• Scientists link genes to diet in inflamm

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Wed Jul 5 22:30:22 2023
    Scientists link genes to diet in inflammatory bowel disease
    A study in mice identifies candidate genes associated with bowel
    inflammation caused by a high-fat diet

    July 5, 2023
    A study of the genetic variation that makes mice more susceptible
    to bowel inflammation after a high-fat diet has identified candidate
    genes which may drive inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans.

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    FULL STORY ==========================================================================
    A study of the genetic variation that makes mice more susceptible to
    bowel inflammation after a high-fat diet has identified candidate genes
    which may drive inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans. The findings
    are published as a Reviewed Preprint in eLife.

    Described by the editors as a fundamental study, the work provides a
    framework for using systems genetics approaches to dissect the complex mechanisms of gut physiology. The authors show how it is possible to use genetically diverse but well-characterised mice to interrogate intestinal inflammation and pinpoint genes influenced by the environment - in this
    case, a high-fat diet - and identify potential treatment targets for IBD
    in mice and humans. The editors describe the strength of the analyses
    as compelling and add that, as a resource, it will be useful for linking genetic variations and diet to gut- related disorders.

    It is well established that a high-fat diet can increase the risk of IBD.

    However, the impact of diet varies between individual people, suggesting
    an interplay with genetic factors. More than 200 risk genes have been identified for IBD, but there is still no effective treatment, and it is therefore important to understand the gene-by-environment interactions underpinning the inflammation that eventually evolves into IBD.

    "Differences in the clinical presentation of IBD among patients, as
    well as diversity in diet and lifestyle, render human genetic studies challenging," explains lead author Xiaoxu Li, a Doctoral Research
    Assistant at the Institute of Bioengineering, E'cole Polytechnique
    Fe'de'rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. "Genetically diverse
    populations of mice allow us to mirror the differences in human
    populations, while controlling several environmental factors, such as temperature and diet, when exploring the genetic modulators of IBD in the laboratory." Li and colleagues used mouse genetic reference populations
    (GRPs) to map the genetic factors that are important in IBD induced by a high-fat diet. They measured the levels of gene expression in the colons
    of 52 mice fed with either a chow or a high-fat diet and identified a
    subset of mice that were more susceptible to high-fat-diet-induced
    intestinal inflammation. Moreover, they found that levels of a
    pro-inflammatory cytokine called interleukin-15 were increased in the
    mice more likely to develop IBD, while levels of the anti- inflammatory cytokine, Interleukin-10, were decreased. This indicates that changes in
    the levels of genes associated with IBD reflect the general inflammatory
    status of mice.

    After classifying different mouse strains based on their likelihood of developing IBD-like genetic signatures, the team explored this further
    using gene co-expression network analysis. This identified two distinct
    modules (clusters) of genes that are related to known genetic signatures
    of human IBD.

    Next, they looked at the function of these genes and how they are

    Both IBD-associated modules largely consisted of immune response-related
    genes, including those known to be involved in Crohn's disease, and
    the team identified the likely regulators of the expression of these
    genes. But the genetic drivers behind the different susceptibility in
    the mice were still elusive.

    To find the candidate genes that influence gut inflammation specifically following a high-fat diet, they performed QTL analysis to identify
    quantitative trait loci (QTL) - regions of genes that interact with the environment to impact the observable trait data. This revealed a QTL
    that is related to chronic intestinal inflammation in mice.

    To see whether genes under this QTL could play a role in human IBD,
    the team then cross-checked their findings with risk genes for IBD by conducting an analysis using genome-wide association study data from UK Biobank*. They identified two plausible gene candidates, called EPHA6
    and MUC4. In addition, using publicly available genetic variation data
    for IBD, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, they found evidence to
    suggest that increased expression of the MUC4 gene in part of the colon
    may increase the risk of IBD in humans.

    A limitation of this analysis is that there were no mechanistic
    investigations or studies that directly provide a causative link between
    the candidate genes and IBD. The results are primarily observational
    and correlative, but they provide a dataset that generates hypotheses
    that can be studied further.

    "Our results point to important potential roles of two gene candidates
    in gut chronic inflammation that may lead to inflammatory disorders,"
    says senior author Johan Auwerx, a Professor at the Institute of Bioengineering, EPFL. "Our systems genetics approach using GRP mice where
    the genetic backgrounds are known and the environment can be controlled
    enables the prioritisation of candidate genes in a complex disease which,
    when combined with human genome- wide association studies from UK Biobank,
    are generalisable to human patients and may have clinical value."
    o Health_&_Medicine
    # Gastrointestinal_Problems # Genes # Obesity #
    Cholesterol # Diet_and_Weight_Loss # Colitis #
    Crohn's_Disease # Nutrition
    o Irritable_bowel_syndrome o Coeliac_disease o Constipation
    o Genetics o Heritability o Personalized_medicine o
    Gastroenteritis o South_Beach_diet




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    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Xiaoxu Li et al. Genetic and dietary modulators of the inflammatory
    response in the gastro-intestinal tract of the BXD mouse genetic
    reference population. eLife, 2023 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.87569.2 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230705115125.htm

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