The Woodworking Shelf
Woodworking Joinery by Hand
Toyohisa Sugita
The GMC Group
9781784946524, $34.99, PB, 296pp 84946524
Synopsis: With the publication of "Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative = Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs", expert craftsman Yoyohisa Sugita = provides the aspiring woodworker with a truly ground-breaking woodworking i= nstruction book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut met= hods of joint making.
With Sugita's unique method of guiding and controlling the saw blade using = jigs and magnetic sheets, even a complete beginner can learn advanced joint= -making techniques with hand tools alone. Making it easy to produce straigh=
t and square cuts, "Woodworking Joinery by Hand" is an impressive and pione= ering technique that will prove to be a genuine game-changer for producing = high-precision, beautifully made wooden joints.
Critique: Featuring profusely and informatively illustrated step-by-step in= structions throughout, "Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques = Using Japanese Saws and Jigs" is an ideal instruction manual and how-to gui=
de that will be of special and particular interest to both amateur and prof= essional woodworkers alike. Simply stated, "Woodworking Joinery by Hand" is=
an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professio= nal, community, and highschool woodworking shop class Woodworking collectio= ns.
Editorial Note: At the age of 28, Toyohisa Sugita began building his own 28=
ft cruising yacht. It took five and a half years to complete and launch. Th=
is experience was the starting point for his woodworking career. Since then=
, he has developed, manufactured and sold woodworking products; produced an=
d sold woodworking videos and is currently a Lie-Nielsen distributor. He is=
the author of Super Epoch-making Woodworking Techniques (Studio Tuck Creat= ive) and All About Sugita-Style Sawing Wood (Ohm-sha), which advocates 'Sug= ita-style' sawing, meaning a precision woodworking technique that requires = almost no power tools. Toyohisa currently lives in Tokyo, Japan. (
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Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
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Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
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James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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