• September 2022 MBR The Metaphysical Studies Shelf

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    The Metaphysical Studies Shelf

    Spell Bound
    Chaweon Koo
    Smith Street Books
    c/o Rizzoli
    300 Park Avenue South, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10010
    9781922417640, $24.95, HC, 248pp


    Synopsis: With the publication of "Spell Bound: A New Witch's Guide to Craf= ting the Future", Chaweon Koo (a Korean-American witch who creates videos a=
    nd articles on the intersection of occultism, futurism, and Korean culture)=
    explores magic's past and how to navigate its future in a world where anci= ent groves meet silicon valley.

    An ideal and informative guide for any beginning witch, "Spell Bound" dips = into the occult from the unique perspective of Eastern and Western magics c= olliding. Chaweon Koo takes the student of magic through its history, magic=
    al foundations, deities, astrological influences, as well as magic's future=
    in a digital world, teaching us to harness the powers of our ancestors whi=
    le embracing the changes around us, to practice our witchcraft at its fulle= st.

    Critique: Memorable illustrated, is a seminal work that will have a special=
    appeal and value to both aspiring and practicing Wiccans. Offering fascina= ting and thought-provoking insights into the practice of magic in a digital=
    age, "Spell Bound: A New Witch's Guide to Crafting the Future" is especial=
    ly and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, coll= ege, and university library Metaphysical Studies collections.

    Editorial Note: Chaweon Koo is a writer, YouTuber, and podcaster of occult = topics. She has been interviewed on Korean radio on her magic practice and = also has a Korean language occult YouTube, and a dedicated web site at http= s://linktr.ee/hichaweon

    The Untamed Witch
    Lidia Pradas
    Fair Winds Press
    c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
    100 Cummings Center, Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915
    9780760376638, $24.99, PB, 192pp


    Synopsis: Witchcraft is not one defined and arbitrary path. Rather, it is c= omprised of a number of diverse practices that you can curate and align wit=
    h based on your lifestyle and unique gifts. Moreover, those practices are n=
    ot meant to be done the same way by every witch. Someone else's love spell =
    is how they conjure love. For example -- Why use lavender in a ritual if it=
    isn't native to your surroundings or you simply don't like it?

    "The Untamed Witch: Reclaim Your Instincts. Rewild Your Craft. Create Your = Most Powerful Magick" by Lidia Paradas is an instructional guide and 'how t=
    o' manual that gives you the insight and tools to undomesticate your craft = from formulaic to inspired practices.

    "The Untamed Witch" also covers: Tools and practices to access the subconsc= ious; How to work with the life, death, rebirth cycle; How to use elemental=
    and land witchcraft; Ancestry work and communicating with spirit guides an=
    d entities

    With "The Untamed Witch" as your guide, you will learn to use your instinct=
    s to rewild your magick.

    Critique: Nicely illustrated throughout, "The Untamed Witch: Reclaim Your I= nstincts. Rewild Your Craft. Create Your Most Powerful Magick" is an ideal = resource for both novice and experienced Wiccans and magick users alike. Fa= scinating, thought-provoking, inspiring, and thoroughly 'user friendly' in = organization and presentation, "The Untamed Witch: Reclaim Your Instincts. = Rewild Your Craft. Create Your Most Powerful Magick" is highly recommended = for personal, professional, community, and academic library Metaphysical St= udies collections.

    Editorial Note: Lidia Pradas is the Wiccan witch behind the Instagram sensa= tion Wiccan Tips. She was born in Spain and comes from a family of witches = who taught her pagan traditions and other aspects of the craft. In 2020 she=
    obtained her bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. Now, Lidia writes=
    and teaches about witchcraft and paganism, and she is dedicated to helping=
    beginner witches find their own path. She has a dedicate website at https:= //wiccantips.com

    The Pulp Girls Tarot Deck
    The Pulp Girls
    Rock Point
    c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
    100 Cummings Center, Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915
    9781631068867, $24.99, Card Deck


    Synopsis: The Pulp Girls are a dynamic duo who are dedicated to creating pu=
    lp art memes centering diversity and female empowerment. With this approach=
    , "The Pulp Girls Tarot Deck: A 78-Card Deck of Magic and Affirmations" is =
    a tarot deck whose purpose is to guide men and women to discover their stre= ngths and take charge of their life with insight from the powerful archetyp=
    es of the major arcana, including Justice, Strength, The High Priestess, Th=
    e Magician, The Lovers, and The Fool, and the subtle day-to-day details con= veyed by the minor arcana, the suit cards of Wands, Cups, Swords, and Penta= cles.

    Critique: A 78-card tarot deck that is accompanied by a 76 page information=
    booklet, "The Pulp Girls Tarot Deck: A 78-Card Deck of Magic and Affirmati= ons" is especially and unreservedly recommended for novice and experienced = tarot card readers alike. Especially useful for personal and professional t= arot readers as a tool for personal transformation and self-improvement, "T=
    he Pulp Girls Tarot Deck: A 78-Card Deck of Magic and Affirmations" is an e= xtraordinary addition to personal and professional metaphysical and mystic = tarot deck collections.

    Editorial Note: The Pulp Girls is a collective run by sisters Cailie and Br= ianna. Cailie is the resident illustrator, with a strong focus on subversiv=
    e depictions of all kinds of folks. In addition to beautiful artwork and pr= ints, they produce wearable art in the form of apparel, socks, buttons, ena= mel pins, patches, stickers, and jewelry. The have a dedicated website at h= ttps://www.thepulpgirls.com/products

    The Kabbalah of Light
    Catherine Shainberg
    Inner Traditions
    9781644114742, $19.99

    https://www.amazon.com/Kabbalah-Light-Practices-Imagination-Illuminate/dp/1= 644114747

    The Kabbalah of Light: Ancient Practices to Ignite the Imagination and Illu= minate the Soul links ancient Jewish mystical traditions with modern-day li= ves in a step-by-step guide that helps readers understand the practice of K= abbalah. It's the perfect item of choice for those that would base their mo= dern choices and approaches on time-tested techniques.

    It provides well over a hundred short exercises and practices designed to h= elp readers tap their subconscious in new ways that lead to transformationa=
    l experiences. Catherine Shainberg's focus on fast techniques allows even t=
    he busiest modern reader access to the Kabbalah of Light, originating over = 800 years ago, to use the modernized practices that will help them address = being stuck in any life situation, helping direct choices using ancient tra= ditions.

    These are meditative, inspirational directives that not only encourage visi= onary experiences, but add the insight and intentions that help guide reade= rs. The solidity of daily life "doesn't have concreteness." In contrast, th=
    e dream state offers freedom. The trick lies in learning better techniques = for accessing, experiencing, and interpreting its wisdom, and that's where = the Kabbalah of Light and this guidebook come into play.

    Meditators and metaphysical readers, as well as those interested in self-he=
    lp psychology, will find these practices accessible and encouraging. Indeed=
    , anyone who feels "stuck" in life and who searches for routines that bring=
    wisdom and enlightenment will find The Kabbalah of Light the perfect start= ing point for transformation, whether they are Jewish or not. Spirituality = and inspirational libraries will find the book holds only one prerequisite:=
    the ability to not just accept a different path for accessing subconscious=
    patterns, but the willingness to self-examine and change.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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