• May 2023 MBR The Business Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Jun 2 04:27:58 2023
    The Business Shelf

    Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneu= rship
    Elias G. Carayannis, editor
    Evangelos Grigoroudis, editor
    Edward Elgar Publishing
    9 Dewey Court, Northampton, MA 01060-3815
    9781839106743, $305.00 hc / $65.00 ebook, 474pp

    https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/handbook-of-research-on-artificial-intelli= gence-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-9781839106743.html

    Synopsis: Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by Elias G. Carayannis and=
    Evangelos Grigoroudis, the contributors to "The Handbook of Research on Ar= tificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" collectively focuse=
    s on the theories, policies, practices, and politics of technology innovati=
    on and entrepreneurship based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It examines = when, where, how, and why AI triggers, catalyzes, and accelerates the devel= opment, exploration, exploitation, and invention feeding into entrepreneuri=
    al actions that result in innovation success.

    Individual chapters explore the factors that shape and drive innovation and=
    entrepreneurship, including modalities (such as the Internet of Things (Io= T)), challenges (such as privacy and safety concerns), and opportunities (s= uch as augmenting the efficacy frontier of technological solutions enabled =
    by AI).

    The "Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrep= reneurship" provides comprehensive coverage of AI, technology, and innovati=
    on and entrepreneurship for academics, policy makers, practitioners, and st= udents.

    Critique: An up-to-date textbook on artificial intelligence and its impact =
    on everything from business to politics, cybersecurity to 'smart cities', a=
    nd digitally driven social transformation, "Handbook of Research on Artific= ial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is informatively enhance=
    d with the inclusion of a complete listing of the contributors and their cr= edentials. Comprehensive, timely, and impressively organized/presented, "Ha= ndbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurs= hip" is unreservedly recommended as a core addition to personal, profession= al, corporate, governmental, college, and university library Artificial Int= elligence collections and supplemental curriculum AI studies lists. The eBo=
    ok version is $65.00 from eBook vendors while the print book can be ordered=
    from the Edward Elgar Publishing website.

    Editorial Note #1: Elias G. Carayannis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elias= _G._Carayannis) is the Professor of Science, Technology, Innovation and Ent= repreneurship, School of Business, George Washington University, US.

    Editorial Note #2: Evangelos Grigoroudis (https://www.pem.tuc.gr/index.php?= id=3D5195) is the Professor of Quality Management, School of Production Eng= ineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Greece.

    International Human Resource Management, fifth edition
    Christopher Brewster, et al.
    c/o Kogan Page Inc.
    8 W 38th Street, Ste 902, New York, NY 10018
    9781398603554, $210.00, HC, 488pp

    https://www.amazon.com/International-Resource-Management-Christopher-Brewst= er/dp/1398603554

    Synopsis: Packed with global examples and case studies to support learning.=
    , this newly updated and expanded 5th edition of "International Human Resou= rce Management" by co-authors Christopher Brewster, Dr Elizabeth Houldswort=
    h, Paul Sparrow, and Guy Vernon explores all aspects of international human=
    resource management from global talent strategy, recruitment and knowledge=
    management to the difference in reward systems across cultures and managin=
    g expatriate assignments making it essential reading for students on both C= IPD and non-CIPD accredited courses.

    Supported by 'theory and practice' boxes in every chapter and with reflecti=
    ve activities and learning questions throughout, "International Human Resou= rce Management" ensures that students without real-world business experienc=
    e fully understand the main concepts and how they apply in the world of wor=
    k. This new 5th edition now includes new coverage of the impact of the gig = economy on international HRM, how technology is impacting HRM across countr= ies and new material on workforce diversity. Of special note are the online=
    resources wich include an instructor's manual, lecture slides and addition=
    al case studies.

    Critique: An ideal textbook for courses in international business, investin=
    g, and human resources, "International Human Resource Management 5th Editio=
    n" is impressively comprehensive and exceptionally effective in organizatio=
    n and presentation. While an essential and unreservedly recommended additio=
    n to corporate, college, and university library International Business coll= ections and supplemental curriculum studies lists, it should be noted for M=
    BA students, academia, and corporate executives that "International Human R= esource Management 5th Edition" is also available in a paperback edition (9= 781398603530, $64.36, www.amazon.com) and in a digital book format (Kindle,=

    Editorial Note #1: Chris Brewster (https://www.henley.ac.uk/people/professo= r-chris-brewster) is a professor of International HRM at Henley Business Sc= hool, UK.

    Editorial Note #2: Elizabeth Houldsworth ( is a member of the HR/OB faculty=
    at Henley Management College working across a range of qualification and r= esearch programmes. Her individual research interests include aspects of HR=
    , particularly performance management, adult management learning, and the a= pplication of technology within the learning process. She previously worked=
    for a number of years as an HR consultant specialising in performance mana= gement. (https://www.henley.ac.uk/people/dr-elizabeth-houldsworth)

    Editorial Note #3: Paul Sparrow (https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lums/people/pa= ul-sparrow) is the director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR and profes= sor of International HRM at Lancaster University Management School, UK.

    Editorial Note #4: Guy Vernon is an Associate Professor of Human Resource M= anagement at Southampton University, UK. (www.southampton.ac.uk/people/5x55= qm/doctor-guy-vernon)

    Beyond Disruption
    W. Chan Kim, author
    Renee A. Mauborgne, author
    Harvard Business Review Press
    60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
    9781647821326, $30.00, HC, 240pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Disruption-Displacing-Industries-Companies/dp= /1647821320

    Synopsis: Disruption dominates innovation theory and practice. But disrupti= on, for all its power, is destructive -- displacing jobs, companies, and ev=
    en entire industries. Are we missing an alternative approach to innovation = and growth?

    The result of three decades of research by co-authors Strategy, W. Chan Kim=
    and Renee Mauborgne, "Beyond Disruption: Innovate and Achieve Growth witho=
    ut Displacing Industries, Companies, or Jobs" reveals another way to innova=
    te and grow as it redefines and expands the existing view of innovation by = introducing a new approach, nondisruptive creation, that is free from the d= estructive displacement that happens when innovators set out to disrupt.

    Kim and Mauborgne collaboratively reveal the distinct advantages of nondisr= uptive creation to business and society, showing how this new approach to i= nnovation allows companies to grow while also being a force for good.

    With examples that reach across all sectors of the economy and a practical = framework for guiding innovation efforts, "Beyond Disruption" shows: Why no= ndisruptive creation matters to all of us and why it is likely to become ev=
    en more important in the future; How it complements disruption and how you = can identify and execute on nondisruptive opportunities; How companies can = more thoughtfully pursue their growth and innovation strategies in a way th=
    at better balances business and society.

    Critique: A practical guide for driving innovation and growth, the rich res= earch behind "Beyond Disruption: Innovate and Achieve Growth without Displa= cing Industries, Companies, or Jobs", coupled with its frame-breaking messa= ge, make it essential reading for innovators, entrepreneurs, corporate exec= utives, and business managers. While recommended as a core addition to pers= onal, community, corporate, and academic library Business Development & Gro= wth collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of MBA s= tudents, academia, business professionals, and non-specialist general reade=
    rs with an interest in the subject that "Beyond Disruption" is also availab=
    le in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).

    Editorial Note: W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne are professors of strategy =
    at INSEAD and codirectors of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute in Fo= ntainebleau, France. They are also the authors of "Blue Ocean Strategy", wh= ich is recognized as one of the most iconic and impactful corporate strateg=
    y books ever written. These co-authors were named the most influential mana= gement thinkers in the world by Thinkers50. To learn more, visit www.blueoc= eanstrategy.com and twitter.com/blueoceanstrtgy

    The Four Workarounds
    Paulo Savaget
    Flatiron Books
    9781250789402, $28.99, HC, 304pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Four-Workarounds-Strategies-Scrappiest-Organizations= /dp/1250789400

    Synopsis: For a long time now, global corporations have been lecturing smal=
    l organizations and not-for-profits on how to get things done. As it turns = out, it should have been the other way around. "The Four Workarounds: Strat= egies from the World's Scrappiest Organizations for Tackling Complex Proble= ms" is groundbreaking book by the award-winning researcher Paulo Savaget, w=
    ho shows how the most valuable lessons about problem-solving can be learned=
    from the scrappiest groups.

    Savaget draws most of his examples from small organizations dedicated to so= cial action that have made an art form out of subverting the status quo and=
    have proved themselves adept at achieving massive wins with minimal resour= ces. Through his research, Savaget identified the four workarounds that the=
    se groups commonly employ: the piggyback, the loophole, the roundabout, and=
    the next best. With vivid and fascinating examples from his life and trave= ls, he demonstrates how each one works and how to know which one to use whe=

    "The Four Workarounds" shows how seemingly intractable problems (from publi=
    c urination to the challenges of delivering lifesaving medicine to remote c= ommunities) were addressed using unconventional tactics. Some of the world'=
    s biggest and most admired companies are already using Savaget's research t=
    o transform the ways they do business. And these same lessons can also revo= lutionize the ways we approach the challenges we all encounter every day of=
    our lives.

    Critique: An extraordinary and iconoclastic study, "The Four Workarounds: S= trategies from the World's Scrappiest Organizations for Tackling Complex Pr= oblems" should be brought to the attention of every corporate executive, bu= siness manager, and entrepreneur with an interest in business decision maki=
    ng and problem solving. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented=
    , and also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99), "The Four W= orkarounds: Strategies from the World's Scrappiest Organizations for Tackli=
    ng Complex Problems" is highly recommended for personal, professional, comm= unity, corporate, college, and university library Business Management colle= ctions and supplemental MBA curriculum studies lists.

    Editorial Note: Paulo Savaget (https://paulosavaget.com) is associate profe= ssor at Oxford University's Engineering Sciences Department and the Said Bu= siness School. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge as a Gates S= cholar and has a background working as a lecturer, consultant, entrepreneur=
    , and researcher finding innovative solutions for a more inclusive world. A=
    s a consultant, he worked on projects for large companies, non-profits, gov= ernment agencies in Latin America, and the OECD.

    Make Work Healthy
    John S. Ryan, author
    Michael J. Burchell, author
    c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
    9781119989806, $28.00, HC, 304pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Make-Work-Healthy-Organization-High-Performing/dp/11= 19989809

    Synopsis: With the publication of "Make Work Healthy: Create a Sustainable = Organization with High-Performing Employees", a team of distinguished organ= izational transformation professionals delivers an insightful how-to manual=
    for improving organizational performance with a new approach to workforce = management. "Make Work Healthy" offers organizations, leaders, and managers=
    with the knowledge, data, frameworks, and methodologies they need to radic= ally transform how they approach day-to-day operations into a sustainable a=
    nd resilient business success model.

    The co-authors John S. Ryan and Michael J. Burchell focus on workplace heal=
    th (in a broad sense) as a way of focusing organizational attention on cult= ure, building work capacity, productivity, and sustainability. They explain=
    the tangible business value that comes from focusing on wellbeing as well =
    as the symbiotic relationship between organizational health and employee he= alth.

    "Make Work Healthy: includes: Strategies for moving beyond typical "wellnes=
    s" initiatives such as just addressing illness and absence reduction to a m= ore holistic understanding of "healthy work"; Ways to locate, attract, recr= uit, and retain talent over the long-term by aligning organizational goals = with employee health; Tactics to help managers of dispersed, hybrid, and re= mote teams manage feelings of pressure and isolation.

    An indispensable, effective, and holistic new take on organizational and em= ployee health, "Make Work Healthy: will earn a place in the hands of manage= rs, executives, board members, and other business and human resources leade=
    rs who seek impressive gains in company productivity and fulfilment.

    Critique: Informatively enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of an In= troduction (A Critical Moment), six pages of Notes, a twelve page Appendix = (Assessment and Impact), a two page listing of Acknowledgments, and a nine = page Index, "Make Work Healthy: Create a Sustainable Organization with High= -Performing Employees" is a core contribution to personal, professional, co= rporate, community, and academic library Business Management collections an=
    d supplemental curriculum Human Resources & Personnel Management studies li= sts. It should be noted for MBA students, academia, corporate executives, a=
    nd entrepreneurs that "Make Work Healthy" is also available in a digital bo=
    ok format (Kindle, $17.00).

    Editorial Note #1: John S. Ryan (https://ie.healthyplacetowork.com/work-hea= lthy) is the Chief Executive Officer at Healthy Place to Work. He formerly = led Great Place to Work Ireland and was a broadcast journalist. He is a reg= ular international speaker and media contributor in Wellbeing, Trust, and O= rganizational Performance.

    Editorial Note #2: Michael J. Burchell (https://www.michaelburchell.com/abo= ut) is an independent consultant and executive coach. He is an expert in or= ganizational change, well-being, team effectiveness, and DEI. He is the co-= author of No Excuses: How You Can Turn Any Workplace Into a Great One and T=
    he Great Workplace: How to Build It, How to Keep It, and Why It Matters.

    Decision Sprint
    Atif Rafiq
    McGraw Hill
    c/o McGraw Hill Professional
    9781264609598, $28.00, HC, 304pp


    Synopsis: It is well known that successfully operating a business has becom=
    e dramatically more complex and uncertain in our modern era. Constant explo= ration of new territory by teams is the name of the game. Yet most companie=
    s are stuck with yesterday's approach to problem solving. Problem solving n= eeds to be reinvented to meet today's challenges. The future of business de= pends on it.

    Having reached the highest levels of the Fortune 500, digital disrupter Ati=
    f Rafiq has written "Decision Sprint: The New Way to Innovate into the Unkn= own and Move from Strategy to Action" to pull the curtain back on the hidde=
    n management systems within your organization that impact how people think,=
    collaborate, and make decisions.

    Talent is vital to any company's advancement, but it's the collaboration an=
    d problem solving systems that separate industry leaders from the rest. Sys= tems designed to embrace unknowns are the quickest, most enduring way to fo= ster growth, continuous innovation, and results. Learn how teams begin with=
    upstream work (the phase of a promising idea or initiative where the unkno= wns predominate) to problem solve anything, thus unlocking downstream actio=
    ns from alignment to decision making to execution.

    With Rafiq's guidance in "Decision Sprint", corporate executives and entrep= reneurs can overtake their competitors by moving upstream, embracing workfl= ows that convert unknowns to clear recommendations, alignment, and action. =
    In addition to receiving direct advice from the CEOs/presidents of H&R Bloc=
    k, Volvo, Peacock, Restaurant Brands, Orange Theory Fitness, among others -=
    - and learn from in-depth case studies such as Amazon's disruption of publi= shing, the massive digital transformation of McDonald's, the secret of laun=
    ch of Apple Pay, Volvo's push for sustainability, and so much more.

    Critique: Impressively informative, insightful, and 'real world' practical,=
    "Decision Sprint: The New Way to Innovate into the Unknown and Move from S= trategy to Action" by Atif Rafiq is thoroughly 'reader friendly' in organiz= ation and presentation, making it an ideal and motivationally inspiring add= ition to personal, professional, community, corporate, college, and univers= ity library Business Management & Entrepreneurship collections. It should b=
    e noted for MBA students, academia, corporate managers, and entrepreneurs t= hat "Decision Sprint" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $= 21.49).

    Editorial Note: Atif Rafiq (https://twitter.com/atifatif) has blazed trails=
    in Silicon Valley and the Fortune 500 for over 25 years. After rising thro= ugh digital native companies like Amazon, Yahoo!, and AOL, Atif held C-suit=
    e roles at McDonald's, Volvo, and MGM Resorts. Rafiq was the first Chief Di= gital Officer in the history of the Fortune 500, a pioneering role he held =
    at McDonalds, and he rose to the president level in the Fortune 300. Atif i=
    s passionate about helping companies push boldly into the future. He accomp= lishes this through Ritual, a software app revolutionizing how teams innova=
    te and problem-solve, and through his work as keynote speaker, Board member=
    , and CEO advisor.

    Strategic Risk and Crisis Management
    David Rubens, author
    Simon Ruegger, author
    Kogan Page Inc.
    8 W 38th Street, Ste 902, New York, NY 10018
    9781398609778, $168.00, HC, 336pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Strategic-Risk-Crisis-Management-Modelling/dp/139860= 9773

    Synopsis: All corporate senior risk and crisis managers face a similar chal= lenge: maximizing their organization's ability to prepare for a potential h= igh-impact event. With the publication of "Strategic Risk and Crisis Manage= ment: A Handbook for Modelling and Managing Complex Risks", co-authors Davi=
    d Rubens and Simon Ruegger shows how implementing the right frameworks and = capabilities means businesses will not only survive but respond and recover=
    at a time of maximum chaos and confusion.

    "Strategic Risk and Crisis Management" covers the integration of multiple s= takeholders and the importance of information exchange and critical decisio= n-making under pressure at strategic, tactical and operational levels. It a= lso includes case studies with detailed analysis of organizational failures=
    and the lessons learned, including COVID-19, the WannaCry Attack, the Texa=
    s Snowstorm, and the Gatwick Airport Drone Incident.

    Blending rigorous research with practice, "Strategic Risk and Crisis Manage= ment" offers a range of realistic solutions for any operational environment=
    .. Authored by a recognized global authority on the strategic management of = complex events, "Strategic Risk and Crisis Management" must be considered a=
    s an essential read for professionals working in risk, security and crisis = management and emergency response. It will also be a core textbook for univ= ersity students taking modules on risk, security, emergency and crisis mana= gement.

    Critique: Also readily available for MBA students, academia, and corporate = officers in a paperback edition (9781398609754, $56.24) and in a digital bo=
    ok format (Kindle, $38.39), "Strategic Risk and Crisis Management: A Handbo=
    ok for Modelling and Managing Complex Risks" is a complete and comprehensiv=
    e course in the art and science of Risk Management and confidently recommen= ded for personal, professional, corporate, college, and university library = Business Management collections and supplemental curriculum Business System=
    s & Planning studies lists.

    Editorial Note: David Rubens is Executive Director of The Institute of Stra= tegic Risk Management and the CEO of Deltar Training Solutions Ltd, based i=
    n London, UK. He is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth a=
    nd a Visiting Lecturer on Strategic Leadership at Cranfield University. He =
    is a recognised authority on the strategic management of complex events. He=
    is a member of the UK Critical Infrastructure Resilience Executive Steerin=
    g Committee and has served twice as a Main Board Director of the UK Securit=
    y Institute.

    Editorial Note #2: Simon Ruegger is Assistant Director at Ernst and Young (= EY) and is based in Zurich, Switzerland. At EY, he leads the corporate secu= rity functions for Switzerland and Austria and sits on the working groups f=
    or strategic global resilience and security initiatives. He is also a membe=
    r of the Europe West CBS Young Leadership Board.

    The Deal Paradox
    Michel Driessen, author
    Anna Faelten, author
    Scott Moeller, author
    Kogan Page Inc.
    8 W 38th Street, Ste 902, New York, NY 10018
    9781398608139, $154.00, HC, 240pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Deal-Paradox-Mergers-Acquisitions-Transformation/dp/= 1398608130

    Synopsis: Taking a dynamic storytelling approach, "The Deal Paradox: Merger=
    s and Acquisitions Success in the Age of Digital Transformation" by co-auth= ors Michel Driessen, Anna Faelten, and Scott Moeller navigates the transiti=
    on from traditional and ingrained methods to new techniques, showing how AI=
    , big data, and machine learning can be used to generate new opportunities = and how technology can be used to enable diversity.

    The reader is taken through the attributes and skills needed in this new la= ndscape and how M&A professionals can build them into their approach, from = finding and executing deals to making sure they deliver the desired outcome=

    "The Deal Paradox" draws on impressive industry knowledge: the three co-aut= hors have more than 60 years' combined experience of cutting-edge deal maki= ng, built on landmark deals ranging from Morgan Stanley's IPO at the height=
    of the 1980s banking boom and Kraft's takeover of Cadbury to key tech deal=
    s including the 1bn sale of financial data intelligence company Acuris to I= ON.

    Of special note is that each chapter comprising "The Deal Paradox" is richl=
    y illustrated throughout with real-world examples featuring organizations s= uch as Apple, Google, S&P Global and SoftBank Vision.

    Critique: Expertly written, organized and presented, "The Deal Paradox: Mer= gers and Acquisitions Success in the Age of Digital Transformation" is an i= deal MBA curriculum textbook and well suited for DIY on-the-job in-service = training studies lists on the subject of corporate business/finance and con= solidations/mergers, "The Deal Paradox" is unreservedly recommended for per= sonal, professional, corporate, college, and university library Business Ma= nagement collections. It should be noted for MBA students, academia, corpor= ate training programs, entrepreneurs, and non-specialist general readers wi=
    th an interest inthe subject that "The Deal Paradox" is also available in a=
    paperback edition (9781398608115, $49.99) and in a digital book format (Ki= ndle, $39.99).

    Editorial Note #1: Anna Faelten (https://www.ey.com/en_uk/people/anna-faelt= en) is an experienced corporate finance Partner at EY, based in London, UK.=
    She leads EY's Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT) Corporate Finance prac= tice, working with high-growth companies and investors. She has more than 1=
    0 years of corporate finance and consulting experience, spanning public to = private sector, private equity-backed, founder owned and corporate buy-side=
    and sell-side transactions. Anna holds a PhD degree from Tilburg Universit=

    Editorial Note #2: Michel Driessen (www.koganpage.com/author/michel-driesse=
    n) is a Senior Partner in EY's Strategy and Transactions group, based in Lo= ndon, UK, and focuses on complex transactions in the fast-moving technology=
    and consumer products and retail sectors. He has previously held senior ex= ecutive positions at Accenture, Visa and Rabobank. During his 15 years at E=
    Y he has worked on and led over 100 multi-billion pound transactions with t=
    he world's largest corporations and private equity firms on some of the big= gest and most complex cross-border engagements. He is an Honorary Visiting = Fellow at Bayes Business School in London.

    Editorial Note #3: Scott Moeller is a Professor in the Practice of Finance =
    at the Bayes Business School in London, UK, and is the founder and Director=
    of the M&A Research Centre. He teaches 'Mergers & Acquisitions' in the MBA=
    and MSc programmes. Prior to joining academia, he had a highly successful = banking career with Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan. (https://w= ww.bayes.city.ac.uk/faculties-and-research/experts/scott-moeller).

    Real-Time Leadership
    David Noble, author
    Carol Kauffman, author
    Harvard Business Review Press
    60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
    9781647823931, $30.00, HC, 288pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Real-Time-Leadership-Winning-Moves-Stakes/dp/1647823= 935

    Synopsis: The hardest part of corporate leadership is mastering the inevita= ble high-risk, high-stakes challenges you will face. Whether you're making =
    a split-second decision when your business is knocked sideways or you're fi= nding the best strategy to navigate business-critical long-term circumstanc= es, how can you be in peak form in those most crucial moments?

    With the publication of "Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When=
    the Stakes Are High", leadership coaching legends David Noble and Carol Ka= uffman collaborate to show you how with their innovative new framework, MOV=
    E, which equips you with the tactics you need to slow down high-stakes situ= ations before they speed you up.

    You will learn to master the moment, generate response options, and quickly=
    evaluate those options before acting. As you get better and better at usin=
    g the framework, you'll find you can recognize these moments as they arrive=
    , like a great athlete who can read the field as a play unfolds or a great = conductor who anticipates what's needed to deliver a great performance.

    Noble and Kauffman bring decades of experience coaching thousands of leader=
    s, along with a deep base of research, to show why their unique two-on-one = coaching method works and how it's done. The MOVE framework comes to life i=
    n these pages through the personal stories of real leaders living through t= heir own crucible moments.

    "Real-Time Leadership" is a compelling and demystifying look at how the MOV=
    E framework delivered positive results for them -- and how it can for you, = too.

    Critique: Expertly written, organized and presented, "Real-Time Leadership:=
    Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High" is one of those critical=
    ly important studies that will prove to be of enormous benefit to both novi=
    ce and experienced business managers, corporate executives, and entrepreneu= rs. Featuring twelve pages of Notes and a ten page Index, "Real-Time Leader= ship" is unequivocally recommended for personal, professional, community, c= orporate, college, and university library Leadership/Motivation, Business M= entoring/Coaching, and Decision-Making/Problem Solving collections. It shou=
    ld be noted for MBA students, academia, corporate executives, and entrepren= eurs that "Real-Time Leadership" is also available in a digital book format=
    (Kindle, $9.90).

    Editorial Note #1: David Noble (https://davidnoble.org) is the founder of V= iew Advisors, a consulting firm that works globally with CEOs, their teams,=
    select C-suite leaders, boards of directors, investors, and star athletes =
    on leadership and strategy. He also serves as a senior adviser to Egon Zehn= der, the Institute of Coaching, and Oliver Wyman Group and was previously o=
    n the management advisory board of TowerBrook Capital Partners, the first B=
    Corp private equity fund. In 2021 Noble was named by Thinkers50 as one of = the world's top coaches. He is also a member of the Marshall Goldsmith 100 = Coaches community of leaders and coaches.

    Editorial Note #2: Carol Kauffman (www.carolkauffman.com) is an internation=
    al leader in the field of coaching and has more than 40,000 hours of practi=
    ce with C-level leaders and their teams, elite athletes, and creatives. She=
    was short listed by Thinkers50 as one of the top eight coaches in the worl=
    d. She is a founding member of Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches, where she wa=
    s ranked as the number one leadership coach in the world. Carol is an assis= tant professor at Harvard Medical School, a visiting professor at Henley Bu= siness School, and a senior leadership adviser at Egon Zehnder. She is foun= der of the Institute of Coaching.

    Purposeful Empathy
    Anita Nowak
    Broadleaf Books
    510 Marquette Avenue N, Minneapolis, MN 55402
    9781506485058, $28.99, HC, 253pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Purposeful-Empathy-Superpower-Personal-Organizationa= l/dp/1506485057

    Synopsis: Empathy has never been more important, yet we're living in an era=
    of a massive empathy deficit. At the same time, workplace culture has chan= ged dramatically. Leaders, who have already been stretched to the limit, ar=
    e now being called on to create and nurture genuine connection, psychologic=
    al safety, and well-being across their organizations -- all while adapting =
    to the values of a new generation that won't compromise on diversity, equit=
    y, and inclusion.

    With the publication of "Purposeful Empathy: Tapping Our Hidden Superpower = for Personal, Organizational, and Social Change", author and educator Anita=
    Nowak shows, human beings are wired to care, and we can become more empath=
    ic with practice. Empathy increases dopamine, reduces stress, boosts self-e= steem, heightens the immune system, and enriches our relationships. Empathy=
    also improves business key performance indicators. This means that leverag= ing empathy on purpose can lead to better health, happier and more producti=
    ve workplaces, and a more meaningful life. That's why empathy is our superp= ower.

    Through inspiring stories; interviews with experts, including business lead= ers, neuroscientists, activists, social entrepreneurs, and spiritual leader=
    s; a new model rooted in positive psychology and coaching; and self-develop= ment exercises at the end of each chapter, "Purposeful Empathy" offers wisd=
    om and practical advice to foster personal, organizational, and social tran= sformation.

    Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Purposeful = Empathy: Tapping Our Hidden Superpower for Personal, Organizational, and So= cial Change" is a choice and unreservedly recommended addition to professio= nal, corporate, community, and academic library Business Management/Leaders= hip/Motivation collections. It should be noted for the personal reading lis=
    ts of MBA students, academia, corporate executives, business managers, entr= epreneurs, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subje=
    ct that "Purposeful Empathy" is also available in a digital book format (Ki= ndle, $20.49).

    Editorial Note: Anita Nowak (https://anitanowak.com) is an empathy expert, = speaker, podcaster, award-winning educator, certified coach, and founder of=
    Purposeful Empathy by Design, a boutique global advisory firm that helps p= urpose-driven organizations create cultures of empathy and social impact. P= assionate about mentoring the next generation of changemakers, she teaches = leadership, ethics in management, and social entrepreneurship and innovatio=
    n at McGill University.

    A Place for T
    Robert H. Lengel, author
    Cindyj M. Teske, author
    Linda Curtis, illustrator
    9781039151376, $46.99, HC, 340pp


    Synopsis: With the publication of "A Place for T: Giving Voice to the Torto= ise in Our Hare-Brained World", Professor Robert H. Lengel offers a thought=
    provoking twist on Aesop's Hare-Tortoise fable reframing it as a Human Rac=
    e pitting our Hare-brained heads against our Tortoise-inspired hearts.

    As we run faster and faster in our Hare-like pursuits of wealth, power and = status, we are leaving no place for the slow and steady Tortoise to speak f=
    or our humanity. As a result, Professor Lengel poses the possibility we are=
    creating a world with our intellects and technology that we can't relate t=
    o emotionally and spiritually. We might be outrunning our humanity and sett= ing the stage for the Hare to win this human race by default. Our inability=
    to engage each other in civil and respectful conversations, the hate and v= iolence infecting our culture and leadership failures in organizations migh=
    t be evidence this sinister end is fast approaching.

    "A Place for T" is a hard hitting and at times poetic invitation to step ba=
    ck from our busy lives, sit with the author on his front porch, and questio=
    n our lives and work. It is an inspirational reminder of Mahatma Gandhi's w= arning that "there is more to life than simply increasing its speed." In a = conversational format, Professor Lengel guides us down a hopeful path forwa=
    rd - a path illuminated by what he calls divergent thinking. His words are =
    a 'siren call' to wake up and realize we can't afford Hare- brained progres=
    s at the cost of our souls.

    Professor Lengel's principle message is that we need 'A Place for T' in our=
    lives 'now', in order to be able to account for the unaccountable while we=
    still have time!

    Critique: Fascinating, informative, insightful, thoughtful and thought-prov= oking, "A Place for T: Giving Voice to the Tortoise in Our Hare-Brained Wor= ld" is an extraordinary and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, = professional, community, corporate, and academic library Business Developme=
    nt & Management collections. It should be noted for the personal reading li= sts of MBA students, academia, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and non= -specialist general readers with an interest in Sustainable Business Develo= pment and Environmental Economics that "A Place for T" is also available in=
    a paperback edition (9781039151369, $34.99) and in a digital book format (= Kindle, $13.99).

    Editorial Note: Dr. Robert H. Lengel (https://leaderworkinc.com/robert-h-le= ngel-bio) holds a BS and MS in aerospace engineering, an MBA, and a PhD tha=
    t blended oceanography, environmental management, leadership and organizati= onal dynamics in business. His research work in developing the concept of '= media richness' has been referenced over 10,000 times in scientific and pra= ctice journals. Building on this research and his eclectic background, he h=
    as been a pioneer in blending the first-person languages of the arts and hu= manities with the third-person languages of the sciences and engineering to=
    deepen our understanding of leadership and communication theory and practi= ce. He is the co-author with Dick Daft of "Fusion Leadership: Unlocking the=
    Subtle Forces that Change People and Organizations " (Berrett Koehler 1997=
    ) and author of "The Front Porch Revolution: Reclaiming the Time and Space =
    to Slow Down, Talk to Each Other, and Lead in an Over-Managed World" (Fries=
    en Publishing 2018). He is currently an Associate Professor emeritus at the=
    University of Texas at San Antonio and president of his consulting firm Le= aderWork Inc.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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