• covid-19 lawsuit could result in 3 million claims

    From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Wed Dec 14 19:13:00 2022



    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/class-action- lawsuit-covide-orders-1.6684623

    Some interesting parts from the article:

    "The [Public Health Act] orders do not discriminate between the
    sick and the healthy, collectively punishing a whole group,"
    the claim reads.

    "the suit would have three subclasses: 328,000 people who saw
    medical procedures delayed or cancelled, 376,752 people who
    were not double-vaccinated and did not get exemptions and
    37,000 people who weren't vaccinated for religious reasons.

    "And the Crown also says that any breaches of the Charter of
    Rights and Freedoms are allowed under Section 1 of the Charter,
    which allows governments to put limits on rights and freedoms


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)