Stark:
    \:~^~^~^~^:/ If this picture looks very strange and
    /`-....-'\ you can't really tell what it is,
    jgs / \ don't panic -- see Question 5.

    People use ASCII art for a number of reasons. Here are some of them.
    * It is the most universal computer art form in the world --
    every computer system capable of displaying multi-line text can
    display ASCII art, without needing to have a graphics mode or
    support a particular graphics file format.
    * An ASCII picture is hundreds of times smaller in file size
    than its GIF or BMP equivalent, while still giving a good idea
    of what something looks like.
    * It's easy to copy from one file to another (just cut and paste).
    * It's fun!

    [3] What does ASCII mean? ========================================================================
    ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
    7-bit as defined in ISO-646 is a basic set of 128 numbered symbols
    which almost all kinds of computer can display. Here are the ones
    that are used for ASCII art:

    032 [space] 048 0 064 @ 080 P 096 ` 112 p
    033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q
    034 " 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r
    035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s
    036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t
    037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u
    038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v
    039 ' 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w
    040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x
    041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y
    042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z
    043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 {
    044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 |
    045 - 061 = 077 M 093 ] 109 m 125 }
    046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~
    047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o

    There are other characters in the set (with the numbers 0 - 31 and
    127), but they can do bad stuff to Usenet readers, so PLEASE DON'T
    USE THEM in your pictures (except characters 10 and or 13 which
    are used to insert a new-line by a variety of Operating Systems).

    [4] Why do the pictures look strange? ========================================================================
    If one particular picture posted to this group looks faulty, but the
    rest of them look fine, then its most likely a problem with that
    particular picture, or with the poster's Usenet program. But if
    *all* the pictures look bad, then your Usenet reader may be set to
    display messages in a proportional font (see Question 5).

    * If using Google-Groups from a web-browser try "uBlock Origin" a
    plugin for user style-sheets so you can use the following to fix
    the layout when using Chrome or FireFox by inserting these lines
    in "My filters" in the settings: groups.google.com##div[role="region"]:style(white-space:pre!important) groups.google.com##div[role="region"]:style(font-family:monospace) groups.google.com##div[role="region"] > br:style(display:none!important)

    * If there are a lot of almost-blank lines in the picture, then
    the message is probably suffering from `wrapping'. This
    wrapping may be being done by your newsreader; see if it has an
    option called `wrap long lines' or similar, and make sure it is
    turned off. If this doesn't work, then the wrapping was probably
    done by the news program of the person who sent the picture, in
    which case there's not much you can do -- everybody else will be
    seeing the same thing.

    * If there are a lot of < and > symbols in the picture, with
    words like HTML, FONT COLOR, B, I, and so on inside them, then
    the picture has been sent in HTML format and your newsreader
    does not understand HTML (most newsreaders don't).

    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is created using a fixed-width font (like on a traditional
    typewriter), because this is the only way to make it portable.
    However, several Usenet readers now display messages in a
    proportional font (where different characters are different widths).

    When using proportional fonts you can never be sure whether your
    image will look the same in a different proportional font. If you're
    making art in Arial and the receiver has Times New Roman or whatever
    then perhaps their space character will be wider but their semicolon
    is narrower and then things don't line up properly.

    The following two lines tell you which kind of font you're using.
    The arrow ends up in a different place for different font types and
    is right most of the time:

    You are using a [Proportional] [Monospaced] font
    ................................. --^--

    Also, to see what your program is doing, look at these two lines:
    If they look the same length, you're using a fixed-width font and
    all should be ok. If the second line is longer than the first, you
    need to change your settings to use a fixed-width font.

    In Mozilla Thunderbird, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Language & Appearance.
    In Forte Agent, the option is set in
    Options > Display Preferences > Fonts
    and Free Agent, the option is set in
    Options > General Preferences > Fonts
    In Outlook, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Read > Fonts ____
    Tools > Options > Send > Automatically wrap text at |____|

    set both the PROPORTIONAL font and FIXED-WIDTH font to
    NOTE : If LUCIDA CONSOLE is not available as a font, pick another
    Detailed information on how to configure other Usenet readers is
    available at the: ASCII-Art Documentation Archive.

    If all else fails, copy the text of the picture from
    your program and paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad).
    It's a hassle, but at least you'll get to see the pictures.

    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    You can create ASCII art in any text editor, [jorn barger]
    such as: Notepad in Windows,
    SimpleText or BBEdit in MacOS,
    nedit, vi, vim, or pico in Unix, _+m"m+_
    BEd or AZ in AmigaOS, edit in DOS, Jp qh
    or any of the various Emacs editors. O O
    Yb dY
    A 'quick-start' program for learning "Y5m2Y"
    is JavE, a free Java program, that can be
    obtained from:- http://www.jave.de

    Some editors have features which make them more
    suitable for ASCII art than others, but that is
    largely a matter of personal opinion. Features which
    are both useful for ASCII art and available in many
    text editors, include the following:-

    * Overtype, also known as overstrike: removes the need for
    you to constantly realign characters using the Backspace,
    Space, and Delete keys. Try the Insert key if there is one
    on your keyboard, or your program's Options or Preferences.

    * Rectangular copy and paste: allows you to select rectangular
    sections of text (not just rows or parts of rows). On programs
    which have this feature, it is usually done by holding down a
    key such as Ctrl while selecting text.

    * Find/Change: allows you to change all the characters of one
    value to another (eg: change all the ~s to "s).

    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art? ========================================================================
    Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)
    A good way to learn is to study how someone has made a picture.
    What characters are chosen and how the characters are laid out.
    How a texture is made.

    ########:::::::::::######## The best way to learn is to Practise.
    #########:::::::::######### Draw your cat, your toaster, your
    ##########:::::::########## partner, your musical instruments,
    ###########,---.########### anything that will sit still long
    ##########/`---'\########## enough. Practice makes, if not
    #########/ \######### perfect, then at least pretty good.
    ########/ \######## Whether you do small drawings (less
    #######:`-._____.-':####### work involved) or large ones (easier
    ######::::: ( ) |::::###### to make recognizable) is up to you.
    #####:::::: ) ( o:::::##### If you're interested in tutorials,
    ####::::: .-(_)-. :::::#### there are many available from the
    ###:::::: '=====' ::::::### ASCII-art Documentation Archive.
    A good way to begin drawing is to \`"-.
    type a row of spaces for however ) _`-.
    wide you want your picture, and , : `. \
    then copy this row and paste it : _ ' \
    for however many rows high you ; *` _. `--._
    think the picture will get. `-.-' `-.
    Turn Overtype on and place the | ` `.
    cursor somewhere in the middle :. . \
    and begin drawing. This can save | \ . : .-' .
    using Delete, Backspace, Enter : )-.; ; / :
    and Space-bar keystrokes. : ; | : : ;-.
    Saving this empty `canvas' as a ; / : |`-: _ `- )
    read-only file for future use can ,-' / ,-' ; .-`- .' `--'
    save you even more time later. `--' `---' `---' bug

    Another method is by tracing a picture either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    You can also modify existing art. Take a piece of art you think
    could be improved. Make a copy. Now work on it. When you are
    good at that, try to improve a really good pic. Then see if you
    can fix a damaged file. Now take some small pics and put them
    together into a big composite image.

    Much of ASCII art is about hinting, and making people see lines
    that aren't really there.[VK]

    When drawing ASCII art be aware that there are a few characters
    that differ in size, shape and position among fonts:

    ' apostrophe -- tilts southwest-northeast or vertical
    * asterisc -- appears in the middle or top
    ^ caret -- differs in size and shape
    ~ tilde -- appears in the middle or top
    I aye -- straight line in sans-serif, with strokes in serif
    try using the vertical bar (|) instead.
    # hash -- hash symbol on most, currency on some old computers.

    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering? ========================================================================
    There is a program called Figlet which does that sort of thing
    automatically -- you type in `Jane Smith', and you get back

    ___ __,
    ( / ( o _/_ /
    / __, _ _ `. _ _ , / /_
    _/_(_/(_/ /_(/_ (___)/ / /_(_(__/ /_
    (/ [figlet:cursive.flf]

    in this and a whole lot of other fonts (see Question 9).
    The ASCII art text produced by Figlet can be quite stunning,
    so try it first before asking for help from the newsgroups.

    IF, however, Figlet doesn't produce the kind of results you want,
    THEN post to alt.ascii-art or rec.arts.ascii with your request and
    ensure that you include:
    * that you have already tried Figlet or don't have access to it
    otherwise you will probably just get told to use it.
    * a description of the kind of lettering you want, along with
    any other symbols or logos which you would like incorporated
    into it.

    [9] Where can I find Figlet ? ========================================================================
    The Figlet home page is at:- http://www.figlet.org/
    and links to the FTP site:- ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/
    where you can download
    versions of the program or source-code for many different platforms.
    Also http://www.Jave.de has a Figlet feature to write or draw with.

    You can run Figlet on the Web by going to one of the following sites
    and choosing your text and options on the Web page. Different sites
    offer different options (e.g. multiple fonts at once, justification,
    and limited line length). Some of these sites also provide an e-mail
    Figlet service for people with browsers which don't support forms.

    * http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    * http://www.patorijk.com/software/taag/
    * http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/figlet/figlet

    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself? ========================================================================
    / \ Don't assume that if somebody posts
    | | something to a Usenet group, that gives
    |.| you the right to use it however you like,
    |.| copyright laws still apply.
    |:| __ For more information, see the article:-
    ,_|:|_, / ) Copyright Myths FAQ:
    (Oo / _I_ `10 big myths about copyright explained'
    +\ \ || __| in news:news.announce.newusers.
    \ \||___|
    \ /.:.\-\ It is also available via https at:-
    |.:. /-----\ www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
    / |:<_T_>:| Generally, ASCII artists don't mind
    |_____\ ::: / if you copy their pictures and re-post
    | | \ \:/ them or put them on your own Web site,
    | | | | as long as you don't make any money
    [nosig] \ / | \__ out of them, like on Mugs or T-shirts,
    / | \____\ since they may want a "cut of the take".
    Here are a few important considerations:-

    * If the picture contains a few letters in one corner which don't
    seem to be part of the picture, they're the artist's initials.
    DO NOT remove these initials -- would you cut away the part of
    a Van Gogh painting containing his name? Leaving the initials
    on is a small price to pay for being able to use the picture
    for free.

    * If you're going to use a picture in your signature file, or in
    a place (such as a log-in screen) which means you're going to
    be using it a lot, you should really e-mail the artist (or post
    to the newsgroup, if you don't know their address) and ask for
    permission, because otherwise people may get the mistaken
    impression that you were the one who drew the picture.

    * If you find a picture you want to use, or post, but it doesn't
    have initials on it, a common method of marking has been to use
    the tag: Unknown. More recently the tag: [nosig] has been used.

    As for posting other people's ASCII art,
    after a discussion in news:alt.ascii-art _ ___
    the following rules were agreed upon: #_~`--'__ `===-,
    1. If an ASCII ART picture has initials `.`. `#.,//
    on it, leave them on when posting it ,_\_\ ## #\
    2. If an ASCII ART picture doesn't have `__.__ `####\
    initials on it, mention that you ~~\ ,###'~
    didn't draw it when posting it. \##'
    3. If somebody posts a picture without [nosig]
    initials and you have an original copy
    with initials on, feel free to re-post the original version.
    * The re-post ought not to be taken personally, as we all
    know that ASCII art often loses proper credits.
    Responses to the re-post are not necessary.

    One contributor suggested the following:

    1.) Ultra polite:...ya make yer own ascii and use it.
    2.) Very polite:...Ya contact the author and ask if ya
    can use it...
    3.) polite:...Ya use it but you keep the Credits
    in there like they should be.
    4.) rude:...Ya use it and strip credits.
    5.) Very rude:...Ya use it and claim that it Is
    _Your_ very own creation...

    You choose ... I think the default choice is #3 but you should
    make up yer own mind.... [Krogg]

    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something? ========================================================================
    Give your request the subject: `REQ:' or `[req]'
    Whatever you're looking for a picture of, in the message describe
    more exactly what you're looking for. Generally, the more specific
    you are, the more likely you are to get some response.
    If you just say something like:
    `can someone draw me a fish, please'
    then you may not get many replies, because people may not know
    what size or feel they're wasting their time by drawing something
    you won't want. If you don't have Web access, mention this fact,
    otherwise you may get replies consisting only of URLs for the
    kind of pictures you're looking for.
    If someone is rude back to you directly, then please be patient,
    since it may just be a troll trying to wind you up.
    .' )) __-:!:- If you have a picture
    .' .' )) and want it Ascii-fied
    ((__,' .' .ASCII! -:!:- see Question 14 and 15.
    -:!:- ((__,'^*

    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art? ========================================================================
    It doesn't matter if your ASCII art isn't particularly good; we'd
    like to see it anyway. We won't be rude about it (although you'd
    better tell us what it is, or we might ask :-), but if it shows
    potential, you may find that other people will `re-diddle' it --
    change a few characters, make it a bit better, and re-post it.

    HOWEVER, there are a few things you should check before you
    post to news:alt.ascii-art any piece of ASCII art
    (see also Question 13).

    * Are you sending it as PLAIN TEXT?
    Turn off "send MIME message" and select "PLAIN TEXT only".

    * Is it under 72 characters wide? Most news readers can only show
    lines which are under either 72, 76, or 80 characters wide, so
    if your picture is wider than 72 characters it may get wrapped
    [see Question 4]. Also remove any unnecessary space characters
    from the end of each line of the picture, to prevent lines from
    being too long (and getting wrapped) without your realizing.

    * If it IS over 72 characters wide?
    Then a warning in the subject line [wide:110] or whatever the
    original picture width and Check Your Post Output Line-Wrap
    Previous versions of this FAQ used a system to prefix posts
    such as: [pic] [info] [req] [big] which may be used as a guide
    when providing warnings.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove leading spaces from
    the first line of a posting which can be resolved by placing
    a dot '.' on a line of its own above the message.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove a single leading space
    from a posting which can be resolved by ensuring there are at
    least two leading spaces on each line of the message.

    * Have you used any TAB characters or Control Codes?
    Inserting control codes (ASCII characters 0 to 31) in a picture
    can sometimes achieve interesting effect on your computer screen
    or news reader, such as reversing text or changing its colour.
    DO NOT post any of these pictures to news:alt.ascii-art, post to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii instead for two reasons:-

    1. the effects that the control codes have on your news reader
    are almost certainly going to be different from those on
    the thousands of other news readers that other people use

    2. on some news readers, control codes can cause messed up
    displays, messages not appearing, or (in some cases) the
    news reader crashing.

    If you're not sure about whether your message will turn out ok,
    post it to a test group (such as news:alt.test or news:misc.test)
    first and make sure that you can read it ok, also using a different
    newsreader, if you can.

    [See Question 10 for advice on posting someone else's ASCII art.]

    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz] ========================================================================
    [13.1] ASCII art is a very simple medium.

    /\ / /\ / / /\ /\ /
    \/\ \ /\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ __ \/\ \/_ /\
    \ \/ \ o \ / \/ \ \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _
    ___ (" )( ") The following List of Items (" )( ") ___
    / \_\ \/ / should NOT be posted to \ \/ /_/ \
    | D_ ]\ \/ the Usenet groups:- \/ /[ _G |
    | D _]/\ \ / /\[_ G |
    \___/ / /\ \ news:alt.ascii-art / /\ \ \___/
    mark (_.)(._) news:alt.ascii-art.animation (_.)(._) JavE


    NOTE: alt.binaries.pictures.ascii supports posting of ASCII
    software tools or fonts (in ZIP format) and binary images
    of ASCII or other FontSet (in GIF format) and any other
    ASCII art related material, but no Spam, in relation to
    discussions in the alt.ascii-art newsgroups.
    Use the subject header: [abpa] for easy identification.

    -= List of Items =-

    * Binaries, Trojans, Zombies, Virus, Spam.

    * ANSI,`extended ASCII' or `high ASCII', and non-Western font art.
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Many computer systems have an extended character set of 256 or
    more characters, based on the ANSI, Unicode or BIG5 character
    sets and having the first 128 characters possibly identical to
    ASCII. These characters should not be sent to news:alt.ascii-art
    because many computer system types do not display them properly,
    even those that do, do not display them in a standard way, for
    example, the Windows ANSI character set is different to the
    Macintosh ANSI character set. Capture and send a GIF of it to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it on a Web page and
    post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which Web pages are written in
    can be read by some Usenet readers, particularly those built-in
    to Web browsers, allowing colours and animations in ASCII art,
    however, few newsreaders support it and to many appears as a
    jumble of <TAGS> and are totally unrecognizable,
    If you have a picture which uses HTML for a particular feature
    such as colors or animation, put it on a Web page and post
    the URL address of the page to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * JAVA, JavaScript, Flash, GIF or whatever animated ASCII art.
    This relies, not only on the newsreader being able to display
    HTML, but also being able to run Java or JavaScript.
    Put it on a Web page and post the URL address to
    news:alt.ascii-art.animation and news:alt.ascii-art

    * Proportional Font ASCII art screws up on many readers' displays
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Send a GIF of it to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it
    on a Web page and post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art

    Finally, do not use any control codes, non-ASCII characters,
    or word-processor-type formatting in your postings. These are
    particular to your editor or computer system they will almost
    certainly not have the intended effect on the systems the rest
    of us use (they may even crash some Usenet readers).

    ==================================================================== [13.2] What can I post to rec.arts.ascii?

    /\ / / /\ /\ / / /\ / /
    \/_ \/ \ \/\ \/_ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \
    \ \/ \/ o \ \ \ / o \ / \/ \ \

    The official charter for rec.arts.ascii, as sent in the newsgroup
    control message, is:

    The group news:rec.arts.ascii will be an appropriate group for
    postings to include, but not be limited to, the following:

    o All forms of ASCII art including, but not limited to:
    - Standard ASCII art.
    - Animations.
    - ANSI color graphics.
    o Discussion about pieces of art.
    o Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfilment.
    o Questions and answers covering:
    - Creating and viewing ASCII art.
    - Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.
    o Discussion about artists in the field.

    rec.arts.ascii is a moderated group meaning that all posts are
    reviewed before being sent to the group. That work is done by a
    robo-moderator which filters Spam and checks the posts have the
    correct format before approving them. It can also target a
    specific poster's traffic for human moderator approval.

    Subjects must be tagged either:
    [PIC] for pictures
    [REQ] for requests for others to draw pictures
    (people replying with pictures change the tag to [PIC])
    [DIS] for general ascii art related discussion and replies.
    [ADMIN] for the moderator to post important information.

    >> NOTE: Please read:-
    http://www.drabble.me.uk/usenet/raa.shtml (guidelines.txt)
    >> for concise up-to-date list of permitted subject tags
    >> and usage before posting.

    The robo-mod also checks that the posts are in PLAIN TEXT only,
    that line length is set to LESS than 80 characters UNLESS the
    phrase [long lines] is in the BODY of the post, when the LIMIT
    is then raised to 200 characters.

    Cross-posting is permitted provided that:
    o - it is to no more than three groups
    o - the followup-to header is set to only one group.
    Cross-posting to other moderated groups is NOT permitted.

    [14] I have a picture and I would like it Asciified? ========================================================================
    In this case, post a request to news:alt.ascii-art asking for
    someone to `asciify' it, but
    to save downloading time for people reading the messages,
    if possible give the URL (Web address) of the picture instead.

    If you saw the picture on a Web page, you can find out its URL by
    right-clicking on it (on the Macintosh, right-clicking,
    Ctrl-clicking, or holding down the mouse button) and selecting
    `Open this image' (or its equivalent for your Web browser), then
    copy the URL from the Location bar to your news program (make sure
    you copy it exactly).

    If the picture is not on a Web site anywhere, put it up on your own
    site (if you have one), or get a friend to put it up on their site,
    and post the URL to alt.ascii-art. If you can't do this, post your
    request to the newsgroups and wait for someone to reply, then post
    the picture to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or e-mail to them.

    [15] How do I convert a picture to ASCII art? ========================================================================
    [15.1] programs:
    There are computer programs available which convert graphics files
    of a variety of formats (often GIF) to ASCII art. They go by names
    such as ascgif, gifa, gifscii, and gif2ascii. Do a Web search for
    any of these programs to find places where you can download them.


    Many think that you just put a GIF into a converter program and
    out comes a perfect ASCII pic. Here are some things you can do
    to improve the chances of getting a good conversion:-

    o Use an 8 bit grey scale or color image instead of a 2 bit B&W.
    o Use an image with a wide, even distribution of tones.
    o Keep it simple, like a face or close-up of an object.
    o Avoid busy backgrounds. Generally avoid bright backgrounds.
    o Use an image that is tightly cropped, without a lot of waste.
    o Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions,
    you will probably not like 9 to 11 out of 12.
    o It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture,
    concentrate on the focal points and important areas.

    [15.2] tracing:
    Another method is by tracing a picture, either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    [15.3] image2html:
    There are computer programs and web-servers available which convert
    graphics files of a variety of formats to HTML colored TEXT art for
    use on web-pages.
    Try: https://www.text-image.com/convert/

    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage? ========================================================================
    HTML, the language used in Web pages, can display ASCII art
    using the "pre-formatted text" tags .<.P.R.E.>. .<./.P.R.E.>.

    .<.T.I.T.L.E.>. Ascii art on a webpage
    : __ :
    : =='_)) __-:!:- (your ascii here) :
    : ,.' .' ))-:!:- :
    : ((_,' .'-:!:- :
    : ~^~~~^~~^~~~^~ :
    .<./.H.T.M.L.>. (remove the dots)

    HTML can be used to add special effects such as colours,
    font size, and blinking text.

    Please be aware that within a PRE tag block, when using some older
    Web-Browsers or when Scripting string$ to Web, some characters may
    not render properly and need to be 'Escaped' or replaced with a
    mnemonic code. The list of characters are:-

    character glyph escaped mnemonic dec hex

    Quote " \" &quot; &#34 &#0x22
    Ampersand & &amp; &#38 &#0x26
    LessThan < \< &lt; &#60 &#0x3C
    GreaterThan > \> &gt; &#62 &#0x3E
    Escape \ \\ &#92 &#0x5C

    For full instructions on how to do this see:-

    An auto-generator to do this:-

    [17] What should I know about signature files? ========================================================================
    A signature file (or `sig' for short; not to be confused with the
    initials added to an ASCII picture) is a small, personalized text
    file which an e-mail or news program can add to the end of every
    message a person sends -- the equivalent of a letterhead for dead
    tree (paper) mail (or snail-mail). Usually it contains little more
    than the person's name, organization and e-mail address, maybe an
    inspirational quote of some sort and some people like to incorporate
    ASCII art into their signature files as well.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ \|/ ____ \|/
    | | | ___| | (_) \| | __/ __| @~/ ,. \~@
    |_ _|___| |__| | .` | _|\__ \ /_( \__/ )_\ Mike
    |_| |____|_|_|\_|___|___/[Figlet] \__U_/ Jittlov

    The lack of importance in relation to global warming, violence in
    society, and so on, can be the subject of heated arguments. To be
    brief, (almost) no-one will complain if your signature file is four
    lines long or fewer -- and it is quite possible to draw good ASCII
    pictures which are that small.
    Also check-out SigGen at https://sourceforge.net/projects/siggen/
    (@) (@) `) There are a lot of web-pages on this with )
    ^ < > ^ ( google search ascii sig. _______)
    === `----Richard James-----------------'

    Some newsreaders don't allow you to have a signature file which is
    longer than four lines, while others just complain. Five or six
    lines may be acceptable, but any longer, and you're starting to
    take the risk that your signature will be longer than some of your
    messages; this wouldn't really make sense on paper, so it isn't
    really acceptable in cyberspace either. The exception is in messages
    posted to news:alt.ascii-art itself -- we're used to seeing long
    sigs, so we won't complain.


    But, no matter what the length of your signature, make sure it's
    fewer than 72 characters wide, otherwise it may end up a horrible
    mess (see Question 8).

    [18] What is ascii-animation? ========================================================================
    An animated image produced by a sequence of changing ASCII pictures.
    The speed will depend on the system you are using.
    o \ o / __o __| \ / |__ o__ \ o / o
    /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\
    / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \
    Ascii-Animation transports vary a lot. The earliest known portable
    types used the Control-Codes of the (often .VT or .ANS) terminal
    screens for either `paging' or `direct cursor addressing'.
    Sometimes found as c-code in .sigs, which, when compiled and run
    produce moving patterns or images.
    o _ _ _
    _o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_)
    _< \_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/
    (_)>(_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_
    * A collection of .VT files can be found at:
    Most Web Ascii-Animation uses Java or Javascript.

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using JavaScript, see:-

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using Java, see:-

    * To watch an ASCII episode of the movie Star Wars see:-

    [19] What does ObAscii mean? ========================================================================
    ObAscii = Obligatory Ascii

    Obligatory: [adj] compulsory (of a ruling) having binding force

    Ascii: [slang] ascii-art picture

    A funny way to remind people to put a drawing in their post.

    This means an ascii in every post! (especially off-topic threads)
    Failure to comply can result in flaming! This implies that if you
    don't include an ascii in your post you deserve to get flamed!

    The concept of ObAscii has been around since the creation of the
    usenet group news:alt.ascii-art and it's purpose is to provide some
    on-topic content to an otherwise off-topic posting.

    *NOT* The 1st ever! ObAscii :
    From: Matthew Thomas <mpt26@spamfree.land>
    Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:50:09 +1300
    Organization: University of Canterbury.nz (opinions are my own)

    ,' \ [snip - 3rd party flame ]
    ` | BOLLOCKS!!!
    J |
    J L I am staying out of this as much as
    | | . , possible, Colin, because I really ...
    | | `v_L.'
    // ,>'--\'_ :.
    \`' \ - /-. [snip - rant/rave]
    / /`""| :.
    ),' `-
    ( ,-' \ Anyway, I think a lot of this
    ) ,' ,' h flaming would decrease if everyone
    / / / `)--.. was required to post a (different)
    \/ / \ <) obligatory ASCII pic in each message
    < , L<' -- at the very least, it would slow
    F/ _/ ,' the flames down.
    L ,-' \
    | ___L So, to start the trend, here's my
    / ( F
    J ___,' L ObAscii: the Statue of Liberty.
    | ,' |
    F ,' |
    (_,--..__ mt-2|_
    ,' `"`--.._\
    ,' / \
    / (_
    [snip - .sig of Matthew Thomas]

    [21] Where do I find ASCII art pictures, tutorials and information? ========================================================================
    There are a number of ASCII art Usenet groups:-


    are English-speaking ones that were once widely used.

    alt.ascii-art [original ASCII art discussion group]
    alt.ascii-art.animation [is about animating ASCII art]
    alt.ascii-art.endless-blabla [an off-topic follow-up troll-trap]
    alt.binaries.pictures.ascii [ASCII art sofware/image drop-zone]
    rec.arts.ascii [primary moderated ASCII art group]

    Lots of ASCII artists put up libraries of their own and others'
    ASCII art on their Web sites, as well as tutorials on how to draw
    ASCII art:

    Ascii-Art Document Archive (address as listed in the header)
    The DMOZ Open Directory Project ASCII art sites:

    Wikipedia's page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art
    Ascii-Art Archive https://www.asciiart.eu (faq)
    Ascii-Art Collection https://asciiart.website (scarecrow)
    Ascii-Art Dictionary http://www.ascii-art.de
    Ascii-Art Links https://www.incredibleart.org/links/ascii.html
    ASCII Art MUD Gallery http://bits.untergrund.net/MUD_Gallery
    Ascii-Art Pictures http://www.asciiworld.com
    Ascii-Art Stocker https://ascii-art.net (SSt)
    Ascii-Art bug https://www.asciipr0n.com/bug

    There is an on-line panel of experts at: The ASCIItorium

    And webrings:

    Also IRCascii.8bit:
    http://www.acid.org (irc.efnet#ascii)

    Kanji/UTF-8 and proportional-font text-art/ascii:

    The Internet Archive has a record of posts to alt.ascii-art
    dating from Nov.1993 to Jan.2011 at:

    [22] History Oracle: from the old-old FAQ v1.2 March 14, 1994 ========================================================================
    What types of ascii-art are there?

    o Linedrawing - like stickmen

    * Message split, to be continued *

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Apr 15 08:12:26 2023
    * Continuation 1 of a split message *

    o Lettering - like Figlet does
    o Grey scale pictures - These create the illusion of grey shades
    by using letters for their light emitting value.
    Here is an example of how they break down by light intensity:
    (Jorn Barger's light value scale)

    Darker .'`,^:";~ Lighter
    bright /|\ -_+<>i!lI? /|\ dark
    letters | /\|()1{}[] | letters
    on rcvunxzjft on
    dark | LCJUYXZO0Q | bright
    background \|/ oahkbdpqwm \|/ background
    Lighter *WMB8&%$#@ Darker

    o 3-D images - Can be viewable by people with similar vision in
    both eyes. You try to focus as if you are looking at the back
    of the monitor. The image should pop into focus and create a
    3-D illusion. Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose
    on the monitor glass.
    o Geometric Article - Text is formed into meaningful shapes.
    o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.
    o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.
    o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.
    o Color - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen
    and 'ANSI' color compatible software, or Web access using HTML.
    o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics if you have color
    o Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Color Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Scroll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed
    by scrolling down. The image plays out as the screen is redrawn
    with the next 'page' of the image.
    o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds
    at times. The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that
    has already been printed on. This allows for darkening, and for
    placing different characters at the same place on the paper.
    This kind of art is obviously only printed.

    88.._| | `-. | `. -_-_ _-_ _- _- -_ - .'| |.'| | _..88
    88 `-.._ | |`! |`. -_ -__ -_ _- _-_- .' |.;' | _.!-'| 88
    88 | `-!._ | `;! ;. _______________ ,'| .-' | _!.i' | 88
    88..__ | |`-!._ | `.| |_______________||."'| _!.;' | _|..88
    88 |``"..__ | |`";.| i|_|MMMMMMMMMMM|_|'| _!-| | _|..-|' 88
    88 | |``--..|_ | `;!|l|MMoMMMMoMMM|1|.'j |_..!-'| | 88
    88 | | | |`-,!_|_|MMMMP'YMMMM|_||.!-;' | | | 88 88___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!|d|MMMo * loMM|p|,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____88
    88 | | | | | |_|MMMMb,dMMMM|_|| | | | | | 88
    88 | | |..!-;'i|r|MPYMoMMMMoM|r| |`-..| | | | 88
    88 | _!.-j' | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._| `i-!.._ | | 88
    88 _!.-'| | _."| !;|1|MbdMMoMMMMM|l|`.| `-._| |``-.._ | 88
    88..-i' | _.''| !-| !|_|MMMoMMMMoMM|_|.|`-. | ``._ | |``"..88
    88 | |.| |.| !| |u|MoMMMMoMMMM|n||`. |`! | `". | 88
    88 | _.-' | .' |.' |/|_|MMMMoMMMMoM|_|! |`! `,.| |-._| 88
    88 _!"'| !.'| .'| .'|[@]MMMMMMMMMMM[@] \| `. | `._ | `-._ 88
    88-' | .' |.| |/| / \|`. |`! |.| |`-88
    88 |_.'| .' | .' |/ \ \ | `. | `._-Lee| 88
    88 .' | .' |/| / \ |`! |`.| `. | 88
    88 _.' !'| .' | / \| ` | `. |`.| 88 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ========================================================================
    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    | END O F T H E A S C I I A R T FAQ |
    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Apr 15 09:32:59 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    [snip - ASCII Art FAQ]
    Hey Colin, I'm seeing line-leading single spaces elided from the FAQ
    itself. Are those missing in your copy of the FAQ or are they being
    removed somewhere along the transfer to me?
    e.g. the "5" in "The ASCII Art FAQ Ten Commandments" doesn't line up

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ54qsACgkQbbTQGyXk VXVdsQf/fZhMnm6vWYSIqjQ4VY0jTUmfdN7KMa5LdGkknG0iPDLG7YOoc76gMpXX TH9wHKaE4yno59rE3fWZbM8FaNCXe2g3eL76BFiUVvbb0zXgAJWXmME5Ex7x+P7S gHq7rWw4JmWgsv/DWyzOOISiB+cTN4zhYtFbcYGa/yVUyO55RaGOrlSf9I+U71ZC YNFWe39FAL2PPCrpux6/NVt/UHji6MYeEFGRKh7NmlEzHO+RA3f+/5+UvpuLS+/h wCUgnahvY/jLsQ2Kxd/wbBSOE+0YzcIuoyg7vOcdfYDuSNuiEYDDTRg2Wlba4eb4 AeP9B2C95Rs51PBe1yU+noNnc6pG0w==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Apr 18 19:20:34 2023
    On 15/04/2023 00:32, Viatrix wrote:
    [snip - ASCII Art FAQ]
    Hey Colin, I'm seeing line-leading single spaces elided from the FAQ
    itself. Are those missing in your copy of the FAQ or are they being
    removed somewhere along the transfer to me?
    e.g. the "5" in "The ASCII Art FAQ Ten Commandments" doesn't line up

    this bit ?

    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    | END O F T H E A S C I I A R T FAQ |
    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||

    the above is copy'n'pasted from the post i received
    using thunderbird and eternal.september's servers

    altho ...

    just had a look on google.gropes using firefox and you're right!
    the post there does have an alignment issue ... that section has
    a single space *added* at the head of each line except those two
    lines with *no* leading spaces

    how odd ...
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Apr 18 19:31:05 2023
    wow that looks shite in firefox on googlegroups
    dunno why yet

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Apr 18 20:02:16 2023
    On 18/04/2023 10:31, colin randall wrote:
    wow that looks shite in firefox on googlegroups
    dunno why yet
    a possible workaround? shall test
    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 00:53:05 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-18T11:02:16+0100
    Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com> wrote:

    a possible workaround? shall test
    That workaround looks correctly aligned on my client.
    I will note that line wasn't the only one which looked misaligned; so
    do lines 64-65 (top 2 lines of serif "Welcome to ASCII art"), and
    104-116 (entries 10 and up on the table of contents)

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ+rtEACgkQbbTQGyXk VXVCaQgAoPjHAhhOzG5ZSF+6QbN0go+c0/kqfQ/gliAR0387OCaKxaa13IxVtjJB zjM5s0yEirRvIT4/rpQaRUsSPWKFO1RaWKIAQVoTc5QEP5AVYIMxvNs5PTojWBvC 17RPKC3xUWNTN+j1dIYPP+N+OBdZMCq9jfbDe1/hLv4SVr/rioStA7yqOrDijFD+ gl94Bh3d6fz3AHav83nQane/H6KSof7atUHyNXEZ8rQoz+BBfDH47CvYKRZcXRxk 73ZqvWqoxYvtiNJvOdstTJBnw3YOSZp9A2a4K6qL1m2VV0neAfWndjsbDzfbFALr 6NCGrx+rjp5jwj71ZWO7gUEd9BS7Aw==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 06:43:08 2023
    On 18/04/2023 15:53, Viatrix wrote:
    On 2023-04-18T11:02:16+0100
    Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com> wrote:

    a possible workaround? shall test
    That workaround looks correctly aligned on my client.
    I will note that line wasn't the only one which looked misaligned; so
    do lines 64-65 (top 2 lines of serif "Welcome to ASCII art"), and
    104-116 (entries 10 and up on the table of contents)

    indeed ... same issue
    ... infact any(all) line(s) which start with a space
    is(are) getting another(additional) space char inserted
    during google-groups text to html translation library

    [another (whitespace) test]

    o <- zero leading spaces
    o <- one leading space
    o <- two leading spaces

    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 07:27:29 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-18T21:43:08+0100
    Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com> wrote:

    ... infact any(all) line(s) which start with a space
    is(are) getting another(additional) space char inserted
    during google-groups text to html translation library

    ahh I see; I thought single-leading-spaces were being *elided* but
    spaces being *inserted* as you describe would also be consistent with
    the results shown. Your whitespace test does confirm I'm seeing added
    spaces, not removed spaces.

    Is the said google-groups translation library being used on messages
    when they're sent from Google Groups? I can see the inserted spaces on
    your message both in and out of Google Groups.

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ/C0EACgkQbbTQGyXk VXWX0wgAu+bhboZDTnFLUX7B/v88ASaLT7ffqdcJCd8kIRBehq5sg64Ppe76FCvW 6gRkHvZV6s5EDfzhXEkQ8MJk3tgH3pNj792f/Zo13XTXO9L4I+cjAua8Cjwb6VfU BFZ0Htd61jdgfXbdhH4XdLhd2BE60iD/RxeGS1SgELb+2qcHPT23+aiPRqBR5I40 2ydLQuIKXT9lWnAdzP4cVhti/Uz2xJtXN2aR1HaBpZyVNpxVmzpRyVIFx7eGlGHR 7rzx4gWjecTK3qRBDHdX/7G6zleckZY8e9k6C+1YAMIUZkD/8yE0sLbvpMPHYK77 8KnoU+1DG2iN7alba2twSdDJ/EJolw==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 07:37:11 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-18T14:27:29-0700
    Viatrix <viatrix-usenetting@purelymail.com> wrote:

    Is the said google-groups translation library being used on messages
    when they're sent from Google Groups?
    Actually, I realize every message of Colin's on which I see the inserted whitespace was sent from Thunderbird. Could Thunderbird be inserting
    the spaces?

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ/DYcACgkQbbTQGyXk VXUtSwf+Ih9BsKvGDtZ93nru6hdjTys6efhDuK5opPCf/fBRZt7qw/EEhoK8CPO9 R+UG9zJUT8sDzUsrLP2P82BoK2gU6uwMiXpnzGQkJcIsolFewLOTaTRHzopTzP3p JeumkN1R80pUEZsIpCsKlkVB8TCC2AuqZ4CH5yEndcBbhQEnQWncUqo8qpE4eWHI /XVeTKnE4j1hOgtZImnoFVsXVaqj3cWaC2Mp0Ll/FTx/JtCeBlN2k3sHP71z8wnd 9eH2q4kSt3kMQo4n7P95T/9r+wsbETbKIH9DErchma+pz1+wPNzb0sGKGcgccRQ5 quthK4HShjxEbyToq1ILXa6KZPCoiw==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 08:01:49 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    Ah! Colin, I think I've figured out why your mails had spaces inserted!
    It's because they have the Format=3DFlowed MIME parameter. Thunderbird
    is inserting the spaces as specified in RFC 3676, section 4.4, but my
    client (and presumably Google Groups) doesn't handle Format=3DFlowed and
    is thus not removing the spaces.

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ/E00ACgkQbbTQGyXk VXVrJAf+JaIWoBl5qF/ZLcIcnE7jT38buBkDH3y8GPVVQFpgL7acRE5tiZ/HlJ8s yiSGGfvAUvKTlbSMHjEP8hPX4ypGD53k99/fEcPRmvSj+gFigIgWuYJHstdNjuTH KqWG8owg+M63tSRH3RcReci9afqdLCQWNGDhNjdNPu5rHXg0ZMhlLW6fdoJQF7Qq 23hPba878X7BcUJpWa133iOUrOokASP2/R6nTts7c9OIY4QwSz0EoTlkYTs588Jr aKCN1YoF2UlsYUlJWM6SnOfJOenWU0e3RfVkesqR4HiQCJLB4Ij8u+mGgLI5AJu/ ME9uxAEt/lgnEBsCdbPzxyw0gVDqMQ==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Apr 19 08:19:42 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    Colin, can you try changing the following Thunderbird preference and
    re-sending your whitespace test? I'm told this is the Thunderbird
    setting for disabling Format=3DFlowed in sent messages.

    Open the Config Editor and set mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed to false.

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmQ/F34ACgkQbbTQGyXk VXUe4AgA2K0H0SV62j7TFiW5TuXtjNWo1t/abafZ/Qe62VOsp2HP8qvSD3euPnAR D6ggyW6813sJRQfa+gZaVNWgNJy5kQcMTs69rMoBp7hY7sM3IYIhvLfiv879H2zA 8quDjbKZ+BmKWwTCCb+bjpo3S8Q/Af16vjF/rz3YGaw5aSVhgfE6HwPG6DBMK72u XBYw1uDyR3FsiXhCm1DmFjd/4hz6NOZ46LQ/Zd0lQqCJncuwETolPQx2ts3sar7H Hcc7Vtbx9Qqc48toLpbieEsScB8Q3ZgTBmtMD7r6kSWjpkytdECIj8zKSEERF/pr BMbjmKx5M/Psa08SFDSIBsJwLCTXeA==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 01:11:23 2023
    On 18/04/2023 23:19, Viatrix wrote:
    Colin, can you try changing the following Thunderbird preference and re-sending your whitespace test? I'm told this is the Thunderbird
    setting for disabling Format=Flowed in sent messages.

    Open the Config Editor and set mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed to false.
    ok .. done that (never noticed the issues before)

    [yet another (whitespace) test] using Thunderbird

    o <- zero leading spaces
    o <- one leading space
    o <- two leading spaces

    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 01:20:11 2023
    On Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 4:11:26=E2=80=AFPM UTC+1, colin randall wrot=
    On 18/04/2023 23:19, Viatrix wrote:=20
    Colin, can you try changing the following Thunderbird preference and=20 re-sending your whitespace test? I'm told this is the Thunderbird=20 setting for disabling Format=3DFlowed in sent messages.=20
    Open the Config Editor and set mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed to false.
    ok .. done that (never noticed the issues before)=20
    [yet another (whitespace) test] using Thunderbird
    o <- zero leading spaces=20
    o <- one leading space=20
    o <- two leading spaces=20
    ._!__ __ __=20
    / _\/_ |_ \!_=20
    / / 7 / /|=20
    \ \_ _/ / \ .=20
    that still looks messed up
    with extra eoln chars
    posted thru googlegroups
    (altho this webedit ui doesn't show)

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 01:33:56 2023
    [yet another (whitespace) test] using googlegroups
    o <- zero leading spaces
    o <- one leading space
    o <- two leading spaces


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 01:42:16 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-20T16:11:23+0100
    Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com> wrote:

    [yet another (whitespace) test] using Thunderbird
    o <- zero leading spaces
    o <- one leading space
    o <- two leading spaces

    looks correct to me, and looks like your message indeed no longer has Format=3DFlowed, so it should display similarly correct for all.
    Would the Thunderbird setting in question be worth adding to the FAQ?

    On 2023-04-20T08:20:11-0700
    colin randall <colin.randall2@googlemail.com> wrote:

    that still looks messed up
    with extra eoln chars
    posted thru googlegroups

    I believe that's due to Google Groups adding <BR>s. The uBlock rule in
    the FAQ:
    is supposed to hide the <BR>s, bit it only affects children of div[role=3Dregion], not all descendants. (no clue why Google Groups is
    showing the whitespace text as quoted, but that does make it a
    non-child descendant. I believe you can remove the ">" from the rule and
    just replace it with whitespace to make it select all <BR> children of div[role=3Dregion].)

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmRBXVgACgkQbbTQGyXk VXW7AAgAnDddzY/Tny6/yoKrrv7yRY6DH+P/OnxCTcgqL3jFO1r8CRyn1+vbvBRT p6WT29kC1uHOG3luw9D0jnlm6H4Av93qEuIM5uynXJPFdUOg9xvMPML9NB1Ql3UP 5PmlXdWeY7kNEQKLJURsALrMLl/mP5aSTbchdzC1egLpfy/uqrHwh1hTYbXIleLV sUrk7ORAbDeXe2cn19o2JGeLxM6BfdjjydcT720A1SJfzhA1PKAh9J1bHvXr2eIg DhEwMmeTYZ61UklR0Hdwk3Z/a4f6m+pHMqzZD0fuV91AINnm/+4sqyWro7Xo9KhD sFg3jKsLyxqLllQtyl/0RbqhZ0jKVA==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 01:44:05 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-20T08:42:16-0700
    Viatrix <viatrix-usenetting@purelymail.com> wrote:

    I believe you can remove the ">" from the rule and just replace it
    with whitespace to make it select all <BR> children of
    I meant descendants this time, not children.

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmRBXcUACgkQbbTQGyXk VXVl8QgAs5TePLuHxsv5FHZFEIBAHrKtd5CXdz57YKVp2I9sVdF0CgXAa7Cmgwxk ymnnZxA5VA/8W4r3S8IAeQZZa62mP/DtKz2rDQ1J8s7vfBi0DE0SOQBNrUggIQS+ BgxxuV1r52rpHZ7OLxe66yTAdMdOZZNDuwv0sE2S74EBxK6NQJCuaWL2MaRrbaQC RTBtaCCyrRECLvqX7ZfAWxEUPKUDJJh8QE2jfziVJVvbosygCUlV2/cSrvNZ64pB cGxeqpQzYc4tQ258iSoLhU+PiYAqJZj03TtdC7iVSKRmsSwNrXvHxoCqZbfYzASz FIu58B6knIkeIQ48tEYaMiRwbuLSMg==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 02:02:39 2023
    On Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 4:44:08=E2=80=AFPM UTC+1, Viatrix wrote:
    On 2023-04-20T08:42:16-0700
    Viatrix wrote:=20
    I believe you can remove the ">" from the rule and just replace it=20
    with whitespace to make it select all <BR> children of=20 div[role=3Dregion].)
    I meant descendants this time, not children.
    yep ... thats sorted it ... now (yet again) looks correct for both
    TB & FF ... thanks for your help
    i shall now update the faq
    (posted from googlegroups)

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 04:12:04 2023
    On 20/04/2023 16:42, Viatrix wrote:
    On 2023-04-20T16:11:23+0100
    Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com> wrote:

    [yet another (whitespace) test] using Thunderbird

    o <- zero leading spaces
    o <- one leading space
    o <- two leading spaces

    looks correct to me, and looks like your message indeed no longer has Format=Flowed, so it should display similarly correct for all.
    Would the Thunderbird setting in question be worth adding to the FAQ?

    On 2023-04-20T08:20:11-0700
    colin randall <colin.randall2@googlemail.com> wrote:

    that still looks messed up
    with extra eoln chars
    posted thru googlegroups

    I believe that's due to Google Groups adding <BR>s. The uBlock rule in
    the FAQ:
    is supposed to hide the <BR>s, bit it only affects children of div[role=region], not all descendants. (no clue why Google Groups is
    showing the whitespace text as quoted, but that does make it a
    non-child descendant. I believe you can remove the ">" from the rule and
    just replace it with whitespace to make it select all <BR> children of div[role=region].)
    hi ... i'm curious how you knew (could tell) it had 'flowed format' ?
    or is it possible TB has provided this as an option in a recent update ?
    i would've expected to have encountered this issue with Mozilla tools previously
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Viatrix@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 21 04:55:09 2023
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 2023-04-20T19:12:04+0100, Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>

    hi ... i'm curious how you knew (could tell) it had 'flowed format' ?
    or is it possible TB has provided this as an option in a recent
    update ? i would've expected to have encountered this issue with
    Mozilla tools previously

    I could tell because my newsreader has an option to view the raw source
    of a message, and your messages from Thunderbird had the following
    Content-Type header:

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DUTF-8; format=3Dflowed

    (note the "; format=3Dflowed" at the end)

    I think Thunderbird's used Format=3DFlowed as its default when sending
    for decades now, but it often goes unnoticed as Format=3DFlowed tries to
    be as unobtrusive as possible (however the "space-stuffing" was, in
    fact, intrusive here). I believe some mailing lists have had problems
    with Thunderbird due to its use of Format=3DFlowed too.

    Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
    Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature


    iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEECRScMMLqbawFEVXLbbTQGyXkVXUFAmRBio0ACgkQbbTQGyXk VXUJ2wf/WhfqECj58W5M+toI4IsewwRIVZHmAVfd6/blI6dbsiVGSZiGAVT+y2q7 F6k/kiuf65dJXy0ReD/Z0+IGjec4C3/PxGrkowc2xwF9xNKugrBxuXwJiq131QE9 4muuMQ/uZgLcYChaQsnA7R3OBY6hBCFcqy8eMVkxqxHrYXPFW/qmQGqLZ6URfZf+ Hc+UwkuiX3dYRtR246jHOi77Ddxz2fFe9V3cLBz/C7gGaqGfjcWH+w7XtIu0DIPr gEPA3u2HVK3z8bcGb0NiL/UzWVtTHC3Fr31u2gRz8/TfUnUPlEYb7e/Qns2xl7Mn 5w0QekWLXVU4QCaDwfWM9Dw4KJBuAA==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Mon Apr 24 03:00:57 2023
    From: colin.randall2@gmail.com (CJRandall)
    Subject: [FAQ] ASCII Art - answers to frequently asked questions
    Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.ascii-art.animation,news.answers
    Followup-To: alt.ascii-art
    Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
    X-Disclaimer: Approval for *.answers is based on form, not content. Organisation: none what so ever
    Summary: Ascii-Art FAQ version 3 <pre>
    it contains texts written by:-
    Jorn Barger, Bob Allison and Matthew Thomas
    together with texts gleaned from many others
    this is the most recent (v3.0.3.36) publication
    it is provided such that it may be helpful
    changes from v3.0.3.35 are: fixes for posting agent i use
    changes from v3.0.3.34 are: minor cosmetic for web-browsers
    changes from v3.0.3.33 are: minor revisions+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.32 are: additions+corrections
    changes from v3.0.3.31 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.30 are: google-groups fix+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.29 are: no m$.outlook+google-groups bad
    changes from v3.0.3.28 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.27 are: links updated+validated
    changes from v3.0.3.26 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.25 are: links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.24 are: posting-frequency

    Archive-name: arts/ascii
    X-Archive-name: ascii-art/faq
    Posting-Frequency: occasionally
    Last-changed: 2023-04-23 cjr
    Compiler: CJRandall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>
    Copyright: Public display of this document in proportional-fonts is forbidden

    | | : : :: \ \ ;;
    J J : : :: \ \ ;;
    L L : : __ _ _________ \ \ ;;
    | | : : / |`| |`|___ ___|`-.\ \ ;;
    J J : : / . | | | `-.| |`-. `-.`\ \ ;;
    L L : : / /| | | | | | `-. `-\ \ ;;
    | | : : / /_| | | | | | `-. \ \. ;;
    J J : : / ___ | | | | | `-\ \`-.
    L L : : / /`-.| | | |___ | | _ \ \-.`-._
    | | : : /_/____|_|_|_____|_|_|_(_) _ \ \ `-._`:
    J J : : |__________________________| `-. \ \-.,-'
    L L : : _ _ _ _ _ ___ `-. `-. \ \ |
    | | :_: /\(_`/ `-| |`-_/\-| )-_| `-. `-. `-. \ \|
    J J | | /--\_)\_,_|_|__/--\|_\__|__ `-. `-._`-\ \
    L L|_| |___________________________|`-. `-._ `-.\ \
    | | | _____ ___ ___ `-.`-._ `-._ \ ,!`-.
    J J | | ___|`/ _ \`-._/ _ \`--. `-._`--._`-'||`-'
    L L | | |_ / /_\ \ / / \ \ `-._ `--. `-,+.`-._
    __-------_ | _|`/ _____ \ \ \_/ /_._ `--._ `-.|X||-./
    | |/|_|_./_/_____\_\_\_____/=\`-._ `-. |X||.|
    | _,--------------.____ -========\_(A)`-.._ `-|X||\
    Ool | _| ` |_`--. `-- |X||/
    /VK | | | ALT.ASCII-ART: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS / ||-. ======================================================================== [Subject:] (FAQ) Welcome to ASCII art ========================================================================

    __ __ __ _,
    \\ \\ / ___ '|| ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ _/|_ ___
    \\ /\\ / //_\) || // \)// \\ ||'||'|| //_\) || // \\
    \/ \/ \\__,_||_\\__,\\_//_||_||_||_\\__, \|_\\_//

    ___ ___ ____ ____
    /\ (( / // | || || ___ _,_ _/|_
    /_\\ \\ (( || || __\\'||\) ||
    _/ _\\_/__)) \\__,_||_ _||_ ((_||_||_ \|_

    Answers to frequently asked questions about ASCII art ========================================================================
    On the Web, the FAQ and other useful documents can be found in the
    ASCII art Documentation Archive (ADA), at the following locations:- ========================================================================
    *** There is a wealth of information about ASCII Art ***
    *** in the ASCII Documents Archive *** ========================================================================
    International Mirrors ======================================================================== https://www.votrezone.com/ada/ (Calgary, Canada) https://vyznev.net/ascii/ada/ (Helsinki, Finland) https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/q/ada/ (Lulea, Sweden)

    https://dmoz-odp.org/Computers/Usenet/FAQs/Individual_Group_FAQs/ ========================================================================
    -+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+- ======================================================================== Contents ========================================================================
    [1] What's alt.ascii-art?
    [2] What is ASCII art?
    [3] What does ASCII mean?
    [4] Why do all the pictures look strange?
    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art?
    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art?
    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art?
    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering?
    [9] Where can I find Figlet's address?
    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself?
    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something?
    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art?
    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz]
    [14] Have a picture or graphic and would like it Asciified?
    [15] How do I convert a picture or graphic to ASCII art?
    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage?
    [17] What are ASCII art signature files?
    [18] What is ASCII art animation?
    [19] What does ObAscii mean?
    [21] Where can I find pictures/tutorials/infos/chatrooms/experts?
    [22] Historacle's What types of ASCII art are there?
    [X1] The Ascii Art 10-Commandments

    [1] What's alt.ascii-art? What's going on here? ========================================================================
    You're probably reading this because it's been posted to
    news:alt.ascii-art, news:alt.ascii-art.animation or rec.arts.ascii.
    If you're not, jump in and take a look. In these Usenet groups
    people discuss ASCII art, request ASCII art, post ASCII art, post
    improved versions or variations of other people's ASCII art, and
    generally have fun.

    [2] What is ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is any sort of pictures or diagrams drawn with the
    printable characters in the ASCII character set.
    (For a definition of ASCII, see Question 3.)

    :-) Probably the most common ASCII art picture is the smiley (-:
    =) but it can get a lot more sophisticated than that. (=
    .-" +' "-. Here's a small ASCII picture of
    /.'.'A_'*`.\ a snow-scene paperweight,
    |:.*'/\-\. ':| drawn by Joan Stark:
    \:~^~^~^~^:/ If this picture looks very strange and
    /`-....-'\ you can't really tell what it is,
    jgs / \ don't panic -- see Question 5.

    People use ASCII art for a number of reasons. Here are some of them.
    * It is the most universal computer art form in the world --
    every computer system capable of displaying multi-line text can
    display ASCII art, without needing to have a graphics mode or
    support a particular graphics file format.
    * An ASCII picture is hundreds of times smaller in file size
    than its GIF or BMP equivalent, while still giving a good idea
    of what something looks like.
    * It's easy to copy from one file to another (just cut and paste).
    * It's fun!

    [3] What does ASCII mean? ========================================================================
    ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
    7-bit as defined in ISO-646 is a basic set of 128 numbered symbols
    which almost all kinds of computer can display. Here are the ones
    that are used for ASCII art:

    032 [space] 048 0 064 @ 080 P 096 ` 112 p
    033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q
    034 " 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r
    035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s
    036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t
    037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u
    038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v
    039 ' 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w
    040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x
    041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y
    042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z
    043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 {
    044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 |
    045 - 061 = 077 M 093 ] 109 m 125 }
    046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~
    047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o

    There are other characters in the set (with the numbers 0 - 31 and
    127), but they can do bad stuff to Usenet readers, so PLEASE DON'T
    USE THEM in your pictures (except characters 10 and or 13 which
    are used to insert a new-line by a variety of Operating Systems).

    [4] Why do the pictures look strange? ========================================================================
    If one particular picture posted to this group looks faulty, but the
    rest of them look fine, then its most likely a problem with that
    particular picture, or with the poster's Usenet program. But if
    *all* the pictures look bad, then your Usenet reader may be set to
    display messages in a proportional font (see Question 5).

    * If using Google-Groups from a web-browser try "uBlock Origin" a
    plugin for user style-sheets so you can use the following to fix
    the layout when using Chrome or FireFox by inserting these lines
    in "My filters" in the settings:
    groups.google.com##div[role="region"] br:style(display:none!important)

    * If there are a lot of almost-blank lines in the picture, then
    the message is probably suffering from `wrapping'. This
    wrapping may be being done by your newsreader; see if it has an
    option called `wrap long lines' or similar, and make sure it is
    turned off. If this doesn't work, then the wrapping was probably
    done by the news program of the person who sent the picture, in
    which case there's not much you can do -- everybody else will be
    seeing the same thing.

    * If there are a lot of < and > symbols in the picture, with
    words like HTML, FONT COLOR, B, I, and so on inside them, then
    the picture has been sent in HTML format and your newsreader
    does not understand HTML (most newsreaders don't).

    * I had an issue with items I posted got extra spaces inserted
    at the start of lines which already had a space char or more
    due to when using Mozilla Thunderbird it had a default setting
    Format=flowed which needed to be turned off.

    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is created using a fixed-width font (like on a traditional
    typewriter), because this is the only way to make it portable.
    However, several Usenet readers now display messages in a
    proportional font (where different characters are different widths).

    When using proportional fonts you can never be sure whether your
    image will look the same in a different proportional font. If you're
    making art in Arial and the receiver has Times New Roman or whatever
    then perhaps their space character will be wider but their semicolon
    is narrower and then things don't line up properly.

    The following two lines tell you which kind of font you're using.
    The arrow ends up in a different place for different font types and
    is right most of the time:

    You are using a [Proportional] [Monospaced] font
    ................................. --^--

    Also, to see what your program is doing, look at these two lines:
    If they look the same length, you're using a fixed-width font and
    all should be ok. If the second line is longer than the first, you
    need to change your settings to use a fixed-width font.

    In Mozilla Thunderbird, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Language & Appearance,
    In Forte Agent, the option is set in
    Options > Display Preferences > Fonts
    and Free Agent, the option is set in
    Options > General Preferences > Fonts
    In Outlook, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Read > Fonts ____
    Tools > Options > Send > Automatically wrap text at |____|

    set both the PROPORTIONAL font and FIXED-WIDTH font to
    NOTE : If LUCIDA CONSOLE is not available as a font, pick another
    Detailed information on how to configure other Usenet readers is
    available at the: ASCII-Art Documentation Archive.

    If all else fails, copy the text of the picture from
    your program and paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad).
    It's a hassle, but at least you'll get to see the pictures.

    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    You can create ASCII art in any text editor, [jorn barger]
    such as: Notepad in Windows,
    SimpleText or BBEdit in MacOS,
    nedit, vi, vim, or pico in Unix, _+m"m+_
    BEd or AZ in AmigaOS, edit in DOS, Jp qh
    or any of the various Emacs editors. O O
    Yb dY
    A 'quick-start' program for learning "Y5m2Y"
    is JavE, a free Java program, that can be
    obtained from:- http://www.jave.de

    Some editors have features which make them more
    suitable for ASCII art than others, but that is
    largely a matter of personal opinion. Features which
    are both useful for ASCII art and available in many
    text editors, include the following:-

    * Overtype, also known as overstrike: removes the need for
    you to constantly realign characters using the Backspace,
    Space, and Delete keys. Try the Insert key if there is one
    on your keyboard, or your program's Options or Preferences.

    * Rectangular copy and paste: allows you to select rectangular
    sections of text (not just rows or parts of rows). On programs
    which have this feature, it is usually done by holding down a
    key such as Ctrl while selecting text.

    * Find/Change: allows you to change all the characters of one
    value to another (eg: change all the ~s to "s).

    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art? ========================================================================
    Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)
    A good way to learn is to study how someone has made a picture.
    What characters are chosen and how the characters are laid out.
    How a texture is made.

    ########:::::::::::######## The best way to learn is to Practise.
    #########:::::::::######### Draw your cat, your toaster, your
    ##########:::::::########## partner, your musical instruments,
    ###########,---.########### anything that will sit still long
    ##########/`---'\########## enough. Practice makes, if not
    #########/ \######### perfect, then at least pretty good.
    ########/ \######## Whether you do small drawings (less
    #######:`-._____.-':####### work involved) or large ones (easier
    ######::::: ( ) |::::###### to make recognizable) is up to you.
    #####:::::: ) ( o:::::##### If you're interested in tutorials,
    ####::::: .-(_)-. :::::#### there are many available from the
    ###:::::: '=====' ::::::### ASCII-art Documentation Archive.
    A good way to begin drawing is to \`"-.
    type a row of spaces for however ) _`-.
    wide you want your picture, and , : `. \
    then copy this row and paste it : _ ' \
    for however many rows high you ; *` _. `--._
    think the picture will get. `-.-' `-.
    Turn Overtype on and place the | ` `.
    cursor somewhere in the middle :. . \
    and begin drawing. This can save | \ . : .-' .
    using Delete, Backspace, Enter : )-.; ; / :
    and Space-bar keystrokes. : ; | : : ;-.
    Saving this empty `canvas' as a ; / : |`-: _ `- )
    read-only file for future use can ,-' / ,-' ; .-`- .' `--'
    save you even more time later. `--' `---' `---' bug

    Another method is by tracing a picture either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    You can also modify existing art. Take a piece of art you think
    could be improved. Make a copy. Now work on it. When you are
    good at that, try to improve a really good pic. Then see if you
    can fix a damaged file. Now take some small pics and put them
    together into a big composite image.

    Much of ASCII art is about hinting, and making people see lines
    that aren't really there.[VK]

    When drawing ASCII art be aware that there are a few characters
    that differ in size, shape and position among fonts:

    ' apostrophe -- tilts southwest-northeast or vertical
    * asterisc -- appears in the middle or top
    ^ caret -- differs in size and shape
    ~ tilde -- appears in the middle or top
    I aye -- straight line in sans-serif, with strokes in serif
    try using the vertical bar (|) instead.
    # hash -- hash symbol on most, currency on some old computers.

    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering? ========================================================================
    There is a program called Figlet which does that sort of thing
    automatically -- you type in `Jane Smith', and you get back

    ___ __,
    ( / ( o _/_ /
    / __, _ _ `. _ _ , / /_
    _/_(_/(_/ /_(/_ (___)/ / /_(_(__/ /_
    (/ [figlet:cursive.flf]

    in this and a whole lot of other fonts (see Question 9).
    The ASCII art text produced by Figlet can be quite stunning,
    so try it first before asking for help from the newsgroups.

    IF, however, Figlet doesn't produce the kind of results you want,
    THEN post to alt.ascii-art or rec.arts.ascii with your request and
    ensure that you include:
    * that you have already tried Figlet or don't have access to it
    otherwise you will probably just get told to use it.
    * a description of the kind of lettering you want, along with
    any other symbols or logos which you would like incorporated
    into it.

    [9] Where can I find Figlet ? ========================================================================
    The Figlet home page is at:- http://www.figlet.org/
    and links to the FTP site:- ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/
    where you can download
    versions of the program or source-code for many different platforms.
    Also http://www.Jave.de has a Figlet feature to write or draw with.

    You can run Figlet on the Web by going to one of the following sites
    and choosing your text and options on the Web page. Different sites
    offer different options (e.g. multiple fonts at once, justification,
    and limited line length). Some of these sites also provide an e-mail
    Figlet service for people with browsers which don't support forms.

    * http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    * http://www.patorijk.com/software/taag/
    * http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/figlet/figlet

    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself? ========================================================================
    / \ Don't assume that if somebody posts
    | | something to a Usenet group, that gives
    |.| you the right to use it however you like,
    |.| copyright laws still apply.
    |:| __ For more information, see the article:-
    ,_|:|_, / ) Copyright Myths FAQ:
    (Oo / _I_ `10 big myths about copyright explained'
    +\ \ || __| in news:news.announce.newusers.
    \ \||___|
    \ /.:.\-\ It is also available via https at:-
    |.:. /-----\ www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
    / |:<_T_>:| Generally, ASCII artists don't mind
    |_____\ ::: / if you copy their pictures and re-post
    | | \ \:/ them or put them on your own Web site,
    | | | | as long as you don't make any money
    [nosig] \ / | \__ out of them, like on Mugs or T-shirts,
    / | \____\ since they may want a "cut of the take".
    Here are a few important considerations:-

    * If the picture contains a few letters in one corner which don't
    seem to be part of the picture, they're the artist's initials.
    DO NOT remove these initials -- would you cut away the part of
    a Van Gogh painting containing his name? Leaving the initials
    on is a small price to pay for being able to use the picture
    for free.

    * If you're going to use a picture in your signature file, or in
    a place (such as a log-in screen) which means you're going to
    be using it a lot, you should really e-mail the artist (or post
    to the newsgroup, if you don't know their address) and ask for
    permission, because otherwise people may get the mistaken
    impression that you were the one who drew the picture.

    * If you find a picture you want to use, or post, but it doesn't
    have initials on it, a common method of marking has been to use
    the tag: Unknown. More recently the tag: [nosig] has been used.

    As for posting other people's ASCII art,
    after a discussion in news:alt.ascii-art _ ___
    the following rules were agreed upon: #_~`--'__ `===-,
    1. If an ASCII ART picture has initials `.`. `#.,//
    on it, leave them on when posting it ,_\_\ ## #\
    2. If an ASCII ART picture doesn't have `__.__ `####\
    initials on it, mention that you ~~\ ,###'~
    didn't draw it when posting it. \##'
    3. If somebody posts a picture without [nosig]
    initials and you have an original copy
    with initials on, feel free to re-post the original version.
    * The re-post ought not to be taken personally, as we all
    know that ASCII art often loses proper credits.
    Responses to the re-post are not necessary.

    One contributor suggested the following:

    1.) Ultra polite:...ya make yer own ascii and use it.
    2.) Very polite:...Ya contact the author and ask if ya
    can use it...
    3.) polite:...Ya use it but you keep the Credits
    in there like they should be.
    4.) rude:...Ya use it and strip credits.
    5.) Very rude:...Ya use it and claim that it Is
    _Your_ very own creation...

    You choose ... I think the default choice is #3 but you should
    make up yer own mind.... [Krogg]

    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something? ========================================================================
    Give your request the subject: `REQ:' or `[req]'
    Whatever you're looking for a picture of, in the message describe
    more exactly what you're looking for. Generally, the more specific
    you are, the more likely you are to get some response.
    If you just say something like:
    `can someone draw me a fish, please'
    then you may not get many replies, because people may not know
    what size or feel they're wasting their time by drawing something
    you won't want. If you don't have Web access, mention this fact,
    otherwise you may get replies consisting only of URLs for the
    kind of pictures you're looking for.
    If someone is rude back to you directly, then please be patient,
    since it may just be a troll trying to wind you up.
    .' )) __-:!:- If you have a picture
    .' .' )) and want it Ascii-fied
    ((__,' .' .ASCII! -:!:- see Question 14 and 15.
    -:!:- ((__,'^*

    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art? ========================================================================
    It doesn't matter if your ASCII art isn't particularly good; we'd
    like to see it anyway. We won't be rude about it (although you'd
    better tell us what it is, or we might ask :-), but if it shows
    potential, you may find that other people will `re-diddle' it --
    change a few characters, make it a bit better, and re-post it.

    HOWEVER, there are a few things you should check before you
    post to news:alt.ascii-art any piece of ASCII art
    (see also Question 13).

    * Are you sending it as PLAIN TEXT?
    Turn off "send MIME message" and select "PLAIN TEXT only".

    * Is it under 72 characters wide? Most news readers can only show
    lines which are under either 72, 76, or 80 characters wide, so
    if your picture is wider than 72 characters it may get wrapped
    [see Question 4]. Also remove any unnecessary space characters
    from the end of each line of the picture, to prevent lines from
    being too long (and getting wrapped) without your realizing.

    * If it IS over 72 characters wide?
    Then a warning in the subject line [wide:110] or whatever the
    original picture width and Check Your Post Output Line-Wrap
    Previous versions of this FAQ used a system to prefix posts
    such as: [pic] [info] [req] [big] which may be used as a guide
    when providing warnings.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove leading spaces from
    the first line of a posting which can be resolved by placing
    a dot '.' on a line of its own above the message.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove a single leading space
    from a posting which can be resolved by ensuring there are at
    least two leading spaces on each line of the message.

    * Have you used any TAB characters or Control Codes?
    Inserting control codes (ASCII characters 0 to 31) in a picture
    can sometimes achieve interesting effect on your computer screen
    or news reader, such as reversing text or changing its colour.
    DO NOT post any of these pictures to news:alt.ascii-art, post to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii instead for two reasons:-

    1. the effects that the control codes have on your news reader
    are almost certainly going to be different from those on
    the thousands of other news readers that other people use

    2. on some news readers, control codes can cause messed up
    displays, messages not appearing, or (in some cases) the
    news reader crashing.

    If you're not sure about whether your message will turn out ok,
    post it to a test group (such as news:alt.test or news:misc.test)
    first and make sure that you can read it ok, also using a different
    newsreader, if you can.

    [See Question 10 for advice on posting someone else's ASCII art.]

    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz] ========================================================================
    [13.1] ASCII art is a very simple medium.

    /\ / /\ / / /\ /\ /
    \/\ \ /\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ __ \/\ \/_ /\
    \ \/ \ o \ / \/ \ \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _
    ___ (" )( ") The following List of Items (" )( ") ___
    / \_\ \/ / should NOT be posted to \ \/ /_/ \
    | D_ ]\ \/ the Usenet groups:- \/ /[ _G |
    | D _]/\ \ / /\[_ G |
    \___/ / /\ \ news:alt.ascii-art / /\ \ \___/
    mark (_.)(._) news:alt.ascii-art.animation (_.)(._) JavE


    NOTE: alt.binaries.pictures.ascii supports posting of ASCII
    software tools or fonts (in ZIP format) and binary images
    of ASCII or other FontSet (in GIF format) and any other
    ASCII art related material, but no Spam, in relation to
    discussions in the alt.ascii-art newsgroups.
    Use the subject header: [abpa] for easy identification.

    -= List of Items =-

    * Binaries, Trojans, Zombies, Virus, Spam.

    * ANSI,`extended ASCII' or `high ASCII', and non-Western font art.
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Many computer systems have an extended character set of 256 or
    more characters, based on the ANSI, Unicode or BIG5 character
    sets and having the first 128 characters possibly identical to
    ASCII. These characters should not be sent to news:alt.ascii-art
    because many computer system types do not display them properly,
    even those that do, do not display them in a standard way, for
    example, the Windows ANSI character set is different to the
    Macintosh ANSI character set. Capture and send a GIF of it to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it on a Web page and
    post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which Web pages are written in
    can be read by some Usenet readers, particularly those built-in
    to Web browsers, allowing colours and animations in ASCII art,
    however, few newsreaders support it and to many appears as a
    jumble of <TAGS> and are totally unrecognizable,
    If you have a picture which uses HTML for a particular feature
    such as colors or animation, put it on a Web page and post
    the URL address of the page to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * JAVA, JavaScript, Flash, GIF or whatever animated ASCII art.
    This relies, not only on the newsreader being able to display
    HTML, but also being able to run Java or JavaScript.
    Put it on a Web page and post the URL address to
    news:alt.ascii-art.animation and news:alt.ascii-art

    * Proportional Font ASCII art screws up on many readers' displays
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Send a GIF of it to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it
    on a Web page and post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art

    Finally, do not use any control codes, non-ASCII characters,
    or word-processor-type formatting in your postings. These are
    particular to your editor or computer system they will almost
    certainly not have the intended effect on the systems the rest
    of us use (they may even crash some Usenet readers).

    [13.2] What can I post to rec.arts.ascii?

    /\ / / /\ /\ / / /\ / /
    \/_ \/ \ \/\ \/_ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \
    \ \/ \/ o \ \ \ / o \ / \/ \ \

    The official charter for rec.arts.ascii, as sent in the newsgroup
    control message, is:

    The group news:rec.arts.ascii will be an appropriate group for
    postings to include, but not be limited to, the following:

    o All forms of ASCII art including, but not limited to:
    - Standard ASCII art.
    - Animations.
    - ANSI color graphics.
    o Discussion about pieces of art.
    o Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfilment.
    o Questions and answers covering:
    - Creating and viewing ASCII art.
    - Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.
    o Discussion about artists in the field.

    rec.arts.ascii is a moderated group meaning that all posts are
    reviewed before being sent to the group. That work is done by a
    robo-moderator which filters Spam and checks the posts have the
    correct format before approving them. It can also target a
    specific poster's traffic for human moderator approval.

    Subjects must be tagged either:
    [PIC] for pictures
    [REQ] for requests for others to draw pictures
    (people replying with pictures change the tag to [PIC])
    [DIS] for general ascii art related discussion and replies.
    [ADMIN] for the moderator to post important information.

    >> NOTE: Please read:-
    http://www.drabble.me.uk/usenet/raa.shtml (guidelines.txt)
    >> for concise up-to-date list of permitted subject tags
    >> and usage before posting.

    The robo-mod also checks that the posts are in PLAIN TEXT only,
    that line length is set to LESS than 80 characters UNLESS the
    phrase [long lines] is in the BODY of the post, when the LIMIT
    is then raised to 200 characters.

    Cross-posting is permitted provided that:
    o - it is to no more than three groups
    o - the followup-to header is set to only one group.
    Cross-posting to other moderated groups is NOT permitted.

    [14] I have a picture and I would like it Asciified? ========================================================================
    In this case, post a request to news:alt.ascii-art asking for
    someone to `asciify' it, but
    to save downloading time for people reading the messages,
    if possible give the URL (Web address) of the picture instead.

    If you saw the picture on a Web page, you can find out its URL by
    right-clicking on it (on the Macintosh, right-clicking,
    Ctrl-clicking, or holding down the mouse button) and selecting
    `Open this image' (or its equivalent for your Web browser), then
    copy the URL from the Location bar to your news program (make sure
    you copy it exactly).

    If the picture is not on a Web site anywhere, put it up on your own
    site (if you have one), or get a friend to put it up on their site,
    and post the URL to alt.ascii-art. If you can't do this, post your
    request to the newsgroups and wait for someone to reply, then post
    the picture to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or e-mail to them.

    [15] How do I convert a picture to ASCII art? ========================================================================
    [15.1] programs:
    There are computer programs available which convert graphics files
    of a variety of formats (often GIF) to ASCII art. They go by names
    such as ascgif, gifa, gifscii, and gif2ascii. Do a Web search for
    any of these programs to find places where you can download them.


    Many think that you just put a GIF into a converter program and
    out comes a perfect ASCII pic. Here are some things you can do
    to improve the chances of getting a good conversion:-

    o Use an 8 bit grey scale or color image instead of a 2 bit B&W.
    o Use an image with a wide, even distribution of tones.
    o Keep it simple, like a face or close-up of an object.
    o Avoid busy backgrounds. Generally avoid bright backgrounds.
    o Use an image that is tightly cropped, without a lot of waste.
    o Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions,
    you will probably not like 9 to 11 out of 12.
    o It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture,
    concentrate on the focal points and important areas.

    [15.2] tracing:
    Another method is by tracing a picture, either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    [15.3] image2html:
    There are computer programs and web-servers available which convert
    graphics files of a variety of formats to HTML colored TEXT art for
    use on web-pages.
    Try: https://www.text-image.com/convert/

    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage? ========================================================================
    HTML, the language used in Web pages, can display ASCII art
    using the "pre-formatted text" tags .<.P.R.E.>. .<./.P.R.E.>.

    .<.T.I.T.L.E.>. Ascii art on a webpage
    : __ :
    : =='_)) __-:!:- (your ascii here) :
    : ,.' .' ))-:!:- :
    : ((_,' .'-:!:- :
    : ~^~~~^~~^~~~^~ :
    .<./.H.T.M.L.>. (remove the dots)

    HTML can be used to add special effects such as colours,
    font size, and blinking text.

    Please be aware that within a PRE tag block, when using some older
    Web-Browsers or when Scripting string$ to Web, some characters may
    not render properly and need to be 'Escaped' or replaced with a
    mnemonic code. The list of characters are:-

    character glyph escaped mnemonic dec hex

    Quote " \" &quot; &#34 &#0x22
    Ampersand & &amp; &#38 &#0x26
    LessThan < \< &lt; &#60 &#0x3C
    GreaterThan > \> &gt; &#62 &#0x3E
    Escape \ \\ &#92 &#0x5C

    For full instructions on how to do this see:-

    An auto-generator to do this:-

    [17] What should I know about signature files? ========================================================================
    A signature file (or `sig' for short; not to be confused with the
    initials added to an ASCII picture) is a small, personalized text
    file which an e-mail or news program can add to the end of every
    message a person sends -- the equivalent of a letterhead for dead
    tree (paper) mail (or snail-mail). Usually it contains little more
    than the person's name, organization and e-mail address, maybe an
    inspirational quote of some sort and some people like to incorporate
    ASCII art into their signature files as well.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ \|/ ____ \|/
    | | | ___| | (_) \| | __/ __| @~/ ,. \~@
    |_ _|___| |__| | .` | _|\__ \ /_( \__/ )_\ Mike
    |_| |____|_|_|\_|___|___/[Figlet] \__U_/ Jittlov

    The lack of importance in relation to global warming, violence in
    society, and so on, can be the subject of heated arguments. To be
    brief, (almost) no-one will complain if your signature file is four
    lines long or fewer -- and it is quite possible to draw good ASCII
    pictures which are that small.
    Also check-out SigGen at https://sourceforge.net/projects/siggen/
    (@) (@) `) There are a lot of web-pages on this with )
    ^ < > ^ ( google search ascii sig. _______)
    === `----Richard James-----------------'

    Some newsreaders don't allow you to have a signature file which is
    longer than four lines, while others just complain. Five or six
    lines may be acceptable, but any longer, and you're starting to
    take the risk that your signature will be longer than some of your
    messages; this wouldn't really make sense on paper, so it isn't
    really acceptable in cyberspace either. The exception is in messages
    posted to news:alt.ascii-art itself -- we're used to seeing long
    sigs, so we won't complain.


    But, no matter what the length of your signature, make sure it's
    fewer than 72 characters wide, otherwise it may end up a horrible
    mess (see Question 8).

    [18] What is ascii-animation? ========================================================================
    An animated image produced by a sequence of changing ASCII pictures.
    The speed will depend on the system you are using.
    o \ o / __o __| \ / |__ o__ \ o / o
    /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\
    / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \
    Ascii-Animation transports vary a lot. The earliest known portable
    types used the Control-Codes of the (often .VT or .ANS) terminal
    screens for either `paging' or `direct cursor addressing'.
    Sometimes found as c-code in .sigs, which, when compiled and run
    produce moving patterns or images.
    o _ _ _
    _o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_)
    _< \_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/
    (_)>(_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_
    * A collection of .VT files can be found at:
    Most Web Ascii-Animation uses Java or Javascript.

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using JavaScript, see:-

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using Java, see:-

    * To watch an ASCII episode of the movie Star Wars see:-

    [19] What does ObAscii mean? ========================================================================
    ObAscii = Obligatory Ascii

    Obligatory: [adj] compulsory (of a ruling) having binding force

    Ascii: [slang] ascii-art picture

    A funny way to remind people to put a drawing in their post.

    This means an ascii in every post! (especially off-topic threads)
    Failure to comply can result in flaming! This implies that if you
    don't include an ascii in your post you deserve to get flamed!

    The concept of ObAscii has been around since the creation of the
    usenet group news:alt.ascii-art and it's purpose is to provide some
    on-topic content to an otherwise off-topic posting.

    *NOT* The 1st ever! ObAscii :
    From: Matthew Thomas <mpt26@spamfree.land>
    Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:50:09 +1300
    Organization: University of Canterbury.nz (opinions are my own)

    ,' \ [snip - 3rd party flame ]
    ` | BOLLOCKS!!!
    J |
    J L I am staying out of this as much as
    | | . , possible, Colin, because I really ...
    | | `v_L.'
    // ,>'--\'_ :.
    \`' \ - /-. [snip - rant/rave]
    / /`""| :.
    ),' `-
    ( ,-' \ Anyway, I think a lot of this
    ) ,' ,' h flaming would decrease if everyone
    / / / `)--.. was required to post a (different)
    \/ / \ <) obligatory ASCII pic in each message
    < , L<' -- at the very least, it would slow
    F/ _/ ,' the flames down.
    L ,-' \
    | ___L So, to start the trend, here's my
    / ( F
    J ___,' L ObAscii: the Statue of Liberty.
    | ,' |
    F ,' |
    (_,--..__ mt-2|_
    ,' `"`--.._\
    ,' / \
    / (_
    [snip - .sig of Matthew Thomas]

    [21] Where do I find ASCII art pictures, tutorials and information? ========================================================================
    There are a number of ASCII art Usenet groups:-


    are English-speaking ones that were once widely used.

    alt.ascii-art [original ASCII art discussion group]
    alt.ascii-art.animation [is about animating ASCII art]
    alt.ascii-art.endless-blabla [an off-topic follow-up troll-trap]
    alt.binaries.pictures.ascii [ASCII art sofware/image drop-zone]
    rec.arts.ascii [primary moderated ASCII art group]

    Lots of ASCII artists put up libraries of their own and others'
    ASCII art on their Web sites, as well as tutorials on how to draw
    ASCII art:

    Ascii-Art Document Archive (address as listed in the header)
    The DMOZ Open Directory Project ASCII art sites:

    Wikipedia's page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art
    Ascii-Art Archive https://www.asciiart.eu (faq)
    Ascii-Art Collection https://asciiart.website (scarecrow)
    Ascii-Art Dictionary http://www.ascii-art.de
    Ascii-Art Links https://www.incredibleart.org/links/ascii.html
    ASCII Art MUD Gallery http://bits.untergrund.net/MUD_Gallery
    Ascii-Art Pictures http://www.asciiworld.com
    Ascii-Art Stocker https://ascii-art.net (SSt)
    Ascii-Art bug https://www.asciipr0n.com/bug

    There is an on-line panel of experts at: The ASCIItorium

    And webrings:

    Also IRCascii.8bit:
    http://www.acid.org (irc.efnet#ascii)

    Kanji/UTF-8 and proportional-font text-art/ascii:

    The Internet Archive has a record of posts to alt.ascii-art
    dating from Nov.1993 to Jan.2011 at:

    [22] History Oracle: from the old-old FAQ v1.2 March 14, 1994 ========================================================================
    What types of ascii-art are there?

    o Linedrawing - like stickmen
    o Lettering - like Figlet does
    o Grey scale pictures - These create the illusion of grey shades
    by using letters for their light emitting value.
    Here is an example of how they break down by light intensity:
    (Jorn Barger's light value scale)

    Darker .'`,^:";~ Lighter

    * Message split, to be continued *

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Mon Apr 24 03:00:57 2023
    * Continuation 1 of a split message *

    bright /|\ -_+<>i!lI? /|\ dark
    letters | /\|()1{}[] | letters
    on rcvunxzjft on
    dark | LCJUYXZO0Q | bright
    background \|/ oahkbdpqwm \|/ background
    Lighter *WMB8&%$#@ Darker

    o 3-D images - Can be viewable by people with similar vision in
    both eyes. You try to focus as if you are looking at the back
    of the monitor. The image should pop into focus and create a
    3-D illusion. Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose
    on the monitor glass.
    o Geometric Article - Text is formed into meaningful shapes.
    o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.
    o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.
    o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.
    o Color - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen
    and 'ANSI' color compatible software, or Web access using HTML.
    o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics if you have color
    o Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Color Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Scroll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed
    by scrolling down. The image plays out as the screen is redrawn
    with the next 'page' of the image.
    o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds
    at times. The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that
    has already been printed on. This allows for darkening, and for
    placing different characters at the same place on the paper.
    This kind of art is obviously only printed.

    88.._| | `-. | `. -_-_ _-_ _- _- -_ - .'| |.'| | _..88
    88 `-.._ | |`! |`. -_ -__ -_ _- _-_- .' |.;' | _.!-'| 88
    88 | `-!._ | `;! ;. _______________ ,'| .-' | _!.i' | 88
    88..__ | |`-!._ | `.| |_______________||."'| _!.;' | _|..88
    88 |``"..__ | |`";.| i|_|MMMMMMMMMMM|_|'| _!-| | _|..-|' 88
    88 | |``--..|_ | `;!|l|MMoMMMMoMMM|1|.'j |_..!-'| | 88
    88 | | | |`-,!_|_|MMMMP'YMMMM|_||.!-;' | | | 88 88___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!|d|MMMo * loMM|p|,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____88
    88 | | | | | |_|MMMMb,dMMMM|_|| | | | | | 88
    88 | | |..!-;'i|r|MPYMoMMMMoM|r| |`-..| | | | 88
    88 | _!.-j' | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._| `i-!.._ | | 88
    88 _!.-'| | _."| !;|1|MbdMMoMMMMM|l|`.| `-._| |``-.._ | 88
    88..-i' | _.''| !-| !|_|MMMoMMMMoMM|_|.|`-. | ``._ | |``"..88
    88 | |.| |.| !| |u|MoMMMMoMMMM|n||`. |`! | `". | 88
    88 | _.-' | .' |.' |/|_|MMMMoMMMMoM|_|! |`! `,.| |-._| 88
    88 _!"'| !.'| .'| .'|[@]MMMMMMMMMMM[@] \| `. | `._ | `-._ 88
    88-' | .' |.| |/| / \|`. |`! |.| |`-88
    88 |_.'| .' | .' |/ \ \ | `. | `._-Lee| 88
    88 .' | .' |/| / \ |`! |`.| `. | 88
    88 _.' !'| .' | / \| ` | `. |`.| 88 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ========================================================================
    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    | END O F T H E A S C I I A R T FAQ |
    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Colin Randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Apr 25 00:15:30 2023
    On 20/04/2023 19:55, Viatrix wrote:
    On 2023-04-20T19:12:04+0100, Colin Randall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>

    hi ... i'm curious how you knew (could tell) it had 'flowed format' ?
    or is it possible TB has provided this as an option in a recent
    update ? i would've expected to have encountered this issue with
    Mozilla tools previously

    I could tell because my newsreader has an option to view the raw source
    of a message, and your messages from Thunderbird had the following Content-Type header:

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

    (note the "; format=flowed" at the end)

    I think Thunderbird's used Format=Flowed as its default when sending
    for decades now, but it often goes unnoticed as Format=Flowed tries to
    be as unobtrusive as possible (however the "space-stuffing" was, in
    fact, intrusive here). I believe some mailing lists have had problems
    with Thunderbird due to its use of Format=Flowed too.
    thanks ... reading up about it shows development from around 2005 or
    earlier by Qualcomm Eudora for cell-phone usage due to tiny displays

    not good for ascii-art

    their response:

    Sometimes we do things with ASCII text that get munged up by reformatting,
    like using ^^^ under a word to emphasize it. f=f can undo that work.

    On the other hand, almost no one reads mail with the monospaced font
    necessary to understand that kind of ASCII markup – no one with
    an f=f-compatible mailer, anyway.

    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /|
    \ \_ _/ / \ .

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: none whatsoever (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Jun 15 10:00:22 2023
    From: colin.randall2@gmail.com (CJRandall)
    Subject: [FAQ] ASCII Art - answers to frequently asked questions
    Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.ascii-art.animation,news.answers
    Followup-To: alt.ascii-art
    Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
    X-Disclaimer: Approval for *.answers is based on form, not content. Organisation: none what so ever
    Summary: Ascii-Art FAQ version 3 <pre>
    it contains texts written by:-
    Jorn Barger, Bob Allison and Matthew Thomas
    together with texts gleaned from many others
    this is the most recent (v3.0.3.37) publication
    it is provided such that it may be helpful
    changes from v3.0.3.36 are: posting tips compliance
    changes from v3.0.3.35 are: fixes for posting agent i use
    changes from v3.0.3.34 are: minor cosmetic for web-browsers
    changes from v3.0.3.33 are: minor revisions+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.32 are: additions+corrections
    changes from v3.0.3.31 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.30 are: google-groups fix+links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.29 are: no m$.outlook+google-groups bad
    changes from v3.0.3.28 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.27 are: links updated+validated
    changes from v3.0.3.26 are: minor revisions
    changes from v3.0.3.25 are: links validated
    changes from v3.0.3.24 are: posting-frequency

    Archive-name: arts/ascii
    X-Archive-name: ascii-art/faq
    Posting-Frequency: occasionally
    Last-changed: 2023-05-14 cjr
    Compiler: CJRandall <colin.randall2@gmail.com>
    Copyright: Public display of this document in proportional-fonts is forbidden

    | | : : :: \ \ ;;
    J J : : :: \ \ ;;
    L L : : __ _ _________ \ \ ;;
    | | : : / |`| |`|___ ___|`-.\ \ ;;
    J J : : / . | | | `-.| |`-. `-.`\ \ ;;
    L L : : / /| | | | | | `-. `-\ \ ;;
    | | : : / /_| | | | | | `-. \ \. ;;
    J J : : / ___ | | | | | `-\ \`-.
    L L : : / /`-.| | | |___ | | _ \ \-.`-._
    | | : : /_/____|_|_|_____|_|_|_(_) _ \ \ `-._`:
    J J : : |__________________________| `-. \ \-.,-'
    L L : : _ _ _ _ _ ___ `-. `-. \ \ |
    | | :_: /\(_`/ `-| |`-_/\-| )-_| `-. `-. `-. \ \|
    J J | | /--\_)\_,_|_|__/--\|_\__|__ `-. `-._`-\ \
    L L|_| |___________________________|`-. `-._ `-.\ \
    | | | _____ ___ ___ `-.`-._ `-._ \ ,!`-.
    J J | | ___|`/ _ \`-._/ _ \`--. `-._`--._`-'||`-'
    L L | | |_ / /_\ \ / / \ \ `-._ `--. `-,+.`-._
    __-------_ | _|`/ _____ \ \ \_/ /_._ `--._ `-.|X||-./
    | |/|_|_./_/_____\_\_\_____/=\`-._ `-. |X||.|
    | _,--------------.____ -========\_(A)`-.._ `-|X||\
    Ool | _| ` |_`--. `-- |X||/
    /VK | | | ALT.ASCII-ART: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS / ||-. ======================================================================== [Subject:] (FAQ) Welcome to ASCII art ========================================================================

    __ __ __ _,
    \\ \\ / ___ '|| ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ _/|_ ___
    \\ /\\ / //_\) || // \)// \\ ||'||'|| //_\) || // \\
    \/ \/ \\__,_||_\\__,\\_//_||_||_||_\\__, \|_\\_//

    ___ ___ ____ ____
    /\ (( / // | || || ___ _,_ _/|_
    /_\\ \\ (( || || __\\'||\) ||
    _/ _\\_/__)) \\__,_||_ _||_ ((_||_||_ \|_

    Answers to frequently asked questions about ASCII art ========================================================================
    On the Web, the FAQ and other useful documents can be found in the
    ASCII art Documentation Archive (ADA), at the following locations:- ========================================================================
    *** There is a wealth of information about ASCII Art ***
    *** in the ASCII Documents Archive *** ========================================================================
    International Mirrors ======================================================================== https://www.votrezone.com/ada/ (Calgary, Canada) https://vyznev.net/ascii/ada/ (Helsinki, Finland) https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/q/ada/ (Lulea, Sweden)

    https://dmoz-odp.org/Computers/Usenet/FAQs/Individual_Group_FAQs/ ========================================================================
    -+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+-.-+*%$%*+- ======================================================================== Contents ========================================================================
    [1] What's alt.ascii-art?
    [2] What is ASCII art?
    [3] What does ASCII mean?
    [4] Why do all the pictures look strange?
    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art?
    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art?
    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art?
    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering?
    [9] Where can I find Figlet's address?
    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself?
    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something?
    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art?
    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz]
    [14] Have a picture or graphic and would like it Asciified?
    [15] How do I convert a picture or graphic to ASCII art?
    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage?
    [17] What are ASCII art signature files?
    [18] What is ASCII art animation?
    [19] What does ObAscii mean?
    [21] Where can I find pictures/tutorials/infos/chatrooms/experts?
    [22] Historacle's What types of ASCII art are there?
    [X1] The Ascii Art 10-Commandments

    [1] What's alt.ascii-art? What's going on here? ========================================================================
    You're probably reading this because it's been posted to
    news:alt.ascii-art, news:alt.ascii-art.animation or rec.arts.ascii.
    If you're not, jump in and take a look. In these Usenet groups
    people discuss ASCII art, request ASCII art, post ASCII art, post
    improved versions or variations of other people's ASCII art, and
    generally have fun.

    [2] What is ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is any sort of pictures or diagrams drawn with the
    printable characters in the ASCII character set.
    (For a definition of ASCII, see Question 3.)

    :-) Probably the most common ASCII art picture is the smiley (-:
    =) but it can get a lot more sophisticated than that. (=
    .-" +' "-. Here's a small ASCII picture of
    /.'.'A_'*`.\ a snow-scene paperweight,
    |:.*'/\-\. ':| drawn by Joan Stark:
    \:~^~^~^~^:/ If this picture looks very strange and
    /`-....-'\ you can't really tell what it is,
    jgs / \ don't panic -- see Question 5.

    People use ASCII art for a number of reasons. Here are some of them.
    * It is the most universal computer art form in the world --
    every computer system capable of displaying multi-line text can
    display ASCII art, without needing to have a graphics mode or
    support a particular graphics file format.
    * An ASCII picture is hundreds of times smaller in file size
    than its GIF or BMP equivalent, while still giving a good idea
    of what something looks like.
    * It's easy to copy from one file to another (just cut and paste).
    * It's fun!

    [3] What does ASCII mean? ========================================================================
    ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
    7-bit as defined in ISO-646 is a basic set of 128 numbered symbols
    which almost all kinds of computer can display. Here are the ones
    that are used for ASCII art:

    032 [space] 048 0 064 @ 080 P 096 ` 112 p
    033 ! 049 1 065 A 081 Q 097 a 113 q
    034 " 050 2 066 B 082 R 098 b 114 r
    035 # 051 3 067 C 083 S 099 c 115 s
    036 $ 052 4 068 D 084 T 100 d 116 t
    037 % 053 5 069 E 085 U 101 e 117 u
    038 & 054 6 070 F 086 V 102 f 118 v
    039 ' 055 7 071 G 087 W 103 g 119 w
    040 ( 056 8 072 H 088 X 104 h 120 x
    041 ) 057 9 073 I 089 Y 105 i 121 y
    042 * 058 : 074 J 090 Z 106 j 122 z
    043 + 059 ; 075 K 091 [ 107 k 123 {
    044 , 060 < 076 L 092 \ 108 l 124 |
    045 - 061 = 077 M 093 ] 109 m 125 }
    046 . 062 > 078 N 094 ^ 110 n 126 ~
    047 / 063 ? 079 O 095 _ 111 o

    There are other characters in the set (with the numbers 0 - 31 and
    127), but they can do bad stuff to Usenet readers, so PLEASE DON'T
    USE THEM in your pictures (except characters 10 and or 13 which
    are used to insert a new-line by a variety of Operating Systems).

    [4] Why do the pictures look strange? ========================================================================
    If one particular picture posted to this group looks faulty, but the
    rest of them look fine, then its most likely a problem with that
    particular picture, or with the poster's Usenet program. But if
    *all* the pictures look bad, then your Usenet reader may be set to
    display messages in a proportional font (see Question 5).

    * If using Google-Groups from a web-browser try "uBlock Origin" a
    plugin for user style-sheets so you can use the following to fix
    the layout when using Chrome or FireFox by inserting these lines
    in "My filters" in the settings: groups.google.com##div[role="region"]:style(white-space:pre!important) groups.google.com##div[role="region"]:style(font-family:monospace) groups.google.com##div[role="region"] br:style(display:none!important)

    * If there are a lot of almost-blank lines in the picture, then
    the message is probably suffering from `wrapping'. This
    wrapping may be being done by your newsreader; see if it has an
    option called `wrap long lines' or similar, and make sure it is
    turned off. If this doesn't work, then the wrapping was probably
    done by the news program of the person who sent the picture, in
    which case there's not much you can do -- everybody else will be
    seeing the same thing.

    * If there are a lot of < and > symbols in the picture, with
    words like HTML, FONT COLOR, B, I, and so on inside them, then
    the picture has been sent in HTML format and your newsreader
    does not understand HTML (most newsreaders don't).

    [5] What font do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    ASCII art is created using a fixed-width font (like on a traditional
    typewriter), because this is the only way to make it portable.
    However, several Usenet readers now display messages in a
    proportional font (where different characters are different widths).

    When using proportional fonts you can never be sure whether your
    image will look the same in a different proportional font. If you're
    making art in Arial and the receiver has Times New Roman or whatever
    then perhaps their space character will be wider but their semicolon
    is narrower and then things don't line up properly.

    The following two lines tell you which kind of font you're using.
    The arrow ends up in a different place for different font types and
    is right most of the time:

    You are using a [Proportional] [Monospaced] font
    ................................. --^--

    Also, to see what your program is doing, look at these two lines:
    If they look the same length, you're using a fixed-width font and
    all should be ok. If the second line is longer than the first, you
    need to change your settings to use a fixed-width font.

    In Mozilla Thunderbird, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Language & Appearance
    In Forte Agent, the option is set in
    Options > Display Preferences > Fonts
    and Free Agent, the option is set in
    Options > General Preferences > Fonts
    In Outlook, the option is set in
    Tools > Options > Read > Fonts ____
    Tools > Options > Send > Automatically wrap text at |____|

    set both the PROPORTIONAL font and FIXED-WIDTH font to
    NOTE : If LUCIDA CONSOLE is not available as a font, pick another
    Detailed information on how to configure other Usenet readers is
    available at the: ASCII-Art Documentation Archive.

    If all else fails, copy the text of the picture from
    your program and paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad).
    It's a hassle, but at least you'll get to see the pictures.

    [6] What program do you use for ASCII art? ========================================================================
    You can create ASCII art in any text editor, [jorn barger]
    such as: Notepad in Windows,
    SimpleText or BBEdit in MacOS,
    nedit, vi, vim, or pico in Unix, _+m"m+_
    BEd or AZ in AmigaOS, edit in DOS, Jp qh
    or any of the various Emacs editors. O O
    Yb dY
    A 'quick-start' program for learning "Y5m2Y"
    is JavE, a free Java program, that can be
    obtained from:- http://www.jave.de

    Some editors have features which make them more
    suitable for ASCII art than others, but that is
    largely a matter of personal opinion. Features which
    are both useful for ASCII art and available in many
    text editors, include the following:-

    * Overtype, also known as overstrike: removes the need for
    you to constantly realign characters using the Backspace,
    Space, and Delete keys. Try the Insert key if there is one
    on your keyboard, or your program's Options or Preferences.

    * Rectangular copy and paste: allows you to select rectangular
    sections of text (not just rows or parts of rows). On programs
    which have this feature, it is usually done by holding down a
    key such as Ctrl while selecting text.

    * Find/Change: allows you to change all the characters of one
    value to another (eg: change all the ~s to "s).

    [7] How do I draw my own ASCII art? ========================================================================
    Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)
    A good way to learn is to study how someone has made a picture.
    What characters are chosen and how the characters are laid out.
    How a texture is made.

    ########:::::::::::######## The best way to learn is to Practise.
    #########:::::::::######### Draw your cat, your toaster, your
    ##########:::::::########## partner, your musical instruments,
    ###########,---.########### anything that will sit still long
    ##########/`---'\########## enough. Practice makes, if not
    #########/ \######### perfect, then at least pretty good.
    ########/ \######## Whether you do small drawings (less
    #######:`-._____.-':####### work involved) or large ones (easier
    ######::::: ( ) |::::###### to make recognizable) is up to you.
    #####:::::: ) ( o:::::##### If you're interested in tutorials,
    ####::::: .-(_)-. :::::#### there are many available from the
    ###:::::: '=====' ::::::### ASCII-art Documentation Archive.
    A good way to begin drawing is to \`"-.
    type a row of spaces for however ) _`-.
    wide you want your picture, and , : `. \
    then copy this row and paste it : _ ' \
    for however many rows high you ; *` _. `--._
    think the picture will get. `-.-' `-.
    Turn Overtype on and place the | ` `.
    cursor somewhere in the middle :. . \
    and begin drawing. This can save | \ . : .-' .
    using Delete, Backspace, Enter : )-.; ; / :
    and Space-bar keystrokes. : ; | : : ;-.
    Saving this empty `canvas' as a ; / : |`-: _ `- )
    read-only file for future use can ,-' / ,-' ; .-`- .' `--'
    save you even more time later. `--' `---' `---' bug

    Another method is by tracing a picture either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    You can also modify existing art. Take a piece of art you think
    could be improved. Make a copy. Now work on it. When you are
    good at that, try to improve a really good pic. Then see if you
    can fix a damaged file. Now take some small pics and put them
    together into a big composite image.

    Much of ASCII art is about hinting, and making people see lines
    that aren't really there.[VK]

    When drawing ASCII art be aware that there are a few characters
    that differ in size, shape and position among fonts:

    ' apostrophe -- tilts southwest-northeast or vertical
    * asterisc -- appears in the middle or top
    ^ caret -- differs in size and shape
    ~ tilde -- appears in the middle or top
    I aye -- straight line in sans-serif, with strokes in serif
    try using the vertical bar (|) instead.
    # hash -- hash symbol on most, currency on some old computers.

    [8] Can someone do me some kewl lettering? ========================================================================
    There is a program called Figlet which does that sort of thing
    automatically -- you type in `Jane Smith', and you get back

    ___ __,
    ( / ( o _/_ /
    / __, _ _ `. _ _ , / /_
    _/_(_/(_/ /_(/_ (___)/ / /_(_(__/ /_
    (/ [figlet:cursive.flf]

    in this and a whole lot of other fonts (see Question 9).
    The ASCII art text produced by Figlet can be quite stunning,
    so try it first before asking for help from the newsgroups.

    IF, however, Figlet doesn't produce the kind of results you want,
    THEN post to alt.ascii-art or rec.arts.ascii with your request and
    ensure that you include:
    * that you have already tried Figlet or don't have access to it
    otherwise you will probably just get told to use it.
    * a description of the kind of lettering you want, along with
    any other symbols or logos which you would like incorporated
    into it.

    [9] Where can I find Figlet ? ========================================================================
    The Figlet home page is at:- http://www.figlet.org/
    and links to the FTP site:- ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/
    where you can download
    versions of the program or source-code for many different platforms.
    Also http://www.Jave.de has a Figlet feature to write or draw with.

    You can run Figlet on the Web by going to one of the following sites
    and choosing your text and options on the Web page. Different sites
    offer different options (e.g. multiple fonts at once, justification,
    and limited line length). Some of these sites also provide an e-mail
    Figlet service for people with browsers which don't support forms.

    * http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
    * http://www.patorijk.com/software/taag/
    * http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/cgi/figlet/figlet

    [10] Can I copy or post that ASCII picture for myself? ========================================================================
    / \ Don't assume that if somebody posts
    | | something to a Usenet group, that gives
    |.| you the right to use it however you like,
    |.| copyright laws still apply.
    |:| __ For more information, see the article:-
    ,_|:|_, / ) Copyright Myths FAQ:
    (Oo / _I_ `10 big myths about copyright explained'
    +\ \ || __| in news:news.announce.newusers.
    \ \||___|
    \ /.:.\-\ It is also available via https at:-
    |.:. /-----\ www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
    / |:<_T_>:| Generally, ASCII artists don't mind
    |_____\ ::: / if you copy their pictures and re-post
    | | \ \:/ them or put them on your own Web site,
    | | | | as long as you don't make any money
    [nosig] \ / | \__ out of them, like on Mugs or T-shirts,
    / | \____\ since they may want a "cut of the take".
    Here are a few important considerations:-

    * If the picture contains a few letters in one corner which don't
    seem to be part of the picture, they're the artist's initials.
    DO NOT remove these initials -- would you cut away the part of
    a Van Gogh painting containing his name? Leaving the initials
    on is a small price to pay for being able to use the picture
    for free.

    * If you're going to use a picture in your signature file, or in
    a place (such as a log-in screen) which means you're going to
    be using it a lot, you should really e-mail the artist (or post
    to the newsgroup, if you don't know their address) and ask for
    permission, because otherwise people may get the mistaken
    impression that you were the one who drew the picture.

    * If you find a picture you want to use, or post, but it doesn't
    have initials on it, a common method of marking has been to use
    the tag: Unknown. More recently the tag: [nosig] has been used.

    As for posting other people's ASCII art,
    after a discussion in news:alt.ascii-art _ ___
    the following rules were agreed upon: #_~`--'__ `===-,
    1. If an ASCII ART picture has initials `.`. `#.,//
    on it, leave them on when posting it ,_\_\ ## #\
    2. If an ASCII ART picture doesn't have `__.__ `####\
    initials on it, mention that you ~~\ ,###'~
    didn't draw it when posting it. \##'
    3. If somebody posts a picture without [nosig]
    initials and you have an original copy
    with initials on, feel free to re-post the original version.
    * The re-post ought not to be taken personally, as we all
    know that ASCII art often loses proper credits.
    Responses to the re-post are not necessary.

    One contributor suggested the following:

    1.) Ultra polite:...ya make yer own ascii and use it.
    2.) Very polite:...Ya contact the author and ask if ya
    can use it...
    3.) polite:...Ya use it but you keep the Credits
    in there like they should be.
    4.) rude:...Ya use it and strip credits.
    5.) Very rude:...Ya use it and claim that it Is
    _Your_ very own creation...

    You choose ... I think the default choice is #3 but you should
    make up yer own mind.... [Krogg]

    [11] What way works best to ask for a picture of something? ========================================================================
    Give your request the subject: `REQ:' or `[req]'
    Whatever you're looking for a picture of, in the message describe
    more exactly what you're looking for. Generally, the more specific
    you are, the more likely you are to get some response.
    If you just say something like:
    `can someone draw me a fish, please'
    then you may not get many replies, because people may not know
    what size or feel they're wasting their time by drawing something
    you won't want. If you don't have Web access, mention this fact,
    otherwise you may get replies consisting only of URLs for the
    kind of pictures you're looking for.
    If someone is rude back to you directly, then please be patient,
    since it may just be a troll trying to wind you up.
    .' )) __-:!:- If you have a picture
    .' .' )) and want it Ascii-fied
    ((__,' .' .ASCII! -:!:- see Question 14 and 15.
    -:!:- ((__,'^*

    [12] What should I know before posting to alt.ascii-art? ========================================================================
    It doesn't matter if your ASCII art isn't particularly good; we'd
    like to see it anyway. We won't be rude about it (although you'd
    better tell us what it is, or we might ask :-), but if it shows
    potential, you may find that other people will `re-diddle' it --
    change a few characters, make it a bit better, and re-post it.

    HOWEVER, there are a few things you should check before you
    post to news:alt.ascii-art any piece of ASCII art
    (see also Question 13).

    * Are you sending it as PLAIN TEXT?
    Turn off "send MIME message" and select "PLAIN TEXT only".

    * Is it under 72 characters wide? Most news readers can only show
    lines which are under either 72, 76, or 80 characters wide, so
    if your picture is wider than 72 characters it may get wrapped
    [see Question 4]. Also remove any unnecessary space characters
    from the end of each line of the picture, to prevent lines from
    being too long (and getting wrapped) without your realizing.

    * If it IS over 72 characters wide?
    Then a warning in the subject line [wide:110] or whatever the
    original picture width and Check Your Post Output Line-Wrap
    Previous versions of this FAQ used a system to prefix posts
    such as: [pic] [info] [req] [big] which may be used as a guide
    when providing warnings.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove leading spaces from
    the first line of a posting which can be resolved by placing
    a dot '.' on a line of its own above the message.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may remove a single leading space
    from a posting which can be resolved by ensuring there are at
    least two leading spaces on each line of the message.

    * Sometimes a newsreader program may insert extra spaces at the
    start of lines which already had a space char due to a default
    setting: Format=flowed - which needs to be turned off.
    The mailers affected are:-
    Mozilla Mail (including Thunderbird)
    M2 (the Opera mail program), Eudora 4.2 and later,
    Microsoft Hotmail, Apple Mail, Pine 4.61 and later.
    Also the 'quote' functions are a hazzard when viewing Ascii Art.

    * Have you used any TAB characters or Control Codes?
    Inserting control codes (ASCII characters 0 to 31) in a picture
    can sometimes achieve interesting effect on your computer screen
    or news reader, such as reversing text or changing its colour.
    DO NOT post any of these pictures to news:alt.ascii-art, post to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii instead for two reasons:-

    1. the effects that the control codes have on your news reader
    are almost certainly going to be different from those on
    the thousands of other news readers that other people use

    2. on some news readers, control codes can cause messed up
    displays, messages not appearing, or (in some cases) the
    news reader crashing.

    If you're not sure about whether your message will turn out ok,
    post it to a test group (such as news:alt.test or news:misc.test)
    first and make sure that you can read it ok, also using a different
    newsreader, if you can.

    [See Question 10 for advice on posting someone else's ASCII art.]

    [13] What to NOT post to alt.ascii-art? [da roolz] ========================================================================
    [13.1] ASCII art is a very simple medium.

    /\ / /\ / / /\ /\ /
    \/\ \ /\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ __ \/\ \/_ /\
    \ \/ \ o \ / \/ \ \ \ \ \
    _ _ _ _
    ___ (" )( ") The following List of Items (" )( ") ___
    / \_\ \/ / should NOT be posted to \ \/ /_/ \
    | D_ ]\ \/ the Usenet groups:- \/ /[ _G |
    | D _]/\ \ / /\[_ G |
    \___/ / /\ \ news:alt.ascii-art / /\ \ \___/
    mark (_.)(._) news:alt.ascii-art.animation (_.)(._) JavE


    NOTE: alt.binaries.pictures.ascii supports posting of ASCII
    software tools or fonts (in ZIP format) and binary images
    of ASCII or other FontSet (in GIF format) and any other
    ASCII art related material, but no Spam, in relation to
    discussions in the alt.ascii-art newsgroups.
    Use the subject header: [abpa] for easy identification.

    -= List of Items =-

    * Binaries, Trojans, Zombies, Virus, Spam.

    * ANSI,`extended ASCII' or `high ASCII', and non-Western font art.
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Many computer systems have an extended character set of 256 or
    more characters, based on the ANSI, Unicode or BIG5 character
    sets and having the first 128 characters possibly identical to
    ASCII. These characters should not be sent to news:alt.ascii-art
    because many computer system types do not display them properly,
    even those that do, do not display them in a standard way, for
    example, the Windows ANSI character set is different to the
    Macintosh ANSI character set. Capture and send a GIF of it to
    news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it on a Web page and
    post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which Web pages are written in
    can be read by some Usenet readers, particularly those built-in
    to Web browsers, allowing colours and animations in ASCII art,
    however, few newsreaders support it and to many appears as a
    jumble of <TAGS> and are totally unrecognizable,
    If you have a picture which uses HTML for a particular feature
    such as colors or animation, put it on a Web page and post
    the URL address of the page to news:alt.ascii-art.

    * JAVA, JavaScript, Flash, GIF or whatever animated ASCII art.
    This relies, not only on the newsreader being able to display
    HTML, but also being able to run Java or JavaScript.
    Put it on a Web page and post the URL address to
    news:alt.ascii-art.animation and news:alt.ascii-art

    * Proportional Font ASCII art screws up on many readers' displays
    Post it to news:rec.arts.ascii (see Section[13.2]).
    Send a GIF of it to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or put it
    on a Web page and post a reference to it to news:alt.ascii-art

    Finally, do not use any control codes, non-ASCII characters,
    or word-processor-type formatting in your postings. These are
    particular to your editor or computer system they will almost
    certainly not have the intended effect on the systems the rest
    of us use (they may even crash some Usenet readers).

    [13.2] What can I post to rec.arts.ascii?

    /\ / / /\ /\ / / /\ / /
    \/_ \/ \ \/\ \/_ /\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \
    \ \/ \/ o \ \ \ / o \ / \/ \ \

    The official charter for rec.arts.ascii, as sent in the newsgroup
    control message, is:

    The group news:rec.arts.ascii will be an appropriate group for
    postings to include, but not be limited to, the following:

    o All forms of ASCII art including, but not limited to:
    - Standard ASCII art.
    - Animations.
    - ANSI color graphics.
    o Discussion about pieces of art.
    o Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfilment.
    o Questions and answers covering:
    - Creating and viewing ASCII art.
    - Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.
    o Discussion about artists in the field.

    rec.arts.ascii is a moderated group meaning that all posts are
    reviewed before being sent to the group. That work is done by a
    robo-moderator which filters Spam and checks the posts have the
    correct format before approving them. It can also target a
    specific poster's traffic for human moderator approval.

    Subjects must be tagged either:
    [PIC] for pictures
    [REQ] for requests for others to draw pictures
    (people replying with pictures change the tag to [PIC])
    [DIS] for general ascii art related discussion and replies.
    [ADMIN] for the moderator to post important information.

    >> NOTE: Please read:-
    http://www.drabble.me.uk/usenet/raa.shtml (guidelines.txt)
    >> for concise up-to-date list of permitted subject tags
    >> and usage before posting.

    The robo-mod also checks that the posts are in PLAIN TEXT only,
    that line length is set to LESS than 80 characters UNLESS the
    phrase [long lines] is in the BODY of the post, when the LIMIT
    is then raised to 200 characters.

    Cross-posting is permitted provided that:
    o - it is to no more than three groups
    o - the followup-to header is set to only one group.
    Cross-posting to other moderated groups is NOT permitted.

    [14] I have a picture and I would like it Asciified? ========================================================================
    In this case, post a request to news:alt.ascii-art asking for
    someone to `asciify' it, but
    to save downloading time for people reading the messages,
    if possible give the URL (Web address) of the picture instead.

    If you saw the picture on a Web page, you can find out its URL by
    right-clicking on it (on the Macintosh, right-clicking,
    Ctrl-clicking, or holding down the mouse button) and selecting
    `Open this image' (or its equivalent for your Web browser), then
    copy the URL from the Location bar to your news program (make sure
    you copy it exactly).

    If the picture is not on a Web site anywhere, put it up on your own
    site (if you have one), or get a friend to put it up on their site,
    and post the URL to alt.ascii-art. If you can't do this, post your
    request to the newsgroups and wait for someone to reply, then post
    the picture to news:alt.binaries.pictures.ascii or e-mail to them.

    [15] How do I convert a picture to ASCII art? ========================================================================
    [15.1] programs:
    There are computer programs available which convert graphics files
    of a variety of formats (often GIF) to ASCII art. They go by names
    such as ascgif, gifa, gifscii, and gif2ascii. Do a Web search for
    any of these programs to find places where you can download them.


    Many think that you just put a GIF into a converter program and
    out comes a perfect ASCII pic. Here are some things you can do
    to improve the chances of getting a good conversion:-

    o Use an 8 bit grey scale or color image instead of a 2 bit B&W.
    o Use an image with a wide, even distribution of tones.
    o Keep it simple, like a face or close-up of an object.
    o Avoid busy backgrounds. Generally avoid bright backgrounds.
    o Use an image that is tightly cropped, without a lot of waste.
    o Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions,
    you will probably not like 9 to 11 out of 12.
    o It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture,
    concentrate on the focal points and important areas.

    [15.2] tracing:
    Another method is by tracing a picture, either onto clear-plastic
    and sticking it onto the screen then opening an editor to trace
    under or using an editor which allows the loading of a background
    image to trace over, a process known as `water-mark'.
    Try: https://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/cgi-bin/ASCII/plastic-bag.cgi

    [15.3] image2html:
    There are computer programs and web-servers available which convert
    graphics files of a variety of formats to HTML colored TEXT art for
    use on web-pages.
    Try: https://www.text-image.com/convert/

    [16] How do I put ASCII art on a webpage? ========================================================================
    HTML, the language used in Web pages, can display ASCII art
    using the "pre-formatted text" tags .<.P.R.E.>. .<./.P.R.E.>.

    .<.T.I.T.L.E.>. Ascii art on a webpage
    : __ :
    : =='_)) __-:!:- (your ascii here) :
    : ,.' .' ))-:!:- :
    : ((_,' .'-:!:- :
    : ~^~~~^~~^~~~^~ :
    .<./.H.T.M.L.>. (remove the dots)

    HTML can be used to add special effects such as colours,
    font size, and blinking text.

    Please be aware that within a PRE tag block, when using some older
    Web-Browsers or when Scripting string$ to Web, some characters may
    not render properly and need to be 'Escaped' or replaced with a
    mnemonic code. The list of characters are:-

    character glyph escaped mnemonic dec hex

    Quote " \" &quot; &#34 &#0x22
    Ampersand & &amp; &#38 &#0x26
    LessThan < \< &lt; &#60 &#0x3C
    GreaterThan > \> &gt; &#62 &#0x3E
    Escape \ \\ &#92 &#0x5C

    For full instructions on how to do this see:-

    An auto-generator to do this:-

    [17] What should I know about signature files? ========================================================================
    A signature file (or `sig' for short; not to be confused with the
    initials added to an ASCII picture) is a small, personalized text
    file which an e-mail or news program can add to the end of every
    message a person sends -- the equivalent of a letterhead for dead
    tree (paper) mail (or snail-mail). Usually it contains little more
    than the person's name, organization and e-mail address, maybe an
    inspirational quote of some sort and some people like to incorporate
    ASCII art into their signature files as well.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ \|/ ____ \|/
    | | | ___| | (_) \| | __/ __| @~/ ,. \~@
    |_ _|___| |__| | .` | _|\__ \ /_( \__/ )_\ Mike
    |_| |____|_|_|\_|___|___/[Figlet] \__U_/ Jittlov

    The lack of importance in relation to global warming, violence in
    society, and so on, can be the subject of heated arguments. To be
    brief, (almost) no-one will complain if your signature file is four
    lines long or fewer -- and it is quite possible to draw good ASCII
    pictures which are that small.
    Also check-out SigGen at https://sourceforge.net/projects/siggen/
    (@) (@) `) There are a lot of web-pages on this with )
    ^ < > ^ ( google search ascii sig. _______)
    === `----Richard James-----------------'

    Some newsreaders don't allow you to have a signature file which is
    longer than four lines, while others just complain. Five or six
    lines may be acceptable, but any longer, and you're starting to
    take the risk that your signature will be longer than some of your
    messages; this wouldn't really make sense on paper, so it isn't
    really acceptable in cyberspace either. The exception is in messages
    posted to news:alt.ascii-art itself -- we're used to seeing long
    sigs, so we won't complain.


    But, no matter what the length of your signature, make sure it's
    fewer than 72 characters wide, otherwise it may end up a horrible
    mess (see Question 8).

    [18] What is ascii-animation? ========================================================================
    An animated image produced by a sequence of changing ASCII pictures.
    The speed will depend on the system you are using.
    o \ o / __o __| \ / |__ o__ \ o / o
    /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\
    / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \
    Ascii-Animation transports vary a lot. The earliest known portable
    types used the Control-Codes of the (often .VT or .ANS) terminal
    screens for either `paging' or `direct cursor addressing'.
    Sometimes found as c-code in .sigs, which, when compiled and run
    produce moving patterns or images.
    o _ _ _
    _o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_)
    _< \_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/
    (_)>(_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_
    * A collection of .VT files can be found at:
    Most Web Ascii-Animation uses Java or Javascript.

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using JavaScript, see:-

    * To find out how to animate ASCII art using Java, see:-

    * To watch an ASCII episode of the movie Star Wars see:-

    [19] What does ObAscii mean? ========================================================================
    ObAscii = Obligatory Ascii

    Obligatory: [adj] compulsory (of a ruling) having binding force

    Ascii: [slang] ascii-art picture

    A funny way to remind people to put a drawing in their post.

    This means an ascii in every post! (especially off-topic threads)
    Failure to comply can result in flaming! This implies that if you
    don't include an ascii in your post you deserve to get flamed!

    The concept of ObAscii has been around since the creation of the
    usenet group news:alt.ascii-art and it's purpose is to provide some
    on-topic content to an otherwise off-topic posting.

    *NOT* The 1st ever! ObAscii :
    From: Matthew Thomas <mpt26@spamfree.land>
    Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:50:09 +1300
    Organization: University of Canterbury.nz (opinions are my own)

    ,' \ [snip - 3rd party flame ]
    ` | BOLLOCKS!!!
    J |
    J L I am staying out of this as much as
    | | . , possible, Colin, because I really ...
    | | `v_L.'
    // ,>'--\'_ :.
    \`' \ - /-. [snip - rant/rave]
    / /`""| :.
    ),' `-
    ( ,-' \ Anyway, I think a lot of this
    ) ,' ,' h flaming would decrease if everyone
    / / / `)--.. was required to post a (different)
    \/ / \ <) obligatory ASCII pic in each message
    < , L<' -- at the very least, it would slow
    F/ _/ ,' the flames down.
    L ,-' \
    | ___L So, to start the trend, here's my
    / ( F
    J ___,' L ObAscii: the Statue of Liberty.
    | ,' |
    F ,' |
    (_,--..__ mt-2|_
    ,' `"`--.._\
    ,' / \
    / (_
    [snip - .sig of Matthew Thomas]

    [21] Where do I find ASCII art pictures, tutorials and information? ========================================================================
    There are a number of ASCII art Usenet groups:-


    are English-speaking ones that were once widely used.

    alt.ascii-art [original ASCII art discussion group]
    alt.ascii-art.animation [is about animating ASCII art]
    alt.ascii-art.endless-blabla [an off-topic follow-up troll-trap]
    alt.binaries.pictures.ascii [ASCII art sofware/image drop-zone]
    rec.arts.ascii [primary moderated ASCII art group]

    Lots of ASCII artists put up libraries of their own and others'
    ASCII art on their Web sites, as well as tutorials on how to draw
    ASCII art:

    Ascii-Art Document Archive (address as listed in the header)
    The DMOZ Open Directory Project ASCII art sites:

    Wikipedia's page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art
    Ascii-Art Archive https://www.asciiart.eu (faq)
    Ascii-Art Collection https://asciiart.website (scarecrow)
    Ascii-Art Dictionary http://www.ascii-art.de
    Ascii-Art Links https://www.incredibleart.org/links/ascii.html
    ASCII Art MUD Gallery http://bits.untergrund.net/MUD_Gallery
    Ascii-Art Pictures http://www.asciiworld.com
    Ascii-Art Stocker https://ascii-art.net (SSt)
    Ascii-Art bug https://www.asciipr0n.com/bug

    There is an on-line panel of experts at: The ASCIItorium

    And webrings:

    Also IRCascii.8bit:
    http://www.acid.org (irc.efnet#ascii)

    Kanji/UTF-8 and proportional-font text-art/ascii:

    The Internet Archive has a record of posts to alt.ascii-art
    dating from Nov.1993 to Jan.2011 at:

    [22] History Oracle: from the old-old FAQ v1.2 March 14, 1994 ========================================================================
    What types of ascii-art are there?

    o Linedrawing - like stickmen
    o Lettering - like Figlet does
    o Grey scale pictures - These create the illusion of grey shades
    by using letters for their light emitting value.
    Here is an example of how they break down by light intensity:

    * Message split, to be continued *

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From colin randall@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Jun 15 10:00:22 2023
    * Continuation 1 of a split message *

    (Jorn Barger's light value scale)

    Darker .'`,^:";~ Lighter
    bright /|\ -_+<>i!lI? /|\ dark
    letters | /\|()1{}[] | letters
    on rcvunxzjft on
    dark | LCJUYXZO0Q | bright
    background \|/ oahkbdpqwm \|/ background
    Lighter *WMB8&%$#@ Darker

    o 3-D images - Can be viewable by people with similar vision in
    both eyes. You try to focus as if you are looking at the back
    of the monitor. The image should pop into focus and create a
    3-D illusion. Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose
    on the monitor glass.
    o Geometric Article - Text is formed into meaningful shapes.
    o Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.
    o Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.
    o Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.
    o Color - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color screen
    and 'ANSI' color compatible software, or Web access using HTML.
    o Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics if you have color
    o Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Color Animation - take a look at [dead-link snipped]
    o Scroll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed
    by scrolling down. The image plays out as the screen is redrawn
    with the next 'page' of the image.
    o Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds
    at times. The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that
    has already been printed on. This allows for darkening, and for
    placing different characters at the same place on the paper.
    This kind of art is obviously only printed.

    88.._| | `-. | `. -_-_ _-_ _- _- -_ - .'| |.'| | _..88
    88 `-.._ | |`! |`. -_ -__ -_ _- _-_- .' |.;' | _.!-'| 88
    88 | `-!._ | `;! ;. _______________ ,'| .-' | _!.i' | 88
    88..__ | |`-!._ | `.| |_______________||."'| _!.;' | _|..88
    88 |``"..__ | |`";.| i|_|MMMMMMMMMMM|_|'| _!-| | _|..-|' 88
    88 | |``--..|_ | `;!|l|MMoMMMMoMMM|1|.'j |_..!-'| | 88
    88 | | | |`-,!_|_|MMMMP'YMMMM|_||.!-;' | | | 88 88___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!|d|MMMo * loMM|p|,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____88
    88 | | | | | |_|MMMMb,dMMMM|_|| | | | | | 88
    88 | | |..!-;'i|r|MPYMoMMMMoM|r| |`-..| | | | 88
    88 | _!.-j' | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._| `i-!.._ | | 88
    88 _!.-'| | _."| !;|1|MbdMMoMMMMM|l|`.| `-._| |``-.._ | 88
    88..-i' | _.''| !-| !|_|MMMoMMMMoMM|_|.|`-. | ``._ | |``"..88
    88 | |.| |.| !| |u|MoMMMMoMMMM|n||`. |`! | `". | 88
    88 | _.-' | .' |.' |/|_|MMMMoMMMMoM|_|! |`! `,.| |-._| 88
    88 _!"'| !.'| .'| .'|[@]MMMMMMMMMMM[@] \| `. | `._ | `-._ 88
    88-' | .' |.| |/| / \|`. |`! |.| |`-88
    88 |_.'| .' | .' |/ \ \ | `. | `._-Lee| 88
    88 .' | .' |/| / \ |`! |`.| `. | 88
    88 _.' !'| .' | / \| ` | `. |`.| 88 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ========================================================================
    -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS-------------------

    / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the
    ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art.
    /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership
    / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art.
    /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ.
    | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission
    \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's
    ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art.
    '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone
    \_ | | | else's ASCII art.
    | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ.
    \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone
    / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making
    \ | | | clear that you didn't make it.
    \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that
    \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all.
    | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ.

    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    | END O F T H E A S C I I A R T FAQ |
    |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||||
    ._!__ __ __
    / _\/_ |_ \!_
    / / 7 / /| ,---.
    \ \_ _/ / \ . / / \
    \_//__/|_\_\!_. \ \/ / Verified
    | `---'

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