• January 2023 MBR The California Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Feb 3 17:19:40 2023
    The California Shelf

    Rancho Sisquoc: Enduring Legacy of an Historic Land Grant Ranch
    Chase Reynolds Ewald, author
    ORO Editions
    31 Commerical Blvd., Suite F, Novato, CA 94949
    9781954081246, $40.00, HC, 160pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Rancho-Sisquoc-Enduring-Historic-California/dp/19540= 81243

    Synopsis: With the publication of "Rancho Sisquoc: Enduring Legacy on an Hi= storic Land Grant Ranch" Chase Reynolds Ewald and four major contributors c= elebrates the spectacular landscape, fascinating history, colorful characte= rs, and timeless traditions of one of California's last intact Mexican land=
    grant ranches.

    The ranch's 37,000 acres extend from the edge of the Los Padres National Fo= rest to the lush vineyards on the mesas to fertile farmland in the bottomla= nd, and range almost the entire length of the Sisquoc River valley in north= ern Santa Barbara County. Engaging text, maps, and archival documents are p= aired with both vintage and contemporary photographs to bring the landscape=
    and its history to life, from prehistory to the days of the vaqueros, from=
    turn-of-the-century homesteading to the realities of a contemporary cattle=
    ranch, farming operation, vineyard and winery with a passionate wine club = membership numbering 1,500.

    Of special note is the inclusion of informative Forewords by former Governo=
    r Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr. (a long time California history enthusiast) and = Stephan T. Hearst, whose interest in preservation extends to his oversight =
    of the vast ranch lands surrounding Hearst Castle, help give readers a sens=
    e of this special place and its unique role on California history. An addit= ional introduction by co-owner Judith Flood Wilbur, and preface by author E= lizabeth Clair Flood speak to the role the ranch has played in the lives of=
    one family for seven decades, and their hopes for preserving it for future=

    "Rancho Sisquoc: Enduring Legacy on an Historic Land Grant Ranch" will give=
    readers a sense of this special place and its unique role in California hi= story.

    Critique: Richly and beautifully illustrated throughout, "Rancho Sisquoc: E= nduring Legacy on an Historic Land Grant Ranch" is an extraordinary, impres= sively informative, inherently fascinating, and unreservedly recommended ad= dition to personal, community, and academic library California Landmark/Mon= uments, California Regional/Historical Architecture, and California History=
    collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.

    Editorial Note: Judith Flood Wilbur is co-owner of Rancho Sisquoc with her = sister, Elizabeth Flood Stevenson, and is Chairman of the Board. She is als=
    o an owner of the Flood Building in San Francisco and serves as its Chairma=
    n. In 1976 San Francisco Mayor Moscone appointed her to the Asian Art Commi= ssion. She has since served on and chaired both the Boards of the Asian Art=
    Commission and the Asian Art Museum Foundation, during which time she co-c= haired the $125 million campaign and ran two bond measures for the relocati=
    on of the Asian Art Museum from Golden Gate Park to San Francisco's Civic C= enter. Judy was elected to Hillsborough City School District in 1976; she s= ubsequently served as Board Chairman and founded the Hillsborough School Fo= undation. A former President and Trustee of the Commonwealth Club and the r= ecipient of numerous social service awards, she has served on many other bo= ards, including Wilbur-Ellis Company and the Asia Foundation.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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