• May 2023 MBR The Health/Medicine Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Jun 2 04:23:30 2023
    The Health/Medicine Shelf

    Understanding Osteoporosis
    Naheed Ali
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
    4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706
    9781538168141, $35.00, HC, 202pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Osteoporosis-Introduction-Patients-Car= egivers/dp/1538168146

    Synopsis: With the publication of "Understanding Osteoporosis: An Introduct= ion for Patients and Caregivers", Dr. Naheed Ali offers cutting-edge tips f=
    or anyone suffering from Osteoporosis and those who help them and informati=
    ve overview of the essentials of treatment, symptoms, risk factors, and out= comes.

    Osteoporosis is prevalent among aging women especially, but it can affect a= nyone as they age. Dr. Ali provides an useful overview of the disorder and = its warning signs and risk factors. He also walks his readers through preve= ntion strategies, common symptoms, treatment options, and potential outcome=
    s for sufferers. Keeping caregivers in mind, too, Dr. Ali offers advice for=
    both sufferers and those who love and care for them, to keep them safe.

    Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Understandi=
    ng Osteoporosis: An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers" is an ideal a=
    nd unreservedly recommended DIY instructional guide that will prove to be a=
    n invaluable and appreciated addition to personal, professional, community,=
    and academic library Health/Medicine collections in general, and as a prim= ary textbook for Osteoporosis curriculum studies lists. Informatively enhan= ced for the reader with the inclusion of a two page 'For Further Reading' b= ibliography, twenty-six pages of Notes, and a six page Index, "Understandin=
    g Osteoporosis: An Introduction for Patients and Caregivers" is also availa= ble for students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an inte= rest in the subject in a digital book format (Kindle, $33.00).

    Editorial Note: Naheed Ali, MD, PhD, (https://rowman.com/Action/Search/_/na= heed%20ali) has more than 15 years of health-related publications to his cr= edit. Dr. Ali taught at colleges in the US where he lectured on various bio= medical topics and delivered over 2000 hours of live presentations. He is t=
    he author of numerous health titles from major publishers and his books hav=
    e sold more than 20,000 hardcover copies. His writing has garnered glowing = reviews from renowned physicians, nationally recognized review outlets such=
    as Booklist, Publishers Weekly, Midwest Book Review, and from household na=
    me celebrities such as Dr. Andrew P. Ordon and boxing legend Evander Holyfi= eld. Now a digital nomad, he currently freelances full-time as a health and=
    wellness writer by way of www.HealthcarePropulsion.com

    Fatal Jump: Tracking the Origins of Pandemics
    Leslie Reperant
    The Johns Hopkins University Press
    9781421446363, $32.95, HC, 520pp


    Synopsis: Why do global pandemics happen? To address this question, we must=
    delve into the world of pathogens that transcend their original host speci=
    es and jump into new ones. Most pathogens fail to initiate infection or spr= ead in the population when they jump. Only a few sustain onward chains of t= ransmission, and even fewer sustain these indefinitely. Yet the rare pathog= ens that do make the leap have caused many of humanity's most dangerous inf= ectious diseases.

    With the publication of "Fatal Jump: Tracking the Origins of Pandemics ", v= eterinary disease ecologist Dr. Leslie Reperant investigates mysteries such=
    as how African-originated monkeypox left its home continent, why COVID-19 = could threaten measles control, and how pigs' fondness for mangoes enabled = the deadly Nipah virus to spread.

    She also shares behind-the-scenes insights into hugely destructive pathogen=
    s carried by rats, bats, ticks, and mosquitoes, as well as lesser-known vec= tors such as prairie dogs and camels. Drawing from the latest research, she=
    then discusses whether we can predict these deadly jumps before they happe=
    n and what factors (including environmental change, population dynamics, an=
    d molecular evolution) enable a zoonotic disease to reach full pandemic sta= tus.

    Rich with recent scientific discoveries and emerging theories, "Fatal Jump"=
    spans a diverse range of disciplines, weaving their insights into a holist=
    ic view of infectious disease.

    With new pathogens emerging at an alarming pace, "Fatal Jump" reorients our=
    perspective on pandemics from a human-centered standpoint to the bigger pi= cture. The reader will understand what actions are necessary to control eme= rgence only by recognizing the increasingly global nature of human society = and the connections between the planet's environmental health and our own h= ealth.

    Critique: Deftly organized into three mains sections (The Origin of Plague;=
    The Ghost of Plagues Past; Emergence), and an Epilogue (One Health and the=
    Mad Hatter), "Fatal Jump: Tracking the Origins of Pandemics" is informativ= ely enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of a two page listing of Ack= nowledgments, fifty-eight pages of Notes, and a twenty-page Index. Exceptio= nally well written, organized and presented, "Fatal Jump: Tracking the Orig= ins of Pandemics" will have a very special value for readers with an intere=
    st in infectious diseases, the impact of ecology on viral and bacterial dis= eases, and environmental studies with respect to disease. While unreservedl=
    y recommended as an essential and core edition to personal, professional, c= ommunity, and academic library Health/Medicine collections and supplemental=
    curriculum studies lists, it should be noted that "Fatal Jump: Tracking th=
    e Origins of Pandemics" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,=
    $31.30) for medical students, academia, health care workers, governmental = policy makers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the s= ubject.

    Editorial Note: Leslie Reperant (https://press.jhu.edu/books/authors/leslie= -reperant) is a doctor of veterinary medicine and earned a PhD in ecology a=
    nd evolutionary biology from Princeton University. She has published her re= search on emerging infectious diseases in leading scientific journals, incl= uding The Lancet and Science.

    Forbidden Knowledge
    Terrance H. Young
    The Dundurn Group
    9781459750685, $22.99, PB, 376pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Knowledge-Pharma-Never-Prescription/dp/145= 9750683

    Synopsis: Tens of millions of patients in North America take prescription d= rugs, but the safety of these drugs is often based on medical myths. We are=
    led to believe that if a medication isn't safe, the government would never=
    allow it on the market and that doctors would never prescribe a drug that = isn't proven effective. Who controls these narratives? And do they always h= ave the best interests of patients in mind?

    "Forbidden Knowledge: A Self-Advocate's Guide to Managing Your Prescription=
    Drugs" is an in-depth study of the enormous influence the pharmaceutical i= ndustry has over our health, as drug safety advocate Terence Young explores=
    how those with the most to gain financially are also those who wield all t=
    he power in health care -- and withhold the knowledge that is critical to t=
    he safety of patients.

    "Forbidden Knowledge" reveals the truth the non-specialist general reader n= eeds to know about prescription drugs and what they can do about it. This c= omprehensive study will empower readers to partner with their doctor and ta=
    lk openly and plainly about medications to help avoid serious adverse drug = reactions.

    Critique: Simply stated, "Forbidden Knowledge: A Self-Advocate's Guide to M= anaging Your Prescription Drugs" is a survival guide when having to deal wi=
    th Big Pharma. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Forbid= den Knowledge" should have as wide a readership as possible and therefor is=
    an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professio= nal, community, and academic library Health/Medicine collections and supple= mental curriculum studies lists. It should be noted that "Forbidden Knowled= ge" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).

    Editorial Note: Terence H. Young (https://www.gravitas.ca/terence-young) is=
    chair of Drug Safety Canada and a former member of Parliament. He currentl=
    y resides in Ancaster, Ontario.

    Eat Everything
    Dawn Harris Sherling
    BenBella Books
    9781637742594, $21.95, PB, 312pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Everything-Additives-Emulsifiers-Reclaim/dp/1637= 742592

    Synopsis: Carbs aren't causing your weight gain. Dairy may not be the reaso=
    n for your upset stomach. And your liver isn't fatty because of the occasio= nal hamburger. It's time to enjoy eating everything again -- and to reclaim=
    our health along the way.

    With the publication of "Eat Everything: How to Ditch Additives and Emulsif= iers, Heal Your Body, and Reclaim the Joy of Food" offers a better alternat= ive to complicated, minimally effective, and highly restrictive diets as ph= ysician Dawn Harris Sherling lays out compelling new evidence implicating f= ood additives as the real culprits behind diet-related diseases and shares = simple, actionable advice to heal.

    We're constantly told to fear carbs, gluten, and dairy, and we turn to stri=
    ct diets to solve our health problems. Yet Americans still have one of the = highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the world, and millions suffer fro=
    m digestive ailments like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

    Digging into emerging research, Dr. Sherling realized it's not the foods bu=
    t the food additives, especially emulsifiers, that are at the root of our p= roblems. Our bodies can't digest them, but they feed our microbiomes and th= ey're everywhere in the ultra-processed foods that make up about half of ou=
    r daily diets.

    In this refreshing and accessible guide, readers will learn: How to lose we= ight without a restrictive diet; Why so many popular ultra-processed foods = are actively harmful to our bodies; How to navigate eating at restaurants -=
    - for any meal or occasion; Tips for filling our grocery bags with real foo=
    d; Why avoiding food additives is beneficial for our bodies and minds; How =
    to embrace healthful cooking at home, with 25 delicious recipes

    Dr. Sherling lays out the research on food additives and offers a straightf= orward guide to eating just about everything (yes, even bread, pasta, and i=
    ce cream!) without pain, worry, or guilt. This isn't just another restricti=
    ve diet in disguise; it's a call to rediscover our love of real food.

    Critique: Highly recommended to the attention of any reader that has tried = and failed to improve their health through trying out various dieting fads,=
    "Eat Everything: How to Ditch Additives and Emulsifiers, Heal Your Body, a=
    nd Reclaim the Joy of Food" is impressively informative, especially well wr= itten, accessibly organized, and thoroughly 'user friendly' in presentation=
    .. While readily available for personal reading lists in a digital book form= at (Kindle, $11.99), "Eat Everything: How to Ditch Additives and Emulsifier=
    s, Heal Your Body, and Reclaim the Joy of Food" is an essential and unreser= vedly recommended addition to community and academic library Health/Medicin=
    e collections.

    Editorial Note: After struggling with IBS herself, Dr. Dawn Harris Sherling=
    's symptoms seemingly disappeared while in Italy. In an effort to help her = patients and herself, Dawn began learning more about how food additives suc=
    h as emulsifiers, thickeners, and stabilizers are wreaking havoc on our mic= robiomes and how eliminating them can reverse several diet-related diseases=
    .. Dawn currently sees patients at a clinic for the underserved in South Flo= rida and teaches at the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida A= tlantic University where she is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine.=


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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