• Re: Opus-CBCS - any boards on

    From Fandarel@21:1/164 to AKAcastor on Mon Jun 10 06:33:13 2024
    Re: Re: Opus-CBCS - any boards on
    By: AKAcastor to Fandarel on Fri Jun 07 2024 13:40:28

    Is MSGTOSS part of Opus or is it another utility that works with it? Interesting to hear what people actually used, thanks for sharing.

    I was mixing up talking about RBBS-PC and Opus in the same set of emails. MSGTOSS was a 3rd party echomail tosser for RBBS-PC. I think it supported *.MSG format too, so I suppose you could use it with Opus if you wanted to.

    Opus could work with a frontend mailer, and many ran it that way, but it has its own decently capable mailer as well. I found it less featureful than I preferred and ran FrontDoor or BinkleyTerm instead, but my NC ran on just Opus for many years.

    OK, sounds like if one were to setup an Opus 1.79 system that really would be a good representation of Opus as a whole?

    I think so. Wynn passed on a few years ago, so he's not around to disagree with me.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (21:1/164)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Fandarel on Mon Jun 10 11:34:08 2024
    Is MSGTOSS part of Opus or is it another utility that works with it? Interesting to hear what people actually used, thanks for sharing.

    I was mixing up talking about RBBS-PC and Opus in the same set of emails. MSGTOSS was a 3rd party echomail tosser for RBBS-PC. I
    think it supported *.MSG format too, so I suppose you
    could use it with Opus if you wanted to.

    Ah OK! I appreciate the RBBS-PC info, interesting to learn about after hearing the name years ago but never seeing it myself.

    Opus could work with a frontend mailer, and many ran it
    that way, but it has its own decently capable mailer as
    well. I found it less featureful than I preferred and
    ran FrontDoor or BinkleyTerm instead, but my NC ran on
    just Opus for many years.

    Oh, I don't think I realized Opus had its own mailer, but I am not sure how I would have thought that it didn't - Wynn created some of the protocols used, of course he was implementing them!

    The local Opus board ran FrontDoor, so I have always kind of associated them in my mind.

    OK, sounds like if one were to setup an Opus 1.79
    system that really would
    be a good representation of Opus as a whole?

    I think so. Wynn passed on a few years ago, so he's not
    around to disagree with me.

    I never got to chat with Wynn, but with Opus being a formative part of my BBS experience and seeing him in the BBS Documentary and reading a bit of his writing, it feels like I knew him in a way, a little bit.

    There's a large photo album that was shared online by Rik Wallin (Wynn's husband) a few years ago:

    Link directly to the photo album: (very long link) https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPUNB6_adSd9urr_IlP5yECikG4t_ff_IzKCsGPo2t-1ddwC5YoqT249XkKHnCNDw?pli=1&key=WTlFcVVZcmhIdWFLbjdrbFlMOUtmM2MtTkRDaXNn

    There's some photos of Wynn and Rik beside some computer equipment and server racks labeled DIVANET - looks like a Windows 95 interface on the computer screen, maybe an early ISP? I didn't spot any photos clearly linked to Opus, but there's a huge number of photos and I just scrolled through. The photo album feels like a very personal look into Wynn's life.


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From Fandarel@21:1/164 to AKAcastor on Tue Jun 11 06:08:41 2024
    Re: Re: Opus-CBCS - any boards on
    By: AKAcastor to Fandarel on Mon Jun 10 2024 11:34:08

    I never got to chat with Wynn, but with Opus being a formative part of my BBS experience and seeing him in the BBS Documentary and reading a bit of

    I unfortunately never got to meet Wynn either. Most of my involvement with Fidonet and BBSs was during my teenage years, 30 (!! egad !!) or more years ago. I did get to meet some of the auxiliary cast who were from here in Pittsburgh - Paul Kelly, George Stanislav, Bev Freed - at the annual Fidonet picnics (PittNic, great name).

    Thanks for the link to Rik's photo gallery. Interesting stuff and a lot of history there. Also some PG-13 content hahaha.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (21:1/164)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Fandarel on Wed Jun 12 17:06:50 2024
    I unfortunately never got to meet Wynn either. Most of
    my involvement with Fidonet and BBSs was during my
    teenage years, 30 (!! egad !!) or more years ago. I did
    get to meet some of the auxiliary cast who were from
    here in Pittsburgh - Paul Kelly, George Stanislav, Bev
    Freed - at the annual Fidonet picnics (PittNic, great

    I recognize George Stanislav's name but I don't think I recall the others. I was also a teenager at the time (mid 90s) so there's a lot I missed out on / didn't pick up on.

    The only Fido event I went to was Region 17 Con in the summer of 1995, in Edmonton Alberta. I don't remember names, but I do recall meeting several sysops that went out of their way to be friendly and include 14-year-old me, it was a really positive experience. I also met Scott Dudley (author of Maximus BBS software) there, he also was very kind and generous. It was right before the Maximus 3.0 release and I was very excited! :)

    Thanks for the link to Rik's photo gallery. Interesting
    stuff and a lot of history there. Also some PG-13
    content hahaha.

    It really is quite the gallery isn't it! It looks like Wynn and Rik had a lot of fun times over the years.


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)