The Interior Design Shelf
How to Redecorate, second edition
Joa Studholme, author
Charlotte Cosby, author
Farrow & Ball, author
Mitchell Beazley
c/o Octopus Books
236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
9781784728991, $44.99, HC, 268pp
Synopsis: Now in an updated and expanded second edition, "How to Redecorate=
: Transform Your Home with Paint & Paper" by co-authors Joa Studholme and C= harlotte Cosby (as well as the firm of Farrow & Ball) brings the invaluable=
advice from the first edition right up to date in line with current trends=
, including catering for the home-working age. This new addition of "How to=
Redecorate" reflects the seismic shift in the way we decorate our homes th=
at has taken place over the last decade, showcasing a wide range of living = spaces, featuring everything from compact city apartments to roomier countr=
y residences.
Packed from cover to cover with stylish and easy-to-follow decorating advic=
e, "How to Redecorate" answers common questions, including which white to u=
se with which color, how to select a neutral group and what exactly are the=
three different ways to decorate? Accompanied by a wealth of inspirational=
new images, the book also features an expanded section on color names and = inspirations, as well as guidance on how to create a beautiful working spac=
e within the home.
With more than 80% new material, this new edition of "How to Redecorate" ta= kes decorating to a whole new level, demystifying the process with ease and=
equipping you to transform your home.
Critique: Formally titled "Farrow & Ball: How to Decorate" (October 2020), = this new and impressively expanded/updated edition of "How to Redecorate" i=
s an ideal instructional guide, how-to manual, and inspirational resource f=
or home owners and professional interior designers wanting to update and im= prove the appearance and style of a home. Profusely illustrated throughout = with full color photography, "How to Redecorate" is exceptionally well writ= ten, impressively organized, and thoroughly 'user friendly' in presentation=
.. While strongly recommended for personal, professional, community, and aca= demic library Interior Design collections, it should be noted that the larg=
e format hard cover edition of "How to Redecorate" is also available in a d= igital book format (Kindle, $20.99).
Editorial Note #1: Joa Studholme Having joined Farrow & Ball more than 25 y= ears ago, Joa Studholme has amassed a vast wealth of experience. From devel= oping new colors to consulting on design projects, Joa works with the paint=
s and papers every day on both residential and commercial projects and choo= ses colors for more than 4,500 rooms a year. ( n-us/colour-consultancy/meet-joa-studholme)
Editorial Note #2: Charlotte Cosby is the head of creative and has been wor= king with Farrow & Ball for the past sixteen years. Charlotte began her car= eer in finance, but she soon realized that her heart was in the creative wo= rld and she moved to Farrow & Ball in 2006. She has full responsibility for=
creative direction, including product development, brand identity, photogr= aphy, showroom design and much more.
Editorial Note #3: Paint pioneers John Farrow and Richard Ball founded thei=
r company in 1946. They met while working at a local clay pit and later wen=
t on to build their first factory in Dorset, southern England, where the co= mpany is still based. Farrow & Ball is now one of the world's leading home = decorating brands, manufacturing decorative paint and wallpaper that transf= orm homes around the globe. Farrow & Ball (
s) distributes its paints and papers to 70 countries worldwide, and there a=
re more than 50 Farrow & Ball showrooms in the UK, Europe and North America=
, as well as over 1,500 independent retailers who support the brand.
Uncommon Kitchens
Sophie Donelson
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
9781419762314, $40.00, HC, 256pp 1419762311
Synopsis: The past few years (especially having been house-bound during the=
Covid years) have made us all want to rethink our living spaces, particula= rly our kitchens. Our inner voices are saying, "You spend a lot of time in = this room. Shouldn't it feel more like you?"
Now at least your kitchen can.
With the publication of "Uncommon Kitchens: A Revolutionary Approach to the=
Most Popular Room in the House", interior designer and former editor in ch= ief of House Beautiful, Sophie Donelson, revolutionizes traditional kitchen=
design with a bevy of inventive ideas for makeovers both large and small.
The kitchen is designed unlike any other room in the house, but that doesn'=
t mean you have to be hemmed in by tradition. Donelson takes a rule-breakin=
g approach, mixing and layering styles, colors, furnishings, and layouts to=
make even well-trodden kitchens vividly fresh. Drawing on advice and up-to= -the-minute projects from designers such as Frances Merrill, Jaqui Seerman,=
Victoria Sass, and many more, each personality-filled chapter is packed wi=
th liberating designs that will change your thinking about the tried-and-tr=
ue kitchen.
Learn from the DIY community, Instagrammers, and design experts like Nate M= cBride, Justina Blakeney, and Athena Calderone. Be inspired by innovators s= uch as MK Quinlan and James Coviello. Packed from cover to cover with indis= pensable tips to help you revolutionize your kitchen, "Uncommon Kitchens" i=
s an ideal browsers' compendium of imaginative new spaces that will make yo=
u a quick Kitchen remodeling DIY expert in your own right.
Critique: Beautifully illustrated throughout with inspiring full color phot= ography, "Uncommon Kitchens: A Revolutionary Approach to the Most Popular R= oom in the House" is as informative and inspiring as it is impressively 're= ader friendly' in commentary, organization, and presentation. This large fo= rmat (8.3 x 1.2 x 10.25 inches, 2.75 pounds) hardcover edition is a highly = recommended and solid pick for personal, professional, community, college, = and university library Interior Design & Home Decoration collections. It sh= ould be noted that "Uncommon Kitchens" is also available in a digital book = format (Kindle, $16.99).
Editorial Note: Sophie Donelson ( served as editor in ch= ief of House Beautiful and is currently a marketing strategist and sought-a= fter consultant. Donelson is a favorite (and repeat) speaker for the annual=
Future of Home Conference, and is an advisor to high-profile brands such a=
s Curbed, VRBO, Business of Home, and Mitchell Gold. She makes regular gues=
t appearances as a design expert on Good Morning America, Today,and Open Ho= use.
The Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promo= ting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. We accept no fund=
s from authors or publishers. Full permission is given to post any of these=
reviews on thematically appropriate websites, newsgroups, listserves, inte= rnet discussion groups, organizational newsletters, or to interested indivi= duals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.
The Midwest Book Review publishes the monthly book review magazines "Califo= rnia Bookwatch", "Internet Bookwatch", "Children's Bookwatch", "MBR Bookwat= ch", "Reviewer's Bookwatch", and "Small Press Bookwatch". All are available=
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Anyone wanting to submit books for review consideration can send them to:
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
To submit reviews of any fiction or non-fiction books, email them to Frugal= muse (at) aol (dot) com (Be sure to include the book title, author, publish= er, publisher address, publisher website/phone number, 13-digit ISBN number=
, and list price).
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
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