• troglodytes

    From Robin Becker@3:633/280.2 to All on Tue Aug 13 19:24:25 2024
    I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions around the PSF. I've been around in python land
    for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc.

    I feel strongly that a miscarriage of justice has been made in the 3-month banning of a famous python developer from
    some areas of discourse.

    I have had my share of disagreements with others in the past and have been sometimes violent or disrespectful in emails.

    I might have been in the kill list of some, but never banned from any mailing lists.

    Honest dialogue is much better than imposed silence.

    -- grumblingly-yrs --
    Robin Becker

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Michael Torrie@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Aug 14 00:54:04 2024
    On 8/13/24 3:24 AM, Robin Becker via Python-list wrote:
    I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions around the PSF. I've been around in python land
    for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc.

    I feel strongly that a miscarriage of justice has been made in the 3-month banning of a famous python developer from
    some areas of discourse.

    I have had my share of disagreements with others in the past and have been sometimes violent or disrespectful in emails.

    I might have been in the kill list of some, but never banned from any mailing lists.

    Honest dialogue is much better than imposed silence.

    -- grumblingly-yrs --
    Robin Becker

    Agreed. Here's a good summary of the issue: https://chrismcdonough.substack.com/p/the-shameful-defenestration-of-tim

    The PSF has really screwed this up. Really embarrassing, frankly. And

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Left Right@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Aug 14 09:21:25 2024
    Hahah, as someone with extensive experience of being banned by various CoC-waving Python online communities' authorities I really enjoyed the
    saga. Watching little men grasp for power on the Web to squash their
    opponents never stops to amuse me.

    On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 4:56=E2=80=AFPM Michael Torrie via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:

    On 8/13/24 3:24 AM, Robin Becker via Python-list wrote:
    I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions a=
    round the PSF. I've been around in python land
    for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc.

    I feel strongly that a miscarriage of justice has been made in the 3-mo=
    nth banning of a famous python developer from
    some areas of discourse.

    I have had my share of disagreements with others in the past and have b=
    een sometimes violent or disrespectful in emails.

    I might have been in the kill list of some, but never banned from any m=
    ailing lists.

    Honest dialogue is much better than imposed silence.

    -- grumblingly-yrs --
    Robin Becker

    Agreed. Here's a good summary of the issue: https://chrismcdonough.substack.com/p/the-shameful-defenestration-of-tim

    The PSF has really screwed this up. Really embarrassing, frankly. And


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From geodandw@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Aug 15 06:26:47 2024
    On 8/13/24 19:21, Left Right wrote:
    Hahah, as someone with extensive experience of being banned by various CoC-waving Python online communities' authorities I really enjoyed the
    saga. Watching little men grasp for power on the Web to squash their opponents never stops to amuse me.

    On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 4:56 PM Michael Torrie via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:

    Why do you have to belittle other people?

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: A noiseless patient Spider (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Left Right@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Aug 15 08:19:31 2024
    Why do you have to belittle other people?

    Who says I have to? I like to! I like to see people driven by all
    sorts of low and reprehensible motives being punished for it. I don't
    know if I need to explain this motivation further. I think it's a very
    natural feeling. Human nature if you will. The primordial sense of
    justice, that was later developed into a bunch of different theories
    of how justice might work.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Ethan Furman@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Aug 15 08:40:06 2024
    On 8/14/24 15:19, Left Right via Python-list wrote:
    On 8/14/24 13:26, geodandw via Python-list wrote:

    Why do you have to belittle other people?

    Who says I have to? I like to! I like to see people driven by all
    sorts of low and reprehensible motives being punished for it. I don't
    know if I need to explain this motivation further. I think it's a very natural feeling. Human nature if you will. The primordial sense of
    justice, that was later developed into a bunch of different theories
    of how justice might work.

    It is not necessary to belittle in order to enjoy justice.


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Mike Dewhirst@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Aug 15 09:53:14 2024
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------AcTm04mK5LW0cSGOISl1Ofqd
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------JpHbWiHM3DngoRh9WrTJyn60";
    From: Mike Dewhirst <miked@dewhirst.com.au>
    To: Michael Torrie <torriem@gmail.com>, python-list@python.org
    Message-ID: <1b33d01e-aa52-469e-8b19-97eec05a5c95@dewhirst.com.au>
    Subject: Re: troglodytes
    References: <a1b37bf0-2804-4d8c-9d72-244bc711535c@everest.reportlab.co.uk>
    In-Reply-To: <614d43b1-c591-0596-714c-ebe50df42952@gmail.com>

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    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From o1bigtenor@3:633/280.2 to All on Thu Aug 15 21:24:52 2024
    On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 9:06=E2=80=AFPM Mike Dewhirst via Python-list < python-list@python.org> wrote:

    On 14/08/2024 12:54 am, Michael Torrie via Python-list wrote:
    On 8/13/24 3:24 AM, Robin Becker via Python-list wrote:
    I am clearly one of the troglodytes referred to in recent discussions around the PSF. I've been around in python land
    for far too long, my eyesight fails etc etc.

    I feel strongly that a miscarriage of justice has been made in the
    3-month banning of a famous python developer from
    some areas of discourse.

    I have had my share of disagreements with others in the past and have
    been sometimes violent or disrespectful in emails.

    I might have been in the kill list of some, but never banned from any mailing lists.

    Honest dialogue is much better than imposed silence.

    -- grumblingly-yrs --
    Robin Becker
    Agreed. Here's a good summary of the issue: https://chrismcdonough.substack.com/p/the-shameful-defenestration-of-ti=

    The PSF has really screwed this up. Really embarrassing, frankly. And sad.

    I read Chris McDonough's defence of Tim Peters and he has convinced me.
    Not because of everything he said but because I have experience of committees. And other things.

    The problem is generational.

    Later generations can see the faults of earlier generations in brilliant hindsight. I certainly did.

    In my case, those earlier generations caused depressions and world wars.
    That was pretty bad wasn't it?

    Can I blame my ancestors for that? My great-grandparents were born in
    the second half of the 1800s; my grandparents in the late 1800s. They
    were undoubtedly responsible for WW1 and the great depression wouldn't
    you say?

    So my parents who grew up after WW1 and both fought in WW2 were forced
    to give the best years of their lives to the worst of times. Not their
    fault. In fact they were heroic to do all that and have me and my
    siblings starting in their mid-twenties.

    Here's the rub: they had serious faults and I could see them clearly -
    when I was in my twenties and having children of my own.

    I'll be 80 next year and I have a clearer perspective now.

    I now understand why the oldest known culture (60k+ years) survived
    intact for so long including the last few thousand years of trading
    between Australia and Asia and more recent centuries with Europe. It
    wasn't entirely due to isolation. In fact there were hundreds of
    separate nations and languages in Australia so no-one was all that
    isolated. They had traders and diplomats and warriors just like the rest
    of humanity.

    The difference isn't with them it is with us. We have lost what keeps
    them together. They respect their elders. We don't. They had to because
    their survival depended on lore and knowledge which was passed orally
    across generations.

    The real difference is the invention of the printing press and its
    successors right down to television and the internet.

    We no longer rely on our elders for knowledge.

    That has eroded respect.

    With each generation the erosion gets worse. When I was a child, my
    parents gave me a bike and a set of encyclopedia. They tested me on my knowledge and taught me other stuff too, which I can't remember now but
    I could look it up.

    Our children got bikes and encyclopedia too but they were growing up
    after Germaine Greer published "The Female Eunuch". They are Gen Xers.
    That means they became totally aware of female emancipation and the comcomitant male emancipation and other isms.

    Knowledge is a small part of life. You have heard "it's not what you
    know, it's who you know".

    Inherited wealth solves all problems for the wealthy because that
    inheritance includes every "who" who matters. For the rest of us getting
    on with people is what really matters. Without the right "who", survival
    is at risk. All the knowledge in the world is at our fingertips today
    and still our survival needs to be curated.

    So PSF Board members survival depends not on knowledge nor on having
    policies and codes of conduct but on the right "who".

    The survival of the Board and perhaps even the P language itself depends
    on elders.

    Elders have something which was well respected by earlier generations.
    That is lore which is steeped in experience. Leadership can be taught
    and learned. Experience has to be experienced. Young people almost by definition, don't have it. "Young" is obviously a relative term given
    one's perspective.

    Experience and respect for experience kept the oldest known culture on
    the planet functioning for a very long time. Even the advent of the web
    has not detracted from that respect.

    The PSF Board should reflect on their lack of respect for experience and
    try to retrieve any damage that lack of respect may have done to the
    very thing they were elected to look after.

    I'm old and I respect Tim's age and would not expect him to suffer the
    load of becoming BDFL but by golly that would be my preference.

    Well - - - I'm not 80 but I can concur with all of the historical stuff
    written here.

    Would also agree with the conclusions drawn re: board action.

    What short sighted overly politically correct thinking - - - the end result
    these kind of brouhahas is hugely negative for any organization.


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Mats Wichmann@3:633/280.2 to All on Fri Aug 16 01:27:31 2024
    On 8/14/24 17:53, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote:

    I read Chris McDonough's defence of Tim Peters and he has convinced me.
    Not because of everything he said but because I have experience of committees. And other things.

    The problem is generational.

    Later generations can see the faults of earlier generations in brilliant hindsight. I certainly did.

    As another self-proclaimed troglodyte weighing in, I'm always suspicious
    of authority shifting with limited explanations, which seems to have
    been at the heart of the dispute. Questioning such is a responsibility
    many of us take seriously.

    However, I'd just like to point out: cultures evolve. Inclusivity is no longer obtained, as in our younger days, by saying "suck it up and get
    on with it". The steering council has this in their charter - PEP-13.
    These are not people who are making difficult choices for reasons of
    personal aggrandizement.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: ---:- FTN<->UseNet Gate -:--- (3:633/280.2@fidonet)