• Two python issues

    From Raymond Boute@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 01:48:07 2024

    Python seem to suffer from a few poor design decisions regarding strings
    and lists that affect the elegance of the language.

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not found
    by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item. An example:

    s = 'qwertyuiop'

    If "find" is unsuccessful, an error message is the only clean option.
    Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should be len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).
    Negative indices should be reserved for elements preceding the element
    with index 0 (currently not implemented, but a must for orthogonal
    design supporting general sequences).

    (b) When using assignment for slices, only lists with the same length as
    the slice should be acceptable, otherwise an error should be given.ÿ
    Anything that re-indexes items not covered by the slice is against the essential idea of assignment. For changes that imply re-indexing (e.g., inserting a list longer than the slice), Python offers cleaner solutions.

    Comments are welcome.

    With best regards,


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  • From Cameron Simpson@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 08:06:12 2024
    On 05Nov2024 15:48, Raymond Boute <raymond.boute@pandora.be> wrote:
    Python seem to suffer from a few poor design decisions regarding
    strings and lists that affect the elegance of the language.

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not
    found by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item.

    `find` is a pretty old API interface. It is what it is. It may obtain
    some of its design choices from C style calls where returning -1 for
    failure was a common idiom.

    If "find" is unsuccessful, an error message is the only clean option.

    This is not true. Often we want to look for something, and act one way
    or another depending on whether it is found. I've got plenty of loops
    and other tests which more or less go "run until this is not found". It
    is not an error, it is just a circumstance to accomodate.

    Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should
    be len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).
    Negative indices should be reserved for elements preceding the element
    with index 0 (currently not implemented, but a must for orthogonal
    design supporting general sequences).

    It is _far_ too late to propose such a change.

    Plenty of us are quite hapoy with negative indices. We just view them as counting backwarss from the end of the string or sequence instead of
    forwards from the beginning.

    (b) When using assignment for slices, only lists with the same length
    as the slice should be acceptable, otherwise an error should be

    There are many many circumstances where we replace a subsequence with a different subsequence of different length. Outlawing such a thing would
    remove and extremely useful feature.

    Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>

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  • From Jason Friedman@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 08:08:45 2024

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not found
    by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item. An example:

    s = 'qwertyuiop'

    If "find" is unsuccessful, an error message is the only clean option. Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should be len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).

    I'm not sure if this answers your objection but the note in the
    documentation (https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.find)

    The find() method should be used only if you need to know the position of

    I think the use case above is a little bit different.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
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  • From Piergiorgio Sartor@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 08:27:53 2024
    On 05/11/2024 15.48, Raymond Boute wrote:

    Python seem to suffer from a few poor design decisions regarding strings
    and lists that affect the elegance of the language.

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not found
    by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item. An example:

    s = 'qwertyuiop'

    If "find" is unsuccessful, an error message is the only clean option. Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should be len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).
    Negative indices should be reserved for elements preceding the element
    with index 0 (currently not implemented, but a must for orthogonal
    design supporting general sequences).

    (b) When using assignment for slices, only lists with the same length as
    the slice should be acceptable, otherwise an error should be given.
    Anything that re-indexes items not covered by the slice is against the essential idea of assignment. For changes that imply re-indexing (e.g., inserting a list longer than the slice), Python offers cleaner solutions.

    Comments are welcome.

    To write the nested expression, s[s.find(...)] it
    means you're 200% sure of what happens in case of
    not found.
    It could be -1 or None or [] or anything.

    So, the really correct thing to do, since you know
    what will happen in case of not found, is *not* to
    write the nested form, but explicitly state what it
    will happen.

    r = s.find(...)
    if r is good:
    print('not found')

    Which is much easier to read, to debug, etc.

    To paraphrase someone: "If the length of a
    program would be measured by the time needed
    to understand it, some programs are too short
    to be short."




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  • From dn@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 08:41:59 2024
    On 6/11/24 10:08, Jason Friedman via Python-list wrote:

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not found
    by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item. An example:

    >>> s = 'qwertyuiop'
    >>> s[s.find('r')]
    >>> s[s.find('p')]
    >>> s[s.find('a')]

    If "find" is unsuccessful, an error message is the only clean option.
    Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should be
    len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).

    I'm not sure if this answers your objection but the note in the
    documentation (https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.find) says:

    The find() method should be used only if you need to know the position of sub.

    I think the use case above is a little bit different.

    Not really, there are two questions:

    1. is x in sequence (or in this case "not in")
    2. where is x within sequence (find())

    There are situations where one might be used, similarly where the other
    will be used, and still more where both apply.

    That said, and with @Cameron's observation, the idea that a function's return-value (appears to) performs two functionalities is regarded as a 'code-smell' in today's world - either it indicates "found" or it
    indicates "where found" (see also various APIs which return both a
    boolean: success/fail, and a value: None/valid-info).

    The problem with the third scenario being that purity suggests we should
    use both (1) and (2) which seems like duplication - and is certainly
    going to take more CPU time.
    (will such be noticeable in your use-case?)

    Backward-compatibility... ('nuff said!)

    With reference to the OP content about slicing:
    - Python's memory-addressing is different from many other languages.
    Thus, requires study before comparison/criticism
    - there are major differences in what can be accomplished with mutable
    and immutable objects


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  • From Stefan Ram@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 11:26:51 2024
    Raymond Boute <raymond.boute@pandora.be> wrote or quoted:

    If you want exceptions, index() is your jam.

    Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should be >len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).

    This feature is the bee's knees, man.

    last_item = my_list[ -1 ]
    second_to_last = my_list[ -2 ]

    Way cleaner than my_list[ len( my_list )- 1 ], don't you think?

    (b) When using assignment for slices, only lists with the same length as
    the slice should be acceptable, otherwise an error should be given.ÿ

    The current setup lets you pull off some seriously gnarly code

    # Insert elements
    my_list[ 2: 2 ]=[ 4, 5, 6 ]

    # Replace a section
    my_list[ 1: 4 ]=[ 10, 11 ]

    # Delete elements
    my_list[ 2: 5 ]= []

    These moves are slick and expressive. Forcing exact length
    matching would only cramp our style.

    Look, I get it. You're probably fresh out of coding bootcamp,
    thinking you can reinvent the wheel. But trust me, these features
    are solid gold. They're not perfect, sure, but they're about
    as good as finding a parking spot in San Francisco on a Saturday
    night. So before you go throwing shade at Python, maybe spend
    some more time with it. You might just find it grows on you like
    a NorCal redwood. Keep coding, and don't let the fog get you down!

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Stefan Ram (3:633/280.2@fidonet)
  • From Roel Schroeven@3:633/280.2 to All on Wed Nov 6 20:36:01 2024
    Op 5/11/2024 om 15:48 schreef Raymond Boute via Python-list:

    Python seem to suffer from a few poor design decisions regarding
    strings and lists that affect the elegance of the language.

    (a) An error-prone "feature" is returning -1 if a substring is not
    found by "find", since -1 currently refers to the last item. An example:
    This is IMO indeed not the best design decision. Fortunately there's an alternative: the "index" method on strings, which raises exception
    ValueError when the substring is not found, instead of returning -1. An example:

    s = 'qwertyuiop'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ÿ File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
    ÿÿÿ s[s.index('a')]
    ValueError: substring not found

    Moreover, using index -1 for the last item is a bad choice: it should
    be len(s) - 1 (no laziness!).
    Negative indices should be reserved for elements preceding the element
    with index 0 (currently not implemented, but a must for orthogonal
    design supporting general sequences).
    I don't agree, I think this is a case of "practicality beats purity".
    Being able to use negative indices to index from the end is often very
    useful in my experience, and leads to code that is much easier to grok. General sequences on the other hand is a concept that I don't see ever implemented in Python (or most other programming languages AFAIK). I
    think it would be wrong to avoid implementing a feature that's very
    useful in practice in order to keep the door open for a theoretical
    feature that's probably not even wanted in the language.
    (b) When using assignment for slices, only lists with the same length
    as the slice should be acceptable, otherwise an error should be
    given.ÿ Anything that re-indexes items not covered by the slice is
    against the essential idea of assignment. For changes that imply
    re-indexing (e.g., inserting a list longer than the slice), Python
    offers cleaner solutions.
    Again I don't agree. I don't see anything wrong with replacing a part of
    a list with something that's longer, or shorter, or even empty. It's
    very practical, and I don't see how it's against the essential idea of assignment (or actually I'm not even sure what you mean by that).

    Two closing remarks:

    (1) I think that Python indeed has some warts, inconsistencies, gotchas.
    I think this is unavoidable in any complex system. Python got rid of a
    number of those in the transition from Python 2 to Python 3; others
    might remain forever. Overall though I feel Python is more consistent
    than most other programming languages I come in contact with.

    (2) Design decisions are not necessarily wrong when they don't match
    your mental model, or don't match what you know from other languages.
    Often there are different valid options, each with their own tradeoffs.

    "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger
    and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
    -- Douglas Adams

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