[ANSI] RCS Last Callers 1.0 Mod
Jim Howarth@1:229/300 to
All on Thu May 30 19:23:30 2024
Hey there,I'm currently trying to figure out an is
sue I am having with this mod. When you look at th
e display of the last 10 callers, the list is out oforder.
Ie, not in the order of callers time of call. when I first turned
it on, it listed fine, but as soon as it hit caller 10, it starts displaying them from the top again. example below: Note the d
ates, mid point down the list.--
[Last Callers] -------- [Node] ------ [Location] --------- [Date]
---- [Time]MaxMouse1!HYP05/22/2410:56
!HYP05/21/2419:37Mystic Hobbies1sy
This appears to be the code that reads the last callers:
---Function ReadCallersDat:BooleanVarRe
t : Boolean = Falsecounter:Byte=1Begin Callersdat:=CFGDataPath+'callers.dat'fAssign(Fptr,Callers
dat,66)fReset(Fptr)If IOResult = 0 Then Begi
nFor counter:=1 to 10 doBeginIf N
ot fEof(Fptr) ThenfReadRec(Fptr,Call[counter])
ReadCallersdat:=RetEnd---And this
is the code that puts it all together and outputs it. To me it seems
more like the problem is in the code above though.-
--Procedure LastCallersVar count : integer = 1
Y : byteBegindispfile('rcschead')Y:=WhereY
gotoxy(1,Y+1);WriteLn(Title+' [Last Call
ers] '+TitleOff+Bar+'--------'+Title+' [Node] '+Title
Off+Bar+'------'+Title+' [Location] '+TitleOff+Bar+'-------
--'+Title+' [Date]'+TitleOff+Bar+'----'+Title+' [ Time]'+TitleOff)//gotoxy(1,Y+6);for cou
nt:=1 to 10 doWriteLn(' '+C2+PadRt(Call[count].Handle,2
5,' ')+C1+Int2Str(Call[count].Node)+''+C3+PadRt(Call[count].City
,21,' ')+C4+' '+DateSTR(Call[count].MDateTime,1)+''+C5+TimeStr( Call[count].MDateTime,False))gotoxy(1,Y+12);
WriteLn(Title+' [Who''s Online] '+TitleOff+Bar+'--------'+T
itle+' [Node] '+TitleOff+Bar+'------'+Title+' [Action
] '+TitleOff+Bar+'--------'+Title+' [Chat Status] '+T
itleOff+Bar+'-------') End---
Any thoughts? I'm confused.
-- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
-- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net
--- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand (1:229/300@fidonet)