The Social Issues Shelf
Police Unions and the Reform Movement
Ron DeLord, author
Ron York, author
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher
2600 South First Street, Springfield, IL 62704
9780398093983, $44.95, PB, 290pp
Synopsis: Between the two of them, co-authors Ron DeLord and Ron York have = more than 100 years of collective experience in assisting police unions. It=
all seemed so simple and formulaic. A social movement that had been linger= ing for decades reached a tipping point, and unions now had their greatest = challenge ever. The last 5 years have seen what unions would describe as ap= ocalyptic demands for reforms.
Union leaders ranted about a war on the police, the end of the profession, = and increasing hostility towards the police by the liberal media and politi= cians. Unions must change the way they do business if they want to survive.
"Police Unions and the Reform Movement: The Battle for the Future of Americ= a's Police" identifies the who, what and why of the reform movement, how to=
mount an effective political campaign, the complexities of an effective me= ssage, and the reasons police union leaders succeed and fail.
"Police Unions and the Reform Movement" is divided into five primary parts,=
each of which explores a police profession under attack from reform activi= sts, left leaning media, politically correct chiefs, and weak mayors and co= uncils afraid to push back against unrealistic and overreaching demands for=
Part I focuses on viewing reform as a social movement. Part II examines the=
battle between unions and reform activists. Part III unravels the mysterio=
us world of police unions. Part IV predicts the future of the reform moveme=
nt and police unions in light of the struggle taking place nationwide, and = finally, Part V are case studies, perspectives and predictions from contrib= uting authors who are on the front lines of the police labor movement in th=
e U.S. and Australia.
By following the superb analysis and creative ideas in this book, police un= ion leaders, police management, law enforcement personnel, criminal justice=
professors and policymakers will see a path to reaching an accord on refor=
m and advancing the police profession.
Critique: Informatively enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of a com= plete listing of the contributors and their credentials, featuring 23 erudi=
te essays, two Appendices (List of Duty Deaths by Gunfire & 100 Largest Cit= ies, Oversight Boards, and Union Contracts), "Police Unions and the Reform = Movement: The Battle for the Future of America's Police" is a timely, signi= ficant, thought-provoking, and welcome contribution to our on-going nationa=
l discussion with respect to law enforcement and policing reforms that is u= nreservedly recommended for community, college, university Criminology coll= ections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note: Ron DeLord ( is recognized as a leadin=
g public safety union contract negotiator; an expert on police and fire uni= ons in United States; and an author and lecturer on public safety union lea= dership, power, organization, media and political action.
Twenty Dollars and Change
Clarence Lusane
City Lights Publishers
261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133
9780872868854, $21.95, PB, 424pp
Synopsis: Today America is in the throes of a historic reckoning with racis=
m, with the battle for control over official narratives at ground zero. Acr= oss the country, politicians, city councils, and school boards are engaged =
in a highly polarized debate about whose accomplishments should be recogniz= ed, and whose point of view should be included in the telling of America's = history.
With the publication of "Twenty Dollars and Change: Harriet Tubman and the = Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice and Democracy", political scientist Claren=
ce Lusane (author of the acclaimed The Black History of the White House), w= rites from a basic premise: Racist historical narratives and pervasive soci=
al inequities are inextricably linked -- changing one can transform the oth= er.
Taking up the debate over the future of the twenty-dollar bill, Lusane uses=
the question of Harriet Tubman vs. Andrew Jackson as a lens through which =
to view the current state of our nation's ongoing reckoning with the legaci=
es of slavery and foundational white supremacy. He places the struggle to c= onfront unjust social conditions in direct connection with the push to tran= sform our public symbols, making it plain that any choice of whose life des= erves to be remembered and honored is a direct reflection of whose basic ri= ghts are deemed worthy of protection, and whose are not.
Critique: A timely political and historical study of racism in America, "Tw= enty Dollars and Change: Harriet Tubman and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Ju= stice and Democracy is informatively enhanced with the inclusion of fifty-t=
wo pages of Notes and a fourteen page Index. Of particular relevance and un= reservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, college, and = university library Contemporary Social Issues, African-American Racial/Poli= tical History, and African/American Demographic Studies collections and sup= plemental curriculum studies lists, it should be noted for the personal rea= ding lists of students, academia, political activists, governmental policy = makers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject = that "Twenty Dollars and Change: Harriet Tubman and the Ongoing Fight for R= acial Justice and Democracy" is also available in a digital book format (Ki= ndle, $10.99).
Editorial Note: Dr. Clarence Lusane ( _Lusane) is an author, activist, scholar, and journalist. He is a Professor=
and former Chairman of Howard University's Department of Political Science=
.. Lusane earned his B.A. in Communications from Wayne State University and = both his Masters and Ph.D. from Howard University in Political Science. He'=
s been a political consultant to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation = and a former Commissioner for the DC Commission on African American Affairs=
.. He frequently appears on MSNBC and C-SPAN, and was invited by the Obamas = to speak at the White House. He is the author of many books, including The = Black History of the White House.
The Practice of Belonging
Lisa Kentgen, Ph.D
North Atlantic Books
2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704-2607
9781623177638, $17.95, PB, 208pp ips/dp/1623177634
Synopsis: After two years meeting with different communities in the US, psy= chologist Lisa Kentgen identified 6 key traits of vibrant, healthy communit= ies that we can all apply to our own lives and networks: Commitment to care=
; Acceptance; Diversity; Skillful conflict resolution; Bonding rituals; Hos= pitality.
Each chapter of her new book, "The Practice of Belonging: Six Lessons from = Vibrant Communities to Combat Loneliness, Foster Diversity, and Cultivate C= aring Relationships" focuses on one of these traits, highlighting a particu= lar community as a case study of how it can be put into practice.
The reader will learn about a wide range of successful community models, in= cluding a tiny-home village for people who had been chronically houseless i=
n Austin, Texas; a study circle to build connection between Native and non-= Native people in a small town in South Dakota; a 500-member community choir=
in Columbus, Ohio; and a Buddhist center in Barre, Massachusetts committed=
to bringing greater diversity to the Dharma.
Throughout "The Practice of Longing", the reader will reflect on such quest= ions as: How can we cultivate these traits of vibrant community in our own = lives? What would it look like to prioritize caring and acceptance in our i= nteractions with others? How can we create a climate of true inclusivity, o=
ne where our differences both challenge and strengthen us? How can we learn=
to feel more comfortable with tension and acquire the skills to move throu=
gh conflict toward creative solutions? What would happen if we incorporated=
meaningful rituals into our communities and made a point of celebrating ea=
ch other?
With intention and practice, we can transform our social relationships and = build communities that appreciate difference, encourage authentic expressio=
n, and foster an environment of belonging and mutual care. "The Practice of=
Longing" will inspire the reader to make the transformative leap from "me"=
to "we", thereby creating communal and loving spaces in which to connect (= and thrive) together.
Critique: Exceptionally 'user friendly' in its commentary style, organizati=
on and presentation, "The Practice of Belonging: Six Lessons from Vibrant C= ommunities to Combat Loneliness, Foster Diversity, and Cultivate Caring Rel= ationships" is ideal reading for professionals and non-specialist general r= eaders alike -- making it a very special and unreservedly recommended addit= ion to personal, professional, community, and academic library Self-Help/Se= lf-Improvement collections. It should be noted for those who are interested=
in communication, social skills development, motivation, and creating/supp= orting friendships that "The Practice of Belonging" is also readily availab=
le in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).
Editorial Note: Lisa Kentgen ( is a psychologis=
t with over three decades' experience as a clinician, educator, and speaker=
.. She is the author of An Intentional Life: Five Foundations of Authenticit=
y and Purpose. Dr. Kentgen has published scientific articles on the develop= ment of conscious awareness, biological correlates of depression and anxiet=
y, and identifying emotional difficulties in children. She believes that cr= eating vibrant communities is the path forward through the unprecedented so= cial, psychological, and existential crises we face. You can subscribe to h=
er online newsletter at
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
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Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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