From National News Broadcast Email List@3:633/280.2 to All on Sat Nov 11 02:39:36 2023
    Reply-To: nationalnews@wia.org.au

    Weekly news from the WIA:
    MP3 edition of news available at: http://www.wia-files.com/podcast/wianews-2023-11-12.mp3 Text edition:

    2023 NOVEMBER 12 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------*











    Hello, this is WIA Director Steven Green VK2TSG, with a brief
    discussion of preparedness.

    In Australia, it is well known when Bushfire season begins,
    particularly, this is felt in rural areas and on the outskirts of
    our major towns and cities. Some seasons are worse than others, and
    it is known that if we have a number of years without a widespread
    problem, the fuel on the ground will have built up and increases the possibility of another catastrophic event.

    Backburning is often used to reduce leaf litter and other debris, but
    often does not cover as much area as needed. Bushfires cant be
    eradicated completely in a practical sense, and if we were able to do
    this, it would harm the environment here downunder; this is because
    many native trees, shrubs, and other life, use fire as a trigger for
    seeding and regeneration.

    Prior to the arrival of the first-fleet and a number of years after,
    many native peoples would set fires to help regenerate areas when

    Today, we need to take precautions and prepare, enabling us to
    preserve life and limb, buildings and infrastructure, and so forth.
    So, in the hotter months, we must ask ourselves Are we ready?.
    In-short, and for most of us, I would say no, and that is a
    worrying thought.

    In New South Wales the Rural Fire Service have been promoting their
    updated Fire rating systems and signage, as well as locally running
    programmes to explain to households how to become prepared. No doubt,
    the Country Fire Authority in Victoria, and the Bushfire services in
    other states are doing the similar.

    As Radio Amateurs, we too must be ready. Although we should do this
    for our own homes, we should also be Radio-Ready. Often, we
    promote our ability to get messages through when the normal
    infrastructure is down, but would we be able to do this if called
    upon as you read this?

    Are your handheld or other batteries charged?

    Do you know where everything is if you had to load it into the car in
    the next 10 minutes?

    Is it all in working order?

    Would you have enough supplies to last a 24-hour period without your
    home, the local supermarket, service station, or fast-food restaurant
    to stop at?

    A year or two ago, I was invited to give a talk on Amateur Radio to
    an Australian Preppers group, if you have not heard Prepping is
    the act of preparing for major outages or problems during natural
    disasters, civil unrest , or and any other interruptions to society
    and the availability of goods, services, and normal infrastructure.
    It includes any topic considered off-grid, these can be food
    preservation and storage, alternate power sources, the caching of
    resources, equipment, tools, and information that would allow you to
    survive for a moderate to long period of time without support.

    Prepping groups are quite popular in the United States with Amateur
    Radio being seen as an effective backup to communications if the
    internet and phone services were to be lost. The Australian Prepping
    community has not yet taken this step, and in my talk, I detailed how
    easy it is to start in Amateur Radio and how it can be applied in
    these circumstances.

    Many of us came to Amateur Radio due to the technical aspects,
    others due to the ability to communicate, others come due to how it
    can be used to enhance other hobbies such as Four-Wheel driving,
    outback or marine travel, scientific experimentation, and many
    others. Prepping is an area that we have yet to engage and could
    also learn from.

    There are already many online videos, websites, books, and articles
    on emergency preparedness so I will not go into detail here,

    Additional information (unspoken)

    Here are some basic first steps to consider..
    Ensure that the batteries on your handheld and other devices are
    charged at all times.

    Collect together all the items you may need to keep your radio/s
    running such as cables, chargers, etc. and keep them in the same

    Test your equipment to ensure that it is in good working order.

    Collect a list of frequencies that may be of use in an event or
    emergency locally. This includes common simplex frequencies as
    many repeaters are unlikely to have battery power lasting more
    than 24 hours. Have a number of them stored in your radio where

    Get a small bag together ( a go-Bag ) with a change of clothing,
    medications you would need over 24 to 48hrs if deployed or
    evacuated, along with any other essential items, such as a torch
    and a broadcast receiver.

    Read up on your local Fire Service guides on how to prepare your
    home, family, and vehicle for a bushfire emergency, and encourage
    your neighbours, friends, and family to do the same. Also,
    look for Amateur Radio information on preparing for emergencies.

    Perhaps standardise some of your connectors with Anderson
    PowerPoles and carry some RF adapters to increase standardisation
    and interoperability with the equipment of others.

    Later, consider moving some of your equipment into a Go-Box
    arrangement, that is, a station in a box. Here, it can be all
    be setup and ready to go with just a power source and an antenna
    added, there are many examples online to look at.

    Ensure that you have a First-Aid kit and perhaps bottled water
    on-hand in-case its needed.

    //////////////////////////////////End additional information
    Amateur Radio is a hobby to many, but emergencies are one of the
    circumstances that shows how it is much more than that. Make
    yourself Radio-Ready, it may ensure your safety or that of your
    neighbours, town, or beyond. Amateurs are often community minded,
    and many are members of local BushFire brigades, perhaps invite them
    or their team to your club to discuss Fire preparedness or even join
    WICEN in your State to learn more.

    Steven Paul Green EN, VK2TSG
    National Director & Board Member
    The Wireless Institute of Australia, founded in 1910
    Gidday! this is David, VK4DN from the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club.

    WIA Convention is happening in Bundaberg on May 4th and 5th next
    year and we would love it if you could attend!

    This is by far the #1 event in the calendar year for Amateur Radio
    in Australia! Its being held at the new State-of-the-Art Multiplex
    convention center and it promises to be an amazing weekend - full of interesting activities!

    We have the 2024 WIA Conference and AGM:
    Interesting discussions about the future of Amateur radio in
    Australia / Election of the WIA Board / Award presentations.
    The annual WIA Gala Dinner: Enjoy a tasty buffet meal and take some
    time to meet with other amateurs from all over Australia.

    Guest Speakers:
    Two days of interesting talks about the many different aspects of
    our hobby. A commercial EXPO over the weekend where you can discover cutting-edge offerings from industry-leading companies in Australia
    with great equipment for sale and lots of Show Specials.

    Bundaberg Hamfest 2.0:
    Buy and sell new and used radio and electronic equipment.

    BARC Open Day:
    Where you can immerse yourself with hands-on demonstrations featuring state-of-the-art radio equipment such as computer controlled
    satellite tracking systems and software as well as vintage radio
    equipment on display.

    We have also scheduled a contact with the International Space
    Station!: Communications with an astronaut on the ISS, involving
    students from the Bundaberg State High School. We will have Soldering
    Workshops for the kids with interesting kits the youngsters can build
    and take home! Lots of great giveaways and raffle prizes over the

    If youre planning to attend, make sure you book your accommodation
    soon. Bundaberg is an RV-Friendly Town and there are camping areas
    available if you are coming with your motorhome or caravan.

    If you are flying into Bundaberg , mini bus shuttles will meet you at
    the airport and take you to your accommodation and to and from the

    Mark the date in your calendar! May 4th and 5th 2024

    We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024 Bundaberg WIA National

    73 this is VK4DN from the Bundaberg Amateur Radio Club. ------------------------------------------------------------*
    Radioworld.com Hackaday and the World Wide sources of the WIA.

    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will hold its
    2023 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) November 20 -
    December 15 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    The ITU is the United Nations' specialized agency for information
    and communication technologies. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the
    ITU includes 193 member states and several hundred Sector members
    and associates.

    WRC conferences are held every three to four years to review and
    revise, if necessary, the ITU Radio Regulations, which is the
    international treaty governing use of the radio frequency spectrum
    and geostationary satellite and non-geostationary satellite orbits.

    To learn more about the agenda for WRC-23, visit
    WRC-23 Agenda items - WRC-23 (itu.int).


    Earlier this year, the U.S. Coast Guard received numerous harassing
    radio transmissions. Falsely crying mayday and letting loose racial
    and homophobic slurs, the caller caused military personnel to
    search the Saginaw Ba, a bay within Lake Huron located on the
    eastern side of the U.S. state of Michigan.

    Months after a voice analysis implicated him, an amateur radio
    operator from Huron County is facing federal charges for the
    ill-advised hoax.

    According to an affidavit, a special agent with the U.S. Coast Guard
    was assigned to investigate two incidents of false distress
    transmissions made via marine radio VHF Channel 16. Investigators
    believed the transmissions were made by the same person.

    Authorities went to the home of a 40 year old, a Ham, which they had
    tracked to Sebewaing, in the 300 block of 10th Street.

    Read more
    FCC Eyes New Approach to Wireless Alerts

    The lifesaving communication known as the wireless emergency alert
    system in the US, let down residents in the Hawaii fires recently and
    so the FCC has begun rethinking exactly how these alerts should be
    transmitted not to rely solely on the Cellphone system.

    Colin Butler, writing in the ICQ podcast tells how the FCC is looking
    for alternative ways for delivery of wireless emergency alerts that
    do not rely on functioning cell towers. Calling cell networks
    unreliable, the commission's Public Safety and Homeland Security
    Bureau is seeking ways to get messages to the public that do not run
    the risk of cell towers being knocked out of service or having
    coverage dead zones.

    In a public notice, the FCC said it was looking for partners to test alternative technologies for emergency-alert use.

    According to a report in Radio World, the FCC is willing to consider satellites, high-altitude balloons, drones or similar technology to
    make up for gaps in wireless coverage. The FCC recalled one of the
    most recent incidents of cell coverage failing when in August,
    21 cell sites failed to function in Hawaii during the deadly
    wildfires in that state.
    ARRL DX Log Archive.

    This was founded by JA1BK, created, thanks to an endowment
    established by Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK, to obtain, preserve, and
    utilize paper logs from rare and significant DXpeditions. Paper logs
    of prominent DXpeditions or logs from stations and operators active
    from more rare locations from the 1950s through the 1980s, are the
    main items which are being saved from the waste bin and archived at
    ARRL HQ.

    The archive includes pre-1950 paper logs as well as those from
    interesting operations, other documents from DXpeditions, and
    logs kept by long-time residents of rare entities.

    Logs which are now part of the Archive are indexed online and are
    being digitized and uploaded into Logbook of the World (LoTW).



    Special event station AU2JC will be paying homage to Indian scientist
    Jagadish Chandra Bose, this coming November 23 through December 11.

    Considered by some as the "Father of Wireless Communication," Bose
    was both a pioneer in microwave optics, and demonstrated wireless
    communication as early as 1895.

    VU2DSI is operating with this call, AU2JC, and if you kinda recognise
    the call, the same operator has 'fired it up' every year since 2005
    sign for the last 18 years since 2005.

    As our Aussie Bushfire Storm season rapidly approaches we see that
    TELSTRA are getting in early with forward planning

    Telstra say their payphones are vital for local community members
    wanting to make a call or get online, so over the next two years
    they're working to upgrade 1,000 payphones in disaster-prone areas
    with more capabilities you might need in a disaster.

    Capabilities such as USB charging for your devices and free Wi-Fi
    connectivity, and back-up power to these payphones so they're more
    helpful. BUT - keep note of where your nearest payphone is in case
    of an emergency, they are not on every street corner as they were
    till the 80's. -------------------------------------------------------------------*

    VHF-UHF Spring Field Day.
    25 - 26 November.
    0100 UTC Saturday to 0059 UTC Sunday BUT to make it a
    little fairer in VK6, they add 3 hours onto start and
    end times.
    75th CQ World Wide DX Contest's CW leg is November
    25-26 on the 160 to 10m contest bands, exchange is
    signal report and your CQ Zone.

    Ross Hull Memorial Contest.

    Running on VHF and above for the month of January.
    You nominate the best 7 day or 2 day period per category.

    For more information visit the contest page at wia.org.au/members/contests/rosshull/


    DX WINDOW --------------

    VK 90 AR for Amateur Radio Magazine.

    This is Roger Harrison VK2ZRH, Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio

    Again. That chance in a lifetime is still waiting.

    Sign up to use VK90AR, the special event call sign celebrating
    90 years of continuous publication of Amateur Radio magazine and
    have that experience yourself.

    Amateur Radio magazine was first published in October 1933. Featuring
    a bright, bold-red cover, that 24-page issue was priced at sixpence,
    which would buy you two ice cream cones in 1933! And about that
    todays 68-page magazine cover price still buys you two ice cream
    cones! Well it did the last time a bought some in Surfers

    The WIA President in 1933, George Thompson VK3TH, said that the new
    magazine satisfied a long-felt want Amazingly, that want has never

    Signing up to use VK90AR is a simple process. Just apply on the WIA
    website Online Event Calendar, where you can book a roster to suit
    yourself. If you already know where the Online Event Calendar is,
    jump to it. Or, go to the website address in the text version of this broadcast. Its also in a news item featured on the WIA website home


    To borrow from old Will Shakespeare himself
    once more unto the DX bands, dear friends!

    Dont delay. VK90AR expires on 31 December 2023.

    And listeners if you hear VK90AR on AM on 40 metres, give our
    operator a shout! Get to it. Im Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for
    VK1WIA National News.


    ZL7A is up on air till November 22 on 160 to 6 meters using SSB, CW,
    FT8, and FT4 with three stations.
    QSL via LoTW.


    Kazu, M0CFW (JK3GAD) will again be active from Rodrigues island as
    3B9KW during the CQWW CW contest (November 25-26).

    Activity before/after contest (November 19 to December 1) as

    QSL via LoTW.


    Special event station DU 37 EUDXF is on air until November 30
    celebrating 37 years of the European DX Foundation.
    QSL via operators' instructions.


    HB 8 DELOY is the special callsign for members of the Swiss Air Force
    Museum's Radio Club commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first transatlantic amateur two-way contact between Leon Deloy, F8AB and
    Fred Schnell, 1MO which took place on 28 November 1923.

    Look for activity until 31st December.
    QSL via HB9ACA (bureau preferred).

    (SARL HF update)



    BM 0 QSO until December 31, using mostly digital modes.QSL via BM 2 JCC.


    NASA has 'launched' ( pardon the pun ) a new app to make it easier
    than ever to spot the International Space Station in the night sky.

    NASA has long operated the "Spot the Station" website, but its new
    app, available on for both iPhone and Android, brings augmented
    reality features and a handy interface to learn more about our
    orbiting laboratory.

    Find the app at the Apple App Store or at Google Play.

    ( ANS-309 AMSAT News )
    SatDump, that popular piece of software used to decode imagery from
    weather satellites such as NOAA-18 and others, has gained significant
    updates to the way it processes and projects received images on maps.

    Imagery projections are now much more accurate as a result of recent
    code refactors. A detailed deep-dive into the changes have been
    published, obviously check out the link when you read the text
    editions of this, the WIA National News Service.

    Of course SatDump is available for all major platforms.


    AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org

    EIRSAT-1 is expected to launch on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket from
    Vandenberg Air Force Base, USA, on November 29. It will have a
    downlink on the IARU coordinated frequency of 437.100 MHz.

    EIRSAT-1 has been built by students from University College Dublin
    under the framework of ESA Academys Fly Your Satellite! programme,
    a fully hands-on initiative supporting university student teams in
    the development of their own satellites.

    The project began in 2017.


    After more than 15 years in orbit, Delfi-C3's mission is about to
    come to an end. The prediction is that re-entry will take place
    around November 16th

    Delfi-C3 is a CubeSat satellite, again constructed by students, this
    time from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

    Wouter Weggelaar, PA3WEG, says, "We would like to request all
    amateur radio operators / SWL's / satellite enthusiasts worldwide
    to listen for Delfi-C3's telemetry downlink on 145.867 MHz, 1200 baud
    AX.25 BPSK. We will hand out an award certificate to the person
    submitting the last Delfi-C3 telemetry frame." This can be done
    either through the RASCAL software, through the SATNOGS network or
    by sending decoded telemetry frames with reception time and location

    email to Delfi_at_tudelft.nl

    ( ANS-309 AMSAT News )

    Recordings of military transmissions can be found on the
    Signal Identification Guide Wiki at
    Remembrance Day (Veterans Day in USA) 2023 Special Events:

    Special event stations will offer many opportunities for we amateur
    radio operators to honour Veterans and make contacts Nov 11.

    K 1 USN Radio Club is on the air showing their appreciation for
    those who have served in the military.
    K1USN is on the HF bands on SSB, CW, and FT8, and K1USN QSL cards
    will be available for all who contact the station.

    The American Legion Post 111 Amateur Radio Club, KA 4 TAL, in
    South Carolina is also operating and on 14.255, 7.264, 14.275, and
    7.185 MHz.

    On the same day, the Liberty ship S.S. John W. Brown, K 8 JWB, are
    holding National Liberty Ship Day. The event honours those who served
    in the military and operated, protected, and built all 2,710 World
    War II Liberty ships, including the Merchant Marines, the Navy Armed
    Guard, and the female shipyard workers recruited during the war.
    Operations will be on 14.250, 7.225, and 21.300 MHz.

    Also November 11, the United States Marine Corps will celebrate its
    248th anniversary, yes 248th, it was officially formed in 1775.

    The USS Midway CV-41 COMEDTRA amateur radio station, NI 6 IW, is
    on the air on 14.320, 7.250, and 14.070 MHz. The station is using
    PSK31, D-STAR, the PAPA System repeaters, and a wide-area amateur
    radio network of 57 additional repeaters on 19 hilltops providing
    extensive coverage of the Southern California region and beyond.
    A QSL card will be available for every operator who contacts NI6IW.

    A complete list of Veterans Day stations, is available at arrl.org/special-event-stations

    Type "Veterans" in the keyword search bar to find the stations.



    QRP activity that has recently occurred in Tasmania.

    First item this broadcast is a congratulations to Nic VK7WW.
    He has been having quite a few successful long distance QRP Morse
    Code contacts. All using his 80 metre, 1 watt, transmitter project
    called the Cent, which he designed as a celebration of 100 years
    of Amateur Radio in Tasmania.

    Nic received a Milliwatts Per Kilometre Award from the
    CW Operators QRP Club Inc. of Australia. Being for a successful
    contact between Legana in Tasmania to Mark VK6QI in Bedfordale, Perth
    Western Australia.

    With a total distance of 2924 Kilometres this equates to 2.92 mW per
    kilometre! Not bad going for a 1 watt single transistor transmitter
    Peter VK7KPC has also had some luck. This time with his ex-military
    WS62 HF transceiver, circa WW2, that he is repairing and restoring.
    It appears Peter is having some success with repairs as he recently
    made a contact on 80 metres using 1 watt into Sydney NSW.

    Well I think QRP is certainly in good hands at the moment, thank you
    Nic and Peter for the updates.


    (Youngsters On The Air)

    The Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) is a small charity that
    seeks to promote radio engineering and amateur radio in the UK.

    Trustees have agreed to fund 60 Foundation exams each year.

    The funding will be available to anyone who is under the age of 21,
    in full-time education and who needs help with the exam fee.

    Fifteen exams will be funded every three months with the first batch
    of exams funded in January 2024. If any of the allocated funds are
    not used, they will be rolled over to the next quarter.

    Further details about the RCF, and how to donate, can be found on its

    In IARU Region 1, December is Youngsters on the Air, or YOTA, month
    and is an exciting opportunity for you, clubs, schools, or social
    groups to host an amateur radio station with the aim of getting more
    youngsters active on the amateur bands.

    RSGB will provide access to the special callsign GB 23 YOTA and a
    full list of operating slots will be made available on QRZ.com.
    If youd like further information, you can email

    (gb2rs news)
    And with even more YOTA News it's to the USA where Youngstown State University's amateur radio station K 8 YSU competed in the American
    Radio Relay League's School Club Roundup last month.

    The School Club Roundup is a nationwide, radio-based competition that challenges students in college, high school and elementary school to
    contact as many as possible radio stations across the world within
    one week.

    The competition is held each semester, usually in October and



    Emergency Centre of Activity (CoA) frequencies
    3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz
    Region 1 3760 7110 14300 18160 21360 kHz

    Region 2 3750 3985 7060 7240 7275 14300 18160 21360kHz
    Although wildfires near Chattanooga, Tennessee have been brought
    under control, the region's High Point Repeater site has been left
    disabled by cable damage left behind by the blaze.

    The 220MHz repeater, the Wires-X repeater and the APRS digipeater
    and iGate system of the Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community,
    N 4 LMC, will not return to use until further notice, according to
    the club's website. The damage also temporarily knocked a broadcast
    FM station off the air.

    The Lookout Mountain amateurs' website said the group will need to
    replace all cables at the site. They are also awaiting word from the
    tower owners about possible damage to the tower, guy wires and
    anchor points.

    (ARNewsLine 2400)
    2023 Social Scene

    Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

    VK3 - Rosebud RadioFest at Eastbourne Primary School Sunday,
    This Sunday November 12

    VK4 - ON NOW Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society HamFest 12th November
    Country Paradise Parklands, 231 Beaudesert Nerang RD, Nerang.
    VK5 - South Coast Amateur radio club, Thursday 23 November AGM
    7 pm at Seaford Meadows Scout Hall Railway Parade.
    VK4 - Ipswich Christmas BBQ, Kholo Gardens picnic area from 10am
    November 25 (vk4hit)
    VK7 - NTARC MASSIVE RADIO AUCTION Saturday 25th November
    Northern Tasmania AR Clubrooms Rocherlea, Launceston.

    Nic VK7WW

    Do these names mean anything to you?
    Pin your ears back and have a listen!

    AWA, Geloso, Johnson, Marconi, Bendix , Hallicrafters,
    Heathkit, GEC, Zenith, and Eddystone.

    Didnt recognise many? Lets go more modern:

    Codan, Realistic, Motorola, Kenwood, Drake, Icom, Phillips,
    KLM, Uniden, Yaesu, Racal, TYT, Radioddity, and Barrett.
    Well, all these manufacturers equipments are in The Tasmanian
    Massive Radio Auction in two weeks time.

    Email secretary@ntarc.net for the current list; and see
    you there on Saturday 25 Nov.

    73 from Nic, VK7WW (double scotch)
    VK5 - Amateur Radio Experimenters Group Radio & Electronics Sale
    November 26 (vk5qi)

    2024 IT'S A DATE

    Clubs are welcome to email text with audio for this section

    Details of all WIA affiliated clubs and societies can be found
    on the WIA website, including email addresses and website links.

    VK3 - BARG HamFest 4th of February next door to BARG clubrooms
    at Ballarat Airport 10:00 am.
    barg.org.au/ (vk3kqt)

    VK - WIA AGM MAY 4 5 - BUNDABERG. (vk2tsg)
    VK - National Volunteer Week Monday 20 Sunday 26 May 2024.
    National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australias largest annual
    celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to
    our communities.

    Click the links below to download the most recent edition of
    National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site!

    WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on

    BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX

    wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link
    to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------*

    WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.
    Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed
    prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail

    Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers
    you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who
    knows, you might even get a "cheerio call".

    Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who
    utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly
    Who and where are they?
    Promote your local rebroadcast; details on wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
    The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of
    interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing
    in Australia and the globe.

    We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of
    Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs.
    Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who
    submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the
    rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are
    done so in the spirit in which they were submitted."

    If you would like to see the call-backs reported each
    broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National
    News call back tally then please send through your call-backs
    to callbacks@wia.org.au
    How do I join this National News List?
    (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.)
    Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au
    from the email account that you wish the emails to go to.
    How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your
    weekly feed)
    Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want
    to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list
    unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au
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    instructions given in that mail to complete the

    Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will
    probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription
    from the list and at that point you should stop receiving


    Vk1wia-news mailing list
    Vk1wia-news@lists.wia.org.au http://lists.wia.org.au/mailman/listinfo/vk1wia-news

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Wireless Institute of Australia (3:633/280.2@fidonet)