• May 2023 MBR The Cookbook Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Jun 2 04:24:59 2023
    The Cookbook Shelf

    The Low Carb Italian Kitchen
    Giancarlo & Katie Caldesi, authors
    Kyle Books
    c/o Octopus Publishing
    236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
    9781914239588, $24.99, HC, 208pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Italian-Carb-Weight-Loss-Cookbook/dp/1914239= 58X

    Synopsis: If there's one diet that is widely acclaimed for its health benef= its, it's the Mediterranean diet. It is lauded by health experts for its po= sitive impact on weight loss, heart and brain health, cancer prevention and=
    diabetes prevention and control. The diet is not just nutritious, but tast=
    y too. In particular, the simplicity, exemplary ingredients and all-round d= eliciousness of Italian cuisine means that it is internationally adored.

    But surely Italian food, with its pasta, pizzas and oil-soaked breads, is a=
    s far from being low calorie and low carb as you can get? Not in the hands =
    of of Italian food and low-carb specialists Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi!

    With a combined ninety-three years of cooking experience and several bestse= llers between them, Katie and Giancarlo have become leading advocates for t=
    he health benefits of a low-carb diet. With the publication of "The Low Car=
    b Italian Kitchen", they show you how, in more than eighty fabulous Italian=
    recipes combining healthy ingredients with a little kitchen know-how, you = can still eat some of the tastiest food on the planet while shedding weight=
    and achieving a healthier, happier and more energized you.

    Of special note is expert nutritionist Jenny Phillips introducing "The Low = Carb Italian Kitchen", defining the Mediterranean diet and relating it to t=
    he Caldesi's tried-and-tested approach. Using the recipes that follow and t=
    he Caldesi's bespoke CarbScale, anyone can enjoy delicious low-carb Italian=
    food, from sugar-free dolci and low-carb pizza to portion-controlled pasta=
    with abundant vegetables and delicious sauces.

    Critique: Showcasing some 100 palate pleasing, appetite satisfying, weight = control friendly recipes, "The Low Carb Italian Kitchen" is packed with ful=
    l color photos of finished dishes and is an ideal and unreservedly recommen= ded addition to personal, professional, and community library cookbook coll= ections. It should be noted for the planning of memorable menus that "The L=
    ow Carb Italian Kitchen" is also readily available in a digital book format=
    (Kindle, $11.99).

    Editorial Note: Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi (www.caldesi.com) are the owner=
    s of London's Caldesi in Marylebone as well as Caldesi in Campagna in Bray.=
    They have co-authored the bestselling The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook, T=
    he Reverse Your Diabetes Cookbook, Around The World in Salads and The Gentl=
    e Art of Preserving and have both appeared on Saturday Kitchen. The can be = followed on @KatieCaldesi and @MrCaldesi

    The Eternal City: Recipes and Stories from Rome
    Maria Pasquale
    Smith Street Books
    c/o Rizzoli
    300 Park Avenue South, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10010
    9781922754271, $35.00, HC, 256pp


    Synopsis: With the publication of "The Eternal City: Recipes and Stories fr=
    om Rome" by Maria Pasquale, armchair travelers and on-site visitors, kitche=
    n cooks and dedicated foodies can discover Rome's incredible food and culin= ary history through the city's stories and its cuisine.

    The Eternal City is a maze of winding cobblestone streets, where ancient hi= story waits at every turn. Within these storied laneways, Rome's culinary t= raditions are honored and transformed by local chefs, pizza makers, cheesem= ongers, butchers, wine experts, bakers, and more -- all of whom make Rome o=
    ne of the great food capitals of the world.

    Learning of the places where Romans eat every day, ranging from the trattor=
    ia to the home kitchen, and through the dishes that define these locations.=
    With 70 recipes shared by iconic eateries, chefs, and culinary author Mari=
    a Pasquale's family and friends, "The Eternal City: Recipes and Stories fro=
    m Rome" is a culinary love letter to Rome that takes you past the monuments=
    , and into the lives of modern-day Romans. This is an invitation to their t= ables and to embrace la dolce vita!

    Critique: Beautifully illustrated in full color throughout, "The Eternal Ci= ty: Recipes and Stories from Rome" will have a very special appeal to reade=
    rs with an interest in Italian cooking, gastronomic essays, and culinary or= iented travel guides. "The Eternal City: Recipes and Stories from Rome" is = highly recommended and will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to p= ersonal, family, professional, and community library cookbook collections.

    Editorial Note: Maria Pasquale (https://maria-pasquale.com) was born in Mel= bourne, Australia, to Italian parents and has been based in Rome since 2011=
    .. With formal qualifications in political science and history, she is an aw= ard-winning food and travel journalist and writes regularly for USA Today, = CNN, Conde Nast, The Telegraph, and Fortune. She is founder of the popular = blog HeartRome, which has readers in 100 countries, and in 2017, she publis= hed I Heart Rome with Smith Street Books. Her second book, How to Be Italia=
    n, was released in 2021.

    Bold Beans: Recipes To Get Your Pulse Racing
    Amelia Christie-Miller
    Kyle Books
    c/o Octopus Publishing
    236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
    9781804190821, $26.99, HC, 192pp


    Synopsis: For too long in the United Kingdom beans were thought of as drear=
    y hippy fodder, but lately they have undergone a radical image makeover. At=
    long last they are being recognized for their brilliant versatility as wel=
    l as for being truly delicious and nutritious -- something that has been kn= own in Europe and the Americas for years. One of the healthiest and most su= stainable of foods, they help with meat reduction by providing a cheap sour=
    ce of plant protein and at the same time aid soil health, one of the most p= ressing issues in farming today.

    "Bold Beans: Recipes To Get Your Pulse Racing" showcases 80 specialized rec= ipes divided into the following chapters: Beans on Toast; Bean Snacks and S= hare Plates; Hearty Salads; Bean Bowls; Soup Beans; and Bean Feasts.

    The majority of these recipes are written by the Bold Bean team, but in kee= ping with their community-driven growth they also include some 20+ recipes = from guest writers, the influencers who've been their greatest supporters s=
    o far -- including Ben Lebus of MOB and Melissa Hemsley. Appealing to vegan=
    s, vegetarians and flexitarians, they are recipes offering guaranteed heart= iness, protein and satisfaction -- with reduced carbs too.

    Critique: Enhanced for the family cook with full color, full page photograp=
    hs of finished dishes, "Bold Beans: Recipes To Get Your Pulse Racing" is a = delight to simply browse through and inspiring to plan menus with. With its=
    thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes for palate pleasing, appetite s= atisfying dishes that would grace any and all dining occasions, and also av= ailable in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99), "Bold Beans: Recipes To = Get Your Pulse Racing" is an original and highly recommended addition to pe= rsonal, family, professional, and community library cookbook collections.

    Editorial Note: Established a year ago, Bold Bean Co was set up by Amelia C= hristie-Miller who, following a bean epiphany in Spain, decided that the UK=
    both needed and deserved to have a better understanding of beans and how b= rilliant they can be. Now listed in Selfridges, Waitrose and Planet Organic=
    (as well as numerous independent shops and online outlets), Bold Beans are=
    taking the food world by storm. (https://boldbeanco.com/pages/about-us)

    True North Cabin Cookbook
    Stephanie Hansen
    Minnesota Historical Society Press
    345 Kellogg Boulevard, West, St. Paul, MN 55102-1906
    9781681342351, $29.95, HC, 224pp


    Synopsis: Rural cabins provide an ideal getaway from the demands of everyda=
    y life, with adventuresome days of hiking or boating or lounging fueled by = hearty, home-cooked meals. The rhythms of cabin life are familiar to food w= riter and blogger Stephanie Hansen, who relishes the opportunity to create = memorable and delicious meals for friends and loved ones using simple ingre= dients from pantry and garden.

    From her family cabin on picturesque True North Island near Ely, Minnesota,=
    and with the publication of "True North Cabin Cookbook: Recipes and Storie=
    s from a North Woods Table", Hansen shares favorite recipes for the summer = months.

    In May, she presents cozy dishes like Beef Bourguignon and Drunken Cowboy B= eans followed by a sweet and tart Rhubarb Skillet Cake, while June might ca=
    ll for Molasses Pork Chops accompanied by Roasted Carrots with Scallion-Gin= ger Sauce. For the lazy summer days of July and August, the classic Fried W= alleye with Lemony Tartar Sauce might hit the spot, and a Grilled Ratatouil=
    le with Herb Vinaigrette takes advantage of fresh seasonal vegetables. As a= utumn starts to creep in, Grilled Lamb Burgers with Tzatziki Feta Sauce and=
    Warm Bacon Potato Salad keep the summer vibe going.

    Throughout the months, Hansen shares recipes for desserts both simple and a= dventurous - from a No-Bake Layered Lemon Loaf with Blueberries to Molten C= hocolate Cakes -- and refreshing cocktails to meet your every mood.

    Hansen's creative dishes will nourish and delight those who gather at your = table whether at the cabin or at home. "True North Cabin Cookbook" offers a= mple opportunity to savor north woods living and cuisine at its very best.

    Critique: Beautifully and profusely enhanced with full color photography th= roughout, "True North Cabin Cookbook: Recipes and Stories from a North Wood=
    s Table" is a delight to simply browse through and exciting to plan out men=
    us with. Thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' in organization and presentatio=
    n, "True North Cabin Cookbook" is an extraordinary and unreservedly recomme= nded addition to personal, family, professional, and community library cook= book collections.

    Editorial Note: Stephanie Hansen (https://www.stephaniesdish.com) is a Minn= esota food writer and blogger. From chatting about local dining on FM 107.1=
    's Weekly Dish to sharing recipes on The Jason Show to highlighting local e= ntrepreneurs and craftspeople through the Makers of Minnesota podcast.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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