The Gaming Shelf
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram, author
Marc Smith, author
David Bird, contributor
Master Point Press
9781771400718, $21.95, PB, 192pp
Synopsis: First published in 1999, this new edition of "25 Bridge Conventio=
ns You Should Know" is now completely revised and updated to reflect change=
s in bidding over the last 20 years, including three new chapters.
Critique: The collective project of bridge specialists and experts Barbara = Seagram (one of North America's top bridge teachers, with well over twenty = books to her credit), Marc Smith (a Grand Master for more than 40 years and=
as a player has won most events on the English bridge calendar), and David=
Lyster Bird (a British bridge writer from Eastleigh, with more than 130 br= idge books to his name), "25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know" has long b= een considered a classic in the bridge playing world -- and with this new a=
nd expanded edition will continue to be a 'must read choice' for all aspiri=
ng and experienced bridge players seeking to master and/or improve their ga= me! Exceptionally well organized and presented, "25 Bridge Conventions You = Should Know" is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, profe= ssional, community, and academic library bridge gaming instructional collec= tions and reading lists.
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James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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