• wild ride for indigo..

    From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Thu Mar 2 19:27:00 2023
    Perhaps many Canadians had already known.. a few weeks ago
    Chapters.Indigo (a big online place that sells books and stuff)
    went down. Their site was down for about 3 weeks and only
    recently is back online.

    Seems like a long time for a site to be down. They even shut
    down in-store purchases at the initial occurence. In-store
    purchasing was resumed a short while later but affected a whole

    Only now, after 3 weeks, they announced it was a ransomware
    attack. They refused to pay the ransom. Apparently, only
    employee data (banking info, social insurance numbers, etc)
    were affected. The hackers promised to release the data to the
    darkweb today at around 4pm ET.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)