The Military Shelf
Operation Rype
Frode Lindgjerdet
Casemate Publishers
9781636241340, $37.95, HC, 288pp
Synopsis: To prevent German occupying forces in Norway from reinforcing the=
ir defenses during the final months of World War II, the Office of Strategi=
c Services launched Operation Rype, with the mission of sabotaging the Nord= land Railway in Mid-Norway. Rype was led by Major William E. Colby, later d= irector of the CIA.
After several delays, the Norwegian Special Operations Group (NORSO) droppe=
d over the Sn sa mountains on the night of March 24. Out of eight B-24s, on=
ly three dropped on target. One dropped in Sweden, the remaining four retur= ned to Britain. Two of the B-24s crashed, killing all but one of their crew=
s. Reinforcement and resupply of the unit failed due to extreme Arctic cond= itions.
Relying heavily on help from the Norwegian resistance, NORSO managed to sev=
er the railway at two points. On both occasions, they withdrew with the Ger= mans hot on their tail. On May 2, a German patrol blundered into their camp=
, resulting in the killing of all of the Germans and one wounded Norwegian = resistance fighter. Whether the Germans were killed in the ensuing firefigh=
t, or were executed later, has been hotly debated ever since.
After the war ended, NORSO was allowed down from the mountains, but were se=
nt on bogus missions by the British commanders in Trondheim. They eventuall=
y managed to get recognition for their contribution to victory.
"Operation Rype: A WWII OSS Railway Sabotage Mission in Norway" by Frode Li= ndgjerdet is a new history of the operation is based on German, Norwegian, = American and Swedish sources. It examines how the outcome of the operation = was affected by the limitations of equipment in sub-Arctic conditions, and = British-American rivalry and cooperation throughout the operation.
Critique: Informatively enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of a six= teen page set of Bibliographies, a two page Glossary, a two page Bibliograp= hy, eighteen pages of Endnotes, and a three page Index, "Operation Rype: A = WWII OSS Railway Sabotage Mission in Norway" is an exceptionally interestin=
g and thoroughly documented action that is unreservedly recommended for per= sonal, professional, community, and academic library World War II European/= Norwegian battlefield histories. It should be noted for students, academia,=
and military history buffs that "Operation Rype: A WWII OSS Railway Sabota=
ge Mission in Norway" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $= 20.95).
Editorial Note: Frode Lindgjerdet works for Norwegian Armed Forces Museums,=
he is also a lecturer and author. He is an SSGT with the Norwegian Home Gu= ard.
First Fights in Fallujah
Lieutenant Colonel David E. Kelly, USMC (Ret.)
Casemate Publishers
9781636243184, $37.95, HC, 344pp
Synopsis: In March 2004, the unprovoked ambush killing and desecration of t=
he bodies of American civilian security contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, caus=
ed the National Command Authorities in Washington, DC. to demand that the n= ewly arrived Marine Expeditionary Force there take action against the perpe= trators and other insurgent forces. Planned Stability and Support Operation=
s were cast aside as insurgent fighters dared the Marines to enter Fallujah=
Marine infantrymen, tankers, helicopter crews, and amphibious vehicle drive=
rs all pitched into high-intensity battles and firefights during the first = fights of Fallujah in April 2004. Across the board cooperation and innovati=
on marked these fighting Marines in combined arms fights that no one expect= ed. Marines fought in the streets, conducted house-to-house searches, clear=
ed buildings of enemy, and used tank main guns in direct support of urban e= nvironment operations.
Helicopter crews supported operations on the ground with rockets and machin= e-gun fire, and Amtrac Marines transported forces to face enemy RPG and mac= hine-gun fire. Marines from infantry squad members to a battalion commander=
were interviewed by Marine Corps field historians within days or weeks of = the events at nearby combat outposts and camps.
With the publication of "First Fights in Fallujah: Marines During Operation=
Vigilant Resolve, in Iraq, April 2004", David Kelly deftly combines these = interview notes and the words of the men themselves to create a unique narr= ative of Marines in this combat. Casualties only stiffened the will of the = Marines to crush the enemy.
A late April political plan called for the withdrawal of Marine forces from=
the city, and Marines at every level, though frustrated, understood the ne=
ed to allow this attempted solution to play itself out.
Critique: Featuring the inclusion of a section of full color photos, an eig= hteen page Glossary, a two page listing of Sources and Further Reading, and=
a six page Index, "First Fights in Fallujah: Marines During Operation Vigi= lant Resolve, in Iraq, April 2004" is an inherently fascinating and detaile=
d account of a major military operation, the first in what would become one=
of America's longest lasting wars. While also available for the personal r= eading list of dedicated military history buffs in a digital book format (K= indle, $17.99), "First Fights in Fallujah: Marines During Operation Vigilan=
t Resolve, in Iraq, April 2004" is a superbly crafted history that is highl=
y recommended as a core addition to community and academic library 21st Cen= tury American Military history collections.
Editorial Note: Lieutenant Colonel David E. Kelly received his commission i=
n 1971, and served as an infantry officer with Lima Company, 3rd Battalion = 4th Marines with an Amphibious Readiness Group (ARG) off the coast of Vietn=
am in 1972-73. Prior to retirement from the Reserves in 1999 he was Operati= ons Officer for the Marine Field History Detachment. He volunteered to retu=
rn to active duty to deploy to Iraq in 2004 as senior Field Historian in or= der to conduct interviews with Marines and Navy personnel at all levels in = Iraq. He is now a retired high school teacher. ( /david-e-kelly-book-springfield-iraq)
Courage Under Fire
Ed Sherwood, LTC, US Army (Ret.)
Casemate Publishers
9781612009643, $34.95, HC, 360pp
Synopsis: "Courage Under Fire: The 101st Airborne's Hidden Battle at Tam Ky=
" by retired Lieutenant Colonel Ed Sherwood is the first history to be publ= ished about Operation Lamar Plain. After 50 years and until now, the story =
of the renowned 101st Airborne's major offensive near Tam Ky, South Vietnam=
had remained largely unknown.
Fighting at Tam Ky by the 1st Brigade began 15 May 1969 while the 101st's 3=
rd Brigade battled on Hamburger Hill. The political consequences of Hamburg=
er Hill's high casualties caused Lamar Plain and its high casualties to rem= ain classified and undisclosed. Decades later, the fighting at Tam Ky is mo= stly forgotten except by those who fought there.
Sherwood's superb research of now declassified records uncovers how such a = large battle could remain hidden and undisclosed. But that is not the heart=
of his story. His focus is on the courage and commitment of the young infa= ntry soldiers who fought. Many were sons of WWII and Korean War veterans. T= hey had a legacy to uphold -- to honor their families, the 101st Airborne, = and their nation. Most of all in the crux of battle, they would not let the=
ir fellow soldiers down.
In "Courage Under Fire", Sherwood uses actual battle records and eyewitness=
accounts to follow "Never Quit" Delta Company and its sister companies thr= ough 28 days of continuous combat at Tam Ky. Delta Company's young infantry=
soldiers live up to their motto despite increasing casualties, a tough ene= my, harsh battlefield conditions, and loss of leaders.
For all who fought at Tam Ky, their bravery and devotion to duty in an incr= easingly unpopular war is worthy to be remembered. With veterans of Tam Ky = now growing older and fewer in number, it is past time to tell their story.
Critique: Rescuing a major military action in the Vietnam War from an undes= erved obscurity, "Courage Under Fire: The 101st Airborne's Hidden Battle at=
Tam Ky" is a carefully crafted Vietnam combat history that deserves as wid=
e a readership as possible. While readily available for the personal readin=
g lists of military buffs and these Vietnam War veterans (and their familie=
s) in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99), in a paperback edition (97816= 36243054, $24.95), and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Tantor Audi=
o, 9798212079488, $41.99, CD), "Courage Under Fire: The 101st Airborne's Hi= dden Battle at Tam Ky" is an essential and core addition to community, coll= ege, and university library Vietnam War Biography/History collections and s= upplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note: Ed Sherwood ( led=
an infantry platoon at Tam Ky in Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infan= try, fighting with the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division He was wounded =
in action on June 2, 1969. After Vietnam, he continued serving as an infant=
ry officer with multiple assignments in the 3rd Armored Division in Germany=
, the US Army Infantry School, and the 197th Infantry Brigade at Fort Benni= ng, GA. Ed retired from active duty as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1988.
Siege Warfare During the Hundred Years War
Peter Hoskins
Pen & Sword Books
c/o Casemate (US distribution)
9781399074766, $34.95, PB, 252pp
Synopsis: A great many histories of the Hundred Years War have been written=
, including accounts of all the famous battles, but until the publication o=
f "Siege Warfare During the Hundred Years War: Once More Unto the Breach" b=
y historian and author Peter Hoskins none of the other studies have concent= rated on the sieges that played a decisive role in the protracted struggle = between England and France.
Edward III's capture of Calais in 1347 was of crucial importance for the En= glish, and the failure of the English siege of Orleans in 1429 was a turnin=
g point for the French after the disaster of Agincourt. Throughout the war,=
sieges were a major weapon in the strategic armories of both sides, and Pe= ter Hoskins's perceptive and graphic study is a fascinating analysis of the=
"Siege Warfare During the Hundred Years War: Once More Unto the Breach" des= cribes the difficulties faced by besieger and besieged, examines the logist= ics and resource implications of sieges, and provides a comparative assessm= ent of siege warfare alongside set-piece battles and the English strategy o=
f chevauchees. Key sieges are reconstructed in vivid detail, other sieges a=
re summarized, and the book is fully illustrated with photographs and plans=
Critique: Originally published in hardcover by Pen & Sword Books in 2018, "= Siege Warfare During the Hundred Years War: Once More Unto the Breach" is n=
ow available in a trade paperback format and includes maps, plans, a number=
of plates, two appendices ('Summary of Outcomes of Seiges' & 'Duration of = Seiges'), five pages of Notes, a three page Bibliography, and an eight page=
Index. Seminal work of meticulous research, "Siege Warfare During the Hund= red Years War: Once More Unto the Breach" is highly recommended for communi=
ty and academic library English/French military history collections, and is=
available in a digital book format Kindle, $20.61) for the personal readin=
g lists of students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an i= nterest in the Hundred Years War between England and France
Editorial Note: Peter Hoskins ( s/a/2392) is a former RAF pilot who writes, lectures and gives battlefield = tours. His highly praised previous books In the Steps of the Black Prince: = The Road to Poitiers, 1355-1356, Agincourt 1415 and Crecy 1346 have establi= shed his reputation as an authority on the Hundred Years War.
Bronze Age Military Equipment
Dan Howard
Pen & Sword Books
c/o Casemate (US distribution)
9781399023375, $29.95, PB, 184pp
Synopsis: "Bronze Age Military Equipment" by historian and author Dan Howar=
d offers an informative and fascinating discussion of the development of th=
e military equipment of the earliest organized armies of the Bronze Age. Ho= ward accurately describes the development of weapons, armor and chariots, h=
ow they were made and their tactical use in battle.
Spanning from the introduction of massed infantry by the Sumerians (c. 26th=
century BC) through to the collapse of the chariot civilizations (c. 12th = century BC), this is the period of the epic struggles described in the Old = Testament and Homer's Iliad, the clashes of mighty empires like those of th=
e Babylonians, Egyptians and Hittites.
In "Bronze Age Military Equipment", Howard draws on the latest research and=
archaeology, as well as his own experiences of using and making replica we= apons and armor, to challenge established views and bring fresh insights to=
this fascinating period of military history.
The main regions of discussion are the Aegean, the Near East and the Middle=
East but some reference is also made to other relevant cultures such as th=
e Aryan Indians and the Shang Chinese.
Critique: Originally published in hardcover by Pen & Sword Books in 2014, t= his new trade paperback edition of "Bronze Age Military Equipment" features=
a number of illustrations and plates, as well as four appendices (Homeric = Shield; Homeric Armour; Warriors of the Bronze Age; Typology of Bronze Age = Swords), twelve pages of Notes, a two page Bibliography, and a three page I= ndex. An exceptional work of historical research, "Bronze Age Military Equi= pment" is a seminal contribution recommended for personal, professional, co= mmunity, and academic library Bronze Age Weapons Technology and Warfare His= tory collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be no= ted for the personal reading lists of students, academia, and military hist= ory buffs that "Bronze Age Military Equipment" is also readily available in=
a digital book format (Kindle, 11.99) as well.
Editorial Note: Dan Howard ( 45) is an historical author who offers great insight into the Bronze Age, t=
he battles the fought and the weapons they fought them with.
The Battle of Plassey 1757
Stuart Reid
Frontline Books
c/o Pen & Sword Books
9781399020879, $29.95, PB, 280pp
Synopsis: In the 18th Century, Britain was rapidly emerging as the most pow= erful European nation, a position France had long believed to be her own. Y=
et with France still commanding the largest continental army, Britain saw i=
ts best opportunities for expansion lay in the East. Yet, as Britain's infl= uence increased through its official trading arm, the East India Company, t=
he ruler of Bengal, Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah, sought to drive the British out =
of the sub-continent and turned to France for help.
The ensuing conflict saw intimate campaigns fought by captains and occasion= ally colonels and by small companies rather than big battalions. They were = campaigns fought by individuals rather than anonymous masses; some were her= oes, some were cowards and most of them were rogues on the make. The story =
is not only about Robert Clive, a clerk from Shropshire who became to all i= ntents and purposes an emperor, but also about Eyre Coote an Irishman who f= ought with everyone he met, about Alexander Grant a Jacobite who first esca= ped from Culloden and then, Flashman-like was literally the last man into t=
he last boat to escape Calcutta and the infamous Black Hole.
The fighting culminated in Robert Clive's astonishing victory at Plassey wh= ere just 3,000 British and sepoy troops defeated Siraj-ud-Daulah's Franco-B= engali army of 18,000 in the space of only forty minutes. The victory at Pl= assey in 1757 established Britain as the dominant force in India, the whole=
of which gradually come under British control and became the most prized p= ossession in its empire. Few battles in history have ever had such profound=
Critique: Originally published by Pen & Sword Books in hardcover (2017), a = new trade paperback edition of "The Battle of Plassey 1757: The Victory Tha=
t Won an Empire" by author and historian Stuart Reide is now available for =
a new generation of readers with an interest in 18th Century British Milita=
ry History. Organized and presented in six informative chapters, "The Battl=
e of Plassey 1757: The Victory That Won an Empire" also features twelve App= endices, thirty pages of Notes, a one page Bibliography, and a three page I= ndex. While with the highest recommended for personal, professional, commun= ity, and academic library British Military History collections, it should b=
noted for students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an i= nterest in the subject that "The Battle of Plassey 1757: The Victory That W=
on an Empire" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $= 22.47).
Editorial Note: Stuart Reid ( 475) is a prolific and well-known writer on a wide range of military subjec= ts, and he is an expert on the military history of Scotland. His pioneering=
study Like Hungry Wolves remains unchallenged as the best narrative accoun=
t of Culloden. His other books include: The Campaigns of Montrose, All the = King's Armies: A Military History of The English Civil War, Wolfe: The Life=
and Career of General James Wolfe, Wellington's Highland Warriors: From th=
e Black Watch Mutiny to the Battle of Waterloo.
The Devils Will Get No Rest
James B. Conroy
Simon and Schuster
Blackstone Audiobooks
9781982168681, $34.00, HC, 432pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Devils Will Get No Rest: FDR, Church= ill, and the Plan That Won the War", author James B. Conroy provides a char= acter-driven account of the Casablanca Conference of January 1943, an Anglo= -American clash over military strategy that produced a winning plan when Wo= rld War II could have gone either way. Churchill called it the most importa=
nt Allied conclave of the war. Until now, this has never been explored in a=
full-length, dedicated study for the non-specialist general reader.
In a secret, no-holds-barred, ten-day debate in a Moroccan warzone, protect=
ed by British marines and elite American troops, Franklin Roosevelt, Winsto=
n Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, George C. Marshall, Dwight D. Eisenhower, G= eorge S. Patton Jr., Sir Alan Brooke, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Sir Harold Al= exander, and their military peers questioned each other's competence, doubt=
ed each other's vision, and argued their way through choices that could win=
or lose the war.
In the pages of "The Devils Will Get No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan = That Won the War", the reader is treated to a master class in strategy by t=
he legendary statesmen, generals, and admirals who overcame their differenc= es, transformed their alliance from a necessity to a bond, forged a war-win= ning plan, and glimpsed the postwar world.
Critique: Informatively enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of forty= -two pages of Notes, a twelve page Bibliography of Works Frequently Cited, =
a two page listing of Photo Credits, and a fifteen page Glossary, "The Devi=
ls Will Get No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the War" will ha=
ve a special value to readers with an interest the military history of Worl=
d War II. While an unreservedly recommended addition to community and acade= mic library World War II Histories & Biography collections, it should be no= ted for the personal reading lists of students, academia, and non-specialis=
t general readers with an interest in the subject that "The Devils Will Get=
No Rest: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the War" is also available =
in a digital book format (Kindle, $16.99) and as a complete and unabridged = audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781797157535, $44.99, CD).
Editorial Note: James B. Conroy ( is an award-winning = author of narrative history. A graduate of the University of Connecticut an=
d the Georgetown University Law Center, Conroy has been a trial lawyer in B= oston for 37 years, having first worked on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.=
as a House and Senate press secretary, speechwriter, and chief of staff an=
d served for six years in the United States Navy reserve as a Navy photogra= pher and journalist in antisubmarine aviation units.
The High Ground: Leading in Peace and War
R. D. Hooker Jr.
Casemate Publishers
9781636242934, $24.95, PB, 192pp
Synopsis: "The High Ground: Leading in Peace and War" by R. D. Hooker Jr. d= raws on the author's personal experiences as a combat leader to illustrate = examples of successful and inspiring leadership in military organizations a=
t all levels. Many of the essays comprising "The High Ground" focus on spec= ific military personalities that portray effective leader behaviors in both=
peacetime and combat settings from the tactical to the strategic. Other es= says describe key leadership characteristics and attributes of successful l= eaders, from small-unit level to the Pentagon.
"The High Ground" provides specific and compelling leadership advice and su= ggestions to new soldiers, new lieutenants, staff officers and commanders. = Hooker served more than thirty years in the post-Vietnam Army, rising from = private to colonel and serving in the invasion of Grenada and in Somalia, t=
he US response to the Rwandan genocide, in Bosnia and Kosovo, in peacekeepi=
ng operations in the Sinai, and in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. He comma= nded a paratrooper company, battalion and brigade and served in the contine= ntal US, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Southwest Asia=
"The High Ground" cogently describes his observations and interactions with=
military leaders at all levels, in battle and in garrison, to describe and=
portray military leader development and leader excellence in all its many = and varied dimensions. Gripping and fast-paced, these leadership vignettes = will carry the reader from peacetime into battle with the American Soldier.
Critique: Informative, thoughtful, inspiring and of special relevance to re= aders with an interest in American military biographies and histories, "The=
High Ground: Leading in Peace and War" is inherently interesting and excep= tionally well written, making it an ideal and unreservedly recommended addi= tion to personal, professional, community, and academic library American Mi= litary History/Biography collections. It should be noted that "The High Gro= und" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.49) as=
Editorial Note: Richard D. Hooker Jr ( -hooker-jr) is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Council and a=
Senior Researcher with the University of Oxford's Changing Character of Wa=
r Program. A career Army officer, his military service included combat tour=
s in Grenada, Somalia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan, including command of a=
parachute brigade in Baghdad. His military service also included tours in = the offices of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Secretary of the Army = and the Chief of Staff of the Army. A veteran of three tours with the Natio= nal Security Council, he holds a doctorate in international relations from = the University of Virginia and previously served as Assistant Professor at = West Point, as the Army Chair at the National War College and as Dean of th=
e NATO Defense College in Rome.
Washington's Marines
Jason Q. Bohm
Savas Beatie
9781611216264, $34.95, HC, 360pp /1611216265
Synopsis: The fighting prowess of United States Marines is second to none, = but few know of the Corps' humble beginnings and what it achieved during th=
e early years of the American Revolution. Jason Bohm rectifies this oversig=
ht with the publication of "Washington's Marines: The Origins of the Corps = and the American Revolution, 1775-1777".
The story of the U.S. Marine Corps begins with the oppressive days that dro=
ve America into a conflict for which it was ill-prepared, when thirteen ind= ependent colonies commenced a war against the world's most powerful militar=
y with nothing more than local militias, privateers, and other ad hoc units=
.. The Continental Congress rushed to form an army and placed George Washing= ton in command, but soon realized that, to win its freedom, America would n= eed men who could fight on the sea and on land. Enter the Marines. Bohm art= fully tells the story of the creation of the Continental Marines and the me=
n who led them during the parallel paths followed by the Army and Marines i=
n the opening years of the war and through the early successes and failures=
at Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Canada, Boston, Charleston, and mor=
As General Washington struggled to preserve his command after defeats in Ne=
w York and New Jersey in 1776, the nascent U.S. Navy and Marines deployed t=
he first American fleet, conducted their first amphibious operation, and wa= ged a war on the rivers and seas to block British reinforcements and captur=
e critically needed supplies. Desperate times forced Congress to detach the=
Continental Marines from the Navy to join the embattled army as Washington=
sought an "important stroke" to defeat his adversary.
Washington's Marines joined their fellow soldiers in a protracted land camp= aign that culminated in turning-point victories at Trenton, Assunpink Creek=
, and Princeton. This chapter of the Continental Marines ends in Morristown=
, New Jersey, when Washington granted Henry Knox's request to leverage the = Marines' expertise with naval guns to fill the depleted ranks of the army's=
artillery during the "Forage War."
Critique: Informatively enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of sever=
al Maps, a number of Illustrations, two Appendices, a twenty page Bibliogra= phy, and a sixteen page Index, "Washington's Marines: The Origins of the Co= rps and the American Revolution, 1775-1777" is an impressively informated a=
nd comprehensive history covering the men, strategy, performance, and perso= nalities of the Marine Corps' formative early years into a single compellin=
g and memorable account. Author John Bohm's sweeping prose relies heavily o=
n primary research and his own extensive military knowledge. Highly recomme= nded as one of the finest military histories of its kind, "Washington's Mar= ines" is an important and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, pr= ofessional, community, college, and university library Colonial Military Hi= story collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be n= oted for students, academia, and military history buffs that "Washington's = Marines" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $19.95).
Editorial Note: Major General Jason Q. Bohm ( Jason_Bohm) is a Marine with more than 30 years of service. An infantryman =
by trade, he has commanded at every level from platoon commander to command= ing general in peacetime and war. Bohm also served in several key staff pos= itions, including as a strategic planner with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Di= rector of the Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School, House Director, Ma= rine Corps Office of Legislative Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, an=
d Chief of Staff of U.S. Naval Striking and Support Forces, NATO. Jason has=
written several articles for the Marine Corps Gazette and won various writ= ing awards from the Marine Corps Association. He is also the author of From=
the Cold War to ISIL: One Marine's Journey (Naval Institute Press, 2019).
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
(dot) com
Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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