• November 2022 MBR The Education Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Dec 2 10:37:09 2022
    The Education Shelf

    The Black Family's Guide to College Admissions
    Timothy L. Fields, author
    Shereem Herndon-Brown, author
    The Johns Hopkins University Press
    2715 N Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
    9781421444895, $21.95, PB, 224pp


    Synopsis: Finding the right college is a challenge for all students. But Bl= ack families face additional challenges and questions while navigating the = admissions process. With the publication of "The Black Family's Guide to Co= llege Admissions: A Conversation about Education, Parenting, and Race", vet= eran college admissions experts Timothy L. Fields and Shereem Herndon-Brown=
    share provocative insights and demystify this complex process to answer im= portant questions from where to apply to how to get in.

    Fields and Herndon-Brown discuss specific concerns for Black families that = are not often addressed by school counselors or other resources. They highl= ight how the current social justice movement amplifies the distinct dynamic=
    s that exist between Historically Black Colleges and Universities and predo= minantly white institutions and which college choices may be best for Black=

    Fields and Herndon-Brown pull from decades of experience to offer the savvy=
    advice that Black families need. Having worked on both sides of the desk (=
    as school counselors and as college admissions gatekeepers) they are well e= quipped to give parents, students, and school counselors the information an=
    d inspiration to successfully research and navigate the admission journey.

    The higher education landscape is constantly evolving, and admissions crite= ria have evolved with it. Fields and Herndon-Brown cover everything from at= hletic recruitment and artistic talents to financial aid and step-by-step i= nstructions for how to get through the college search and application proce= sses. A list of the best colleges for Black students, a glossary of terms, =
    a list of notable Black college graduates, a suggested reading list, and an=
    FAQ section round out the guide. "The Black Family's Guide to College Admi= ssions" is the definitive resource to begin the complex conversation of und= erstanding the choices that Black families face as they go through the coll= ege admissions process at the intersection of education, parenting, and rac=

    Critique: Comprehensively information and exceptionally 'reader friendly' i=
    n both organization and presentation, "The Black Family's Guide to College = Admissions: A Conversation about Education, Parenting, and Race" is an espe= cially and unreservedly recommended instructional reference for highschool = and community library College Selection Guide collections. For students, fa= mily, highschool counselor, and college/university admissions personnel rea= ding lists it should be noted that "The Black Family's Guide to College Adm= issions: A Conversation about Education, Parenting, and Race" is also avail= able in a digital book format (Kindle, $16.49).

    Editorial Note #1: Timothy Fields (https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-fiel= ds-5936758) is a graduate of Morehouse College and senior associate dean of=
    admissions at Emory University.

    Editorial Note #2: Shereem Herndon-Brown (www.collegevine.com/experts/profi= le/e/304) is a graduate of Wesleyan University and the founder and chief ed= ucation officer of Strategic Admissions Advice, an educational consulting c= ompany specializing in the creation of college counseling curriculum for ch= arter schools and school districts, online essay courses, and personalized = college advice coaching.

    Paying for College, 2023
    Kalman A. Chany
    The Princeton Review
    c/o Random House Inc.
    9780593516492, $25.99, PB, 384pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Paying-College-2023-Everything-Admissions/dp/0593516= 494

    Synopsis: Financing a college education is a daunting task no matter your c= ircumstances. With line-by-line instructions for filling out the FAFSA and = consumer-friendly advice to minimize college costs, this new and fully upda= ted edition of "Paying for College, 2023: Everything You Need to Maximize F= inancial Aid and Afford College" helps aspiring college students and their = parents to: Maximize your financial aid eligibility; Prepare for upcoming c= hanges affecting student aid; Explore long- and short-term strategies to re= duce college costs and avoid expensive mistakes; Complete every question on=
    the FAFSA and CSS Profile aid applications to your best advantage; Compare=
    aid offers and learn how to appeal them if necessary; Plan strategically a=
    s a separated/divorced parent, blended family, or independent student.

    Critique: Expertly organized and presented, this new edition of "Paying for=
    College, 2023: Everything You Need to Maximize Financial Aid and Afford Co= llege" is essential reading for anyone student and their families needing t=
    o finance a college education given the increasing costs that seem to rise = higher and higher with every year. Simply stated, no Highschool Counsler, C= ollege Student Parent, or College Student can afford not to give a careful = reading to the financially relevant information comprising "Paying for Coll= ege, 2023: Everything You Need to Maximize Financial Aid and Afford College=
    ". While unreservedly recommended for highschool, community library, and co= llege admissions office collection, it should be noted for personal reading=
    lists that "Paying for College, 2023: Everything You Need to Maximize Fina= ncial Aid and Afford College" is also available in a digital book format (K= indle, $12.99).

    Editorial Note: Kalman A. Chany (http://www.campusconsultants.com/kalchany.= html) is the founder and president of Campus Consultants Inc. For over 35 y= ears he has personally helped thousands of clients get the most financial a=
    id possible. He is a frequent information source for the New York Times, Th=
    e Wall Street Journal, and Money Magazine and is regularly interviewed on C=
    NN and CNBC.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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