The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture
Carl Abrahamsson
Park Street Press
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781644115015, $22.99, PB, 256pp
Synopsis: Since the dawn of time, magic has been the node around which all = human activities and culture revolve. As magic entered the development of s= cience, art, philosophy, religion, myth, and psychology, it still retained = its essence: that we have a dynamic connection with all other forms of life=
Exploring the source magic that flows beneath the surface of culture and oc= culture throughout the ages, with the publication of "Source Magic: The Ori= gin of Art, Science, and Culture", Carl Abrahamsson offers a "magical-anthr= opological" journey from ancient Norse shamanism to the modern magick of oc= cultists like Genesis P-Orridge. He looks at how human beings relate to and=
are naturally attracted to magic. He examines in depth the consequences of=
magical practice and how the attraction to magic can be corrupted by both = religious organizations and occult societies. He shows how the positive eff= ects of magic are instinctively grasped by children, who view the world as = magical.
"Source Magic" also looks at magic and occulture as they relate to psychede= lics, Witchcraft, shamanism, Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY), the pani=
c rituals of the Master Musicians of Joujouka in Morocco, psychological ind= ividuation processes, literary "magical realism," and the cut-up technique =
of Beat icons like William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin. He explores the si= milarities in psychology between poet Ezra Pound and magician Austin Osman = Spare. He looks at the Scandinavian Fenris Wolf as a mythic force and how p= ersonal pilgrimages can greatly enrich our lives. He also examines the phil= osophy of German author Ernst J nger, the magical techniques of British fil= mmaker Derek Jarman, and the quintessential importance of accepting our own=
Sharing his more than 30 years of experiences in the fields of occulture an=
d magical anthropology, Carl Abrahamsson explores ancient and modern magica=
l history to reveal the source magic that connects us all, past and present=
Critique: An inherently fascinating, impressively informative, exceptionall=
y well organized and presented study, "Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Sci= ence, and Culture" is certain to have great appeal for students of metaphys= ics and magic. While also available for personal reading lists in a digital=
book format (Kindle, $15.99), "Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, a=
nd Culture" is unreservedly recommended as a core addition to professional,=
community, and academic library Wicca, Magic Studies, and Cultural Anthrop= ology collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note: Carl Abrahamsson ( is a wri= ter, publisher, magico-anthropologist, and filmmaker. He is the author of "= Occulture, Reasonances", and "Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan", as well=
as the editor and publisher of the irregular anthology of occulture, The F= enris Wolf. He currently resided in Smaland, Sweden.
The Tales Behind Tarot
Alison Davies, author
Leaping Hare Press
c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
100 Cummings Center, Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915
9780711280663, $29.00, HC, 224pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Tales Behind Tarot: Discover the sto= ries within your tarot cards", storyteller, tarot reader and teacher, Aliso=
n Davie provides a very special introduction to the tarot in the form of 78=
unforgettable tales behind all the cards in the modern tarot deck.
Every tarot card has a story to tell and is rich in symbolic meaning. In th=
is gorgeous volume which will be of value to aspiring and experienced tarot=
readers alike, expert practitioner Alison Davies brings these stories of t=
he cards alive.
With key words and themes to help you understand the meanings of the cards,=
Tarot enthusiasts and practitioners can utilize this magnificent storybook=
as a tool to learn the tarot, or take their tarot readings to the next lev= el.
The stories comprising "The Teales Behind Tarot" give us context, context g= ives us knowledge, and knowledge is empowerment as we learn to understand, = decode, and apply the wisdom and meaning of the tarot in our lives through = the power of these stories.
Critique: Beautifully illustrated throughout, "The Tales Behind Tarot: Disc= over the stories within your tarot cards" is a unique and welcome addition =
to personal, professional, community, and academic library Metaphysical Stu= dies collections in general, and Tarot instructional reference collections =
in particular.
Editorial Note: Alison Davies ( lives in=
Norwich, and runs workshops at universities throughout the UK showing acad= emics, students and early years practitioners how stories and narratives ca=
n be used as tools for teaching, healing and learning.
The Karmic Birthday Book
Monte Farber, author
Amy Zerner, illustrator
Fair Winds Press
c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
9780760377239, $35.00, PB, 392pp
Synopsis: Drawing on their enchanted psychic abilities, with the publicatio=
n of "The Karmic Birthday Book: Discover the Meaning and Magic of the Day Y=
ou Were Born", renowned psychics Amy Zerner and Monte Farber present a fun = and easy way to use birth dates to gain insight into our true selves.
For each birthday, Zerner and Farber have included five perceptive entries:=
PERSONALITY (this identifies, evaluates, and helps you understand the true=
nature of a person through the patterns revealed in their birth date); DES= TINY (this is like a castle being built, stone by stone - it is where the p= erson is heading in this life); LIFE PATH (this is how one achieves destiny=
, including the lessons they must learn so they can then help and teach oth= ers); KARMIC LESSONS (these are what are encountered on the journey along o= ne's life path); SECRETS (offering insights designed to help readers discov=
er hidden talents and character traits based on the day they were born).
Each birthday includes a profound quote with special meaning for those born=
on that day, as well as a list of famous people who share the birthday and=
space to add significant people in the your own life who have that birthda=
y. "The Karmic Birthday Book" is an engaging and interactive guide will pro=
ve enjoyable, informative, and useful as you navigate your relationships an=
d tune into your true self. Indeed, "The Karmic Birthday Book: will unlock = the secret of your birth date and guide you along your true life path, teac= hing you a karmic lesson and opening the door to your destiny.
Critique: Fun, informative, thought-provoking, insight providing, well orga= nized, accessibly presented, "The Karmic Birthday Book: Discover the Meanin=
g and Magic of the Day You Were Born" is a unique and unreservedly recommen= ded addition to personal and professional Metaphysical Studies collections.=
It should be noted that "The Karmic Birthday Book" is also readily availab=
le in a digital book format (Kindle, $16.99).
Editorial Note: Monte Farber, in partnership with his wife Amy Zerner, are =
a best-selling husband-and-wife team whose many projects have sold millions=
of copies worldwide. Their expertise and straightforward but lighthearted = approach to oracular wisdom is highly sought after, and Amy's work is in th=
e collections of numerous corporations and prominent individuals like Shirl=
ey MacLaine, Oprah, and Martha Stewart. Together they have been guests on m= orning shows like ABC TV's Eyewitness News Sunday, FOX TV's "Good Day" show=
s for New York, L.A., Atlanta, and Detroit. Join them at www.theenchantedwo=
Holographicosmic Man
Matthew J. Pallamary
Mystic Ink Publishing
9780998680989, $22.95, PB, 290pp 8680982
Synopsis: "Holographicosmic Man: The Holographic Heart of the Golden Mean" =
by author, editor, and shamanic explorer, Matthew J. Pallamary is a blendin=
g of quantum physics, mathematics, geometry, ancient texts, current researc=
h, ancient architecture, beliefs, and myths, astronomy, anthropology, human=
anatomy, brain structure, shamanism, neuroscience, neuropsychology, indige= nous wisdom, astrophysics, neurophysiology, holography, neuroanatomy, neuro= cardiology, cosmometry, cosmology, biology, and more.
These multifaceted overlapping sciences and disciplines all add up to the f= act that the Golden Mean is the mathematical representation of a hologram.
This expression repeats itself infinitely throughout the inner and outer co= smos of man, connecting the microcosm and the macrocosm into a unified whol=
e with no beginning, no end, and a center that is everywhere and nowhere at=
the same time.
The self-apparent truths of this profound wisdom left behind by humanity's = ancestors is evident in the legacy of their art, science, and the universal=
language of mathematics, providing a blueprint that connects ancient wisdo=
m with modern day quantum "discoveries".
Critique: An inherently fascinating and thought-provoking read throughout, = "Holographicosmic Man: The Holographic Heart of the Golden Mean" is a uniqu=
e, extraordinary, and occasionally iconoclastic study that is enhanced for = the reader with the inclusion of informative illustrations. While unreserve= dly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library=
collections, it should be noted that "Holographicosmic Man: The Holographi=
c Heart of the Golden Mean" is also readily available in a digital book for= mat (Kindle, $3.99) for readers with an interest in math, science, religion=
, and spirituality.
Editorial Note: Matthew J. Pallamary ( has had bo=
th his fiction and non-fiction books translated into Spanish, Portuguese, I= talian, Norwegian, French, and German.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
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Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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