• 9/5 World Samosa Day - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Wed Sep 4 18:48:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Potato Samosa Tartlets
    Categories: Vegetables, Chilies, Curry, Potatoes, Pastry
    Yield: 54 Servings

    3/4 c Minced onion
    1/4 c Chopped green chilies; from
    - a 4 oz can
    4 ts Minced, peeled, fresh ginger
    1 3/4 ts Curry powder
    1 ts Chilli spice mix
    1/2 ts Ground cumin
    1/4 ts Ground cloves
    1/4 ts Cinnamon
    1/2 ts Salt
    1/4 c Oil
    2 lg Boiling potatoes; peeled,
    - diced
    1 sm Tomato, peeled, seeded,
    - chopped fine
    2 tb Chopped fresh coriander
    2 tb Plain yogurt
    2 Recipes pâte brisee;
    - separate recipe
    1/2 c Fine chopped bottled mango
    - chutney; to taste

    MMMMM--------------------------EGG WASH-------------------------------
    1 lg Egg
    2 ts Water

    FILLING: In a large skillet cook the onion, the chilies,
    the gingerroot, the curry powde r, the chilli spice, the
    cumin, the cloves, the cinnamon, and the salt in the o
    il over moderately low heat, stirring, until the onion
    is softened.

    While the onion is cooking, in a large saucepan of
    boiling salted water cook the potatoes for 3 to 5
    minutes. Stir in the tomato, the coriander, the yogurt,
    and black pepper to taste, cook the mixture, stirring,
    for 1 minute (do not let it boil), and let it cool.

    (The filling may be made 2 days in advance and kept
    covered and chilled.)

    On a lightly floured surface roll out half the dough
    1/8" thick and chill the remaining half, covered with
    wax paper.

    Cut out 54 rounds with a 2" round cutter and fit them
    into lightly oiled 1/8-cup gem tins.

    Spoon 1 level teaspoon of the filling onto each tartlet
    shell and spoon a small dollop of the chutney on top of
    the filling.

    Roll out the remaining dough 1/8" thick, with cutter cut
    out 54 more rounds, and fit the rounds on top of the
    filled shells.

    Press around the edge of each tartlet to seal the 2
    pieces of dough, brush the tartlets with the egg wash,
    and prick each tartlet once with a fork.

    Bake the tartlets in the bottom third of a 400ºF/205ºC
    oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until they are pale gold.

    Makes 54 tartlets.

    Recipe By: Gourmet June 1990

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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