The Money/Finance Shelf
What Should I Do with My Money?
Bryan M. Kuderna
McGraw Hill Professional
1221 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor, New York, NY 10020
9781264857937, $25.00, PB, 272pp
Synopsis: Bryan M. Kuderna, is a Certified Financial Planner and nationally=
recognized financial advisor, who knows first-hand that the key to wise fi= nancial decisions is a deep understanding of economics. When his clients as=
k him, "What should I do with my money?" Kuderna has found the conversation=
quickly turns from one of personal finance to a 360-degree view of economi= cs, illustrating why and how issues on the global stage and the kitchen tab=
le are directly connected.
With the publication of "What Should I Do with My Money?: Economic Insights=
to Build Wealth Amid Chaos", Kuderna explains how economies and markets ar=
e affected by the way people live, learn, love, work, play, and pray -- for=
it is these behaviors that determine how groups, corporations, and nations=
make money or lose money.
Using history, storytelling, and sage insights, Kuderna takes you on a pano= ramic tour of the nine most important domains impacting your wealth: Popula= tion (a rapidly growing and shifting balance of givers and takers); Entitle= ments (the past, present, and future of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid,=
pensions, and stimulus programs); Education (costs and benefits of college=
and student loans); Economic Philosophy (political and monetary beliefs th=
at govern our world); Environment (the sustainability of our planet amid gl= obal warming, plastics, and finite natural resources); Tech (opportunities = and threats from the fastest-growing sector of the stock market); War (the = use of proxy wars, civil military fusion, cyber, and economic attacks); Rel= igion (how faith has steered economies from the stone age to the space age)=
; Personal Finance (a plan to attain the Three I's: Impact, Independence, a=
nd Income).
Each chapter includes special features explaining the "macro" problem and w= hat it means to your personal "micro" world -- helping you connect the dots=
of global issues to your own financial plan. Now more than ever you might = feel overwhelmed, the victim of existing economic structures, but wait and = see how there has been no better time for you to take control and build wea= lth.
Critique: In an age of governmental instability, rapid technological change=
s, global disaster disruptions in the form of wars and pandemics, criminal = manipulations of the marketplace ranging from Ponzi schemes to insider trad= ing, there is a minefield of potential problems that can and will have a de= trimental (and potentiality disastrous) impact on the fortunes and finances=
of unwary and inexperienced investors. "What Should I Do with My Money?: E= conomic Insights to Build Wealth Amid Chaos" by investment expert Bryan M. = Kuderna should be considered essential reading for anyone wanting to effect= ively and profitably create personal wealth through investment, be it in st= ocks, bonds, or entrepreneurial start-ups. Exceptionally well written, orga= nized and presented, "What Should I Do with My Money" is unreservedly recom= mended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Wealth M= anagement & Investing collections. It should be noted that "What Should I D=
o with My Money" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $22.72=
Editorial Note: Bryan M. Kuderna ( the founder of = Kuderna Financial Team and was named one of New Jersey's Top 10 Financial P= rofessionals of 2021 by NJBIZ. He hosts the popular finance and business po= dcast, "The Kuderna Podcast" and is a regular contributor to CNBC, Newsmax,=
Financial Planning Magazine, and other media. His first book "Millennial M= illionaire: A Guide to Become a Millionaire by 30" launched Kuderna as a na= tional speaker at colleges, hospitals, and financial institutions.
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The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
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Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
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James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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