The Jobs/Careers Shelf
First, Eat Your Frog: And Other Pearls for Professional Working Mothers Elizabeth Kagan Arleo, MD
Armin Lear Press Inc
9781956450583, $18.95
First, Eat Your Frog: And Other Pearls for Professional Working Mothers cen= ters on work/life integration processes in a more thought-provoking, studio=
us manner than the usual discussions of work and parenting, and will appeal=
to mothers who are not just going to work, but cultivating a professional = career and approach to work and life. These insights are presented in the f= orm of eight selected pearls of wisdom that advocate developing a growth-or= iented mindset, then adopting routines that support that process.
Working mothers well know the overwhelming feeling that is involved in givi=
ng fair time to what is, in effect, two important jobs. First, Eat Your Fro=
g provides the tools that can adjust and improve mindset towards better fun= ctioning in both environments, and points out that it is possible to mainta=
in two efforts that often seem to lead in opposite directions. Ambitious, c= areer-oriented women will find the nuggets of "how" embedded into a book th=
at reviews the basic principles that lend to better organization, time mana= gement, and prioritizing strategies.
Dr. Elizabeth Kagan Arleo doesn't claim that her book is "one size fits all= .." It adds to literature on the subject by synthesizing and presenting many=
real-life-tested approaches to achieving balance and sanity, gathering Arl= eo's own experiences and those of others to use as examples of common pitfa= lls and how they can be addressed. The strategies are accompanied by a powe= rful note; a "...reminder to myself and others to be kind and gentle to and=
with yourself in terms of planning and getting things done. We only have o=
ne life to live so we need to enjoy the process, the getting there, not jus=
t the end result."
Illustrated examples of organization, from computerized "to do" lists to pa= per monthly planners, impart the basics; but the meat of First, Eat Your Fr=
og lies in chapters that not only provide real-world illustrations, but rev= iew the pearls of wisdom for their underlying messages. The clarity of this=
process leaves no room for confusion and plenty of encouragement for discu= ssion not just in book clubs, but in professional and parent groups where w= ork/life balance is a topic of concern.
Libraries and readers who choose First, Eat Your Frog will find its drive t= owards enlightenment and pattern adjustment makes for a series of concrete = reflections not just on the balancing act, but the process of creating more=
satisfying, fulfilling dual careers in motherhood and business achievement=
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James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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