• September 2023 MBR The Egyptology Shelf

    From Midwest Book Review@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Sep 2 23:48:25 2023
    The Egyptology Shelf

    The Oldest Book in the World
    Bill Manley
    Thames & Hudson, Inc.
    500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110-0017
    9780500252321, $39.95, HC, 272pp


    Synopsis: With the publication of "The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy=
    in the Age of the Pyramids", archaeologist and Egyptologist Bill Manley of= fers a new translation of a philosophical and practical advice classic of t=
    he ancient world, 'The Teaching of Ptahhatp', written in Egypt four thousan=
    d years ago and still relevant for modern readers today.

    Bill Manley renders into approachable modern English for the first time the=
    oldest surviving statement of philosophy from the ancient world: the thirt= y-seven teachings and twelve conclusions of The Teaching of Ptahhatp, -- wh=
    o was the vizier, or chief minister, to the Old Kingdom pharaoh Izezi (2390= -2350 BCE). Manley's expert commentary elucidates Ptahhatp's profound yet p= ractical philosophy, which covers such topics as ambition, fame, confrontat= ion, sex, and wisdom, and offers a unique window onto ancient Egyptian life=
    and society.

    The Teaching of Ptahhatp ought to begin the list of the world's classics of=
    philosophy, yet it has been largely forgotten since its rediscovery in the=
    nineteenth century. Manley's new translation corrects this oversight, maki=
    ng accessible for the first time the Old Kingdom vizier Ptahhatp's concise,=
    helpful insights into the human condition.

    New translations of two further texts ('The Dialogue Between a Man and His = Soul', in which a man asks himself, "What is the point of living?," and 'Wh=
    y Things Happen', the oldest surviving account of creation from anywhere in=
    the world), demonstrate how Ptahhatp's philosophy was founded in ancient E= gyptian beliefs about truth and reality.

    Manley also introduces the vizier and the world within which he operated, a=
    s well as the significance of the "oldest book of the world," preserved in =
    a scroll now known as the Papyrus Prisse in the Bibliotheque Nationale de F= rance. Together these works by Ptahhatp provide a new perspective on the Py= ramid Age and overturn traditional stereotypes about the origins of Western=

    Critique: Enhanced for the reader with 74 B/W and 25 full color illustratio= ns, an eight page Bibliography, eight pages of Notes, and an eight page Ind= ex, "The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy in the Age of the Pyramids" i=
    s an extraordinary and exemplary work of seminal scholarship and a core add= ition to personal, professional, community, college, and university library=
    Egyptology collections and supplemental History of Philosophy curriculum s= tudies lists.

    Editorial Note: Bill Manley (https://learnforpleasure.com/tutors/bill-manle=
    y) has been working with archaeological projects in Egypt for three decades=
    .. He taught the ancient Egyptian and Coptic languages for more than thirty = years at the Universities of London, Glasgow, and Liverpool, and was senior=
    curator for ancient Egypt at National Museums Scotland. His books include = Egyptian Art in the World of Art series and Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Comple=
    te Beginners.


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    278 Orchard Drive
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    James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
    Midwest Book Review

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