• November 2022 MBR The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf

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    The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf

    Howard Berk, author
    Peter Berk, author
    Ingram Elliot Publishing
    9781952961076, $15.31 (Amazon), PB, 240pp


    Synopsis: With crime rampant in the near future, the President authorizes a=
    controversial program: TimeLock, a cellular acceleration process that inst= antly ages prisoners the total number of years of their sentence. In other = words-three strikes and you're old . . . very old.

    Despite ongoing public outcries, two years later the program is up and runn= ing and crime is already on the decline. But what happens if you're innocen=

    Falsely convicted of murder, 23-year-old Morgan Eberly is sentenced to be a= ged 40 years in a TimeLock capsule. When a riot interrupts his processing, = Morgan (now 43 years old) manages to escape.

    With powerful forces on his trail, Morgan enlists the help of Janine Price,=
    the FBI agent who arrested him. Together, they investigate the murders of = ex-prisoners who were transformed by TimeLock and soon discover why Morgan =
    is certain to be next. Can Morgan and Janine unlock the truth about TimeLoc=
    k before it's too late?

    Critique: A deftly crafted dystopian style science fiction suspense thrille=
    r of a novel, "TimeLock" by the team of Howard and Peter Berk is a compulsi=
    ve page turner of a read from cover to cover and unreservedly recommended f=
    or community library collections. It should be noted for the personal readi=
    ng lists of dedicated science fiction, action adventure, and suspense/thril= ler fans that "TimeLock" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle=
    , $8.49).

    Editorial Note: Peter Berk and his father, Howard Berk, shared more than DN=
    A -- they shared a love of film and television and a talent for writing. In= deed, Howard was an award-winning film and TV writer and book author whose = credits included such classic series as Columbo, Mission: Impossible, and T=
    he Rockford Files.

    Our Lady of the Artilects
    Andrew Gillsmith
    Independently Published
    9798837333972, $24.99, HC, 413pp


    Synopsis: World leaders are already on edge as Artilects (next generation a= ndroids) begin reporting a strange apocalyptic vision that only they can se=

    But when an Artilect belonging to the wealthiest man in Africa shows up at = the Basilica of Our Lady of Nigeria claiming to be possessed, the stakes ar=
    e raised. The Vatican sends Fr. Gabriel Serafian, an exorcist and former ne= uroscientist, to investigate. Serafian quickly finds himself swept up in a = conspiracy of global and possibly supernatural dimensions.

    The timing couldn't be worse. Rome is on the verge of reconciliation with t=
    he Chinese Economic Interest Zone after a 50 year cold war, and the Chinese=
    are particularly sensitive about the so-called Apparition.

    To discover the truth and save not only humanity but the artilects themselv= es, Serafian enlists the aid of a tough-as-nails Imperial Praetor named Nam= ono Mbambu.

    Critique: Showcasing author Andrew Gillsmith genuine and impressive flair f=
    or originality and the kind of narrative storytelling based style that make=
    s for a compulsive page turner of a read, "Our Lady of the Artilects" is a = fully engaging novel that will appeal to readers with an interest in the pa= ranormal/metaphysical and the deftly blending of fantasy and science fictio=
    n. While especially and unreservedly recommended for community library Scie= nce Fiction & Fantasy collections, it should be noted for personal reading = lists that "Our Lady of the Artilects" is also available in a paperback edi= tion (979-8819594711, $16.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $2.99).

    Editorial Note: Andrew Gillsmith (https://www.sfwa.org/featured-author/andr= ew-gillsmith) is a science fiction writer who grew up in the Golden Age of = Cyberpunk.

    The Definition of Luck: Or The Post-Modern Prometheus
    Steven Paul Leiva
    Magpie Press
    9781735298542, $15.99, PB, 316pp


    Synopsis: Khadambi Kinyanjui is a 6-foot-five-Kenyan who grew up in London = and is from a wealthy family. Joe Smith, quite a bit shorter, is a red-head=
    ed orphan who grew up with his Aunt Liz in a hole in the California desert.=
    Both are brilliant scientists. One is a neurobiologist, the other an astro= nomer, who first meet in 2049 under the Tommy Trojan statue at the Universi=
    ty of Southern California. They become the best of friends but a very odd c= ouple. And yet, their brotherhood is more robust than most actual brothers.

    Then tragedy strikes the pair. Death is near for one of them. What can fend=
    it off? Can the mind, the self, be uploaded to some digital realm? Can one=
    become more than a human and far less than an animal? Or will the fix be s= omething unexpected and mysterious? Can this human survive? Can humanity? C=
    an friendship?

    Critique: Having a special appeal to readers with an interest in philosophy=
    and science fiction, "The Definition of Luck: Or The Post-Modern Prometheu=
    s" showcases author Steven Paul Leiva's genuine and impressive flair for or= iginality and the kind of narrative driven storytelling that fully engages = the read from beginning to end. Thoughtful, thought-provoking, original and=
    entertaining, "The Definition of Luck: Or The Post-Modern Prometheus" is e= specially and unreservedly recommended for community and academic library c= ollections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Definit= ion of Luck: Or The Post-Modern Prometheus" is also available in a digital = book format (Kindle, $4.99).

    Editorial Note: Steven Paul Leiva (https://emotionalrationalist.blogspot.co=
    m) is the author of ten critically acclaimed novels and has received the Sc= ribe Award from the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers.

    Night of Demons and Saints
    Menna van Praag
    Harpyer Voyager
    c/o HarperCollins Publishers
    9780062932501, $17.99, PB, 320pp


    Synopsis: After the battle with their demon father ends in a devastating lo= ss, the Grimm sisters are separated. But, now three years later, as their t= wenty-first birthday approaches, dark fate brings them together once more.

    For Goldie, this birthday is overshadowed by sorrow. She cannot forget the = outcome of that battle, the devastating tragedy that has wreaked havoc on h=
    er already turbulent waking life. While her sisters have thrown themselves = into their own endeavors, Goldie has grown distant and inconsolable. Driven=
    by grief, she devises a diabolical plan using a human sacrifice to resurre=
    ct what she has lost.

    When Liyana unexpectedly discovers what Goldie intends to do, she agrees to=
    help if Goldie will try another way, without sacrificing a life. Returning=
    to Everwhere, they combine their powerful magic to bring back what Goldie = has lost. But something goes terribly wrong, and Scarlet is showing signs o=
    f being possessed by an evil spirit.

    With their lives at stake, the sisters realize they must confront their per= sonal trauma, make amends with the past, and once again prepare for a demon=
    ic fight to come. On the night of their birthday, battle ensues and tragedy=
    strikes once more!

    Critique: The sequel to author Menna van Praage action/adventure fantasy no= vel "The Sisters Grimm" (9780062932464, $27.99 HC, $13.49 Kindle, $25.99 Au= dio CD), "Night of Demons and Saints" is a superbly crafted dark fantasy fi= ction that will have a very special appeal to fans of the paranormal. While=
    readily available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kin= dle, $11.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio,=
    9781799957386, $39.99, CD), "Night of Demons and Saints" is highly recomme= nded for community library Science Fiction & Fantasy collections.

    Editorial Note: Menna van Praag (https://www.mennavanpraag.com) was born in=
    Cambridge, England, and studied modern history at Oxford University. Her f= irst novella, Men, Money, and Chocolate (an autobiographical tale about a w= aitress who aspires to be a writer) has been translated into twenty-six lan= guages. Her first work of fiction, The House at the End of Hope Street, was=
    inspired by an idea van Praag had to set up a house for female artists and=
    give them a year to fulfill their artistic ambitions.

    Lost In Time
    A. G. Riddle
    Head of Zeus
    9781804541760, $24.95, HC, 416pp


    Synopsis: One morning, Dr. Sam Anderson wakes up to find that the woman he = loves has been murdered. For Sam, the horror is only beginning.

    He and his daughter are accused of the crime. The evidence is ironclad. The=
    y will be convicted. And so, to ensure his daughter goes free, Sam does wha=
    t he must: he confesses. But in the future, murderers aren't sent to prison=

    Thanks to a machine Sam helped invent, the world's worst criminals are now = sent to the past - approximately 200 million years into the past, to the da=
    wn of the time of the dinosaurs -- where they must live out their lives alo= ne, in exile from the human race.

    Sam accepts his fate. But his daughter doesn't! Adeline Anderson has alread=
    y lost her mother to a deadly, unfair disease. She can't bear to lose her f= ather as well. So she sets out on a quest to prove him innocent. And to get=
    him back. People around her insist that both are impossible tasks.

    But Adeline doesn't give up. She only works harder. She soon learns that im= possible tasks are her specialty. And that she is made of tougher stuff tha=
    n she ever imagined.

    As she peels back the layers of the mystery that tore her father from this = world, Adeline finds more questions than answers. Everyone around her is hi= ding a secret. But which ones are connected to the murder that exiled her f= ather?

    That mystery stretches across the past, present, and future -- and leads to=
    a revelation that will change everything.

    Critique: The theme of most time travel novels is that if you alter the pas=
    t you change the present. "Lost In Time" is a riveting saga of a time trave=
    l novel that author A. G. Riddle has penned with impressive originality, ex= pert storytelling skills, and an inherent fascination that will hold a very=
    special appeal for science fiction fans. While especially and unreservedly=
    recommended for community library Science Fiction & Fantasy collections, i=
    t should be noted for personal reading lists that "Lost In Time" is also av= ailable in a paperback edition (9781804541784, $16.99) and in a digital boo=
    k format (Kindle, $10.49).

    Editorial Note: A.G. Riddle (www.agriddle.com) spent ten years starting and=
    running internet companies before retiring to focus on his true passion: w= riting fiction.

    Deploying Dragons
    Dan Koboldt
    Baen Books
    P.O. Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471
    9781982192105, $17.00


    Deploying Dragons is highly recommended for readers of speculative fiction = who enjoy doses of hard science and dragon conundrums in their stories of b= iotech futures. The race to develop military-grade dragons to be used in co= mbat produces real dragons that fuel the Build-A-Dragon company's profits. = Unfortunately, the military promise to use them as weapons challenges desig= ner Noah in new ways, as well. The story of a race between special interest=
    s will appeal to readers of fantasy, military sci-fi, and those who look fo=
    r strong characters and complex scenarios.

    Baen Books
    P.O. Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471

    Two new publications are recommended reading for sci-fi readers looking for=
    the added value of moral and ethical challenges in their adventure stories=


    David Carrico's The Blood is the Life (9781982192099, $25.00) follows young=
    man Chaim Caan, who is ready to let off steam at a nightclub after a year =
    in COVID lockdown. Unfortunately, the alluring young woman he meets there t= urns him into a vampire, introducing him to the life of the undead that run=
    s head on into his beliefs as an observant Jew. The moral and spiritual dil= emmas play out well against an action-packed backdrop as Chaim finds all hi=
    s concepts about life and values turned on end. Readers will especially app= reciate the conundrums that emerge from these physical, spiritual, and psyc= hological changes that introduce a dark new world that vies with all prior = beliefs.


    Larry Correia and Kacey Ezell's No Game for Knights: The Dark Side of SF & = Fantasy Heroes (9781982192082, $25.00) gathers stories by Laurell K. Hamilt= on, Sharon Shinn, and other notable Baen authors and genre writers as it pr= esents short stories that meld sci-fi and noir investigations alike. The st= ories consider the intersection between good and evil, nice guys and fall g= uys, and good deeds gone awry, spinning a series of yarns that pair fantasy=
    with detective noir elements for engrossing reads.

    Both of these new titles from Baen Books are attractive and unusual present= ations designed to appeal to a diverse audience of sci-fi and psychological=
    fiction buffs.

    Sasquatch Love Call
    A.M. Jordan
    Thursday Night Press
    c/o DX Varos Publishing
    9781955065641, $19.95 Paper/$4.99 ebook


    Supernatural novel readers typically don't receive humor mixed into dark de= scriptions, but Sasquatch Love Call represents a satisfying foray into the = unexpected, both in its romance component and in its array of supernatural = forces, from sasquatch interference with weddings to a little fire problem.

    The story opens with a bang that captures this juxtaposition of action and = fun: "The explosion shook the entire house throwing me out of my bed. Paper= backs were knocked off shelves. My heavy, carved, oak wardrobe moved a full=
    foot along the wall. I was lucky it was bottom heavy since it didn't fall = over on top of me. My bookshelf, desk, and bed, had joined it in a short da= nce across the floor. I was not amused. Before being blown up, I had been i=
    n the midst of a delightful dream involving Anna. The music had stopped, sh=
    e was about to kiss me, and boom."

    The contrast between monster hunts, supernatural encounters, and everyday l= ife keeps the story intriguing on more than one level: "Tell you what, we'l=
    l go monster hunting tonight and then you guys can go ghost hunting tomorro=
    w night." She sighed.

    "All right, I guess that'll do."

    "Good," Mike said. "Let me get the cornbread."

    The cornbread was fantastic.

    As events unfold, a circus of characters in colorful garb enter the picture=
    to build a fun portrait of a strange summer in Weir Canyon, Colorado, as D= anny Jael's mountain resort job becomes tainted by acts of heroism and murd= er. There is no easy way to define the rollicking romp that is Sasquatch Lo=
    ve Call. Suffice to call it a mystery, a foray into the supernatural, and a=
    love story with a decidedly different tone and characters.

    Readers and libraries seeking humor with a satisfyingly fun supernatural ba= ckdrop will find Sasquatch Love Call impossible to either categorize or put=

    Moon Dragon Falling
    GS Carline
    Dancing Corgi Press
    9781943654239, $19.95 Paper/$6.99 Kindle


    Moon Dragon Falling is the genre-busting Book 2 of the Dragon Shadows serie=
    s and picks up the story of Lisette de Lille, who is now pregnant and looki=
    ng forward to marriage in the aftermath of a battle. Readers of the first b= ook will recall that she is now a moon dragon, but she faces ongoing challe= nges from this transformation and her uncertainty about how to use her new = abilities. The learning curve isn't easy, especially when she's with child = and recovering from the events in Blood Dragon Rising. To make matters wors=
    e, her love Tristan has fallen victim to a potion that has made him forget = Lisette and her child. She must win him all over again (and apparently re-f= ight a too-familiar battle) to win back control over her life, future, and = the life of her unborn child, the result of two blood dragons' union.

    Many elements of fantasy would seem to make Moon Dragon Falling appropriate=
    for the fantasy genre reader. But, wait: is that a pirate injected into th=
    e story? And, how can Lisette embark on an effort to save her love and hers= elf if she can turn from dragon back to a vulnerable human being at any giv=
    en moment? As the romance, confrontations, and unusual milieu coalesce, rea= ders will find Moon Dragon Falling a powerful saga whose characterization a=
    nd setting continually place it outside any pat definition. Replete with th=
    e action of a thriller, the fantasy elements of a dragon dilemma, and the r= omantic concerns of a new mother-to-be who must battle herself and the worl=
    d around her bereft of her life's love, the story is designed to attract no= vel readers as well as fantasy genre followers and fans of a rollicking goo=
    d read.

    From dukes and kidnaping plans to firebrand Lisette's determination to once=
    again quell the forces that threaten her happiness and world, GS Carline h=
    as created another compelling story that could stand alone, but more readil=
    y adds another chapter to the tale that prior fans will relish. Libraries l= ooking for strong examples of action-centered books that feature powerful f= emale protagonists on the cusp of many changes will find Moon Dragon Fallin=
    g recommendable to patrons who look for non-formula writing that steps out =
    of its own definition as a 'fantasy' to reach out to and immerse other audi= ences.

    Denver Moon: The Thirteen of Mars
    Warren Hammond and Joshua Viola
    Hex Publishers, LLC
    9781736596463, $32.99 Hardcover/$19.99 Paper


    Mars is alive. Although this was established in Denver Moon's prior adventu= re, here, it assumes a new degree of threat that demands a different respon=
    se from her. Denver Moon: The Thirteen of Mars is the third book in the Den= ver Moon series, and opens with an attack on Mars that places the red plane=
    t on new alert two years after Denver Moon discovered that alien shape shif= ters had invaded Mars Colony. Now the aliens' purposes come to life in a di= scovery which leads Denver to realize that Mars holds more surprises than o= nce imagined.

    As the story progresses, it moves through repeated conundrums as the concep=
    t of 'home' becomes mercurial, as well as the question of who the aliens re= ally are, in the story. Denver Moon faces firefights, returns to Earth's or= bit, and receives lessons in loyalty and beings that connect via a hive min=
    d and harbor a type of devotion that operates on a biological level. From a=
    bounty hunter hired to track down a doctor to aspects of the shape shifter=
    community which result in revised perspectives and objectives, Denver's di= scoveries impact humans and aliens alike.

    Once again, Warren Hammond and Joshua Viola have crafted an action-packed s= ci-fi story that profiles a proactive female hero able to think outside the=
    box of her training and experiences, placing her a setting that charges he=
    r with pulling off a miracle to save Mars. The strong character of Denver M= oon, which was outlined previously, comes to life here for old fans and new= comers alike, resulting in an adventure that works as either a stand-alone = read or (best) in conjunction with Denver Moon's other exploits.

    The focus on individual versus collective decision-making processes that em= brace when to follow and when to break the rules, whether in alien or human=
    circles, is particularly well-done and thought-provoking, dovetailing nice=
    ly with the action-packed events that move from Mars to space and Earth. Th=
    e result is cyberpunk sci-fi action at its best, making Denver Moon: The Th= irteen of Mars especially recommended for libraries and readers who found t=
    he prior Denver Moon adventures compelling, and who won't be disappointed b=
    y the continuing strength of her persona and actions in her latest story.

    Time Terminus
    David Gittlin
    Entelligent Entertainment, LLC
    9798985860504, $2.79 Kindle

    https://www.amazon.com/Time-Terminus-Unexpected-David-Gittlin-ebook/dp/B0BB= SFHRYZ

    Blend a crime story with time travel elements, mystery, and sci-fi for a se= nse of the genre-busting backdrop of the novella Time Terminus, which lives=
    up to its subtitle and promise, Expect the Unexpected.

    The first unexpected note of the story sounds when a pregnant ewe is hit an=
    d killed by a meteor. Luckily, the farmer who discovered it and the rock is=
    a retired college physics professor who recognizes its value, but not its = evolving threat. Can a rock spark the impetus to build a time machine? It c=
    an if you're a savvy professor with a science-based mindset and the ability=
    to see future potential. But, this project can't happen without investors;=
    and who else will believe in a rock that can instigate time travel?

    The second note of difference arrives with the introduction of successful F= lorida attorney Issac Templeton, who finds his nightmares edging into real = life. A bold business proposition lands in his office and lap to potentiall=
    y change his future, which syncs perfectly with his life perspective: "He h=
    ad read that a person makes their future with their every thought and actio=
    n. It appeared that Peter Alastair subscribed to the philosophy, and so did=

    As events swing between seemingly disparate special interests and concerns,=
    the foundations of Time Terminus at first feel mercurial and shaky; as tho= ugh too many subplots are injected into the story. But wait, there's more. = Each thread results in an interconnected opportunity to appreciate the conu= ndrums involved in developing time travel for profit.

    The characters defy their own special interests, ethics, and life experienc=
    es as they move outside of comfort zones and into a venture that would defy=
    any horror nightmare. David Gittlin's novella is the perfect example of ho=
    w, under the right pen, the short form can prove hard-hitting and well-deve= loped.

    The twists and turns will please mystery and crime story readers with its p= robe into special interests; the sci-fi element reaches hard science enthus= iasts with an attention to detail and science that embeds reality with new = possibilities; and business novel readers will appreciate a surprising stor=
    y of a profitable venture gone awry when it trickles from the roots of achi= evement into the horror of misuse. These elements, solidified by strong, di= sparate characters whose special interests get in the way of their new ambi= tions, create an absorbing story that is a standout in many ways.

    Sci-Fi readers who enjoy explorations of time travel's potential profits an=
    d pitfalls, mystery readers who appreciate evolving conundrums, and busines=
    s readers interested in cooperative ventures gone awry will all appreciate = Time Terminus. Libraries should consider Time Terminus the perfect example =
    of efficient use of the novella form to create a multifaceted read with the=
    ability to appeal to a diverse audience.

    The Singing Shore II: Sky & Stone
    E.P. Clark
    Helia Press
    9781952723254, $4.99 ebook


    The Singing Shore II: Sky & Stone is the second book in the trilogy about D= arya (a.k.a. Dasha) Krasnoslavovna, Tsarinovna of Zem', and her peacekeepin=
    g mission to the Rutsi, her country's war-like neighbors. E.P. Clark provid=
    es a satisfying introduction that summarizes the setting, characters, and a= ction of the first Singing Shore book, Sea & Song, so both newcomers and th= ose who read the first saga can enter into the action more easily. Ideally,=
    though, its readers will be the prior fans of Sea & Stone because the comp= lexity of events, characters, and atmosphere were so richly drawn there.

    Sky & Stone also picks up neatly where Sea & Song left off, forming a seaml= ess continuation for those who look to continue Dasha's journey without int= erruption. Dasha has used forbidden blood magic to preserve the soul of the=
    man she had an affair with when he was killed protecting her. She now carr= ies that soul within her body, which becomes even more complicated a matter=
    because she is now betrothed to a Rutsi prince. However, Dasha is not luck=
    y in love, because that, too, falls apart in an epic manner that leaves her=
    on the run from two different forces, struggling to both harness and avoid=
    tapping the forbidden blood magic once again.

    With Alik talking in her head and helping her walk through places of the de= ad, Dasha embarks on a dangerous journey both through her own abilities and=
    the choices of wielding them, and on routes that attract danger to her pat=

    E.P. Clark's engaging story incorporates Nordic myth and metaphysical flavo=
    rs as it follows Dasha's struggles to tap her strengths without draining th= ose around her. Just the right touches of drama and thought-provoking inspe= ctions, as well as tangled relationships of love and adversity, are injecte=
    d to keep the fantasy fast-paced and unpredictable.

    Clark draws inspiration from Finland's national epic story. This will be of=
    special interest to those studying Finnish mythology and legends. Dasha's = journey is loosely based on The Kalevala, while her encounters with the ani= mals and environment around her are inspired by the actual flora and fauna =
    of Finland and Russia. Steeped in mythology, Finnish traditional legends, a=
    nd a sense of place heightened by Clark's personal familiarity with and tra= vels in the region, fantasy enthusiasts seeking an evocative, literary, inv= olving tale will find Sky & Stone a rollicking good fantasy worthy of both = leisure reading and study.

    It should also be noted that Sky & Stone ends with a cliffhanger, to be con= tinued in a third concluding volume. Readers and libraries seeking epic, No= rdic-based fantasy will find the literary and cultural roots of this trilog=
    y to be appealing on many levels.

    Doom's Daze
    Eva Sandor
    Huszar Books
    B0B6W87C4W, $3.99 Kindle

    https://www.amazon.com/Dooms-Daze-dangerously-unforgettable-characters-eboo= k/dp/B0B6W87C4W

    Readers of madcap fantasy (particularly those who have absorbed the atmosph= ere and mayhem of the previous Heart of Stone Adventures books) will find t= his third and latest book, Doom's Daze, to be just as engrossing and unpred= ictable as its predecessors. Against all odds, Agent Malfred ("Fred") Murd =
    is still alive. And he's facing an enemy that tests his ability to remain s=
    o as he rejoins his magpie advisor and the woman who is an expert at breaki=
    ng his heart for a foray into the uncharted waters of a new enemy from a hi= dden world, and the weapon that could change everything. A host of characte=
    rs enter the fray, from Agent Corvinalias (a Count in his other life) to Am= bassador Nuy B. Luwa and a zany series of adventurers and figureheads.

    Eva Sandor packs such lively description into her story that some of the se= ntences are deliberately labyrinthine in their length and disparate observa= tions: "Agent Corvinalias, who outside The Bureau was the dashing young Cou=
    nt of a blueneedle tree known as Upper Cloudyblue, had been born - or perha=
    ps born is not the right word; magpies recognize two phases of emergence, o=
    ne in which a chick hatches from its egg and a second, whereby a fledgling = gains functional plumage - at any rate he, like the rest of his moderately = large and mildly intellectual family, was from the Isle of Gold, as were th=
    e royalty of the Umans."

    That noted, the wry sense of humor and minute examination of language, perc= eptions, and choices that is woven into the story will offer a high degree =
    of delight to literature readers looking for something different and well s= teeped in literary allusion and tongue-in-cheek observation. The result is = another rollicking wild ride through a vivid fantasy universe that nicely r= epresents absurdist forms and an imaginative fictional universe that is rem= arkably whimsical in its presentation.

    Fred's ability to persevere against all odds to turn his role as an outcast=
    Royal Fool into something more meaningful will especially delight prior fa= ns, who will find his latest exploits and the new adventure setting to be j= ust as enthralling as in previous books. Libraries looking for strong examp= les of humorous fantasy need look no further than Doom's Daze for high ente= rtainment value.

    Assassination of Hope
    Justin Doyle
    Independently Published
    9798986029900, $16.99 PB, $5.99 Kindle, 415pp


    On the planet Yiptae lie the final pieces of a puzzle introduced in Embargo=
    on Hope, requiring Darynn and Fyra to travel to the frozen planet in searc=
    h of answers. What they find is a series of deadly situations stemming from=
    the throes of a violent revolution which leads from an assassination to th=
    e mysterious Kaylaa.

    The story blends sci-fi with murder mystery investigation and social and po= litical commentary as Darynn and Frya navigate not only a dangerous planet'=
    s simmering, volatile conflicts, but challenges to their own hearts.

    The opening lines of Chapter One portend a tension and attention to detail = that maintains a riveting atmosphere from the start: "A disembodied head fl= oated in front of me, surrounded by endless black. It screamed through purp=
    le lips, "Butcher! War criminal!" before the sound devolved into ghastly sh= rieks. Blood droplets the size of my fist swirled like crimson oil mixed in=
    onyx water as my paralyzed body drifted in empty space." This is a prime e= xample of Justin Doyle's ability to mix compelling description with staccat=
    o action that keeps readers on their toes and wanting to learn more.

    As the story evolves, a secret involving the fate of not just two individua= ls, but two worlds and many forces powers a plot that maintains a fast pace=
    and strong characterization. Insights grow not only via action and dialogu=
    e, but the interjection of transcripts and other observer influences that k= eep readers engaged in this chronicle of war and love.

    Darynn would do anything to assure the freedom and safety of Kaylaa and Fry=
    a. Even give his life for the cause. As missiles tear through churches and = lives, the fast-paced story proves hard to put down. The mix of fantasy, in= terpersonal relationship developments, and social and political evolution m= akes for an engrossing struggle that invites attention on different levels.

    As a leisure read, Assassination of Hope is a captivating adventure; but un= der its surface of entertainment value beats the heart of social, psycholog= ical, and political inspections that will have readers thinking about all t= hree topics and a variety of issues. It should be noted that the tale concl= udes by leaving the door wide open for more to come.

    The Fourth Erodian Conflict promises additional changes. Libraries and read= ers looking for powerful sci-fi tales of revolution and change will find As= sassination of Hope a compelling saga that adds elements of intrigue and my= stery into the mix of changing relationships.

    After the Fall
    Luke Romyn
    Independently Published
    9798838302281, $16.99 Paper/$5.99 Kindle


    Adult readers of fantasy and mythology-based stories will welcome After the=
    Fall: A Tale of Wes the Olympian, a tale of discovery and adventure. It in= corporates intrigue and mystery into its account of an amnesiac who discove=
    rs he's actually a world-saving hero facing immortal foes. The fact that We=
    s has somehow materialized in President Elizabeth Clarke's Oval Office is d= aunting in and of itself; but even more deadly is the knowledge that he's a= ctually Ares, the God of War, reincarnated in human form. As he joins with = sorceress and child of gods Hecate and Special Agent Suzanna Morrison, he c= omes to realize the purpose of his appearance on Earth in a war which invol= ves stolen souls and deadly forces, from god-driven warriors to the Pentago=

    A wry sense of humor is apparent amid the serious confrontations and intera= ctions. It is evident in the dialogue between Suzanna and Wes and in the ty= pes of relationships that evolve throughout the story. This balances a seri= ous blend of suspense and fantasy that leads readers through fantasy tinged=
    with real-world flavors with an invigorating, action-packed story in which=
    Wes discovers his real powers and the purpose behind his amnesia. Luke Rom=
    yn has crafted an unusual narrative that is especially potent for its abili=
    ty to walk a fine line between familiar, real-world settings and mythology-= influenced characters. The clashing special interests of each world and the=
    revelations others hold about Wes's role in them create a satisfying myste=
    ry that holds many enlightening moments that readers won't see coming.

    After the Fall is a compelling work steeped in folklore and thriller compon= ents alike. It's highly recommended for readers seeking well-done character=
    s, a fast pace, and a story that assumes no prior familiarity with folk leg= ends in order to prove accessible and engrossing. Libraries catering to fan= tasy and thriller readers will find After the Fall an outstanding choice.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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