• Food labels offer consumer choices but a

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Fri Jul 7 22:30:28 2023
    Food labels offer consumer choices but also confusion about animal

    July 7, 2023
    Purdue University
    Animal-based food products often come packaged in a wide array of
    information labels, including organic, natural, grass-fed, humanely
    raised and pasture-raised. But it's typically up to the consumer to
    do their homework and figure out what these different claims mean.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Animal-based food products often come packaged in a wide array of
    information labels, including organic, natural, grass-fed, humanely
    raised and pasture- raised.

    "There's some confusion about food labels related to animal welfare,"
    said Purdue University's Marisa Erasmus, associate professor of
    animal sciences and a specialist in animal behavior and welfare. "It's typically up to the consumer to do their homework and figure out what
    these different claims mean. Labels do provide consumers with a choice
    because, in theory, you can choose products that align with your personal
    and social values." Erasmus' comments follow the U.S. Department
    of Agriculture's newly launched effort to strengthen the validity of animal-raising claims. Erasmus and her colleagues will be watching to
    see what additional documentation animal food producers will need to
    provide regarding food label claims.

    In general, she noted, producers need to submit certain claims about
    their food products to the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service for approval. The FSIS regulates certain food labels and claims on meat and
    poultry products.

    Some claims require that producers submit documentation before approval
    is granted.

    "One point of confusion is which claims are associated with animal
    welfare certification organizations that use third-party verification,"
    Erasmus said.

    "Producers that work with one of these organizations can put the
    latter's seal on their products to indicate that the animals were
    raised according to certain standards. Typically, those standards are
    intended to offer higher animal welfare than what you would see with
    a conventional product. But a lot of consumers don't necessarily know
    what these different seals mean. And the absence of a label claim does
    not mean that food animals were raised inhumanely." Other labels have
    more to do with how people perceive the health benefits of a product
    and do not relate as much to the animal's welfare.

    "We definitely want to make sustainable, healthy choices," Erasmus
    said. "But just because an animal product has an organic label on it
    doesn't always mean that animal had a better life than an animal that
    wasn't raised organically." The USDA regulates organics through the
    National Organic Program, which offers a label distinct from those
    provided by other sources.

    The idea of "no antibiotics added" is another claim that can cause

    "This label is confusing because antibiotics are occasionally used to
    treat live animals or prevent illness, but antibiotics are not added to
    meat products." If animals are given antibiotics at some point in their
    lives, then there is a mandatory withdrawal period. That period allows
    the antibiotics to pass from the animal's system before any products
    are created from that animal.

    Erasmus and her colleagues work closely with producers in Indiana and
    across the U.S. to support humane animal production practices and conduct research providing guidelines for animal welfare and management. The
    Poultry Extension Collaborative provides more details about animal food
    product labeling in the July 2023 issue of Poultry Press.

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    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.


    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230707111640.htm

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