• January 2023 MBR The Health/Medicine Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 3 04:12:48 2023
    The Health/Medicine Shelf

    Digital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas
    Arthur R.G. Coretes, editor
    9781119851998, $190.00, HC, 400pp


    Synopsis: An informative introduction to using digital technology in dentis= try, "Digital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas" compiled and = edited by Arthur R.G. Cortes provides basic information on the use of digit=
    al resources to find a diagnosis, create a treatment plan, and execute that=
    strategy within different dental specialisms.

    This instructive and comprehensive manual includes the science behind all p= rocedures that use digital technology and provides a clinical step-by-step = guide toward the use of these developments for every dental specialty area.=
    Users will find a wide range of areas covered, from prosthodontics, restor= ative dentistry, and endodontics to oral and maxillofacial surgery and publ=
    ic health.

    "Digital Dentistry" also includes: A guide to all current basic digital ima= ging and CAD-CAM procedures, with an emphasis on the most popular systems a=
    nd software programs; An atlas of multidisciplinary cases that were treated=
    with digital dentistry, from diagnosis and treatment planning to execution=
    and follow-up, in order of complexity; Assessment of the scientific basis = for using digital dentistry in each category; A presentation of clinical ca= ses to support the use of digital methodologies in all relevant scenarios; =
    An exploration of the role of digital dentistry in dental public health, pr= eventive dentistry, and dental education.

    Critique: Exceptionally 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "= Digital Dentistry" is unreservedly recommended for dental clinicians (gener=
    al practitioners and specialists) as well as all other dental professionals=
    , such as dental technologists, dental hygienists, and dental students, As =
    a textbook and reference, "Digital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case=
    Atlas" is an essential tool and reference work to help dental practitioner=
    s streamline and update their practice with the most up-to-date technologie=
    s. Unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, and academic librar=
    y Dentistry Medicine collections, it should be noted for personal reading l= ists that "Digital Dentistry is also available in a digital book format (Ki= ndle, $152.00).

    Editorial Note: Arthur R.G. Cortes, DDS, MSc, PhD, is an Associate Professo=
    r and Acting Head of Department, Department of Dental Surgery, Faculty of D= ental Surgery, University of Malta. He has a PhD in Oral Diagnosis after co= mpleting a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University, Boston, = USA. He is also an Oral Implantologist, fellow and speaker of the Internati= onal Team of Implantologists (ITI) and co-founder of the European Academy o=
    f Digital Dentistry.

    Adult Orthodontics, second edition
    Birte Melsen, editor
    Cesare Luzi, editor
    9781119775775, $150.00, HC, 480pp


    Synopsis: Drawing from renowned contributors from the orthodontic community=
    and collaboratively compiled and co- edited by orthodontist Birte Melsen a=
    nd Cesare Luzi, this newly updated and expanded edition of "Adult Orthodont= ics" is an authoritative resource on the subject of adult orthodontics, ble= nding together clinical guidance with a thorough evaluation of the evidence=

    "Adult Orthodontics" include: Context for adult orthodontics, including pat= ient demographics and aetiology; Treatment planning considerations, includi=
    ng patient case profiles, initial outcomes and longer-term expectations; In= terdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, including the links betwe=
    en adult orthodontics and periodontics, prosthetics, and temporomandibular = disorders.

    Critique: An invaluable and comprehensive instructional and informational r= esource for professionals providing orthodontic treatment to adults and tho=
    se dealing with orthodontics as part of the interdisciplinary management of=
    the adult dentition, "Adult Orthodontics" is especially recommended as a c= ore addition to personal, professional, and academic library Dentistry/Orth= odontics collections. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of = orthodontist students and practitioners that this new second edition of "Ad= ult Orthodontics" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $120.= 00).

    Editorial Note #1: Birte Melsen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birte_Melsen=
    ) is the past President of European Orthodontic Society in 2004 and has mad=
    e significant contributions to the field of orthodontics with her research,=
    publishing around 350 papers in scientific journals on topics related to a= nchorage (orthodontics) and adult orthodontics. She is currently an orthodo= ntist from Denmark.

    Editorial Note #2: Cesare Luzi (https://www.eos2023.com/speakers/cesare-luz=
    i) is Founder and first President of the European Postgraduate Students Ort= hodontic Society (EPSOS). Past President of the Italian Society of Biomecha= nics (SIBOS) and of the Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics = (ASIO). President AIDOR (Italian Academy of Orthodontics) 2022. Visiting Pr= ofessor University of Ferrara and Rome Cattolica (Italy). He is currently i=
    n private orthodontics practice in Rome, Italy.

    Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing Child
    Marc Saadia, author
    Roberto Valencia, author
    9781119720188, $235.00, HC, 896pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Dentofacial-Orthopedics-Growing-Child-Understanding/= dp/11197201 84

    Synopsis: "Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing Child: Understanding Cran= iofacial Growth and the Management of Malocclusion" by the orthodontic team=
    of doctors Marc Saadia and Roberto Valencia provides step-by-step guidance=
    on diagnosing and treating malocclusions in young patients.

    "Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing Child" addresses both class I, II a=
    nd III malocclusions, and more complicated cases such as facial asymmetries=
    and temporomandibular problems that develop in the primary dentition. Conc= ise, highly illustrated chapters describe normal and abnormal craniofacial = development, and how and why environmental factors can affect the growth pa= ttern. Early diagnosis and treatment planning, long-term case resolution, c= omplementary methods of diagnosis such as occlusion and cephalometric, and = more are discussed.

    "Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing Child": Provides clinicians with vi= sual guidance on how to rapidly diagnose malocclusions; Contains over 1,300=
    high-quality images of different Class I, Class II, and Class III malocclu= sions, including temporomandibular problems, both before and after correcti= on, and long-term follow-ups; Helps clinicians correct different malocclusi= ons using the fewest number of appliances and in the least amount of time; = Includes tables of different cephalometric of before and after corrections = for most clinical cases presented in the book. Of special note is the chapt=
    er on how to communicate and bond with children as patients to help them un= derstand the importance of wearing their appliances

    Children are not young adults so diagnostic methods which are regularly use=
    d can often misguide the clinician. "Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing=
    Child" is an invaluable reference that guides pediatric dentists, orthodon= tists, general dentists, and maxillofacial and craniofacial surgeons with t= reating children.

    Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Dentofacial=
    Orthopedics in the Growing Child: Understanding Craniofacial Growth in the=
    Management of Malocclusions" is an ideal textbook for orthodontics curricu= lums. While an essential and core addition to professional and academic lib= rary Dentistry/Orthodontics collections, it should be noted for personal re= ading lists that "Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Growing Child" is also ava= ilable in a digital book format (Kindle, $188.00).

    Editorial Note #1: Dr Marc Saadia (https://iccpd.org/dr-marc-saadia) is a p= ediatric dentist in private practice. Previously, he was Director of Postgr= aduate and Graduate studies in Pediatric Dentistry at the Technological Uni= versity of Mexico. Dr Saadia is a Diplomat of the American and Mexican Acad= emy of Pediatric Dentistry and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinic=
    al Pediatric Dentistry.

    Editorial Note #2: Dr Roberto Valencia (https://valenciafamilydental.com) i=
    s a pediatric dentist, Professor of the Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry at=
    the Technological University of Mexico, past President of the Mexican Acad= emy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr Valencia is Editor of the Dental and Biomate= rial Journal.

    Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines
    Hany M. A. Ahmed, editor
    Paul M. H. Dummer, editor
    9781119553885, $100.00, HC, 832pp

    https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Endodontic+Advances+and+Evidence+Based+Clinical= +Guideline s-p-9781119553892

    Synopsis: Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by Hany M. A. Ahmed and Pa=
    ul M. H. Dummer, "Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guideline=
    s" provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of recent research f= indings and their impact on clinical practice. Using an innovative approach=
    to the field, this comprehensive textbook enables dental students and prac= titioners to translate the current body of knowledge on endodontic diseases=
    and treatment into guidelines for enhancing patient care.

    Divided into four parts, "Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical G= uidelines" first addresses new research findings and advances in technology=
    , techniques, materials, and clinical management. In addition, it provides = revised clinical guidelines for a variety of areas within the specialty, su=
    ch as endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, management of endodontic em= ergencies, regenerative endodontic procedures, three-dimensional imaging, a=
    nd the use of systemic antibiotics. Each individual chapter contains numero=
    us high-quality illustrations and clinical cases highlighting current resea= rch directions, key concepts, and new trends in clinical techniques and edu= cation.

    Critique: Effectively illustrated throughout, "Endodontic Advances and Evid= ence-Based Clinical Guidelines" is impressively comprehensive, exceptionall=
    y well organized, and 'user friendly' in presentation -- making it a vitall=
    y important and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional=
    , and academic library Dentistry & Endodontics collections and supplemental=
    curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for dental students and pract= itioners that "Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines" =
    is also avalable in a digital book format (Kindle, $100.00).

    Editorial Note #1: Hany M. A. Ahmed, BDS, HDD, PhD, FICD, MDTFEd (RCSEd), F= PFA, FADI, (https://umexpert.um.edu.my/hanyendodontist.html) is the Senior = Lecturer of Endodontics, Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of=
    Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Europ= ean Endodontic Journal.

    Editorial Note #2: Paul M. H. Dummer, BDS, MScD, PhD, DDSc, FDS (RCSEd), (h= ttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paul-Dummer) is an Emeritus Professor, = School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, as well as a Past Pre= sident of the European Society of Endodontology and a former Editor-in-Chie=
    f of the International Endodontic Journal

    Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish Well
    Raman Bedi, Andrew Munro, Mark Keane
    9781119870098, $50.00, PB, 144pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Skills-Dental-Professionals-Finish/dp/111= 9870097

    Synopsis: "Leadership Skills for Dental Practitioners: Begin Well to Finish=
    Well" by the team of Rman Beci, Andrew Munro, and Mark Keane is an authori= tative guide to better leadership in dentistry. Designed to prepare every m= ember of the dental team for the leadership tasks and challenges they will = face in general practice, this comprehensive resource helps the reader to d= evelop skills not explicitly taught in traditional dental education.

    The content of "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to F= inish Well" has been drawn from the Senior Dental Leadership programme, whi=
    ch is a public/private partnership between the Global Child Dental Fund cha= rity, King's College London, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Henry Schei=
    n and Colgate Palmolive.

    Throughout "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finis=
    h Well", practical advice is provided on fourteen capabilities for a balanc=
    ed and credible leadership approach to application within a clinical contex=

    The topics addressed include: How to influence to have impact; Teamwork and=
    collaboration; Credibility: how to gain it and lose it; Values for leaders= hip practice and business ethics; Dealing with difficult people and managin=
    g conflict; Body language: fiction and facts.

    Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Leadership = Skills for Dental Practitioners: Begin Well to Finish Well" is a comprehens= ive and much-needed 'real world practical' guide for every member of the de= ntal team. While also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $40.00), = "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish Well" is = highly recommended as an essential, core addition to personal, professional=
    , and dental school library collections and supplemental dentistry curricul=
    um studies lists.

    Editorial Note #1: Raman Bedi, BDS, MSc, DDS, hon DSc, DHL, FDSRCS (Edin), = FDRCS (Eng), FFGDP, hon FDSRCS (Glas), hon FFPH is Emeritus Professor at Ki= ng's College London in England, UK and Honorary Chair at University of West= ern Cape in Cape Town, South Africa. He was also the former Chief Dental Of= ficer of England, UK.

    Editorial Note #2: Andrew Munro, MA, C Psychol, AFBPS is Director at Envisi=
    a Learning in Cambourne, England, UK.

    Editorial Note #3: Mark Keane, MA, PPABP is Director at Favorly in Scotland=
    , UK.

    Patients in Peril
    Gregg Coodley
    Atmosphere Press
    9781639886265, $18.99


    Once upon a time, the family doctor was the central force in medical treatm= ent. 'Specialists' were only for very specific ailments, and the family phy= sician was a bigger gateway to medical care than anything we experience tod=
    ay in America.

    Patients in Peril: The Demise of Primary Care in America pinpoints the hist= ory and peril of healthcare changes which have increasingly picked apart th=
    e role of the traditional family physician. It's a study that needs to be i=
    n the hands of anyone interested in modern healthcare, whether they are doc= tors or patients. The demise of the primary care physician is evident not j= ust in the current services provided (or not), but in the majority of medic=
    al school graduates who choose specialization over generalization. Primary = care is becoming an industry shortage and a rarity as primary care physicia=
    ns retire and are replaced not by new generations of doctors, but by medica=
    l processing centers designed to reduce cost, eliminate wasteful approaches=
    , and devote a minimum of or limited amount of time to the patient.

    Gregg Coodley charts the history of this trend, identifying economic, socia=
    l, political, and medical influences on its incarnation and, more important= ly, investigating the problems created by the demise of the primary care do= ctor in America. When insurers take over doctoring, real healthcare wanes -=
    - including the compassion of the physician for his patients, home visits, = and ultimately the quality of care. Replacing and second-guessing physician=
    s are administrative processes that tax healthcare efforts instead of enhan= cing or improving them.

    As Coodley tackles the subjects of prior authorizations, medical training d= ysfunction, the rise of fee-for-service arrangements, and the disparities c= reated between physician and patient by systems put in place to oversee bot=
    h, readers gain a solid insight into the problem, its history, and, in conc= lusion, some possible solutions.

    The latter is not the focus of this book. Its attention to the details of h=
    ow this demise happened and is incarnated in modern medical services and pa= tient/physician relationships provides an invaluable look at a bigger pictu=
    re of problems than most realize. This makes Patients in Peril a top recomm= endation for health libraries, whether in public library or medical school = settings.

    Ideally, Patients in Peril will be assigned reading to medical school stude= nts and would-be healthcare professionals in present and future generations=
    .. Its food for thought should ideally spark debates, discussions, and activ=
    e changes and considerations beyond individual enlightenment.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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