• UK quiz show "Qi" does Star Trek-esque episode

    From Your Name@3:633/280.2 to All on Mon Oct 31 08:34:16 2022

    The UK quiz show "Qi" recently did a Star Trek-esque episode for the
    letter Q / "Quests part II". The cast was wearing Star Trek-style
    uniforms, the end credits are all in Star Trek-style font, and there's
    a "spaceship" sequenece near the just before the end credits (and for
    some reason there is a Star Wars scroll blurb before the first
    questions), but none of the actual quiz questions were about Star Trek
    or sci-fi.

    The episode was posted on YouTube about a month ago. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GbkRlFb8r8>

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