From National News Broadcast Email List@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Apr 14 14:33:27 2023
    Reply-To: nationalnews@wia.org.au

    Weekly news from the WIA:
    MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2023-04-16.mp3 Text edition:

    2023 APRIL 16 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*






    WIA Vice President Lee Moyle VK3GK plus news of upwards of
    6 special event stations from our home soil


    This is WIA Vice President Lee Moyle VK3GK

    Keep an ear out for new Special Event Callsigns over the next several months.

    First off is VK90AR which is for celebrating 90 years of the Wireless
    Institute of Australias official journal, Amateur radio magazine, which celebrates its 90th year anniversary in October later this year. An excellent article on the birth of Amateur Radio magazine can be read in the January
    2023 edition of AR magazine, page 12 written by WIA Historian, Peter
    Wolfenden VK3RV.

    VK100ZL to celebrate the Centenary of the First Tran-Tasman Radio contact between Australia and New Zealand.

    On April 26th this year, it will be 100 years since the first amateur radio contact between New Zealand and Australia was made, between Frank Bell of
    Shag Valley Station, Waihemo in Otago and Charles Maclurcan, 2CM in Sydney. Several significant events illustrate the close ties WIA and NZART have
    between our two societies

    1929 WIA supported NZARTs application to join the IARU
    1938 WIA sponsored NZART President Pete Petrie ZL2OV to a Pre-WARC conference in Sydney

    1968 Tom Clarkson ZL2AZ and Harry Burton ZL2APC attended the Sydney WIA Convention as guests of WIA

    1968 At the subsequent inaugural meeting of the IARU Region 3 Conference organised by WIA, the nomination of Tom Clarkson ZL2AZ as an inaugural
    director was supported by the WIA

    1969 Michael Owen VK3KI attended NZART Conference in Gisborne. The WIA and NZART alternated in attending and contributing to each others conferences
    over the next two decades. The collaboration between our two societies in preparing for and negotiating at the various WARCs and WRCs is also testament to the strong relationship.

    VI2023HRH celebrating the Coronation of His Royal Highness King Charles III

    VI2023HRH will be active from the 1st to the 31st of May 2023 celebrating
    the coronation of King Charles III which will be held on May 6th. Charles III is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms. He was
    the longest-serving heir apparent and Prince of Wales, and at the age of 73, became the oldest person to accede to the British throne, upon the death of
    his mother, Elizabeth II, on 8 September 2022

    To book an operational timeslot, please use the WIA website online booking portal, nominating your WIA affiliated club to register. See www.wia.org.au/ members/onlinelogbook/about/

    There will be a QRZ page and QSL information published shortly.

    News in from Delegate Dale Hughes VK1DSH
    The Second Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM23-2) for WRC-23 is underway in Geneva, Switzerland. CPM23-2 is an important step on work towards WRC-23
    which will be held in Dubai later this year.

    The purpose of CPM23-2 is to refine the texts and regulatory proposals that will be the basis of discussion and decisions at WRC-23.

    There are several WRC-23 Agenda Items of concern to amateurs and the IARU and various national amateur radio societies have delegates present at CPM23-2 to express the view of the amateurs at the meeting.

    Arguably, the main issue for amateurs is agenda item 9.1b which concerns our
    23 cm band.

    The operative part of WRC-19 Resolution 774 states:
    to perform a detailed review of the different systems and applications used
    in the amateur service and amateur-satellite service allocations in the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz;

    taking into account the results of the above review, to study possible technical and operational measures to ensure the protection of RNSS (space-to-Earth) receivers from the amateur and amateur-satellite services in the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz, without considering the removal of these amateur and amateur-satellite service allocations

    The review and studies mentioned above are almost complete and are expected
    to be finalized before WRC-23 and a summary of the studies has been developed and approved by the CPM23-2 meeting for use at WRC-23.

    The results of the studies and the WRC-23 decision will provide national administrations (like the ACMA in Australia) with guidance that will assist them to protect the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS, mainly Galileo
    in Australia) while still allowing reasonable access to the 23 cm band for amateur activities. The measures to protect RNSS receivers are likely to include operation in recommended band segments, emission bandwidth and power limitations. The guidance has been designed to protect the RNSS receivers
    while still permitting typical amateur usage of the band with as little
    change from existing operation as possible.

    Other WRC-23 issues of interest to amateurs are possible new allocations for other services in bands already occupied by the amateur and other services,
    or bands adjacent to amateur bands.

    While the final decisions about any changes to the Radio Regulations will be made at WRC-23, attendance at CPM23-2 is important to because it means that
    our concerns over interference are made known and we can have some input into the documents that will go forward to WRC-23.

    Thats all for this week, for now, 73 From Lee VK3GK ------------------------------------------------------------*
    Radioworld.com and the World Wide sources of the WIA.


    From Germany DA 23 WARD on air until the 18th of April.
    PORTUGAL CQ 7 HS4A will be QRV until the 25th

    DENMARK 5 P 0 WARD also until April 25
    And until the end of April:-



    More information about 2023 World Amateur Radio Day is available at iaru.org/on-the-air/world-amateur-radio-day

    From South Africa comes news of a remarkable achievement


    Paul Smit, ZS6NK and Bernie van der Walt, ZS4TX worked Mali, Angola,
    Guadeloupe and Bonaire to push the total over 200.

    Considering that the first South African DXCC award for contacting
    100 countries on this band was issued only in 1998 and that by 2015
    only four South Africans had reached that mark, it was then almost
    unthinkable that over 200 countries would be worked on this VHF

    During March, equinox propagation and high solar activity allowed
    these four new DXCC entities to appear in South African 50 MHz logs
    for the first time.

    All four contacts were made using the mode WSJT.
    Don't you just LOVE conspiracy theories?

    Hackaday are reporting on a new mystery Russian Short Wave Station.

    UVB-76 or UZB-76, has been a constant companion to anyone with a
    shortwave radio tuned to 4625 kHz. However, seems that there is now
    a second buzzer operating close to the original frequency. Of
    course we ask the question is why?

    The buzzing isnt quite nonstop. There are occasional voice
    messages, but maybe the buzzing is just to keep the frequency clear
    in case it is needed. However, we wonder if it isnt something else.

    Compressed data would sound like this noise. Other theories are
    that the buzzing studies the ionosphere or that it is part of a
    doomsday system that would launch nuclear missiles. Given that the
    signal has broken down numerous times, this doesnt seem likely.

    Whatever the case, is another strange signal to go in the SWL's log.


    For Hybrid Radio, It's NOT all about the bass -
    Its All About the Metadata

    Although there is a major push to ensure AM radio is kept on the
    dashboard of new generation motor vehicles at the just held NAB
    show it was the features of Hybrid Radio enthralling consumers.

    The hybrid radio system most familiar to U.S. drivers is
    DTS AutoStage, which for many is still a new concept. But there
    are other platforms in vehicles.

    Radioworld.com are reporting on how the first hybrid radio platform
    available in the U.S. came from Audi in 2020, and supports enhanced
    station lists and service following, whereby a stations over the
    air signal is replaced by a streaming audio version of the signal as
    the vehicle leaves a stations RF coverage area. Stations make use
    of RadioDNS service information (SI) files to support these

    DTS AutoStage arrived in 2021 in Mercedes S-Class luxury vehicles,
    and in 2022 in a number of Hyundai, Kia and Genesis models. Some BMW
    vehicles also have a limited hybrid functionality, also supported by broadcasters with RadioDNS SI files.

    As a footnote, Ford in the USA have announced they will NOT be
    installing AM in any future vehicles, be they Electric OR
    gas (petroleum) models
    Dayton Hamvention 2023, scheduled for May 19 - 21 and preparations
    are moving forward for the big event.

    Hamvention, which is amateur radio's largest annual convention, is
    held at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Centre in Xenia,

    With nearly 700 volunteers, this year's Hamvention will boast more
    than 500 indoor exhibits and more than 2,500 outdoor exhibits. The
    event showcases the latest in amateur radio equipment, technology,
    and computer software and hardware, along with hard-to-find radio
    and computer accessories and equipment.

    The ARRLs 2023 Field Day will be held June 24 - 25.

    This is the USA's Ham Radio open house.

    Every June, hams throughout North America set up temporary TX
    stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science,
    skill and service to communities and the nation. It combines
    public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and
    technical skills all in a single event.

    Unlike our own Field Day, which Silent Key, and past WIA Secretary
    Jim Linton set up for a few years, this one has been an annual event
    since 1933 and remains the most popular event in US ham radio.

    Last year just a few dozen less than 5,000 entries were submitted
    and there was a total of 29,679 reported participants.


    Jim Meachen Editor of the NZART Audio News Service and like a few us
    here also reports back to Amateur Radio NewsLine joins us.

    Congratulations to the International Telecommunications Union which has
    opened an area office and innovation centre in New Delhi, India. According to
    a report on the OSCAR India channel on YouTube, the ITU's presence in the
    Asia Pacific region is intended to help advance technology and improve innovation in India and across south Asia. The ITU is the specialized agency
    of the United Nations, dealing with information and communications technologies. The ITU's secretary-general, Doreen Bogdan-Martin, KD2JTX, was present at the opening in March.

    This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF



    Youngsters On The Air
    1st round NEXT Saturday 22nd April 0800 1959 UTC


    MAY SIX Saturday Harry Angel Memorial Sprint 106 mts an annual 80m
    contest event, first established in 1999, to commemorate the life of
    Harry Angel VK4HA who at the time of his becoming a Silent Key was
    the oldest licensed amateur in Australia. (106)
    The duration of the contest is 106 minutes one minute for each year
    of Harry's life.

    The Harry Angel Memorial Sprint has been run annually since 1999
    It is usually held on the first Saturday in May each year
    10:00 UTC - 11:46 UTC (wia.org.au)


    MAY 20-21 Don Edwards Memorial Slow Morse Contest
    begins the weekend after Mother's Day.

    80m section Saturday 20th May 6 to 9pm Sydney time.
    40m section afternoon of Sunday 21st of May, 1 to 4
    Sydney time. (vk2wi)

    JUNE 24-25 WINTER VHF-UHF Field Day.

    0100 UTC Saturday 24 to 0059 UTC Sunday 25
    BUT in VK6 add 3 hours onto start and end times. (wia.org.au)

    JUNE Weekend prior to 2nd Monday of June VK SHIRES

    Also make a mental note that the 2023 QRP Day happens June 17

    (sourced to iaru r3)


    IARU HF World Championship Contest takes place the second full
    weekend of July beginning 1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1200 UTC
    Sunday July 8-9 July.

    All licensed amateurs worldwide are eligible to participate in this
    contest as the objective is to contact as many other amateurs as
    possible, especially IARU member society HQ stations around the
    world using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.

    (sourced to iaru r3)

    JULY 15 - Trans Tasman Low Band Contest
    Held on the 3rd weekend in July, aims to encourage
    Low Band activity between VK and ZL
    160 80 and 40M are allowed with SSB, CW and
    Digital (RTTY OR PSK)

    Contest Manager Alan Shannon VK4SN




    The Aussie special calls on air are worth listening for,

    VI 6 CRO is the special event callsign for the Carnarvon Eclipse
    event April 17th to 23rd.

    VI 2023 HRH 1st to the 31st of May celebrates the coronation of
    King Charles III

    VI 10 VKFF running all of 2023 celebrates the 10 year anniversary
    of the VKFF group.

    VI 100 MB celebrates the centenary year of the Manly-Warringah
    Radio Society

    VK 90 AR for the 90 years of the WIAs journal, Amateur Radio
    Magazine. Until December 31.

    VK 100 ZL celebrates the Centenary of the First Tran-Tasman Radio
    contact between Australia and New Zealand. Until December 31


    With Easter just last weekend, it's worth listening out for

    CE 0 YHF is QRV from Isla de Pascua for the rest of the month mostly
    on 12, 10, and 6 meters with QRP power using CW, FT8, and FT4.

    QSL via CE 0 YHF's instructions.

    Listen for the special event callsign A 60 AP, which is on the air
    until the 31st of August.

    The suffix stands for the Emirates "Astronaut Program," which
    prepares crews of UAE astronauts for missions that include the
    International Space Station. QSL via EA7FTR.



    VU 2 CUW is a member of the 42nd Indian Scientific Expedition to
    Antarctica, based at Maitri [MY-A-TREE] Station, AN-016, until

    In his spare time, he will be active as AT 42 I

    QSL via VU2CRS.


    JUST REPEATING - yes it's a bit of repeater news to wrap up
    my segment this week.

    The 146.9 VK2RKG repeater at Bathurst is back on air at its new
    location and is intended as a fill-in repeater, to cover the holes
    in the Bathurst township that VK2RCW doesnt see due to a big hill
    in the way.

    VK2RKG is on 146.9MHz with the stock standard negative 600kHz offset
    and no tone required for access.

    It is experimentally linked to VK2RCW at Gowan.

    (vk2wi news)




    Scientists have found the source of a mysterious radio signal from
    the sun that sounds curiously like a heartbeat. Kent Peterson KCDGY
    from Amateur Radio NewsLine takes the pulse of this remarkable

    When a recent C-class solar flare more than 5,000 kilometres above the sun
    sent out a radio signal in a heartbeat-like pattern, scientists began work to unlock the reason behind it. The international team went in search of the origin of this pattern, known as a quasi-periodic pulsation, or QPP.

    Studying observations captured in 2017 by a radio telescope in California
    that detects microwave frequencies, the researchers began studying a heartbeat-like pattern that repeated every 10 to 20 seconds. Then they unearthed something unexpected: a secondary signal, which was weaker and
    could be discerned every 30 to 60 seconds.

    According to their recently published study, they have been able to determine that the so-called heartbeats are triggered by disruptions known as "magnetic islands" which form in sheets of rapidly moving plasma from the sun.

    At the heart of the matter is what this research may ultimately reveal:
    Writing in the journal Nature Communications, one researcher said the answer was key to a fuller understanding of the scope of the damage that solar
    storms can do when their energy is released.

    This is Kent Peterson KCDGY. ------------------------------------------------------------*
    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org

    NASA Names Three Hams for Artemis II Moon Mission Crew

    NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) announced the four
    astronauts who will venture around the moon on Artemis II.

    Commander Reid Wiseman KF 5 LKT

    Pilot Victor Glover KI 5 BKC

    Mission Specialist 1 Christina Hammock Koch

    Mission Specialist 2 Jeremy Hansen KF 5 LKU.
    The 10 day Artemis II mission is scheduled to launch November 2024.

    The combination of Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and NASAs
    Kennedy Space Centre hosted 57 launches in 2022, more than any other
    launch range in the world.

    For now, the level of launch activity at the Cape is manageable.
    But, warning signs are emerging. One is that the Cape is effectively
    full and the infrastructure to support those launch sites, such as
    power, commodities and roads, is aging.

    Launch company Virgin Orbit filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy April 4,
    having failed to achieve financial orbit after burning through more
    than $1 billion, so, there will be no more satellite launch plans
    for Virgin Orbit and Amateur Radio NewsLines Neil Rapp WB9VPG is
    here with more.

    Virgin Orbit has shut the doors of its satellite-launch operations,
    laying off 675 workers after six years in business. The company said
    in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission that its
    inability to secure sufficient funds has made it unable to continue

    Created as a subsidiary of Virgin Galactic, Virgin Orbit's mission
    was to launch CubeSats into low earth orbit from beneath a
    commercial airliner that had been modified to accommodate its
    proprietary satellite launch system. The company did not have a
    history of great success with the system, known as LauncherOne.

    Virgin Orbit's most recent failure was its attempt to launch a
    rocket from Cornwall in the UK. The company CEO later said that
    the problem may have been caused by a $100 part that may have
    become dislodged in the second-stage engine. The launch had been a much-anticipated event for Spaceport Cornwall, which has been
    competing for the UK to enter the global space market by becoming a
    home to satellite launches.

    This is Neil Rapp WB9VPG.

    Longwave 252

    In Ireland the 252 kHz signal which carries the RTE Radio 1 program
    to listeners across the UK and other parts of Europe that cannot
    access an FM service will end next Friday the 14th of April.

    The broadcaster claims the decision to take a core service to the
    public off air is based on the need to reduce their electricity
    bill, citing the climate crisis, public expenditure efficiency, and
    the need to reduce the burden on the national grid.

    The phasing out and closure of the Long Wave service was one of the recommendations of the "Future of Media Commission" report which was
    published by the Government in July 2022, but not after spending
    significant amounts of money for an overhaul of the antenna system
    in 2019.

    The Algerian broadcasters who recently increased their output power
    on 252 kHz will no doubt be delighted to finally get rid of the
    co-channel interference by the already diminished signal from


    (Youngsters On The Air)

    Joining us on the "young parade" is Kathryn Bella Floyd who has
    received her USA ham radio license at the age of 10 years old and
    will soon receive a plaque as well for being the youngest person to
    obtain a license because of right now, it appears she is the
    youngest person to pass the general exam in the State of Tennessee.

    Bella managed to pass both the technician and general tests during
    the same day.

    Bellas grandmother Laura Floyd said in a news article in the dailypostathenian.com A year ago, Bellas father decided to get his
    license and he invited us. We went to the classes and spoke to Bella
    about doing this in the future and she was interested, Laura

    Well done Bella & welcome to "The Wonderful World Of Amateur Radio".



    Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
    3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
    Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

    Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz
    AuxComm...It's not just a hobby, it's a commitment...

    Both the person (Auxiliary Communicator) and the Incident Command
    System (ICS) position are used to provide auxiliary communications.

    Trained Auxiliary Communicators are a valuable communications
    resource tool that can be used by local, county, regional, tribal or
    state agencies/organizations within the USA.

    Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) is an all-inclusive term used to
    describe the many organizations that provide various types of
    communications support to emergency management, public safety, and
    other government agencies or describes the services themselves. This
    includes, but is not limited to amateur radio, military radio,
    CB, etc.

    There is a weekly AuxComm USA Net every Thursday at 2000 Central
    Time. Monthly net reports are sent to both Cybersecurity and
    Infrastructure Security Agency and the Federal Emergency Management

    (arnewsline / auxcommusa.org )


    2023 Social Scene

    Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

    VK3 - APRIL 21 in BENDIGO

    Hi, I'm Graeme VK3GRK and Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics Club
    invites you to our April meeting -
    'Presents fall from the sky - daily'.

    Twice a day, the Bureau of Meteorology launch a radiosonde from the
    Melbourne airport, comprising of a balloon with an instrument
    package. Most of these measure temperature and humidity. Some
    measure air pressure. The occasional one measures ozone
    concentration as well. All carry a GPS receiver, a 400MHz FSK 60 mW
    transmitter and a microprocessor. These sondes can be reprogrammed
    to transmit in the 432MHz amateur band, and they can be used for
    APRS tracking or as beacons for fox hunting.

    Most sondes drift eastward after launch, reaching an altitude of
    20+ Km and travelling up to 250km. Several times a year they head
    towards Bendigo.

    It's fun to try to recover them, a bit like a fox-hunt with a
    "valuable" prize to take home.

    BAREC member, Phil VK3BHR, will provide an interesting presentation
    on the subject, with a demonstration of the receiving and antenna
    equipment used to track these devices.

    So it's up up and away at 7.30 pm, Friday April 21st at BAREC
    Headquarters, Bendigo East Hall, 35 Lansell St. A gold coin
    donation would be appreciated, and a light supper will be provided.

    The presentation will be live streamed and available for later
    viewing on the BAREC YouTube channel.
    VK5 - South Coast Amateur Radio Clubl Buy & Sell 23rd April 11.30 am
    venue not notified but contact secretary@scarc.org.au
    for further details. (vk5one)
    VK3 - MOORABBIN HAMFEST - May 6 (vk3gl)
    VK - WIA AGM May 13 at 10:30am AEST proposed for Canberra (vk8zz)
    A hybrid event conducted both in person and by video
    conference and able to be viewed on an internet streaming
    VK2 - OXLEY REGION 47th Annual Field Day at Wauchope
    10th and 11th of June (vk2zhe)
    VK4 - SUNFEST SEPTEMBER 9 (vk4an)
    At Mountain Creek State Schools massive air conditioned
    auditorium, just off the Sunshine Motor Way. Mountain Creek
    is tucked in to the west of Mooloolaba
    VK - ALARAMeet2023 4/5 November in HOBART (luther8@bigpond.com)

    This is Linda VK7QP with news of ALARAmeet 2023.

    Registrations are now open!

    ALARAmeet 2023 is being held in Hobart from 3rd to 6th
    November. Registrations forms are included in the ALARA
    newsletter for April, and are also available on the ALARA
    website ALARA.org.au

    Details of the program are on the website. It should be a
    great weekend. There is also information about some things you
    can do before the weekend, and bring with you to make it

    Any queries about ALARAmeet 2023 please email me on

    Looking forward to welcoming you to Hobart. Linda VK7QP
    on behalf of the ALARAmeet 2023 planning group.
    VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Radio & Electronics Sale
    November 26 (vk5qi)

    Reception Reports

    WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a
    welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs
    straight after the Local News. Local news follows National
    news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would
    email their reception reports and location to
    Submitting news items

    If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion
    in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or
    posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution.

    To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au
    and send BOTH the audio and the text

    We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in
    length as we only have a half hour.

    Remember the sooner you submit material the more the
    likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of
    WIA National News.

    Each recorded item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple
    of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your
    event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your
    item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are
    reading your own item). If you are mentioning your own name / call
    in the story, say something like "and myself, Pat, vk11abc"

    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/

    A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't
    plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the
    WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition
    "no worries."

    We will not give blatant 'plugs' to raffles, be it raffles
    at the event or "on-line".


    Oh... and to contact us with your news because
    If It Matters To You It Matters To Us!
    Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
    National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

    WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

    BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX

    wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
    to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------*

    WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

    TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA

    Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
    prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

    Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
    you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
    knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

    Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
    utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
    Who and where are they?
    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
    The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
    interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
    in Australia and the globe.

    We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
    Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
    Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
    submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
    rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
    done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

    If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
    broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
    News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
    to callbacks@wia.org.au
    How do I join this National News List?
    (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
    Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au
    from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
    How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
    weekly feed)
    Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
    to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
    unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au
    You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the
    instructions given in that mail to complete the

    Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
    probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
    from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


    Vk1wia-news mailing list
    Vk1wia-news@lists.wia.org.au http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Wireless Institute of Australia (3:633/280.2@fidonet)