• March 2023 MBR The Mystery/Suspense Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Mon Apr 3 05:01:25 2023
    The Mystery/Suspense Shelf

    Manning a Raptor
    AA Freda
    West Point Print and Media LLC
    9781957582931, $24.99 Hardcover/$14.99 Paper


    Thriller readers can here expect another powerful interplay of the commandi=
    ng personalities of James and his wife Sam, who navigate business, politica=
    l, and personal interests with a forthright assertiveness that powers both = their relationship and the story's evolution. Here, the Coppis head a power= ful global empire that influences (if not holds) the effort to overthrow go= vernments. Their latest venture into acquiring railroads and fielding accom= panying political and economic controversy involves both characters in a fi= ght that challenges not just their opulent lifestyle and ambitions, but the=
    ir relationship with their growing family.

    AA Freda paints an involving story of power, love, and international intrig=
    ue that carries the characters from their lavish lifestyle and success into=
    the murkier waters of political influence and control. The obstacles and c= omplexities that wealth introduces to their family life also tests ethical = and moral compasses as employees, employers, and friends find their connect= ions tested and their commitments questioned. Events unfold in cat-and-mous=
    e games that became complex as interplays between characters introduce furt= her issues into the husband-and-wife relationship and the structure they fi= ght to preserve around their family life.

    As fictional writer and company controller Miles Cornish surveys the above-= board proceedings and back-room operations of the business and its leaders,=
    it's hard to say what element is more commanding or compelling: the person=
    al strengths of the main characters, or the issues that arise to test them.=
    James notes: "Sic transit gloria mundi." When Sam questions his conclusion=
    , he lets her know what someday she will have to step up to replace him as = leader: "It's Latin - - an ancient Roman saying. The literal translation is=
    , 'thus passes the glory of the world.' What it means is that 'all glory is=
    fleeting.' It's to remind someone who is having success that it won't last=

    The rollicking journey of intrigue that Sam and James experience will delig=
    ht both newcomers to their action-packed adventures and those who have enjo= yed previous Coppi stories. Libraries and readers interested in thrillers t= hat profile two equally powerful partners in love, business, and foreign af= fairs will find Manning a Raptor a powerful exploration that grabs with soc= ial, political, and psychological inspection and doesn't let go.

    A Song for Leonard
    A.I. Fabler
    Wild & Lawless
    9780473638436, $16.99 paper/$3.99 ebook


    "How long is three minutes when every second commands your attention, and e= very one of them ends up being relived over and over, until it has become a=
    pattern in your DNA?"

    A Song for Leonard presents a mystery of a different ilk, opening with the = reflective passage above and moving into an unusual encounter that takes pl= ace in 1978 on the streets of New York City, where a beautiful singer/songw= riter is murdered on the streets. Was she a perp that chose the wrong victi=
    m? One wouldn't expect a polite New England girl to demand money in a stree=
    t mugging, to own a small gun to back her demand, or to smile with a mouth = full of blackened teeth like a nightmare Medusa.

    Fast forward to 1996, eighteen years later, when Charles Bateman returns to=
    New York City to confront his demons and the mystery surrounding Suzanne F= inch's murder and the implication of Charles, her intended victim, in the c= rime. Intent on clearing his name, Charles embarks on a journey of discover=
    y that juxtaposes his defense with his investigation into the singer's moti= vations, life, and the legacy of her songs -- particularly 'A Song for Leon= ard', which may hold strange answers to dangerous questions.

    Readers who follow this New York-steeped crime story will find Charles's fo= ray into the arts world inviting and thoroughly engrossing. A.I. Fabler cre= ates an atmospheric, tension-laden read in a tale replete with unexpected t= wists and turns. The story and characters come to life in ways the typical = murder account don't touch, making A Song for Leonard a powerful investigat= ion of New York City culture and conundrums that grabs the imagination with=
    many possibilities couched in a powerful series of revelations and self-di= scoveries.

    Libraries seeking exceptional intrigue that unfolds over different social s= trata of New York City's culture and changing times will find A Song for Le= onard a standout. Its intrigue and inspection lingers in the mind long afte=
    r resolution is reached and answers provided in this musical interlude of d= iscovery.

    Fade to Blue
    Hank Scheer
    Top Reads Publishing
    9781970107357, $16.99 Paper/$4.99 ebook



    Combine a thriller story with the ethical inspection of an overworked medic=
    al researcher convinced that her work can change the world for the foundati= ons of a powerful examination of medical possibility and danger that is Fad=
    e to Blue.

    The story opens with pain ... Sarah's pain, as she struggles to rebuild her=
    stamina after quitting smoking. This effort accompanies a brutal work sche= dule surrounding the search for a treatment for Alzheimer's that could chan=
    ge the world. It all could be so much easier if she were free to conduct th=
    e one forbidden experiment that could result in real change.

    The lure proves too much as Sarah gives in to her convictions that her rese= arch is illuminating a path of positivity that others can't see, only to fi=
    nd that, in fact, its results introduce a nightmare, involving her in terro= rism and brain-destroying power.

    Hank Scheer crafts a powerful story and a set of characters that swirl arou=
    nd Sarah's decision with equally significant objectives and perspectives th=
    at clash in unusual ways. There are chase scenes, foreign backdrops, and fo= rces set in motion that jeopardize not only Sarah's life and her purpose, b=
    ut the results of an experiment gone dangerously awry.

    As deaths mount and Sarah finds herself far from her objectives and her sup= portive friends, readers follow her into a world replete with ethical and p= olitical twists. Scheer masterfully accents the changing landscapes and sit= uations that move from a research's illicit decision to lives and nations a= ffected by the release of a new force of adversity and challenge into the w= orld. He navigates Sarah's changing perceptions with a deft hand to outlini=
    ng criminal and legal special interests alike; both of whom intersect with = Sarah's life in unpredictable ways.

    Thriller readers (especially those interested in medical conundrums which l= ead the protagonist into uncharted ethical territory) will relish how the t= echnological and medical aspects of the story neatly dovetail with individu=
    al perspectives and special interests. Libraries seeking medical thrillers = which do a fine job of adding international intrigue into their mix will fi=
    nd Fade to Blue a powerful story of pain, redemption, and an earth-shatteri=
    ng mission to deploy a drug which could be used for good or evil, depending=
    upon who controls it.

    The strong characters, fast-paced action, and ethical dilemmas create thoug= ht-provoking reading suitable for book club discussion, contrasting nicely = with other standout medical thriller genre reads.

    MHR Geer
    MG3 Publishing
    9798987115923, $13.99, PB, 296pp


    Synopsis: When her friend Sandy asks for help, Anne Wilson leaves her small=
    , lonely life in Miami for the picturesque island of Saint Martin. But as s= oon as she arrives, Sandy is murdered, and her death exposes lies: an alias=
    , a secret past, stolen money. Suspected of murder and trapped on the islan=
    d, Anne is shocked when a cryptic message arrives:

    Find the money. Take it and run.

    She follows Sandy's trail of obscure clues, desperate for proof of her inno= cence and must decide if she can trust the two men who offer help-the dark,=
    mysterious Brit or the American with a wide grin and a pickup truck. When = memories resurface-dark truths she'd rather leave buried and forgotten, her=
    past becomes intertwined with her present.

    Her only way forward is to face her own secrets.

    Critique: A deftly crafted and inherently riveting read with more plot twis=
    ts and turns than a Disneyland roller-coaster, "Assumed" by novelist MHR Ge=
    er will have a very special appeal to readers with an interest in novels th=
    at feature murder, romance, suspense. An original and inherently compelling=
    thriller from beginning to end, "Assumed" is especially and unreservedly r= ecommended for community library Contemporary Mystery/Suspense collections.=
    It should be noted for the personal reading lists of dedicated murder myst= ery fans that "Assumed" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,=

    Editorial Note: MHR Geer (https://mhrgeer.com) was born in California but r= aised in the Midwest. After studying Physics at the University of Californi=
    a, Santa Barbara, she started a bookkeeping business. MHR enjoys reading su= spense and is always delighted with an unexpected twist. "Assumed" is her d= ebut novel.

    The Fishhook Rebellion: Hawai'i 1847
    Dan Gooder Richard
    Inkspiration Media, LLC
    9781939319340, $24.95, PB, 614pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Fishhook-Rebellion-Hawaii-Dancer-Advenure/dp/1939319= 34X

    Synopsis: It's the antebellum days of 1847: Correspondent Samantha Swift's = voyage from New York to Hawai'i to return a kidnapped island girl turns dea= dly as she struggles to survive aboard a transport ship at the center of th=
    e very opium and sex trafficking ring she is determined to expose. From a F= ive Points brothel in Manhattan to the howling graveyard of Cape Horn to th=
    e cyclone-of-the-century off Robinson Crusoe Island in the Pacific someone = wants Swift dead - and will do anything to make that happen.

    Meanwhile secret agent Jack Dancer's around-the-world odyssey is driven by = orders from President James K. Polk to discover Napoleon's long-lost Maltes=
    e treasure before an unknown foreign power finds the trove (and buys domina= tion in the Pacific) a domination that could threaten the new California te= rritory. Duty propels Dancer from the same New York brothel to a stolen not= ebook in Paris to a Christmas tryst in Cairo and headlong into cutthroats i=
    n Zanzibar and reeking death temples in Tahiti.

    But as Swift and Dancer's separate trails of danger and death interweave no= thing can stop the ruthless and murderous drive of their enemies to achieve=
    their ends. Nothing -- that is until Swift and Dancer meet up in the "whal= er's hellhole of the Pacific:" Lahaina, Maui. There they are forced to put = aside their mutual dislikes after they uncover a secret so explosive it cou=
    ld destroy America's fragile young republic forever.

    Against all odds Swift and Dancer follow an elusive trail stalked by a sadi= stic killer determined to beat them to one of the world's greatest treasure=
    s. Only to find themselves in a lost world both wondrous and horrifying whe=
    re the Hawaiian chiefs have long guarded an ancient secret -- until now!

    Critique: Comparable in dimension to James A. Michener's "Hawaii", Dan Good=
    er Richard's veritable saga of an historical novel, "The Fishhook Rebellion=
    : Hawai'i 1847" is the stuff of which block buster movies are made and will=
    have a very special appeal to readers who enjoy a deft blending of women's=
    suspense thriller and military action/adventure. The creation of memorable=
    characters, a plot with more twists and turns than a Disneyland roller-coa= ster, "The Fishhook Rebellion: Hawai'i 1847" is one of those works of liter= ary fiction that will linger in the mind and memory of the reader long afte=
    r the book is finished and set back upon the shelf. While available for per= sonal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99), "The Fishhook=
    Rebellion: Hawai'i 1847" is an especially and unreservedly recommended add= ition to community, college, and university library Historical Fiction coll= ections.

    Editorial Note: Dan Gooder Richard (https://www.dangooderrichard.com) earne=
    d a bachelor's in history blasting water wells in India with the Peace Corp=
    s. He earned his master's in journalism at Missouri. Dan's middle name come=
    s from his maternal grandfather: Leslie MacDonald Gooder who was a publishe=
    r in Chicago from the early 1910s through the 1950s. Dan carried on the fam= ily name in publishing. After he and his wife sold their marketing/publishi=
    ng business in 2016 Dan turned his full-time attention to writing historica=
    l adventures.

    Death of A Dancing Queen
    Kimberly G. Giarratano
    Datura Books
    9781915202420, $15.99, PB, 344pp


    Synopsis: After her mother's Alzheimer's diagnosis, Billie Levine revamped = her grandfather's private investigation firm and set up shop in the corner = booth of her favorite North Jersey deli hoping the free pickles and flexibl=
    e hours would allow her to take care of her mom and pay the bills. So when = Tommy Russo, a rich kid with a nasty drug habit, offers her a stack of cash=
    to find his missing girlfriend, how can she refuse? At first, Billie think=
    s this will be easy earnings, but then her missing person's case turns into=
    a murder investigation and Russo is the detective bureau's number one susp= ect.

    Suddenly Billie is embroiled in a deadly gang war that's connected to the d= ecades-old disappearance of a famous cabaret dancer with ties to both an in= famous Jewish mob and a skinhead group. Toss in the reappearance of Billie'=
    s hunky ex-boyfriend with his own rap sheet, and she is regretting every de= cision that got her to this point. Becoming a P.I. was supposed to solve he=
    r problems. But if Billie doesn't crack this case, the next body the police=
    dredge out of the Hudson River will be hers.

    Critique: A riveting read from first page to last, "Death of a Dancing Quee=
    n" by novelist Kimberly G. Giarratano will have a very special appeal to fa=
    ns of female PI stories. Original and with more plot twists than a Disneyla=
    nd roller-coaster, "Death of a Dancing Queen" is highly recommended for per= sonal reading lists and community library Mystery/Suspense collections. It = should be noted that "Death of a Dancing Queen" is also readily available i=
    n a digital book format (Kindle, $6.99).

    Editorial Note: Kimberly G. Giarratano (www.kimberlyggiarratano.com) is an = author of mysteries for teens and adults. Her debut novel, Grunge Gods and = Graveyards, won the 2015 Silver Falchion Award for Best YA at Killer Nashvi= lle. A former librarian, she is currently an instructor at a SUNY Orange Co= unty Community College and a reviewer for BookPage. She is also the chapter=
    liaison for Sisters in Crime.

    Orders To Kill
    Edward Marston
    Isis Large Print
    c/o Ulverscroft Large Print, Inc.
    9780749027810, $41.00, Large Print, PB, 339pp

    https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/orders-to-kill-author-edward-marston/11387= 35012

    Synopsis: December, 1917. Ada Hobbes arrives on a frosty morning to clean t=
    he house owned by Dr Tindall, a surgeon at the Edmonton Military Hospital. = She is shocked to find the blood covered body of her employer who has been = hacked to death.

    A horrific scene awaits Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion and Sergeant Joe=
    Keedy. Someone clearly enjoyed killing the doctor. Their investigation tak=
    es them far out of London and on the trail of a very different Dr Tindall, = one who was not the respectable local GP everyone thought he was.

    Marmion and Keedy will need to sift through a number of likely suspects to = find the killer behind this gruesome murder.

    Critique: A fun read that will have a special appeal to fans of historical = 'whodunnit' mysteries, "Orders To Kill" is part of author Edward Marston's = 'The Home Front Detective Series'. Originally published by Allison & Busby = and now available in a large print edition from Isis and Ulverscroft, "Orde=
    rs To Kill" is enthusiastically recommended for the personal reading lists =
    of dedicated mystery fans and community library Mystery/Suspense collection=

    Editorial Note: Edward Marston (the pseudonym of Keith Miles) has written w= ell over a hundred books, including some non-fiction. He is best known for = his hugely successful Railway Detective series and he also writes the Bow S= treet Rivals series featuring twin detectives set during the Regency; the H= ome Front Detective novels set during the First World War; and the Ocean Li= ner mysteries. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Miles)

    Mystery In White
    J. Jefferson Farjeon
    Charonwood Large Print / Thorpe
    c/o Ulverscroft Large Print, Inc.
    9781444848915, $TBA, Large Print, PB, 248pp

    https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mystery-in-white-j-jefferson-farjeon/11245= 03717

    Synopsis: On Christmas Eve, heavy snowfall brings a train to a halt near th=
    e village of Hemmersby. Several passengers take shelter in a deserted count=
    ry house, where the fire has been lit and the table laid for tea -- but no = one is at home. Trapped together for Christmas, the passengers are seeking =
    to unravel the secrets of the empty house when a murderer strikes in their = midst!

    Critique: "Mystery In White" by the late J. Jefferson Farjeon (4 June 1883 =
    - 6 June 1955) is a classic Christmas mystery thriller that is now republis= hed for the first time since the 1930s in a large print paperback edition f= rom Thorpe/Charnwood Large Print and featuring an informative introduction =
    by award-winning crime writer Martin Edwards. Complete and unabridged, "Mys= tery In White" is a true 'time-lost' classic that will be fully appreciated=
    by a new general of readers and has the highest recommendation for both th=
    e personal reading lists of dedicated mystery fans and community library My= stery/Suspense collections.

    Editorial Note: J. Jefferson Farjeon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_= Jefferson_Farjeon) was an English crime and mystery novelist, playwright an=
    d screenwriter. His "Ben" novels were reissued in 2015 and 2016.

    Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
    Benjamin Stevenson
    Mariner Books
    c/o HarperCollins Publishers
    Blackstone Audiobooks
    9780063279025, $30.00, HC, 384pp


    Synopsis: Ernest Cunningham claims that everyone in his family has killed s= omeone. Some of his killer relations are the high achievers, having killed = more than once. His is not trying to be dramatic, but is telling the truth.=
    Some of his family members are good, others are bad, and some just unfortu= nate. Call him Ern or Ernie -- and now he wishes he would have killed whoev=
    er decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort -- but things are a=
    little more complicated than that. -- Has he killed someone? Why, yes he h= as. Who was it? -- Well let us get started.

    Critique: One of the most unusual, entertainingly quirky, deftly crafted, a=
    nd simply riveting murder thrillers featuring an impressive roster of untra= ditional characters, "Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone" by author B= enjamin Stevenson is a terrific read from first page to last. While an espe= cially and unreservedly recommended addition to community library Mystery/S= uspense collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of a=
    ll dedicated mystery buffs that "Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone" =
    is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99). Librar= ians should note that there is a large print paperback edition of "Everyone=
    in My Family Has Killed Someone" (Harper Large Print, 9780063297197, $34.0=
    0, 528pp), as well as being available as a complete and unabridged audio bo=
    ok (Blackstone Audio, 9798212200752, $41.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Benjamin Stevenson (https://benjaminstevensonauthor.com) is=
    an award-winning stand-up comedian and author. Off-stage, Benjamin has wor= ked for publishing houses and literary agencies in Australia and the USA. H=
    e currently works with some of Australia's best-loved authors at Curtis Bro=
    wn Australia. He is also the author of Greenlight (shortlisted for the Ned = Kelly First Fiction Award) and Either Side of Midnight.

    Murder in Postscript
    Mary Winters
    Berkley Books
    c/o Penguin Group (USA)
    9780593548769, $17.00, PB, 320pp


    Synopsis: Amelia Amesbury (widow, mother, and countess) has a secret. Ameli=
    a writes for a London penny paper, doling out advice on fashion, relationsh= ips, and manners under the pen name Lady Agony. But when a lady's maid writ=
    es Amelia to ask for advice when she believes her mistress has been murdere=
    d (and then ends up a victim herself) Amelia is determined to solve the cas=

    With the help of her best friend and a handsome marquis, Amelia begins to p= iece together the puzzle, but as each new thread of inquiry ends with a dif= ferent suspect, the investigation grows ever more daunting. From London's d= ocks and ballrooms to grand country houses, Amelia tracks a killer, putting=
    her reputation and her life on the line!

    Critique: A very special and original Victorian era cozy mystery set in 186=
    0, "Murder in Postscript" by Mary Winters is a highly recommended and fun r= ead for all dedicated mystery fans. Featuring an unusual woman sleuth, nume= rous and expected plot twists on down to the final page, "Murder in Postscr= ipt" is unreservedly recommended for community library Mystery/Suspense col= lections. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of all dedicate=
    d cozy mystery fans that "Murder in Postscript" is also readily available i=
    n a digital book format (Kindle, $11.99).

    Editorial Note: Mary Winters (https://marywintersauthor.com) is the author =
    of the Lady Agony mystery series. A longtime reader of historical fiction a=
    nd an author of two other mystery series, Mary set her latest work in Victo= rian England after being inspired by a trip to London.

    Mark Rubinstein
    Oceanview Publishing
    9781608095469, $27.95, HC, 352pp


    Synopsis: When Rick Shepherd, a physician, approaches his office on a busy = Manhattan street, he finds police cars, an ambulance, and crime scene techn= icians. He soon learns a passerby was shot three times in the back, murdere=
    d at the front door to Rick's office.

    Later that evening while watching the local news, Rick and his fiancee, Jac= kie, see a photo of the victim -- to their horror, the deceased looks ident= ical to Rick.

    Two nights later, while making a house call in a Brooklyn apartment buildin=
    g, Rick's 64-year-old father is shot and killed in the exact same way. Dete= ctives Art Nager and Liz Callaghan are assigned the case, and they launch a=
    n investigation. There are no clues leading to the perpetrator.

    Even more ominously, someone has been calling Rick and Jackie's apartment a=
    nd hanging up. Whoever is targeting Rick must have murdered his father, and=
    they now have Rick in their crosshairs. Nager and Callaghan seem to be mak= ing no progress with their investigation. Rick's quest for the truth draws = him into a labyrinth of secrets, past tragedies, and the agonizing pain of = lives shattered by a single event. Can he make it out before he meets the s= ame fate as his father?

    Critique: A riveting suspense thriller of a crime novel, "Downfall" is anot= her compelling novel from the pen of author Mark Rubinstein and is certain =
    to be an immediate and enduringly popular addition to community library Con= temporary Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted for the personal=
    reading lists of the growing legion of Mark Rubinstein fans that "Downfall=
    " is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.49).

    Editorial Note: Mark Rubinstein (https://www.markrubinstein-author.com) is =
    an award-winning novelist, physician, and psychiatrist who has written nonf= iction and suspense-thriller fiction. His books have won the IPPY Gold Awar=
    d and two Benjamin Franklin Silver Awards. His Mad Dog Trilogy is under con= sideration for film or TV series adaptation

    Murder at an Irish Castle
    Ellie Brannigan
    Crooked Lane Books
    2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
    Dreamscape Media
    9781639102587, $18.99, PB, 320pp


    Synopsis: Rodeo Drive bridalwear designer Rayne McGrath expected her thirti= eth birthday to start with a power lunch and end with champagne, lobster, a=
    nd a diamond engagement ring from her fiance. Instead, flat-broke and buste=
    d, she's on a plane to Ireland where she discovers that she's inherited a r= un-down family castle.

    But her Uncle Nevin's will contains a few caveats -- for example, if Rayne = doesn't turn McGrath Castle around within a year, the entire village will b=
    e financially destroyed.

    With the fate of the town in her hands, and rumors that Rayne's uncle's dea=
    th wasn't actually an accident, she can't possibly go back to her old life =
    in L.A. As the devastating truth about her uncle dawns on Rayne, it's not j= ust her reputation that's on the line, it's her life.

    Critique: Featuring a sharp and endearing protagonist, a colorful and quirk=
    y locale, and replete with twists and turns befitting an old Irish village,=
    with the publication of "Murder at an Irish Castle", novelist Ellie Branni= gan launches the first title in her new Brannigan's cozy mystery series tha=
    t is as romantic as it is deadly. A cosy style 'whodunnit' international cu= linary mystery featuring a woman sleuth, "Murder at an Irish Castle" is a v= ery special and highly recommended addition to both personal reading lists = and community library Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted that=
    "Murder at an Irish Castle" is also available in a digital book format (Ki= ndle, $13.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Dreamscape Media=
    , 9781666628593, $22.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Ellie Brannigan, (https://crookedlanebooks.com/ellie-branni= gan) also writes under the pseudonym of Traci Hall.

    Lay This Body Down
    Charles Fergus
    Arcade Publishing
    c/o Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
    307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018
    9781956763447, $26.99, HC, 312pp


    Synopsis: "Lay This Body Down" is a mystery novel by Charles Fergus that ta= kes place in 1837 during one of the most horrific periods in pre-Civil War = America, when dark skinned human beings were considered chattel and both no= rthern and southern states grew rich from slave labor. And when a Pennsylva= nia sheriff like Gideon could choose to uphold the federal Fugitive Slave A=
    ct of 1793 or defy that racist law at great peril.

    Critique: "Lay This Body Down" (the third novel in author Charles Fergus 'G= ideon Stoltz Mystery Series) is a hard-hitting, action-packed story of how = Gideon tries to protect a boy who has fled north from a Virginia plantation=
    -- and pays dearly for his principles. Written with the vivid, atmospheric=
    prose that imbues the whole series, the life and times of an early America=
    n backwoods town and its hardscrabble citizens will grip readers as Gideon = and his wife True solve a murder, bust a kidnaping ring, and help one unfor= gettable boy who courageously chooses freedom above all else. Original and = deftly scripted, "Lay This Body Down" will have special appeal to readers w= ith an interest in historical mysteries and suspense thrillers that are wri= tten with a distinctive literary style. While highly recommended for commun= ity library Mystery/Suspense collections, it should be noted for personal r= eading lists that "Lay This Body Down" is also available in a digital book = format (Kindle, $17.99).

    Editorial Note: Charles Fergus (http://www.charlesfergus.com) is the author=
    of twenty books, many of which are about nature and the outdoors with read= ers reporting that his understanding of wildlife, natural places, and rural=
    living informs his novels..

    Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers
    Jesse Q. Sutanto
    Berkley Prime Crime
    c/o Penguin Group (USA)
    9780593546178, $27.00, HC, 352pp


    Synopsis: Vera Wong is a lonely little old lady (that is, a lady of a certa=
    in age) who lives above her forgotten tea shop in the middle of San Francis= co's Chinatown. Despite living alone, Vera is not needy, oh no. She likes n= othing more than sipping on a good cup of Wulong and doing some healthy det= ective work on the Internet about what her Gen-Z son is up to.

    Then one morning, Vera trudges downstairs to find a curious thing -- a dead=
    man in the middle of her tea shop. In his outstretched hand, a flash drive=
    .. Vera doesn't know what comes over her, but after calling the cops like an=
    y good citizen would, she sort of lifts the flash drive from the body and t= ucks it safely into the pocket of her apron. Why? Because Vera is sure she = would do a better job than the police possibly could, because nobody sniffs=
    out a wrongdoing quite like a suspicious Chinese mother with time on her h= ands.

    Vera knows the killer will be back for the flash drive; all she has to do i=
    s watch the increasing number of customers at her shop and figure out which=
    one among them is the killer. What Vera does not expect is to form friends= hips with her customers and start to care for each and every one of them. A=
    s a protective mother hen, will she end up having to give one of her newfou=
    nd chicks to the police?

    Critique: A quintessential cozy mystery that will have immense interest to = fans of the genre, "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers" is origin= al, memorable, and a fun read from cover to cover. While certain to be an i= mmediate and enduringly popular addition to community library Mystery/Suspe= nse collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of reade=
    rs who enjoy novels featuring amateur women crime solvers, that "Vera Wong'=
    s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers" is also available in a paperback editio=
    n (9780008558734, $17.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.99).

    Editorial Note: Jesse Q. Sutanto (https://jillgrinbergliterary.com/book_aut= hor/jesse-q-sutanto) is the author of adult, YA, and children's middle grad=
    e books. She has a master's degree in creative writing from Oxford Universi= ty, though she hasn't found a way of saying that without sounding obnoxious=
    .. The film rights to her women's fiction, Dial A for Aunties, was bought by=
    Netflix in a competitive bidding war. Her adult books include Dial A for A= unties and its sequel, Four Aunties and a Wedding. Her YA books include The=
    Obsession, The New Girl, and her upcoming romcom, Well, That Was Unexpecte=
    d. Her MG books include Theo Tan and the Fox Spirit and an untitled sequel.=
    She is on Twitter @thewritinghippo and on Instagram @jesseqsutanto

    Standing Dead
    Margaret Mizushima
    Crooked Lane Books
    2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
    Dreamscape Media
    9781639102440, $28.99, HC, 288pp


    Synopsis: Deputy Mattie Cobb and her sister, Julia, travel to Mexico to vis=
    it their mother, but when they arrive, they discover that she and her husba=
    nd have vanished without a trace. Back in Timber Creek, Mattie finds a chil= ling note on her front door telling her to look for "him" among the standin=
    g dead up in the high country.

    The sheriff's department springs into action and sends a team to the mounta= ins, where Mattie's K-9 partner, Robo, makes a grisly discovery -- a body t= ied to a dead pine tree. Mattie is shocked when she realizes she knows the = dead man. And then another note arrives, warning that Mattie's mother is in=
    desperate straits. In a last-ditch gambit, Mattie must go deep undercover = into a killer's lair to save her mother -- or die trying.

    Critique: A combination of police procedural and cosy mystery, "Standing De= ad" by Margaret Mizushima is a plot rich and entertaining read that is espe= cially recommended for the reading lists of all dedicated mystery fans and = community library Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted that "St= anding Dead" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.99) an=
    d as a complete and unabridged audio book (Dreamscape Media, 9781666629064,=
    $22.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Margaret Mizushima (www.margaretmizushima.com) is the autho=
    r of the award-winning and internationally published Timber Creek K-9 Myste= ries. She also serves as president for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Myster=
    y Writers of America, and was elected the 2019 Writer of the Year by Rocky = Mountain Fiction Writers. She is a member of Northern Colorado Writers, Sis= ters in Crime, Pikes Peak Writers, and Women Writing the West.She can be fo= llowed on Facebook/AuthorMargaretMizushima, Twitter @margmizu, and on Insta= gram at margmizu.

    Even When You Lie
    Michelle Cruz
    Crooked Lane Books
    2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
    Dreamscape Media
    9781639102501, $18.99, PB, 336pp


    Synopsis: Reagan Reyes is a woman who hunts other people's secrets. A forme=
    r intelligence officer, she's currently the in-house investigator for price=
    y criminal defense attorney, Cade McCarrick -- and she's his lover, despite=
    the law firm's rules forbidding romantic relationships between partners an=
    d staff. But their love (including their agreement never to lie to each oth= er) is the only authenticity they have in a world of subterfuge and betraya=

    That agreement is pushed to its limits when a mysterious woman leaves an en= velope for Cade and is soon discovered dead. While the envelope's contents = aren't related to any of Cade's current cases, Reagan uncovers a connection=
    to a recent murder outside a Deep Ellum nightclub -- and an even more omin= ous link to the dead woman.

    The police don't seem to care about either death, but they hit too close to=
    home for Reagan to ignore. As she digs deeper into Dallas's sordid underbe= lly, she's completely on her own except for Cade - and there's a killer ben=
    t on eliminating them both at any cost.

    Critique: An inherently compelling, pulse-pounding, romantic thriller of a = read from first page to lat, author Michelle Cruz's new novel, "Even When Y=
    ou Lie", will be of particular appeal to anyone with an interest in deftly = crafted crime fiction with more plot twists than a Disneyland roller-coaste=
    r. While highly recommended for personal reading lists and community librar=
    y Mystery/Suspense collections, it should be noted for the growing legions =
    of Michelle Cruz fans that "Even When You Lie" is also available in a digit=
    al book format (Kindle, $13.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book=
    (Dreamscape Media, 9781666629590, $22.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Michelle Cruz (https://authormichellecruz.com) is a seventh= -generation native Texan who served as a commissioned officer in the United=
    States Air Force and staffed a member of Congress. She resides with her fa= mily in the Texas Hill Country and is a member of WFWA and the Writers' Lea= gue of Texas

    The Protege
    Jody Gehrman
    Crooked Lane Books
    2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
    9781639102488, $28.99, HC, 304pp


    Synopsis: Dr. Hannah Bryers, anthropology professor and forensics expert at=
    the prestigious Mad River University, takes pleasure in examining corpses,=
    but small talk and living people fill her with dread. When she's not teach= ing, she analyzes the decomposing flesh of murder victims around the globe.

    Winter Jones is Hannah's most promising graduate student. She's smart, cunn= ing, and dedicated, but she's got her own agenda for coming to Mad River. S= he's here to bring Hannah Bryers down and she will stop at nothing to make = her life implode.

    In alternating narratives, Winter systematically robs Hannah of the things = she values most: her reputation, her job, and ultimately her safety.

    When dangerous mistakes are made in her lab, Hannah has no idea who would h= ave it out for her and would be willing to risk students' lives. As the inc= idents become deadly, many suspects come to light. Hannah won't go down wit= hout a fight. She has to figure out who is sabotaging her career and killin=
    g people; her life depends on finding answers.

    Critique: A compulsive page turner of a read, "The Protege" reveals author = Jody Gehrman's genuine flair for creating psychological thrillers that will=
    hold and keep the reader's total attention from cover to cover. While also=
    available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $13= ..99), "The Protege" will prove a welcome and enduringly popular addition to=
    community library Contemporary Mystery/Suspense collections.

    Editorial Note: Jody Gehrman (https://www.jodygehrman.com) has authored sev= eral novels and numerous plays for stage and screen. Her young-adult novel,=
    Babe in Boyland, won the International Reading Association's Teen Choice A= ward and was optioned by the Disney Channel. Jody's plays have been produce=
    d or had staged readings in Ashland, New York, San Francisco, Chicago and L= ..A. Her full-length, Tribal Life in America, won the Ebell Playwrights Priz=
    e and received a staged reading at the historic Ebell Theater in Los Angele=
    s. She and her partner David Wolf won the New Generation Playwrights Award = for their one-act, Jake Savage, Jungle P.I. She holds a Masters Degree in P= rofessional Writing from the University of Southern California and is also =
    a professor of Communications at Mendocino College in Northern California.

    A Mansion for Murder
    Frances Brody
    Crooked Lane Books
    2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
    Dreamscape Media
    9781643857602, $28.99, HC, 320pp


    Synopsis: When Kate Shackleton disembarks at Saltaire station, in the West = Riding of Yorkshire, she has no idea what to expect. A stranger, Ronnie Cre= swell, has written to say that he has urgent information about the past tha=
    t will interest her, and he persuades her to make the journey to Milner Fie= ld, the grand house that is said to be cursed. But moments after Kate arriv=
    es at the lodge, a messenger brings devastating news to Ronnie's parents: h=
    e has been found drowned in the mill reservoir.

    Ronnie's father suspects that this was no accident, and the post-mortem pro= ves him right. Ronnie was murdered. Terrified and distraught, Mrs. Creswell=
    refuses to stay at the Lodge a moment longer. But events take an even more=
    shocking turn when ten-year-old Nancy Creswell, eyes and ears for her blin=
    d Uncle Nick, goes missing. An account of the fateful Saturday of Ronnie's = death arouses Kate's suspicions, and furhter investigations could prove her=

    But truth is never so straightforward at Milner Field. Uncle Nick spins an = old story that could hold the key to finding Nancy alive -- though the fabl=
    ed curse may not have claimed its last victim yet. And only a set of old bo= nes buried on the grounds will finally reveal the horrifying truth.

    Critique: The thirteenth novel in author Frances Brody's simply outstanding=
    series of cozy mysteries staring that amateur sleuth Kate Shackleton. With=
    all the entertainment value of an Agatha Christie novel, "A Mansion for Mu= rder" is an original, compelling, and highly recommended addition to person=
    al reading lists and community library collections. Be warned though, if th=
    is 13th title is your first introduction to Frances Brody mysteries, then y=
    ou will find yourself compelling to seek out the previous twelve cozy myste= ries starring Kate Shackleton! It should be noted that "A Mansion for Murde=
    r" is also available in a paperback edition (9780349431970, $14.99), in a d= igital book format (Kindle, $13.99), and as a complete and unabridged audio=
    book (Dreamscape Media, 9781666629613, $22.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Frances Brody (https://frances-brody.com) wrote historical = sagas, winning the HarperCollins Elizabeth Elgin award for most regionally = evocative debut saga of the millennium before creating the Kate Shackleton = mystery series.

    A Midsummer Night's Scheme
    Harper Kincaid
    Crooked Lane Books
    Dreamscape Media
    9781643856308, $26.99, HC, 288pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Midsummer-Nights-Scheme-Bookbinding-Mystery/dp/16438= 56308

    Synopsis: Just when everything is returning to the calm that Quinn Caine an=
    d her sidekicks, Ruff Barker Ginsburg and Sister Daria, are used to in thei=
    r beloved town of Vienna, a Broadway star crash-lands into their peace and = quiet. Former 'player', Chad Frivole, is Vienna's prodigal son -- the once = notorious lothario has returned a Broadway star, ready to make a different = kind of mark on his hometown.

    Not everyone is celebrating the Tony-award-winner's return. Chad's a triple=
    threat -- not with a cast of characters lining up to seek their revenge on=
    him. So, when he turns up dead in his car, trapped with a sack full of sna= kes, Quinn can't say she's surprised -- but promises handsome detective Aid=
    en Harrington that she's staying out of this local mystery.

    That is, until someone starts threatening her brother's life. It's true, Se= bastian 'Bash' Caine used to be a womanizer, just like Chad. And the killer=
    doesn't seem to care that he's not that man anymore. Bash Caine is in the = killer's sights, and unless Quinn and her crew can find the killer in time,=
    whoever it is will drag her brother into his final act on this mortal coil=

    Critique: As a novelist, author Harper Kincaid demonstrates a complete mast= ery of the cozy mystery genre complete with an amateur female sleuth and he=
    r pets. Featuring memorable and deftly crafted characters and a positive ro= ller-coaster of plot twists and turns, "A Midsummer Night's Scheme" is the = latest addition to her 'A Book Binding Mystery' series and is unreservedly = recommended for personal reading lists and community library Mystery/Suspen=
    se collections. It should be noted dedicated cozy mystery fans that "A Mids= ummer Night's Scheme" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $= 13.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Dreamscape Media, 97816= 66629620, $22.99, CD).

    Editorial Note: Born in California and raised in South Florida, Harper Kinc= aid has moved around like a nomad with a bounty on her head ever since. Aft=
    er earning her master's degree in Gender History and another in Clinical/Ma= cro Social Work, Kincaid decided to not to use either and become a writer i= nstead! (https://www.harperkincaid.com/books)

    The Shimmer on the Water
    Marina McCarron
    Head of Zeus
    9781801104449, $16.95, PB, 416pp


    Synopsis: 1997. As the people of Fort Meadow Beach celebrate the Fourth of = July, four-year-old Daisy Wright disappears and is never seen again. Presen=
    t Day. Fired from her job and heartbroken, Peyton Winchester moves back hom=
    e for the summer. Sitting in her childhood bedroom in her parents' sprawlin=
    g mansion on the edge of the Atlantic ocean brings back all kinds of memori=
    es - including Daisy's vanishing when Peyton was a young girl herself. As s=
    he begins her search for the truth, the investigation will hit close to hom=
    e, intertwining Daisy's past and Peyton's present with irreversible consequ= ences. How far will Peyton be ready to go to uncover the truth and will wha=
    t she finds destroy everything or finally lead her home?

    Critique: When you're lost sometimes the only way to look forward is to loo=
    k back. "The Shimmer on the Water" by novelist Marina McCarron is the story=
    of three women, two generations apart, and one secret they share. Deftly c= rafted and memorable characters, a plot replete with unexpected twists and = turns, "The Shimmer on the Water" is an inherently fascinating blend of a '= whodunnit' mystery and a domestic thriller of a read from first page to las=
    t. While highly recommended as an addition to community library Mystery/Sus= pense collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The = Shimmer on the Water" is also readily available in a digital book format (K= indle, $3.99).

    Editorial Note: Marina McCarron (http://marinamccarron.com) holds a Bachelo=
    r of Arts and a Master of Publishing degree. She has worked as a reporter, =
    a freelance writer, a columnist and a manuscript evaluator. She gets her id= eas for stories from strolling through new places and daydreaming. Her debu=
    t novel, "The Time Between Us", came to her as she stood at Pointe du Hoc o=
    n a windy June day and asked the magical question, what if...?

    Bones Under the Ice
    Mary Ann Miller
    Oceanview Publishing
    1620 Main Street, Suite 11, Sarasota, FL 34236
    9781608095377, $27.95, HC, 336pp


    Synopsis: Two days after a blizzard hits Field's Crossing, Indiana, Sheriff=
    Jhonni Laurent discovers the frozen body of a high school senior under a f= ifteen-foot pile of snow and ice. Murder is rare in farm country, and this = death marks the beginning of Jhonni's first homicide case.

    Just as the investigation gets underway, Jhonni's opponent for sheriff from=
    four years ago wages a bitter reelection battle to oust her. Then, Jhonni = finds another body, and further complications arise when a century-old feud=
    between two families reaches its breaking point.

    Soon, a slew of newspaper articles causes the Indiana State Election Board =
    to doubt her credibility. Jhonni must fight to maintain her reputation, kee=
    p the small farming community together, and find the murderer at large -- a=
    ll while demons from her own past threaten to crush her. Can she find the k= iller and mend her battered spirit before it's too late?

    Critique: All the more impressive when considering that "Bones Under The Ic=
    e" is author Mary Ann Miller's debut as a novelist, this carefully crafted = and original suspense thriller of a 'whodunnit' mystery will have a particu= lar appeal to readers with an interest in police procedural murder mysterie=
    s. While also available to fans of women sleuth/detective (and in this case=
    sheriff) mysteries in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.95), "Bones Under=
    The Ice" is unreservedly recommended for community library Mystery/Suspens=
    e collections.

    The Butcher of Berner Street
    Alex Reeve
    Felony & Mayhem Press
    9781631942822, $27.00, HC, 300pp


    Synopsis: "Cold-hearted murder." That's what was promised in the anonymous = note, and Leo Stanhope can't resist. He may be a working journalist at last=
    , but it's a precarious gig, and a good story could bring in the readers. W= hat he finds on Berner Street, though, is a dead body that isn't, not to me= ntion a lady wrestler who's quite a bit more. The crowd is angry: They like=
    things cut and dried. But Leo knows all about things that are one thing an=
    d also another. He's got a secret himself, and if he's found out, an angry = crowd will be the least of his worries. This is Queen Victoria's London, an=
    d the courts are not kind to young men who are -- quite a bit more!

    Critique: The third volume in author Alex Reeve's extraordinary Victorian e=
    ra 'Leo Stanhope' mystery series, "The Butcher of Berner Street" is an 'who= dunnit' mystery novel that will have a very special appeal to readers with =
    an interest in Historical mysteries featuring amateur sleuths and LGBTQ ele= ments. A terrific read from cover to cover, and the stuff from which BBC mo= vies are made, "The Butcher of Berner Street" is unreservedly recommended f=
    or both personal reading lists and community library Mystery/Suspense colle= ctions.

    Editorial Note: Alex Reeve (https://felicitybryan.com/fba-author/alex-reeve=
    ) lives in Buckinghamshire, England, with his wife and two sons. Having don=
    e many jobs, including working in a pub and teaching English as a foreign l= anguage in Paris, he is now a university lecturer. His debut novel, Half Mo=
    on Street, was the first in a Victorian crime series featuring transgender = amateur sleuth Leo Stanhope. His writing focuses on closing the gap between=
    the actual Victorian era and how the period is perceived.

    Burning Distance
    Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
    Oceanview Publishing
    1620 Main Street, Suite 11, Sarasota, FL 34236
    9781608095339, $28.95, HC, 400pp


    Synopsis: When ten-year-old Elizabeth West's father dies in a tragic plane = crash over the Persian Gulf, her family uproots their life in Washington, D= ..C., and moves to London. Her mother marries a knighted British businessman=
    who has two children, and Elizabeth (Lizzy) and her two sisters move in wi=
    th their new family.

    At age sixteen, while attending the American School of London, Lizzy meets = and falls in love with Adil Hasan -- but when Adil's father, a noted arms m= iddleman, is deported, Lizzy and Adil are separated.

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    Lizzy's family has also become involved with French-German industrialist Ge= rald Rene Wagner. Little does she know that Adil's family has ties to the m= an, as well. When a member of her family is murdered in Berlin under myster= ious circumstances, questions surface about Wagner's dealings, and Lizzy re= examines what really may have happened to her father. All the while, she en= deavors to reunite with her lost love, Adil, and reclaim the connection tha=
    t was ripped away.

    Critique: Another deftly crafted novel of suspense featuring finely honed c= haracters and an original storyline with more plot twists and turns than a = Disneyland roller-coaster, "Burning Distance" showcases author Joanne Leedo= m-Ackerman's impressive and narrative storytelling skills. Very highly reco= mmended for community library collections, it should be noted for personal = reading lists that "Burning Distance" is also available in a digital book f= ormat (Kindle, $11.99).

    Editorial Note: Joanne Leedom-Ackerman is a novelist, short story writer, a=
    nd journalist whose works of fiction include The Dark Path to the River and=
    No Marble Angels. Her recent nonfiction book, PEN Journeys: Memoir of Lite= rature on the Line, drew inspiration from her job as a vice president of th=
    e worldwide writers and human rights organization PEN International. She is=
    also on the boards of the American Writers Museum, the International Cente=
    r for Journalists, Words Without Borders, Refugees International, and is a = member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Texas Institute of Lette= rs. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joanne_Leedom-Ackerman)

    Just the Nicest Couple
    Mary Kubica
    Park Row Books
    c/o HarperCollins Publishers
    9780778333111, $28.99, HC, 320pp


    Synopsis: Jake Hayes is missing. This much is certain. At first, his wife, = Nina, thinks he is blowing off steam at a friend's house after their heated=
    fight the night before. But then a day goes by. Two days. Five. And Jake i=
    s still nowhere to be found.

    Lily Scott, Nina's friend and coworker, thinks she may have been the last t=
    o see Jake before he went missing. After Lily confesses everything to her h= usband, Christian, the two decide that nobody can find out what happened le= ading up to Jake's disappearance, especially not Nina. But Nina is out ther=
    e looking for her husband, and she won't stop until the truth is discovered=

    Critique: A deftly crafted domestic thriller of a read, "Just the Nicest Co= uple" by Mary Kubica is an inherently riveting read with more plot twists a=
    nd turns than a Disneyland roller-coaster. While also available for the per= sonal reading lists of fans with an interest in psychological suspense fict= ion in a paperback edition (9781848458437, $10.99), in a digital book forma=
    t (Kindle, $14.99), and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone=
    Audio, 9798212222990, $41.99, CD), "Just the Nicest Couple" will prove to =
    be a welcome addition to community library Contemporary Fiction collections=

    Editorial Note: Mary Kubica (https://marykubica.com) is the author of "The = Good Girl" and "Pretty Baby". She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from=
    Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in History and American Literature.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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