• Radiation Storm Underway

    From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to ALL on Sun Jun 9 03:49:00 2024
    The Sun Just Blasted Earth With "Hard Protons"
    A radiation storm is underway

    Space Weather News for June 8, 2024

    HARD RADIATION STORM: A powerful explosion on the sun today peppered Earth
    and nearby spacecraft with "hard" protons. The radiation storm fogged
    satellite cameras for hours. Following close behind, a CME is heading for Earth, and its arrival on June 10th could spark G2-class geomagnetic storms. Full story @ Spaceweather.com (https://spaceweather.com) .

    * SLMR 2.1a * Never fight with a bear in his own cave.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175)
  • From n2qfd@21:1/154 to Dumas Walker on Sun Jun 9 15:30:49 2024
    It sure put a dent in the WES SKCC sprintathon this weekend!

    I had fast fade on signal like 15 second in and out and then total loss of signal for a few minutes at a time on 40m (7Mhz).

    Made low power operations impossible though I was able to copy several stations.

    N2QFD{Queen City BBS}:// "Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said by me? Does this need to be said by me right now?" - Craig Ferguson

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Queen City BBS (21:1/154)
  • From Blue White@21:4/134 to n2qfd on Mon Jun 10 01:46:14 2024
    Made low power operations impossible though I was able to copy
    several stations.

    I bet it did. Sounds like it will continue to provide issues for at
    least another day (today).

    --- Talisman v0.53-dev (Linux/armv7l)
    * Origin: possumso.fsxnet.nz * telnet:24/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (21:4/134)