• April 2023 MBR The Economic Studies Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed May 3 15:48:14 2023
    The Economic Studies Shelf

    The Evolution of China's Anti-Poverty Strategies
    William N. Brown, PhD
    9789811972805, $59.99 Hardcover/$49.99 Paper

    https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Chinas-Anti-Poverty-Strategies-Changing/dp= /9811972834

    The Evolution of China's Anti-Poverty Strategies: Cases of 20 Chinese Chang= ing Lives reveals a program replete with new examples of how China's popula= tion has overcome poverty. It is highly recommended reading for social issu=
    es students interested in alternative anti-poverty strategies that have pro= ven successful in the real world.

    The book is based on Dr. Brown's personal travels through China from 1988 o= nwards, when he moved there to study Chinese. It follows family travels aro= und Southeast China, where he observed rural and urban poor Chinese that we=
    re not only optimistic about their future, but active participants who embr= aced the Chinese Dream as part of their daily lives.

    How did China achieve what many Western nations grapple with? They didn't r= ely on economic development to end poverty, but instead educated and provid=
    ed even the remotest communities with the infrastructure and education to e= ncourage citizens to participate in and build their own anti-poverty progra= ms.

    In 2019, Dr. Brown again embarked on a journey around China to chart what h=
    ad actually changed in 25 years of idealistic effort. What he saw proved th=
    at even the remotest of areas benefitted by the wide reach of China's anti-= poverty program. The power of this story lies in Dr. Brown's personal obser= vations, conversations, and interactions with ordinary people affected by s= even decades of conscious anti-poverty efforts. He found that the entire co= untry had progressed much more rapidly than he would have thought, the peop=
    le were optimistic about their national programs and personal lives, and re= storation efforts that took place not just economically but in farming and = ecosystem revision via community involvement were far more effective than t=
    he typical government approach of trickling down wealth or bequeathing aid = for the poor.

    The result is an eye-opening survey, on many levels. For students of Chines=
    e history and culture, The Evolution of China's Anti-Poverty Strategies pro= vides the personal insights, interviews, and touches missing from more scho= larly debates about China's people and policies. For those interested in th=
    e social issues of various nations and China in particular, The Evolution o=
    f China's Anti-Poverty Strategies provides a blueprint of entrepreneurial e= fforts that demonstrates how prosperity may be encouraged at all levels of = society. These case histories should ideally be part of any library interes= ted not just in China, but the social effort of overcoming poverty and empo= wering people at all economic levels. The Evolution of China's Anti-Poverty=
    Strategies should also be part of book clubs and groups discussing anti-po= verty issues and strategies beyond the typical Western experience and focus=


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    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
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    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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