• Re: Taslbar ocpm attacled

    From Paul@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Nov 23 12:41:19 2024
    On Fri, 11/22/2024 11:50 AM, micky wrote:
    Just a matter of curiosity, since this change has had no effect on the operation of the PC

    In my taskbar I had an icon for Radiomaximus. It was basically a white circle, and I've had it there for years. Yesterday it changed to a
    white rectange the size of a piece of 8.5x11 paper with the uppper right corner turned down and a litte circle in the bottom right with a right-pointing black triangle in the middle of that.

    Left-click works and the right-click options are the same.

    There were short power failures last night, but this is a laptop with a
    new fully charged battery.

    I can't directly chang it back because properties is not a right-click
    option on the taskbar. Checking on the desktop, Radiomaximus has no
    such icon. In fact it has oly one icon, the white circle that was in the taskbar until yesterday.

    So where did this interloping icon come from? Is this just the start of
    a bigger problem? Is this the first attack in a general war by
    rectangular icons against roound icons? Is the icon described used by a known enemy force? Is there a Fifth Column in my PC planning to
    overthrow all the current icons and replace them with alien ones?

    Or is the old icon kidnapped and being held for ransom?? Will a demand message come soon?

    Do I need to protect all my other icons? How?

    If not war, how do you think this happened?

    Perhaps this is an "icon cache" problem ?



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