• July 2023 MBR The Metaphysical Studies Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Aug 5 01:39:33 2023
    The Metaphysical Studies Shelf

    Celtic Mysticism
    Tracie Long
    Wellfleet Press
    c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
    100 Cummings Center, Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915
    9781577153467, $16.99, HC, 168pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Celtic-Mysticism-Personal-Tradition-Traditions/dp/15= 77153464

    Synopsis: With the publication of "Celtic Mysticism: Your Personal Guide to=
    Celtic and Druid Tradition" by Tracie Long it is now possible for metaphys= ical studies students and practitioners to reclaim Celtic ancestral traditi= ons and older ways of connecting with the earth and spirituality by going s= traight to the heart of mystical traditions.

    "Celtic Mysticism" explores the folk magic that has thrived in the British = Isles for thousands of years. With this guidebook for both newcomers to mag= ical practice and for those searching for a concise reference to a long his= tory, you will discover how to honor your connection to nature and the rhyt= hms of the seasons in the Celtic way. Exploring the history behind Celtic p= ractices, rituals, and spells and then engaging with them firsthand, formin=
    g a deeper bond with Mother Earth.

    Illuminated by beautiful illustrations, fascinating and informative guide p= resents: The lore and history of the Celts; Rites and spells based in green=
    magic and natural cycles; Meditations and rituals to bring the ancient wis= dom into modern life; Key concepts, figures, and legends of Celtic traditio=

    Critique: "Celtic Mysticism" provides a thoroughly 'user friendly, engaging=
    , accessible, and hands-on introduction to the deep magic and spirituality =
    of the Celts. A definitive guide to mystical and spiritual Celtic tradition=
    s and magical practices drawn from around the world and understood from a m= odern perspective, "Celtic Mysticism" will be of particular value to reader=
    s with an interest in the origins of mystical practices, including explanat= ions of key concepts, figures, and legends in these traditions -- as well a=
    s reliable and effective instruction on how to connect directly with these = practices through rituals, spells, and more. While highly recommended for p= ersonal, professional, community, and academic library Druidism, Celtic Rel= igion, and Metaphysical Studies collections, it should be noted for student=
    s and practitioners that "Celtic Mysticism" is also available in a digital = book format (Kindle, $9.99).

    Editorial Note: Tracie Long began to see and hear spirits when she was abou=
    t six years old and finally embraced her gift in her early thirties. She ha=
    s worked in the body, mind, spirit industry for almost thirty years now. Sh=
    e specializes in tarot, angels, spiritual development, meditation, shamanic=
    healing and coaching, and moon cycles. She has worked with sensitive child= ren and run a few paranormal investigations, but today she most often helps=
    spirits who are stuck or causing problems for families. A former chairwoma=
    n of the British Astrological and Psychic Society, she earned her BTEC in b= usiness management and a teaching degree and tutors alongside the Spiritual=
    Workers Association.

    Self-Love Potions
    Cosmic Valeria, author
    Marie-Noel Dumont, illustrator
    Leaping Hare Press
    c/o Quarto Publishing Group USA
    100 Cummings Center, Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915
    9780711281059, $20.00, HC, 144pp


    Synopsis: Self-Love Potions are herbal recipes and accompanying rituals to = help you make the most of your 'me' time. Simply packed with ideas from tal= ented moon witch Valeria Kapusta (@cosmicvaleria) to help you mindfully exp= lore your craft, "Self-Love Potions: Herbal recipes & rituals to make you f= all in love with YOU" is a compendium of DIY recipes ranging from teas, tin= ctures, oils and tonics, to bath mixes and fragrances

    Featured recipes include: Heart-soothing lilac-infused honey to ease heartb= reak; Energy cleansing empath bath; Thyme infusions for courage and self-co= nfidence; Dandelion bath salt for inner joy; Floral hair rinse to remove cr= eative blocks; Violet infused sugar to sweeten gloomy days.

    With "Self-Love Potions" even the most novice of Wiccan and metaphysical st= udies student can develop their self-love practice, enhance their wellbeing=
    , and connect with themselves and nature with this guidance of this gorgeou=
    s, herbal handbook.

    Critique: "Self-Love Potions: Herbal recipes & rituals to make you fall in = love with YOU" by Wiccan author is a simply beautiful volume filled with th=
    e stunning illustrations of Marie-Noel Dumont. A thoroughly 'user friendly'=
    compendium of rituals and potions to help you boost wellbeing and fall in = love with yourself through the power of magick, "Self-Love Potions" is a de= sirable and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, co= mmunity, and academic library Wiccan and Metaphysical Studies collections. =
    It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Self-Love Potions" is a= lso available in a digital book format (Kindle, $15.49).

    Editorial Note #1: Valeria Kapusta (https://www.instagram.com/cosmicvaleria=
    ) aka @cosmicvaleria, is a witch and herbalist whose work brings magic and = self-care together. She has also created Moon Witch Tarot, Moon Witch Oracl=
    e, and Moon Witch Coloring Book.

    Editorial Note #2: Marie-Noel Dumont is a graphic designer and illustrator = based in Rome. (https://ca.linkedin.com/in/marie-noel-dumont-a2bb71a)

    Open for Interpretation: A Doctor's Journey into Astrology
    Alicia Blando
    She Writes Press
    9781647424701, $17.95, PB, 232pp

    https://www.amazon.com/Open-Interpretation-Doctors-Journey-Astrology/dp/164= 7424704

    Synopsis: As a young doctor working in the middle of the HIV epidemic in th=
    e early '90s, Alicia Blando felt unsure of the effectiveness of the medical=
    profession. To gain insight into her life's path, she sought advice in som=
    e unconventional places, and lands on astrology as her way forward. Astrolo= gy, based in astronomy, has specific rules; it can't be easily manipulated.=
    The scientist in her can't help but respond to this idea.

    At a pivotal group demonstration, Alicia found a mentor, Iris, who introduc=
    es her to the study of astrology. By learning to read the horoscope, Alicia=
    gained insight into her potential and manifests her ambition to travel and=
    explore healing techniques from indigenous cultures. Eventually, her searc=
    h for new teachers and past knowledge takes her from Manhattan to the Peruv= ian Amazon, Belize, and Bolivia, where she discovered ancient ways of heali=
    ng among people who consider the sky to be a continuation of nature on eart=
    h. She connects with the tenets of astrology as the language that describes=
    man's connection to the sky environment. Alicia learned that the horoscopi=
    c map gives information that can assist in making better choices in life. T= hat it has the potential to analyze a person's strengths, weaknesses, oppor= tunities, and health concerns.

    Alicia's journey off the beaten path ultimately would lead her to true self= -exploration and connection with the world around her, as well as a desire =
    to share her knowledge. With the publication of "Open for Interpretation: A=
    Doctor's Journey into Astrology ", she shares her story of finally finding=
    the map she's been seeking -- and explains how we can all use that map to = access our true selves and untapped potential.

    Critique: Fascinating, informative, and of special interest to readers enga= ged in the study of astrology and alternative medicine, "Open for Interpret= ation: A Doctor's Journey into Astrology" is a definitely recommended pick = for personal, professional, community, and academic library Astrology colle= ctions and supplemental Alternative Medicine curriculum studies lists. It s= hould be noted that "Open for Interpretation: A Doctor's Journey into Astro= logy" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $8.99).

    Editorial Note: Alicia Blando (https://aliciablando.com) trained and practi= ced in the medical specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation. While=
    working as a physician, she became interested in how indigenous healers di= agnosed and treated their patients without the technology present in modern=
    medicine. This curiosity was supported by what she learned about herself t= hrough the study of astrology. As a Western physician who has followed the = tenets of astrology in her life, she believes that the practice of astrolog=
    y can function as an adjunct method to study many aspects of life, includin=
    g the tendencies for certain disease processes. Alicia currently works as a=
    medical consultant.


    The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
    s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
    reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

    The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
    for free on the Midwest Book Review website at www (dot) midwestbookreview=
    (dot) com

    Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review
    278 Orchard Drive
    Oregon, WI 53575-1129

    To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
    , and list price).

    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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