• Boosting certain brain cells diminished

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Thu Jul 13 22:30:28 2023
    Boosting certain brain cells diminished hypersensitivity in Fragile X

    July 13, 2023
    University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences
    Study suggests modulating the activity of certain neurons could
    be an effective approach to restoring circuit function.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Boosting the activity of inhibitory interneurons in Fragile X mice
    reduced their hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, according to a new
    Neuron study led by UCLA Health researchers.

    Fragile X Syndrome, which is caused by a mutation in a single gene, is the
    most common inherited form of intellectual disability and autism. Many
    people with Fragile X are extremely sensitive to sights, sounds, and
    touch, among other sensory experiences.

    Previous research found Fragile X mice have a lower density of parvalbumin
    (PV) inhibitory interneurons, the main class of inhibitory neurons in
    the cerebral cortex -- the region of the brain responsible for sensory processing. These neurons act like a brake on excitatory neurons to help
    them fire only when necessary.

    Because autism symptoms first appear during the toddler stage and likely reflect changes in the brain that happened earlier, the researchers sought
    to establish when the reduced activity of PV interneurons was first
    apparent during brain development in mice -- and whether intervention
    could help mitigate sensory hypersensitivity.

    Researchers recorded neuronal activity in the brains of young mice during
    the first two weeks of life. They then sought to influence this activity through a novel drug compound that boosts the firing of PV neurons.

    Researchers found that the density of PV neurons is indeed lower in
    Fragile X mice compared to controls -- but even in mice as young as six
    days old. There were also greater numbers of dying PV neurons during
    early development in Fragile X mice, suggesting that these neurons are
    dying at a higher rate than what is considered healthy.

    They also found that PV neurons in young Fragile X mice were unable to
    regulate the activity of excitatory neurons during the first two weeks
    of development, indicating that these neurons are functionally decoupled
    during this time. That could explain why researchers were able to restore
    PV neuron density by boosting PV neuron activity during this period of development but could not restore the activity of excitatory neurons.

    Researchers then administered a novel drug compound aimed at activating
    PV neurons in Fragile X mice during the third week of development. The treatment restored the ability of excitatory neurons to respond to
    touch, resembling how they function in healthy controls. It also reduced hypersensitivity to repeated touch, which is similar to what is known
    as tactile defensiveness in humans with Fragile X.

    While there are no existing treatments for the root cause of Fragile
    X, there are medications that address symptoms like anxiety, ADHD,
    or seizures. The new research suggests modulating the activity of PV
    neurons could be an effective approach to restoring circuit function.

    "Our research is an example of how therapies that target circuit
    differences in neurodevelopmental conditions, like boosting the activity
    of inhibitory neurons in the brain, could help mitigate bothersome
    symptoms such as sensory hypersensitivity," said corresponding
    author Carlos Portera-Cailliau, MD, PhD, a professor of neurology and neurobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Nazim
    Kourdougli, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in Portera- Cailliau's lab,
    is the first author.

    Portera-Cailliau's lab will continue investigating how inhibitory
    neurons make synapses with excitatory neurons during development, and
    how the mutation in Fragile X affects this process. It will also test
    if the same drug compound can ameliorate other behavioral differences
    in Fragile X mice.

    o Health_&_Medicine
    # Nervous_System # Parkinson's_Research # Down_Syndrome
    # Birth_Defects
    o Mind_&_Brain
    # Neuroscience # Brain_Injury # Disorders_and_Syndromes
    # Intelligence
    o Neurobiology o Neural_network o Neuron o Integrated_circuit
    o Animal_cognition o Biochemistry o Brain o Sensory_neuron




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    Story Source: Materials provided by University_of_California_-_Los_Angeles_Health_Sciences.

    Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Nazim Kourdougli, Anand Suresh, Benjamin Liu, Pablo Juarez,
    Ashley Lin,
    David T. Chung, Anette Graven Sams, Michael J. Gandal, Vero'nica
    Marti'nez-Cerden~o, Dean V. Buonomano, Benjamin J. Hall, Ce'dric
    Mombereau, Carlos Portera-Cailliau. Improvement of sensory deficits
    in fragile X mice by increasing cortical interneuron activity after
    the critical period. Neuron, 2023; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.06.009 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/07/230713141945.htm

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