• Richard Stallman as Seen via the BBS Scene

    From Citadel BBS History@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Feb 15 22:25:22 2023
    "This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source"
    without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
    is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
    more than noise and friction to the open source community."

    Citadel: a storied history https://www.citadel.org/citadel_past_present_and_future.html

    TLDR; Richard Stallman is a dishwatery pinko commie neanderthal.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Cyber23 news (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Blue-Maned_Hawk@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Feb 16 10:05:41 2023
    T24gMi8xNS8yMyAwNjoyNSwgQ2l0YWRlbCBCQlMgSGlzdG9yeSB3cm90ZToNCj4gIlRoaXMg ZG9jdW1lbnQgbWFrZXMgcmVmZXJlbmNlIHRvIHRoZSB0ZXJtcyAiTGludXgiIGFuZCAib3Bl biBzb3VyY2UiIA0KPiB3aXRob3V0IGhlc2l0YXRpb24uIE91ciBvZmZpY2lhbCBwb3NpdGlv biBpcyB0aGF0IHRoZSBwaHJhc2UgIkdOVS9MaW51eCIgDQo+IGlzIG9ubHkgdXNlZCBieSBj b21tdW5pc3RzIGxpa2UgUmljaGFyZCBTdGFsbG1hbiB3aG8gY29udHJpYnV0ZSBsaXR0bGUg DQo+IG1vcmUgdGhhbiBub2lzZSBhbmQgZnJpY3Rpb24gdG8gdGhlIG9wZW4gc291cmNlIGNv bW11bml0eS4iDQo+IA0KDQrigItXaGVuIHlvdSB1c2UgdGhlIHRlcm0gImNvbW11bmlzdCIg YWdhaW5zdCBzb21lb25lIGRlcm9nYXRvcmlseSwgZG8geW91IA0KdXNlIGl0IHdpdGggdGhl IGxpdGVyYWwgZGVmaW5pdGlvbiB0ZXJtIGluIG1pbmQsIG9yIGRvIHlvdSB1c2UgaXQgYXMg YSANCmdlbmVyaWMgaW5zdWx0LCByZWdhcmRsZXNzIG9mIGl0cyBsaXRlcmFsIGRlZmluaXRp b24/DQoNCi0tIA0K4pqX77iOIHwgL2JsdS5tyZtpbi5kyrBhay8gfCBzaG9ydGVucyB0byAi SGF3ayIgfCBoZS9oaW0vaGlzL2hpbXNlbGYvTXIuDQpibHVlbWFuZWRoYXdrLmdpdGh1Yi5p bw0KQml0Y2hlcyBzdG9sZSBteSB3aG9sZSBhc3Mg4pCU8J+tluGqs+G3v/CdvJfht43ij6fw kpKr8JC7vuCjm+KGie+/veKDoyBxdW90ZWQtcHJpbnRhYmxlLCBjYW4ndCANCmhhdmUgc2hp dCBpbiBUaHVuZGVyYmlyZCDwn5ipDQoNCg==

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From John Levine@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Feb 16 13:33:46 2023
    According to Blue-Maned_Hawk <bluemanedhawk@gmail.com>:
    is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
    more than noise and friction to the open source community."

    ​When you use the term "communist" against someone derogatorily, do you >use it with the literal definition term in mind, or do you use it as a >generic insult, regardless of its literal definition?

    Stallman is the guy behind the Gnu Public License, which is intended
    to force software to be freely sharable rather than sold so in that
    sense I suppose you might argue that he's opposed to private property.
    But as far as I know, that's just about software. As anyone familiar
    with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
    copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
    just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

    So in this case I think it's "communist" in the sense of "poopyhead".
    John Levine, johnl@taugh.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
    Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Taughannock Networks (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Vir Campestris@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Feb 16 23:23:30 2023
    On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
    As anyone familiar
    with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
    copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
    just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

    Back in those days there was no portable software.

    IAC software was just a way to help sell the hardware.


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Jim Jackson@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 17 08:59:00 2023
    On 2023-02-16, John Levine <johnl@taugh.com> wrote:
    According to Blue-Maned_Hawk <bluemanedhawk@gmail.com>:
    is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
    more than noise and friction to the open source community."

    ???When you use the term "communist" against someone derogatorily, do you >>use it with the literal definition term in mind, or do you use it as a >>generic insult, regardless of its literal definition?

    Stallman is the guy behind the Gnu Public License, which is intended
    to force software to be freely sharable rather than sold ...

    Not quite. You can sell it. From the GPL 2, second paragraph ...

    "When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
    price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
    have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
    this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
    if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
    in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things."

    .... so in that
    sense I suppose you might argue that he's opposed to private property.
    But as far as I know, that's just about software. As anyone familiar
    with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
    copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
    just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.
    So in this case I think it's "communist" in the sense of "poopyhead".

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From John Levine@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 17 09:26:20 2023
    According to Vir Campestris <vir.campestris@invalid.invalid>:
    On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:
    As anyone familiar
    with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
    copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business did
    just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

    Back in those days there was no portable software.

    Um, the entire point of COBOL was to be portable, and people were
    certainly moving Fortran programs from one kind of machine to another
    by 1960. You might want to brush up on your history.

    Hint: the CO stands for COmmon.

    John Levine, johnl@taugh.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
    Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Taughannock Networks (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Anthk@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 17 10:26:48 2023
    On 2023-02-15, Citadel BBS History <citadel@bbs.history> wrote:
    "This document makes reference to the terms "Linux" and "open source" without hesitation. Our official position is that the phrase "GNU/Linux"
    is only used by communists like Richard Stallman who contribute little
    more than noise and friction to the open source community."

    Citadel: a storied history https://www.citadel.org/citadel_past_present_and_future.html

    TLDR; Richard Stallman is a dishwatery pinko commie neanderthal.

    Eh, GuixSD it's far more revolutionary than these old-fashioned dickheads.
    And Emacs interface for the blind, Emacspeak, it's far ahead of everything.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Charlie Gibbs@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 17 12:13:24 2023
    On 2023-02-16, John Levine <johnl@taugh.com> wrote:

    According to Vir Campestris <vir.campestris@invalid.invalid>:

    On 16/02/2023 02:33, John Levine wrote:

    As anyone familiar
    with the history of computing knows, nobody even attempted to
    copyright software until the mid 1960s, and the computer business
    did just fine in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s.

    Back in those days there was no portable software.

    Um, the entire point of COBOL was to be portable, and people were
    certainly moving Fortran programs from one kind of machine to another
    by 1960. You might want to brush up on your history.

    Hint: the CO stands for COmmon.

    Still, as with everything else, IBM did its best to add proprietary
    extensions to lock people in. (Yes, that's one more "innovation"
    that Microsoft didn't invent.) But if you were careful you could
    write in a fairly portable dialect.

    /~\ Charlie Gibbs | Microsoft is a dictatorship.
    \ / <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> | Apple is a cult.
    X I'm really at ac.dekanfrus | Linux is anarchy.
    / \ if you read it the right way. | Pick your poison.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Dan Cross@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Feb 18 09:52:58 2023
    In article <tsifaj$2o79$1@news.cyber23.de>,
    Citadel BBS History <citadel@bbs.history> wrote:
    [snip drivel]
    "Richard Stallman as Seen via the BBS Scene"?

    I'm no Stallman fan, but... Who cares what the
    "BBS Scene" thinks of him?

    - Dan C.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC (3:633/280.2@fidonet)