• Adding Firewall Rules...

    From Shurato@21:2/148 to All on Thu Jul 4 14:17:00 2024
    I'm wondering if it's possible to add an IP address to a scope of IPs in a firewall policy? I'm seeing that my: "\windows\system32\netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Block `}" dir=in action=block remoteip=`} enable=yes" command when someone connects with other than ANSI to block their IP address (the `} is what my editor displays for the current IP address macro.) is going to have problems really fast. I'm adding about 500 IP addresses a day...
    I know each policy can hold either 1000 or 10000 depending on the OS, but
    I'm not sure how many total rules can be added before it really starts to slow down. I would like to know what command I could use; I looked at
    documentation but didn't see anything relavent.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
    ,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet://shsbbs.net (21:2/148)