The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Sight Beyond the Sun
Melody Johnson
Incendi Press, LLC
9781735149943, $24.99, HC, 556pp
Synopsis: Adrenaline junkie and explosives specialist Kinsley "Switch" Mora= les had a chip on her shoulder long before being caught in what she suspect=
s is some sort of intergalactic human-trafficking ring. Aliens not only exi= st, their reptilian bodies are stronger, their honed reflexes faster, and t= heir shiny scales nearly impenetrable. But nothing will curb Kinsley's reso= lve to commandeer their spaceship and return home to Earth-even if that mea=
ns crawling behind enemy lines and cozying up to their uncompromising capta= in.
When Raveno Hoviir catches Kinsley outside her cell, wreaking havoc in his = control room, he sees more than just her strength, resolve, and courage. He=
sees a golden opportunity to finally root out the traitor under his comman=
d and prove his brother's loyalty before the coming revolution. After so ma=
ny years undercover, Raveno is finally one mission away from saving his pla= net from its tyrannical ruler. He's sacrificed everything to protect his pe= ople-his love life, his anonymity, his left leg-but in his efforts to right=
his father's wrongs, has he inadvertently become the very monster he plans=
to overthrow?
As Kinsley and Raveno each attempt to exploit the other, they find more tha=
n just leverage for their separate missions. Inexplicably, they find common=
ground in their mutual devotion to family and service. Kinsley knows all t=
oo well the grief and guilt of making the wrong decision in the field, but = will Raveno keep his word to send her home if she flips loyalties? Is Raven= o's softening heart compromising his judgment, or is Kinsley's intelligence=
accurate? Separating truth from lies is impossible in the game of spies. S= eeing beyond their surface differences and trusting in love again may be th=
e only way to save both their people-and each other.
Critique: A brilliant blending romance with science fiction, "Sight Beyond = the Sun" by author Melody Johnson is a fun and original read by an author w= ith a genuine flair for the kind of narrative driven storytelling that make=
s for a memorable novel -- the kind that lingers in the mind and memory lon=
g after the book has been finished and set back upon the shelf. While espec= ially and unreservedly recommended for community library Science Fiction co= llections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Sight Beyond=
the Sun" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $4.99=
Editorial Note: Melody Johnson ( is the author =
of the Love Beyond series, as well as the gritty, paranormal romance Night = Blood series (Kensington Publishing/ Lyrical Press). Earning the 2021 Maggi=
e Award of Excellence, "Beyond the Next Star" (Love Beyond, book 1) is an e= xciting branch from Melody's paranormal romance roots, keeping the dark gri=
t from her Night Blood Series and taking it to new worlds. Her first publis= hed novel, "The City Beneath" (Night Blood, book 1), was a finalist in the = Cleveland Rocks and Fool For Love contests.
The Shadow of War
Timothy S. Johnston
Fitzhenry and Whiteside
9781554556007, $21.95
The Shadow of War opens somewhere in the Pacific Ocean in January, 2131; bu=
t the timeline that begins in 2020 (with the note that global warming is ri= sing, but nothing is being done to combat it) sets the stage with notes abo=
ut the strife that has evolved since.
People have begun living on the ocean floor after markets crashed and the l= and dynamic radically changed both physically and politically. What remains=
a constant are the rising national tensions that evolve as the oceans are = claimed in a new way and borders bump up against one another. War is in the=
air. Or, more specifically, under the waters, which simmer with the frustr= ations, dreams, and the usual trappings of mankind that include ambition, m= urder, and new weaponry.
From entwined underwater colonies that face rising disparate interests from=
struggling surface nations to operatives on all sides that vie for a new u= nderwater weapon that will prove as deadly as any nuclear force, Timothy S.=
Johnston injects the same special blend of nonstop action and techno-thril= ler elements into this story as in his previous writings.
From submerged military bases and tsunami studies that are increasingly per= tinent to this new world to covert actions that affect humanity's ability t=
o employ technology to survive rather than to kill, Johnston weaves an engr= ossing tale that opens with third-person description of an Indian Ocean set= ting and history, then moves to the more personal observation of the first = person usage and a Gulf of Mexico backdrop. From the start, Johnston's abil= ity to capture high drama and emotion offer captivating scenarios.
The story unfolds from the perspective of Truman "Mac" McClusky, a young ma= yor of the underwater city of Trieste who's also secretly a Director of Int= elligence charged with staying one step ahead of enemy nations. The shadow =
of war also holds the same shadow of death that affected his early life. It=
's a mission he's lived with as a family inheritance as the world seethes i=
n and responds to climate change and reinvents its cities and lifestyles. A=
s his relationship with sibling Meg becomes embroiled over issues of who to=
trust and who might betray their cause, personal and political struggles c= ome to light that pressure each of the characters to betray their own speci=
al interests.
Johnston masterfully weaves these conundrums into bigger-picture national a=
nd international thinking, setting all struggles against the specter of new=
world orders that seek not just to define humanity's future, but direct it=
.. As interpersonal promises collide with political maneuvering, the story e= volves a thought-provoking progression whereby the individuals who trust an=
d rely upon one another find their ethics and morals challenged by conflict= ing loyalties.
With such strong social, political, and technological undercurrents set aga= inst the backdrop of cat-and-mouse games that challenge psyches, relationsh= ips, and perceptions, it's easy to highly recommend The Shadow of War as an=
outstanding and gripping sci-fi techno-thriller. Driven by the ambitions a=
nd ideals of characters who sacrifice personal values for greater purposes,=
The Shadow of War draws a precise, involving futuristic scenario that reli=
es as much on family ties and different ways of handling past trauma as it = does on how these translate into political choices and maneuvers.
Libraries seeking a stand-alone story that adds to the Oceania series, yet = requires no prior familiarity with the previous books, will find The Shadow=
of War a powerful survey of what it means to be a leader whose personal an=
d political values seem to diverge.
Michael J. Farlow
Wolf Press
9781732730663, $12.95 Paper/$2.99 ebook
Retribution, Book 2 of the Records of the Argos series, follows Crucible an=
d continues the quest for justice as the crew of the Argos and Captain Nick=
Hall receive orders to undertake an intelligence mission to assess the pla= net Azel and its possible threat to the Consortium. One ship cannot do much=
, other than observe (or, it's not supposed to). But, as in the previous bo= ok, the captain and his team assume a more active role in matters than thei=
r assignment requires. Thus, Nick's mission to observe and watch for an Ark=
on Red and a Blue, to capture them and return them for trial, takes on an e= xpanded life and purpose of its own.
Michael J. Farlow creates a fine story based on strong characters, first-pe= rson presentations, and encounters that neatly juxtapose action and intrigu=
e. An AI, a negotiator, and a doctor join Nick in preliminary ground invest= igations that quickly grow to involve Arkon warrior Sif, while other crew m= embers are charged with keeping an eye on the away team and monitoring the = planet. As individual crew members step up to expanded roles of importance =
to the team effort, readers receive a series of encounters and challenges t= hat demonstrate flexibility and new abilities and reactions from them all.
Farlow is especially adept at capturing the moments that challenge both Com= mander Nick's prowess and the nature and composition of his diverse crew. A=
n innocuous space rock begins to change the ship's AI, introducing advantag=
es and conundrums into the mission as a search for justice turns into a cat= -and-mouse game of discovery. As Nick buys time by spreading rumors about t=
he rebels and pursues his own interests, readers receive the lively story o=
f an assignment that changes focus and direction through its encounters wit=
h a diverse set of special interests. The characterization and dialogue are=
particularly notable, with humor adding value and comic relief.
As emotional manipulation comes into play, readers receive a thought-provok= ing story about subterfuge, ploys, and plots that keep the events fast-pace=
d and the interpersonal revelations in line with not only past events, but = with the development of Nick's crew. While Retribution could be read as a s= tand-alone story, it will best be enjoyed by prior fans of Nick Hall and hi=
s crew.
This audience will find Michael J. Farlow's attention to expanding the pers= onalities, objectives, and political influences of this universe enhance bo=
th books with new developments that keep readers guessing. Fans of military=
sci-fi and space opera seeking strong stories that excel in universe-build= ing description, and libraries catering to them, will find Retribution an e= xcellent saga of justice, redemption, and intrigue that paves the way for y=
et another in the series.
Only Afraid of Nothing
Willem Indigo
Atmosphere Press
9781639884117, $17.99
Only Afraid of Nothing tells of Dave Von Wolfgang, who has survived his sui= cide attempt only to steal his therapist's car, rejecting his diagnosis and=
threatening to once again wind up in the psych ward of the hospital. There=
's more going on than a story of psychological struggle, however, because W= olfgang's frolic with death and imprisonment is only the beginning of his r= omp with an alien girl who lures him into an adventure that is literally ou=
t of this world.
It's unusual to find a story which opens with the allure and trappings of a=
novel, only to segue into a sci-fi world-hopping adventure that leaves the=
insane asylum for an equally hazardous trip embracing both mystery and the=
possibility of higher-level encounters with life. Willem Indigo juxtaposes=
humor, philosophical reflection, and wry observation in his tale. Think On=
e Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest -- if the inmates were loosed upon the univer= se.
The psychological insights are every bit as intriguing as the adventure tha=
t unfolds. Is it an escape attempt, a venture into unknown universes, or a = descent into insanity? Wolfgang's choices and associations broaden with a c= ast of characters that each makes their own mark on his perceptions and obj= ectives. Indigo is especially adept at winding this world-hopping caper int=
o bigger picture thinking about anti-social moves, job opportunities, and r= esponsibilities to others.
Readers who choose Only Afraid of Nothing for its sci-fi components will fi=
nd much more going on than another human-alien encounter. Also reminiscent =
of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Wolfgang's frolic represents an ir= onic journey through fate and absurdity that piques the mind and invites an=
intellectual discourse. Subjects include the nature of nefarious intention=
s, status quo, and one man's ability to move through kidnappings, mysteries=
, and compromises that are otherworldly in nature.
Libraries looking for sci-fi that operates on a different intellectual leve=
l than most will appreciate the opportunity to acquire a multifaceted first=
contact story that injects suspense and wry humor into its alien invasion = tale.
Embracing the Darkness
Cassie Sanchez
Silver Labs Press
9798986822419, $14.95
There's a reason why Cassie Sanchez's opening fantasy series title Chasing = the Darkness was a finalist in the 2021 American Fiction Awards for Fantasy=
.. That reason continues to power events in Book 2, Embracing the Darkness, = which relies on the same conjoined brand of fantasy and romance that made h=
er first book so notable.
Four years after the Vastane War, Jasce Farone and his younger sister Jaida=
are escaping an enraged father's wrath, moving into the forest where their=
mother guides them. She tells them a story about magic, manipulation, and =
a bit of crystal that belongs to the Empower Stone of the Heart. The four S= tones of the Heart affect magic differently.
Fourteen years later, Jasce is a commander searching for his missing sister=
.. His need for revenge has earned her hatred, and his failures are mounting=
as he struggles with the aftermath of Drexus Zoldac's influence and his ow=
n inadequacies.
Prior fans of Chasing the Darkness well know the adventure that set Jasce o=
n this path, alienating him from his sister and creating dilemmas to test h=
is heart and soul. They will be the best audience for this continuation of = the saga, which focuses on his warrior status and his draw to spend time wi=
th the Baltens, learning about their ancestors and magic while searching fo=
r his sister. He needs his magic now, more than ever. So why would he willi= ngly suppress his powers? Because he also needs his sister.
Cassie Sanchez displays creative prowess as she weaves a complicated, compe= lling story of a leader who comes to question his decisions and path throug=
h life. She builds not just a believable, but an emotionally convincing, fl= awed character in Jasce, placing him in key positions and moments of anguis=
h and adventure that will keep her prior fans thoroughly engrossed in Jasce=
's life and world. Even more importantly, the tale is replete with satisfyi=
ng twists and moral, ethical, and social inspections that keep readers on t= heir toes and wondering about various outcomes. These include Azrael, who p= lots revenge once his magic is freed; the cruel Queen Siryn, who overtakes = Jasce's mentor (blacksmith Amycus) and tortures him; and Drexus's forceful = presence as a world-changing figurehead.
As the struggle involves the Heart of Pandaren and threatens the main chara= cters with death and change, readers will find many cliff-hanging moments t= hroughout to keep them thoroughly engaged in (and often surprised by) the t= urns of events. Forced to confront his own inner darkness, Jasce finds his = relationship with his sister once again on the line, powering his strength = and discoveries.
Readers and libraries anticipating a powerful compliment to the story begun=
in Chasing the Darkness will find the fantasy and romance components in Em= bracing the Darkness continue to drive a powerful saga of change, redemptio=
n, and transformation.
The Bane of Yoto
Joshua Viola, Mario Acevedo, and Nicholas Karpuk
Hex Publishers, LLC
9798986219431, $19.99
The Bane of Yoto represents an awakening force in which one deemed a coward=
for his interest in timidity and not making waves falls into a role of new= found power which accompanies the courage to confront his world's oppressor=
On the face of it, Yoto has moved from a minion to a monster. But The Bane =
of Yoto imparts much more to its transformation than a tale of a mild-manne= red youth turned superhero, because it also embraces the dilemmas faced by = repressed levels of society that hold the chance and power to become the be= asts they defy.
The foundations of Yoto's transformation are explored from the beginning as=
the stage of his peoples' imprisonment is described. Boundaries never appe= aled to Yoto, so this is a special form of hell, where witches and magic ha=
ve consigned people to work in the mines in thrall to oppressors who seemin= gly cannot be defeated. Nurturing dreams and the hope of a world without bo= undaries, limitations, or oppressors feels both impossible and necessary un= der these conditions.
As violence and tangled plots on both sides come to light, readers receive =
a gripping story graphic in its gory confrontations, psychologically grippi=
ng in its unexpected twists and turns, and philosophically thought-provokin=
g. The previously-diminutive Yoto becomes a force to reckon with, assuming =
a mantle of responsibility for his new powers and actions that threatens hi=
s potential heroic actions.
Joshua Viola, Mario Acevedo, and Nicholas Karpuk have created more than an = epic fantasy as they capture Yoto's world and transformation. They have evo= lved a plot that is steeped in violence, action, and change that ultimately=
becomes the first book in an epic story of courage, hope, and despair. Its=
gripping and thought-provoking action makes it a real standout.
Libraries will find that The Bane of Yoto crosses genres to appeal to sci-f=
i and fantasy and horror readers alike, promising high-octane adventure mix=
ed with a series of revelations about social and individual barriers, respo= nsibilities, and potentials for becoming greater than anyone originally env= isioned.
And Heavenly Things
Kim Cousins
Resource Publications
c/o Wipf and Stock Publishers
9781666742688, $44.00 Hardcover/$29.00 Paper/$9.99 Kindle
And Heavenly Things adds the Christian theme of a spiritual battle between = heaven and earth to a sci-fi story of apocalypse and redemption as it adds =
a second book to the Clashing Kingdoms series. Christian audiences will fin=
d the injections of scripture from Zondervan's New International Version (N= IV) Study Bible add to and reinforce the story's spiritual components, maki=
ng them accessible to readers through a minimum of paraphrasing and a heady=
injection of Biblical references.
An opening list of characters identifies family ties (from Army veterans to=
animals) and leads into the first week of events, which opens with Beth's = being bitten by a rattlesnake while picking blueberries in the Comstock Mou= ntains. At the same time, teen TJ is also facing life-threatening circumsta= nces, as evil demons drag him into Hell. These two events present a rivetin=
g contrast in worlds as TJ realizes that his future is now set in stone. As=
disparate spirits enter kingdoms of heaven and hell, events on Earth evolv=
e, as well.
The contrast between these playing fields and the forces that influence the=
m create an unusual interplay between good and evil that will enlighten and=
attract Christian readers. Thought-provoking passages comment on modern cu= lture and trends. While Heaven and Hell introduce the story, it by no means=
resides in these places, but rises to the occasion of juxtaposing the inte= rests of man with the higher-level promises, opportunities, and conundrums = introduced by spiritual conflicts in all realms.
The story embeds these spiritual reflections in all kinds of situations, pr= ompting Christian readers to think about their beliefs and actions. The fai= th-centric foundations of this apocalyptic struggle will find a fine home i=
n Christian sci-fi circles and collections catering to them, offering food = for thought that also can become part of Christian discussion groups about = life purposes and Biblical meaning.
Legends & Lattes
Travis Baldree
Tor Trade
c/o Tor/Forge Books
9781250886088, $17.99, PB, 304pp
Synopsis: After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her=
sword for the last time. The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening=
the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals st= and in the way of success -- not to mention the fact that no one has the fa= intest idea what coffee actually is.
If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she = won't be able to go it alone. But the true rewards of the uncharted path ar=
e the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancie=
nt magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, = family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed.
Critique: A laugh out loud fantasy richly laced with humor, "Legends & Latt= es" is a memorable novel of 'High Fantasy and Low Stakes'. An impressively = original, fun, and thoroughly entertaining read fro cover to cover, it shou=
ld be noted that this paperback edition of "Legends & Lattes" by Travis Bal= dree also includes a very special, never-before-seen bonus story, 'Pages to=
Fill.' While available for the personal reading lists of all dedicated fan= tasy fans in a digital book format (Kindle, $7.99), "Legends & Lattes" is e= specially and unreservedly recommended for community library Science Fictio=
n & Fantasy collections.
Editorial Note: Travis Baldree ( is a full-time a= udiobook narrator who has lent his voice to hundreds of stories. Before tha=
t, he spent decades designing and building video games like Torchlight, Reb=
el Galaxy, and Fate. And now with the publication of "Legends & Lattes" he = has also begun to write books.
The Lost Metal
Brandon Sanderson
Tor Books
c/o Tor/Forge Books
9780765391193, $29.99, HC, 528pp
Synopsis: For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladr= ian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set (with his late uncle and hi=
s sister being among their leaders) since they started kidnaping people wit=
h the power of Allomancy in their bloodlines.
When Detective Marasi Colms and her partner Wayne find stockpiled weapons b= ound for the Outer City of Bilming, this opens a new lead. Conflict between=
Elendel and the Outer Cities only favors the Set, and their tendrils now r= each to the Elendel Senate (whose corruption Wax and Steris have sought to = expose) and Bilming is even more entangled.
After Wax discovers a new type of explosive that can unleash unprecedented = destruction and realizes that the Set must already have it, an immortal kan= dra serving Scadrial's god, Harmony, reveals that Bilming has fallen under = the influence of another god: Trell, worshipped by the Set.
And Trell isn't the only factor at play from the larger Cosmere -- Marasi i=
s recruited by offworlders with strange abilities who claim their goal is t=
o protect Scadrial at any cost!
Wax must choose whether to set aside his rocky relationship with God and on=
ce again become the Sword that Harmony has groomed him to be. If no one ste=
ps forward to be the hero Scadrial needs, the planet and its millions of pe= ople will come to a sudden and calamitous ruin.
Critique: Another brilliantly scripted and imaginatively original novel in = Brandon Sanderson's epic fantasy series 'Mistborn', "The Lost Metal" is a f=
un and fascinating read from first page to last. While highly recommended a=
s a popular addition to community library collections, it should be noted f=
or personal reading lists of dedicated heroic fantasy fans that "The Lost M= etal" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99). It shoul=
d be noted that the three previous novels comprising the 'Mistborn' series = are: "Mistborn: The Final Empire"; "The Well of Ascension"' and "The Hero o=
f Ages".
Editorial Note: Brandon Sanderson ( teache=
s creative writing at Brigham Young University. He is the author of such be= stsellers as the Mistborn trilogy and its sequels, The Alloy of Law, Shadow=
s of Self, and The Bands of Mourning; the Stormlight Archive novels The Way=
of Kings and Words of Radiance; and other novels, including The Rithmatist=
, Steelheart, and Skyward. In 2013, he won a Hugo Award for Best Novella fo=
r The Emperor's Soul, set in the world of his acclaimed first novel, Elantr= is. Additionally, he was chosen to complete Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time s= equence.
The Prisoner of Tartarus
Richard Lee Byers
Aconyte Books
9781839081576, $16.95, PB, 336pp
Synopsis: A hero has fallen: Deprived of the mystical Gjallarhorn, his ench= anted sword Holfund, his winged steed, and even his memory, Heimdall flees = across the underworld of Tartarus with the minions of the dark god Pluto in=
pursuit. Aided only by his friend Kamorr, Heimdall must piece together the=
mystery of his memory loss and escape the realm of the dead. For his amnes=
ia masks a far greater threat: The dark elf Malekith's infernal machination=
s have corrupted the newly created Bifrost. Racing against the clock and hi=
s own memories, Heimdall must defeat Malekith and his allies before they ca=
n use the Rainbow Bridge to destroy both Midgard and Asgard.
Critique: A part of the simply outstanding 'Legends of Asgard' series from = Aconyte Books, "The Prisoner of Tartarus" by Richard lee Byers is an origin= al, fun and exciting read from first page to last. A 'must' for the legions=
of Marvel Universe fans, and also readily available in a digital book form=
at (Kindle, $9.95), "The Prisoner of Tartarus" is an especially and unreser= vedly recommended addition to personal and community library Science Fictio=
n & Fantasy collections.
Editorial Note: Richard Lee Byers ( e_Byers) is the author of over fifty fantasy and horror novels, including a=
dozen set in the Forgotten Realms universe.
Baen Books
P.O. Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471
Two new books from Baen are highly recommended picks for libraries seeking = lasting, memorable reads.
P.C. Hodgell's Deathless Gods (9781982192167, $17.00) is a fantasy filled w= ith intrigue and action. Jamethiel Knorth has returned from battle, but fac=
es further struggles between political forces and administrators of the lan=
d. As she faces betrayal and danger on the home front, she confronts a heir=
willing to do anything to depose her house and position, including employi=
ng invisible assassins. Combine that with her charge to compete in a game w= hich holds deadly possibilities and what results is a compelling read packe=
d with intrigue, political twists, and a memorable character whose world sh= ifts not from unknown but too-well-known influences at home.
David Weber and Jacob Holo's The Janus File (9781982192150, $25.00) is a Go= rdian Division novel about time, crime, and a human/AI partnership that inv= olves time machines and freak accidents. Detective Isaac Cho's investigatio=
n with a new sidekick with an attraction to violence is further complicated=
not just by his partner, but their forced association together as a case o=
f murder evolves to be so much more. Readers interested in lively sci-fi an=
d investigative stories alike will find much to relish in this story.
Baen Books
P.O. Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471
Simon R. Green's The Dark Side of the Road (9781982192211, $16.00) is a nov=
el of supernatural intrigue and investigation and displays Ishmael Jones's = latest supernatural mystery. Ishmael is trying to stay under the radar, but=
an invitation to spend Christmas at his employer's mansion brings him out =
of his preferred darkness and into the light of a strange disappearance. Fe= nced in by expectations and blizzards alike, Ishmael Jones finds himself bo= xed in by a dangerous killer and his own limitations.
Eric Flint's 1824: The Arkansas War (9781982192174, $17.00) provides yet an= other alternate history story that invites readers to rethink possibilities=
of "what if" were history different. A social and political crisis packed = with racial strife emerges as a hybrid nation of blacks, Indian tribes, and=
political ambitions result in the build-up of an army in Arkansas. Familia=
r historical figures appear in this re-envisioned sequence of events to pro= vide thought-provoking action that will especially attract alternate histor=
y sci-fi enthusiasts.
Both of these new novels from Baen Books are fine additions to libraries lo= oking for stories that hold allure beyond their genre boundaries.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
(dot) com
Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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