123rexx.zip (77K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dll's and various cmd files to interface from
rexx to 123 for os/2
20demo.zip (130K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

demo version of vispro/rexx's 2.0 gold version.

20eval.zip (1,000K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

vispro/rexx 2.0 gold evaluation version. it
shows off some of the vispro/rexx's powerful
features such as: popup menus, 3-d business
graphics, enhanced container support ability
to add som objects and much more.
20inirst.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx command file to restore lost objects under 2.0.

293523.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

announcement: ibm searchmanager/2, ibm search lanser.

8dot3.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program to shorten long filenames for
them to be read by dos programs.
9510ls01.cmd (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

parse libpath from config.sys. contains a
program about parsing libpath from your
config.sys file.
9510ls02.cmd (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

demonstrates creating colored text and a
"spinning" cursor in rexx.
9511ls01.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

nov 95 the rexx column - listing 1. example
of building windows program manager "desktop
equivalent" folder on os/2 desktop. november,
1995 issue of os/2 magazine.
9511ls02.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

nov 95 the rexx column - listing 2. example
of building equivalent of windows group
folder on os/2 desktop. intended as
accompaniment to rexx column in november,
1995 issue of os/2 magazine.
9511ls03.cmd (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

nov 95 the rexx column - listing 3. example
of building equivalent of windows accessories
program objects on os/2 desktop. intended as
accompaniment to rexx column in the november,
1995 issue of os/2 magazine.
9601ls01.cmd (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

jan 96 the rexx column - listing 1. rexx
program will create a formatted .txt file
from config.sys this progam is intended as an
accompaniment to the rexx column in the
january, 1996 issue of os/2 magazine.
9603ls01.zip (220K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

mar 96 the rexx column - 9603ls01.zip. build
objects for warp connect .inf & .hlp files.
includes wptool18.zip. this progam is
intended as an accompaniment to the rexx
column in the march, 1996 issue of os/2
acsuti.zip (75K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx comm. mgr. management interface. perform
most comm. mgr. sna configuration, management
and display verbs from rexx. requires
extended services and os/2 2.0. includes .inf
help file.
acts11.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx routine to dial nist automated computer
time service and set pc date and time.
routine understands daylight saving time and
will (optionally) adjust for it.
actsclok.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx routine to set the system clock from the
automated computer time service.
addea.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx cmd to add type eas to files. this will
link files to wps associations. also includes
utility to create new wps associations.
addeg.zip (27K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

addge.zip - simple os/2 rexx program to add
values of invoices.
addico11.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

addicon version 1.1. attach any icon file to
one or more arbitrary files. make your drive
objects under os/2 2.0 more friendly and
attractive. this update now supports
addnew.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

must-have utility for creating folders, etc.
2 rexx scripts and instructions on how to
install them so that you can create new
folders and program objects by simply right
clicking on the desktop to access the
desktop's menu.
addprog.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

add a program obj to the desktop. rexx. uses
vrexx to allow user to find files with file
dialogs. select file, icon, title.
addupeas.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx exec to add up total ea's used 95/04/30.
scans disk & lists all files. adds up total
number of ea's associated with the files &
uses cluster size of disk to check if size of
ea data. sf file is correct.
adj78.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

converts german umlauts into ascii lower
chars. short rexx script 1.21 (bug fix).
translates german umlauts and 'ss' into lower
ascii characters and formats ascii texts to a
maximum of 78 chars/line. useful for gcp
advrexx.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

advanced rexx programming topics.

ansicd.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

control the screen in rexx w/ansi codes
94/12/30. routines that rexx can use to
control display with ansi codes, including
locate, color, controlscreen attribute. get
the current line/column, move the cursor
up-down, left or right, etc.
ansifun.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

fun with ansi screen graphics and rexx. a set
of flexable ansi-graphics routines written in
rexx. it does screen/io and can draw a
variety of boxes and lines, as well as set
screen attributes.
ansirexx.zip (321K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

documentation: ansi - x3718-199x: programming
language rexx. gsview isr required
apln1.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx script to create polygons of n sides
with truespectra(dec 12 2001)
arch11.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

archive handler 1.1 - update to arch.zip.
added support for gzip .gz files, cleaned up
the code a bit.
assoct.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

custom association type definitions. allows
you to define your own association types.
documentation is included in the rexx command
file as a comment.
atmfinst.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

simple rexx exec to install atm fonts on os/2 6.167.

atrgf31.zip (33K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script to run command at given time,
modelled after the at command available in
lan server. runs a specified command once at
a time specified; differs from cronrf in that
there is no control file.
autobk2.zip (83K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx scripts for backmaster 2.0.
automatically backup only local hard drives,
& to automatically assign names based on date
& type of backup (full or incremental). will
only work w/ backmaster 2.0. autobk.exe will
work w/ 1.1 & 2.0.
b64.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

intelligent rexx base64 en/decoder. uses
base64 api from md5rx.dll. ** freeware **
back2ft2.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

modified version of ralf hauser's rexx cmd
file utility for backing up os/2 hpfs drives
with a dos based tape drive. contains
original and updated versions.
bakini.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx .cmd file that automatically backs up
changed *.ini files each time the computer is
started. put in the startup folder
bakitup1.zip (138K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx file to control use of the os/2 backup
command, plus updated system files to improve
the warning message for diskette change.
bbsmemo.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexxsaa for os/2 1.2, manage your bbs

bdsom1.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

build som objects on os/2 desktop. a
description language for creating folder and
program objects using rexx syscreateobject
api. automatically resolves path names,
handles nesting of objects within folders and
makes setup easier.
birth10.zip (17K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

birthday reminder utility (rexx)

bits.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a simple rexx procedure to reveal whether an
executable os/2 binary file (such as .exe or
.dll) is 16-bit or 32-bit. now you'll know
what was made for os/2 2.0.
bkshlf.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

create a wps folder that is the bookshelf. a
rexx file that creates a wps folder on your
desktop that holds all the books found in
your bookshelf statement (found in
bldmgr.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

the rexx routine bldmgr v1.2 - usage:
bldmgr.cmd [/quiet | /file: |
text: | [/action:]](apr 26 2002)
blkos207.zip (40K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

blkos2 beta .7 command shell for os2 sessions
written in rexx giving exteneded history, cl
editing ,search,
blt2rx_o.zip (286K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

bullet/2 v2.11 for os/2. thread-safe,
multi-process capable database engine toolkit
for os/2. provides pre-built and tested
access methods to data and index files for
application programmers. compact, efficient,
and very fast.
bmptodll.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx procedure to create a resource (dll) file(1994)

bmpview3.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

version 3.0 of bmpview - enables bmp viewing
in a small window or can be expanded to view
the whole screen.
bootd2.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx pgm makes two disk floppy boot for 2.11.
new support for cd-rom and third party
basedev drivers, with options taken from your
config.sys file.
bootdi.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this rexx utility will use os/2 2.1 disks 0
and 1 to create a dual-floppy one-step boot
in host configuration with hpfs, scsi,
chkdsk, backup, restore, etc.
bootfl.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this rexx program creates a 3.5" bootable
floppy for os/2. with the new floppy, the
user no longer has to use the 2-floppy
technique (installation diskette, diskette
bos2rexx.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

bos2rexx.exe is a little program to load the
rexx support. this is necessary if os/2 was
booted from diskette.
browse.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

browse rexx for os/2 2.0. browse text files,
browse binary files, view file data in ascii
or hexadecimal. search for text and display
matching lines. new functions search and edit
added. dated 9/20/92.
browse10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

powerful file browser. search, bookmark,
edit, etc. written in rexx and uses vrexx.
version 1.0 upload by author.
bsrch.rex (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

quickly search a sorted rexx stem (binary)
ported from a quickbasic routine. a binary
search is used to quickly look up data in a
sorted stem. several times faster than a
sequential search.
bt_2k033.zip (56K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

bintool v2k.033 - a  rexx program which can
be used to create binary files from a text
script(feb., 2nd 2000)
bt_98162.zip (52K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

bintool v98.162. rexx program which can be
used to create binary files from a text
script. no more binary editor! comment your
binary files! i recommend the use of a
ppwizard preprocessor step to add greatly to
this programs capabilities.
builleve.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

two rexx utilities to extract text from
syslevel to def files.
c2pli.zip (47K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

the rexx from c to pl/i conversion utility(apr 20 1998)

calcbs.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

simple rexx function for converting a date in
yy/mm/dd format to rexx's base date format.
this conversion allows you to do simple
arithmetic on dates (ie. calculate the number
of days between to dates).
calldll.zip (130K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

calldll.zip contains 3 dll's that allow you
to do i/o on micro focus indexed (vsam) files
using rexx. the files can be ascii or ebcdic,
fixed or variable.
ccx1apcd.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx exec to invoke the debugger under appc (1998)

cdd.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

change drive and directory. small rexx that
emulates 4os2's cdd commant to change current
drive and directory with a single command.
"enter cdd /?" for command usage. i wrote
this  because i got tired of issueing two
cedit.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

semi intelligent batch edit for config.sys
rexx procedure accepts switches or file of
commands on how config.sys should be changed.
cedit2.zip (34K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx config.sys editor for batch changes.
extremely useful when updating any machines.
requires rxu13.zip + optionally backini.exe
cemt2.zip (197K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

cemt inq from rexx programs 95/08/05. dll &
two samples on how to perform cemt inq
functions from a rexx procedure. unzip
distribution file into an empty dir. if using
pkunzip2, include the -d switch to recurse
into dir's.
cfgcmd.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

simple rexx utility to update environment
variable entries in config.sys or other
configuration file
cfit.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program to copy files to diskette,
pausing when diskette full to allow swap to
new one.
cfwansrx.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

some rexx scripts to make data input in rexx
more covienient
cgip107.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx cgiparse procedure for those writing
rexx cgi scripts.
change2.zip (18K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

c.cmd, a rexx program to change drive and
directory easily.
checkurl.zip (172K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

checkurl as rexx program v99.086 to check
urls(feb 23 2002)
chgcas.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

chgcase.cmd -- simple rexx program to change
the name(s) of one of more os/2 files to
lower case (or upper case).
chkcfg04.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx procedure to check the config.sys
semantics(4th revision) - jan.,5th 2001
chkcnf.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

chkconf is a rexx program that will syntax
check and semantic check the config.sys file.
it will verify that paths in the path. dpath
and libpath exist.  it will verify that all
device and devinfo files are present.
chkey.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

chkey like dos's ask.exe with timeout.
usually called from other .cmd file to get
keyboard input with a timeout. the timeout is
usually used to set a default answer. like
the dos ask.exe except you can enter a whole
string of characters.
chkorpan.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script to remove orphaned files from
pminews .gl directories
cidlan.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx file to allow cid installation of third
party lan drivers without having to add them
to the nts/2 .zip files. instructions are
included as comments.
cimrex.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx launcher for os2-cim. a rexx procedure i
use to launch os2-cim 2.0.1, almost
eliminating my  file cabinet problems.  see
os2-cima.txt after unzipping.  requires you
to  have initialized the rexxutil functions
before executing.
classedi.zip (277K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

vxrexx class editor.

clrlib.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

clearlib is a rexx program which will erase
any golden commpass catalog files you have
when a .dow file is detected which will
download newer entries.
cmd_.zip (220K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this is a collection of several small
utilities that were written for os/2. instead
of putting them in several small cmd files,
they are collected into one large (2,000+
lines) rexx program.
cmdpk164.zip (376K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

commandpak v1.64 set of rexx programs for
easier command shell use. an installation
routine is included. freeware.
cmnctl.zip (115K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

vprexx pm app for comm mgr. (es1.0&cm/2).
shows/act/deact links&sessions. designed with
visprorexx. dave boll's ydbaacsm.dll incl.
cnvpciid.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

cnvpciid.cmd v1.2 - a rexx procedure to
convert/generate files from pci.ids (oct 6
codes.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

tiny but handy rexx program that returns
numeric codes of ascii letters.
codes2.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

similar to codes.cmd (os/2 rexx program that
returns numeric codes for ascii letters but
this one allows multiple input.
colordlg.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this is a simple color selection dialog that
you can use in the programs you write using
configbt.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

config.cmd v1.2 - a rexx procedure as
configuration script to generate global
makefile.inc, modified for bt-drivers (apr 27
cpicsamp.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

sample rexx cpic (appc) programs

cplayv20.zip (102K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script to play archived sound files.
this file replaces the older cplayv10.zip.
there is now a feature for variable sample
rate and a zip archive handler.
crgf202.zip (132K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

unix cron (rexx) *and* pm editor for cronfiles.

cronrf.zip (23K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program to run commands regularly. it
allows you to specify, in a control file,
times and dates at which particular commands
should be executed. the program starts and
runs forever, dispatching commands at the
given times.
cronrgf.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

unix cron - run programs at specified
dates/times. enhancement: 1993-09-20, changed
the definition of ansi-color-sequences; gets
them from the enclosed procedure
crtobj.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx workplace shell tips, techniques and
samples for using the rexx workplace shell
functions. many useful tips and information
about using syscreateobject, sysini and
related functions to manipulate and tailor
the workplace shell.
csc2idl.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx routine to convert a *.csc file to a
*.idl file(1996)
cube.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

cube rexx search & replace engine. this is
the zip file mentioned in january issue of
os/2 magazine article.
d2.lzh (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this is a freeware multi directory display
and multi col. display for os/2 done in rexx.
dab.cmd (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

delete all but (certain files). rexx. uses
vrexx. shows scroll window of files for
confirmation. new version.
dab2.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

delete all but utility written with rexx.
allows you to specify up to ten wildcards or
filenames. the program "deletes all but" the
files specified on the command line.
daily.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx procedure to execute backups (or
anything else) on a daily basis at a
particular time.
datab.zip (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a sample vispro/rexx program using database manager.

database.zip (440K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

database.exe as a vx-rexx application(apr 1 1999)

datergf2.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx scripts to allow transformations and
calculations on sorted dates. used with
db22re.zip (37K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

db2/2: rexx sample files. this is a
collection of "starter set" rexx programs
that access the ibm os/2 db2/2 product
(replacement for the older 16-bit extended
services dbm).
db_osdbm.zip (28K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

convert dbase iii files to ee dbm with rexx.

dbclis.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

displays all inbound/outbound connections to
a dbm (including the "invisible" ddcs gateway
passthrough connections). requires the
rxu.zip and acsuti.zip rexx function
dbmplus.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dbmplus is an sql command line interpreter
based on ibm's command line interpreter dbm
for db2/2. written in rexx, can be operated
under os/2 warp with db/2 ver 1.2 or later.
dbreor.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

os/2 dbm reorganization utility (rexx). this
rexx procedure performs table reorg and
runstats for all tables in a given database.
it shows the very strong os/2 dbm rexx
dbschm.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dbschema - generate ddl in rexx for existing
db. rexx program that will generate a rexx
program that  can be used to generate tables
and indexes for an existing  database. source
dbstatus.zip (79K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dbstatus, uses rexx interface (sqlar.dll) to
db2/2 to gather data. users, workstations,
lock status, no. of transactions.
dbtimg.zip (84K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

image object for vx-rexx dll. revised dll for
image object for vx-rexx standard edition
demo. this revised dll fixes the repaint
problem with the object in design mode when
no image is loaded into the object.
dc.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dir changer is a os/2 window command line
assistant. list mother and daughter
directories in a menu for easy selection to
move in and out of nested directories.
pressing enter will exit to the current
selected directory and issue a dir.
dclgen2.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dclgen2 v1.1 - a rexx program to generate a
cobol or c source file that describes all
columns of a given table of a dbm database.
usage: dclgen2 dbase table (language) - sep 7
ddewsql.zip (55K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

ddeapp - a connecting to wsql dde
applications via main window with
pushbuttons: connect, terminate,
execute,poke, sample, poke connect. a vx-rexx
development (jul 31 1995)
defprn.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

sample rexx file demo's using sysini to query
system for default printer port.
deldir.cmd (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program that deletes directories and
files at same time. uses rexxutil functions
in os/2 2.0 to del files and subdirectories.
deskutil.zip (21K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

info on the rexx syscreateobject functions (2 samples)

dhcpxref.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx procedure dhcpxreff to use nssig and
dadmin to build a list of dhcp leases and dns
entries as cross-reference with an
undocumented option(may, 6th 1998)
dial.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dial your phone from rexx. dial 123-4567. a
good example of how to talk to your modem
from a rexx cmd file.
dial.zip (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

automatic dialing without a modem (req. mmpm & rexx)

dialer.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx phone dialer.

direa.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx program that will display a list of
files with associated subject and comment
eas. direa is useful for displaying the
descriptions attached to files downloaded by
golden commpass.
dirs_12.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dirs is a rexx script that searches a
directory and all subdirectories for files
that match a certain name.
dirtools.zip (126K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

several rexx utilities for working with directories.

diskfp.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx command file to apply warp 4 fixpack from hard disk.

diskin16.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

diksin v1.6 - a rexx procedure for useful
file storing of the sony mavica camera(jul.
disklib.zip (29K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

disk cataloging program in rexx

dm2euro.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx umrechnung dm <--> euro und umgekehrt (german...)

dmrxwps1.zip (21K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx library that augments rexutil's wps capabilities.

dnsos2.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program to help setup os/2 dns 95/12/19.
takes a host_name=in_address kind of file and
it generates the named.dom & many
named???.rev ans include files for every
subnet defined in the first host to ip
address file.
drappn.zip (312K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

drappn pm app appn diagnosis. out of a need
to front end the verbose options on aping and
display for support groups, this vx-rexx
front end to those two programs was written.
drdialog.zip (996K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

drdialog - a classic rexx development
platform from devcon for desktop
drives.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script, sets all of the root directories
to tree view and the subdirectories to the
icon view.
drtree.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

simple rexx directory tree utilities.
dirtree.cmd, dirmatch.cmd, read.me in
drtree.zip these are simple self contained
rexx commands, for os/2 command line use.
drwbmp.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a sample of using bitmaps in a free form
window. a small sample project to help people
understand how they can use a free form
window, in conjunction with a bitmap as a
background. uses vispro/rexx and rxextras.
ds_mksr.cmd (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

makesr.cmd for dualstor v1.06

dsdate.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx date functions. dsdate is a utility to
validate & convert date strings using native
rexx. also contains a vispro rexx subproc.
emulates all functions of rexx date()
function & provides enhancements such as
validation and day increments.
dset.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script drives for open=default. script
allows configuring d: drive to come up as a
tree display in the root, but to have all
child folders & subdirectories to open up as
icon view without having to set every dir
below the root.
dshl11.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

os/2 rexx devshell ( developers shell )
version 1.10. cleaned up the act a bit. frank
dsl.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

dbm rexx code: lists databases & tables
allows queries against table. good sample!
dswkly.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this rexx program creates and executes the
'job's needed to retension, format (if
needed), label, backup, and verify using
dualstor. this update was done to make the
error handling a little better...
duc10.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

duc  v1.0 - a rexx program for dial-up
connection. it can create a dial-up
connection as desktop objects(jan 3 2003)
dump_cls.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

shows object rexx class-tree in effect, lists
classes and methods.
dupdel00.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

find and delete duplicate files on multiple
paths or disks. uses vrexx interface to query
which files to delete.
dwnvprx.lzh (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

sample rexx extension dll for vispro rexx to
perform some functions omitted from vispro.
freeware with source code.
ead94216.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

eadump v94.216 rexx program dumps a files
extended attributes. it's written in rexx and
makes use of the os/2 eautil.exe program.
eagone.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

allows you to remove extended attributes
(ea's) from when os/2 was installed. rexx
command file searches disk, removes ea's, and
frees up disk space. (use at your own risk.
some extended attributes may be required.)
eainfo.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

pmrexx program displays .keyphrases,
.subject, and .comments eas.  drag/drop
eaprep.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

eaprep - backup/restore extended attributes.
eaprep is a rexx procedure that creates
command files to automate the backup and
restore of extended attributes, for use with
dos backup programs that are not aware of
editcmd.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

edit function for numeric punctuation. the
edit function / subroutine is intended to
apply punctuation (commas) to a whole number
or dollars and cents source field returning
the edited result stripped of all leading and
trailing spaces.
envedt1.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

envedit is an environment variable editor. it
associates the environment w/ os/2 editor.
rexx program.
evrexx.zip (147K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

enhanced visual rexx (uses emxrt.zip).

evrexx10.zip (149K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

evrexx v1.00 - evrexx is a package of
external functions for rexx-programs. evrexx
enables the use of pm dialog-windows from
your rexx-application. source is included(mar
26 1995)
evx.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

evaluate expressions. a rexx program for
os/2. saves intermediate results in an
environment variable. you can call it from
the command line, call it in non-stop mode,
or call it from another rexx program.
exec.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx .cmd file allows you to execute a series
of commands on a specified set of files.
exist.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx version of dos if exist filename then...
called from other .cmd files to check if a
file or directory exists. see comment in
exist.cmd for an example of how to use it.
extspsht.zip (133K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

extensions for visprorx spreadsheet control.
with the sbcspsht.dll one can sublass a
visprorx spreadsheet control. the control
gets enhanced functionality look at the
included sample to understand how to use the
factor.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx program to factor positive integers.
after unzipping this file, type "factor
nnnnn" and press enter to factor "nnnnn".
fcron.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

free cron rexx utility for os/2 95/06/05.
simplified version of unix cron utility
written in rexx for os/2. allows to cause
commands to execute at certain times which
you specify in a cron table.
fdater.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

fdater.zip v4.0 rexx code for date
arithmetic. fdater.rex, a rexx implementation
of the "truedate" date arithmetic routine.
this is rexx source code for a date
arithmetic routine. it is in the public
ff.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

findfile: ff is an workable example of using
os/2 window dir command to search multiple
drives and return the full drive:\path\file
ffrx.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

findfile pmrexx sample for os/2 2.0 desktop.
pmrexx demonstrating how to detect when under
pmrexx, how to use rexx utils to test floppy
drives, search for files, etc.
fgrexx10.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

sample for switching a rexx proc. into the foreground.

fi_98148.zip (19K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

fastini v98.148 rexx dll with example rexx
code on how any rexx program that accesses
ini files through sysini calls are made much
faster. this does not require your code to be
rewritten just two small pieces of code to be
file2dat.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx script says how old file is (how many seconds ago).

filechar.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

a rexx procedure to  determine valid file
char.s on fat resp. hpfs depending on
codepage(jan 28 2002)
filefnd.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

filefind - a vx-rexx utility to find programs
based on a search of environment variables.
requires vrobj.dll.
filerx11.zip (100K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

update to filrexx 1.0. fixes some bugs in the
original. lets a rexx script easily
read/write binary files, and do device i/o
that standard rexx doesn't support. free.
finddir.zip (93K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

directory selection dialog. all rexx w/
rexxutil (no other .dll's needed). it should
unzip into a vpr project directory called
finddir. there is no documentation with this.
findsess.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx/2 function to find next available host session

findver.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx exec to show the internal revision of
any os/2 kernel.
fixobj.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

os/2 rexx - recreate std system objects. will
generate a rexx program that can be used to
recreate standard system objects defined in
an .rc file. its primary function is to
recreate os/2 system objects inadvertently
fort2rex.zip (108K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

fortran2rexx.zip) assist in converting
fortran source 2 rexx.
freecell.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx/text version of freecell - now in color.

ftpbatch.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

ftbatch.cmd -  a procedure to put and get
files via rexx ftp(1997)
ftprxfe1.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

visual rexx pm front end for tcp/ip ftppm.

fwd-1.0.zip (78K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

forward-1.0.zip)  rexx multithreaded email
fxclsv01.zip (27K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

faxclass - object rexx classes for direct
access to faxworks pro features from command
line of batch files. also allows faxing ps
documents and pcl and dcx documents.
fxrx.zip (58K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

updated rexx support as needed for the
voice2.zip voice scripts.
gbdrv.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

getbootdrive os/2 2.0 rexx .dll external func
to return ltr of boot drive.  c source and
make file.  uploaded by author b. hogman.
gbj111.exe (110K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

getobj creates a list containing the data for
all objects in a folder (e.g the desktop
folder) for each object the title, the class,
the setup string and the location is shown.
can recreate the object via .cmd file.
genfld.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

v1.4. create folders and program objects
based upon netware group membership.  creates
folders and program objects to which the user
has been given rights. update adds options
for initialization commands and multi-value
getopt.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

skeleton rexx program that processes
command-line arguments similar to the unix
getopt() subroutine.  freeware.
getset.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

rexx programs to show items in the user ini
file. can list dos session program settings
to a file for record keeping or sharing with
friends. can select all programs or select by
gpfrex.txt (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

this file describes the gpfrexx pre-release
open beta program and how to obtain this
gpfrex.zip (3,548K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

gpfrexx demo version. this file contains
three diskette images comprising the gpfrexx
demo. this is functional software with
complete online docs, help and many samples.
it will not save your work.
grep.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

batch file for grep.exe. grep.cmd implements
screen-pause and output-file features for
alexandre polozoff's grep.exe for os/2 2.x.
grfxrexx.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

five rexx programs designed to fetch
information from graphics files (bmp, gif,
png, jpeg, pcx).
hex.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:46

hex/decimal number converter. small os/2 rexx
program that does hex/decimal conversions (&
vice versa).
hlin110.zip (382K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

handy little interface number 1 is a visual
interface for the loaddskf and savedskf
utilities.  written using vx-rexx.
hltrex.zip (39K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

code to test rexx async request interface:
rexxsethalt, rexxsettrace, and
hpfsback.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx .cmd to backup an hpfs partition to a
fat partition for further
i265.zip (58K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx session handout from share79
(postscript). (sessions i265-i266).
icerx092.zip (292K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ice rexx mp3-feeder with pm interface for icecast.

icssic.zip (21K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

use this rexx exec to recreate the icss
folders and its icons if you have lost your
os/2 desktop and are trying to rebuild it.
this tools was written by dharmesh bhakta of
ibm dallas svo.
icssrexx.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

dll to give rexx developer'saccess to the
icss api. vx-rexx example included.
downloaded from compuserve.
ifd98149.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

inidump v98.149 rexx program dumps an ini
file into a format which could be used by
iniwrite. if you want a more human readable
format you should use iniread instead. this
program uses fastini.dll if its available
boost its performance.
ifd99102.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

inidump v99.102. this rexx program dumps an
ini file into a format which could be used by
iniwrite. if you want a more human readable
format you should use iniread instead. tuses
fastini.dll to greatly boost its performance.
ifr98148.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

iniread v98.148 small rexx program dumps all
or part of the ini file specified on the
command line. i have used it to look for
differences between ini files. it creates
human readable output.
ifu98148.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

iniwrite v98.148 reads in a text file which
describes the changes you wish to make to one
of more ini files and makes these ini file
changes. it can also take a single command
from the command line.
ii_98158.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

imginfo v98.158 small rexx program processes
.gif and .jpg files either by dropping files
or directories onto the icon it installs or
via the command line.
imageobj.zip (411K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

graphic image object for vx-rexx. read,
write, & display graphic images. object
supports .bmp, .gif, .pcx, .tga, .tif, &
other popular file formats. available from
vx-rexx toolbar. unzip extracting dir's.
example, pkunzip -d imageobj.zip.
imahtmup.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

imaghtml.cmd - a rexx program to build an
html catalog of all the gif, png, and jpg
files in a directory as update prog level
2.x.9 (nov 1 2001)
impexp.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample rexx code showing import/export of
dbm/qm. 4 sample rexx programs that automate
the importing and exporting of tables and qm
objects. also contains doc file for
converting the codepage of an existing
database using these routines.
indtr100.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

formats os/2 rexx command files to indent do
/ end structures.
inetlg75.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

inetlog v7.5 - a rexx program to extract and
total daily and monthly time-ons by analyzing
the internet dialer log or the injoy dialer
log -  analyzes ign dialer.log or
ipdialer.log and produces monthly summaries
of usage. (sep 15 2001)
inetrace.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure of a net trace showing the
mbuf characteristics (jun 2002)
infocoll.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

infocoll, rexx script. provides an easy way
to collect references to every hlp and inf
file on a system in a central repository.
init_a.zip (67K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx & dlg mgr example freeware. source
included. shows help, msg popup, grayed
choices, etc. if you don't have dm runtime
(it's shipped with the toolkit) download
init_d.zip instead. it has all this plus dm
runtime free!
init_d.zip (232K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx & dlg mgr example freeware w/ dm
runtime. source included. shows help, msg
popup, grayed choices, etc. download this
file if you do not have the dialog manager
runtime (it is shipped on the toolkit disks).
otherwise d/l init_a.zip.
inixmp.zip (92K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a program which is similar to the sample ini
file browser in gpfrexx beta. uses rexxutil
and rxextras to browse your ini files.
instal11.zip (105K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the installer v1.1 with rexx based source
deck created by brian smith(mar 27 2000)
instfont.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

three rexx routines install and delete fonts
for os/2 and winos2. the os2.ini will be
changed when an installation will work.
instpa.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a rexx program designed to allow a
machine installed from cdrom, diskettes,
network or cid to update the installation
path to allow reinstallation and installation
of drivers from different paths.
itrax132.zip (451K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

-= itraX public beta 1.32 =-

  REXX-based Itrack clone

 (c) 1996-98 by 2:5020/410

j18pub.zip (396K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx ansi standard document.

jfi05b.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

attach comments to files. you can copy or
move the files and the comments remain
attached to the files. since this is a rexx
program without source, it must be unpacked
with it's eas. use unzip >= 5.1.
job201.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

simple rexx based job and activity scheduler.
this version adds the ability to schedule by
day of the week, an audit trail and corrects
an oversight in version 2.00 relating to the
name of the configuration file.
julian.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx routines to convert gregorian and julian
calendar dates into julian days, and back
kernrev.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a simple rexx procedure to determine the
internal revision level of the os/2 kernal.
killold1.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx command file to delete all files older
than a specified date from a subdirectory.
version 1. also contains date manipulation
routines in rexx.
kmpl9803.zip (61K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

command line calculator for complex numbers.

kt_98125.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

killtree v98.125 directory deletion program.
this one's written in rexx and deletes read
only files etc.
kzr_0899.zip (330K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx command line calculator

layout.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx procedure to generate cobol record
layouts from os/2 ee database tables.
lebco.zip (373K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

db2/2 export tables, fields, foreign keys,
indexes, then import same to other machine or
rename existing db.  written in vxrexx 2.0.
listcfg.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

jan 96 the rexx column - listcfg.cmd. will
create a formatted .txt file from config.sys
this progam is intended as an accompaniment
to the rexx column in the january, 1996 issue
of os/2 magazine.
listdl.zip (99K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

listdll.cmd is an os/2 rexx program which
will build an ascii file containing a listing
of any dll conflicts found in libpath in
config.sys as well as creating a sorted list
of all "addressable" dlls by dll name.
listea.zip (108K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx prg. to bld list of ext. attributes
95/04/02. os/2 rexx program which builds
ascii file, listea.txt, containing text
listing of all the eas (in hex & character
notation) for all local drive dir's & files
in object system.
listin.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx prog to bld ascii file from ini files
94/12. os/2 rexx program which will build an
ascii file containing a text listing of all
of the application and key name - pair values
contained in any .ini file (in both hex and
character notation)
lngfil.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this simple rexx cmd will search a drive (or
specified tree) for long file names (any file
or directory that is not 8.3).  use it
before xcopying from hpfs to fat or before
using a dos backup  program on an hpfs drive.
lotus.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

start a program. 2 solutions in rexx to start lotus.

lp_tmplt.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script to create a launchpad template.

ls40dskt.cmd (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

re-create lan server 4.0 desktop - rexx. rexx
script written to re-register lsdirectory
class & add workplace shell folders & objects
for lan server 4.0, mpts/2, & user profile
management, w/o having to re-run laninst.
lsrxu204.zip (347K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

warp server rexx utility v2.0.4 (inf + dll).

lsrxu207.zip (238K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

warp server rexx utility v2.0.7 with inf file
(oct., 24th 1997)
lsrxut.zip (238K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 warp server rexx utility 3.rd edition(1996)

mac2mac.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx-based utility to convert lan mac address
fmt. utility to convert mac address formats
(e.g., "token ring" to "ethernet") written in
rexx (brute force, but functional).
makebook.zip (16K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

makebook v2.1 creates inf files objects
95/04/14. rexx utility will search all local
& network drives for os/2 online books (.inf
files) & create icons. support for about 400+
.inf files .inf files found are grouped in
makeboot.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

automated rexx procedure to create a single
boot diskette for os/2 2.0 ga. this automates
morton kaplon's recipe.
makedsks.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

simple os/2 rexx procedure to invoke the
loaddskf.exe utiliti to make diskettes out of
disk images.
makemsg.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

makemsg.cmd v1.5 - a rexx procedure to
convert the driver message file (eg
"logmsg.in") to the following: logmsg.hpp -
message number definitions, logmsg.cpp -
message text, logmsg.tsf - input to the
trcust utility(apr 27 2002)
makeob.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

make object utility (v1.0)  by f. paul
ballard. rexx/2 command file to
add/edit/hide/show workplace objects.  uses
external files as input.  source included
with docs.
makeobj.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

makeobj.cmd v1.05.

makerexx.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

programming tool for rexx. allows a root rexx
routine to be expanded using source library
functions. eliminates 'copy and paste.'
makesp.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 2.0 service pack creator. rexx script to
take the os/2 service pack images and make
diskettes. uses vrexx as a front end.
requires: os/2, vrexx, loaddf, and the
service pack images. this release is for svc
pack xr06055.
maketune.zip (878K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

maketune - a procedure using drdialog rexx
platform(nov 4 2002)
makeview.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a vx-rexx application which creates db2
compatible views of sytem tables for sql/ds
databases(jul 10 1995)
makobj05.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx script to generate program objects,
including inf, hlp, html, etc. documentation
objects using drag-n-drop or commandline.
mathapps.zip (35K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx curve fitting and convolution programs.

mb211.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx program to create a boot diskette for
os/2 2.11. creates 3.5: hd diskettes only.
won't work for ps/2 systems. requires os/2
2.11 installed. requires the service pack
diskettes to be available.
mdsk14.zip (33K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

makedesk v1.40 is a rexx script that offers a
simple object definition language for
creating/updating wps objects. this allows
easy building/rebuilding of lost objects,
consistent setups of multiple desktops, etc.
mind.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

mind.cmd. artificial-intelligence rexx
program, originally written for amiga.
mjukeb.zip (511K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

midi jukebox. exe generated using watcom
international's vx-rexx development
environment and db technologies, inc.
multimedia object pack for vx-rexx. sample
program shipped with db technologies, inc.
multimedia object pack for vx-rexx.
mkbko021.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

make book object, script that creates icons for .infs

mkesln.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx procedure to re-create folders and icons
for es comm manager, upm, lan services and
extended services.
mkey.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx  function : mkey  -  syntax :
keypress=mkey(timelimit (,timewait)) -  get
input from the keyboard, without the
requirement for a key to be pressed. this
function is a part of m.dll, an os/2 rexx
dll(jan 20 2002)
mkprg.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx file, which helps to create program
objects. this little rexx script helps to
create program objects just from the files in
the drive objects. with the association it
appears in all executable open-menus.
mnet10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this rexx procedure makes net.cfg files. it
is a very flexible script that uses driver
definitions stored in a straightforward text
file format. useful for many installations of
os/2 and the netware requester.
mnrexx10.zip (132K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

wps class for creating specialized objects in
rexx; also for accessing wps from external
processes. w/samples. d/l before 10/10/94.
mortg.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a sample mortgage program using vispro/rexx.

mousechg.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

mousechg.cmd is a simple rexx exec to change
your default mouse pointer under os/2 2.1.
it does this by modifying your os2.ini file
to include a new "application" called
mousedir.zip (16K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 rexx and kedit macros for navigating dir
lists. includes a rexx/kexx formatting tool
mousize.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx cmd file to change the size of the mouse
cursor or force the system to select size.
msgdecom.zip (48K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx tool to decompile, modify, and
recompile message (*.msg) files(1997)
msnwrexx.zip (36K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

msnwrexx v1.1 - rexx callable os/2 dll
containing netware related routines. provides
server attachment, drive mapping etc.
suitable for developing rexx based programs
connected with netware logins under os/2.
mstdsk.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a rexx program that will read a text
file and create objects on the desktop.
mtchprps.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

match properties external macro for vx-rexx 2.1c

mtseek.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

mtseek:text searcher- multithreaded rexx app.
code found in the article: "all the threads,
all the time" from the the 01/96 issue of
os/2 magazine. multithreaded rexx application
which searches files for the occurrence of
specific text.
multid.cmd (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

when dropping multiple files on a program
object, the wps creates multiple instances of
the object, each with one file. this rexx
program will collect all the files dropped
and process them at one time.
murphy.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx cmd file of murphy's laws ported from
vm/sp mainframe environment. needs os/2 ee
1.2, os/2 se 1.3 or os/2 ee 1.3
mycamx.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

mycamx v2.5 - a rexx utility to download
pictures from an electronic camera to a
hd(nov 11 2001)
ncd.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx change directory. rexx cmd files which
simulate the dos norton ncd program for
quickly changing to a subdirectory by
specifying only a partial last directory
net.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx sample program shows how to
implement os/2 queues within rexx by using
the net send command. includes all sample
source and an icon for embedding.
netbck01.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

an os/2 rexx exec to automate peer backups
using sytos over ls 2/3.
netrexx.zip (755K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netrexx 1.148 toolkit & compiler.  netrexx is
a human-oriented programming language which
makes writing and using java classes quicker
and easier than writing in java.  compiler
and utility classes, samples, and online
netrexxd.zip (315K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netrexxd 1.148 package -- postscript
documentation. netrexx is a human-oriented
programming language.  includes the netrexx
1.00 definition [13 apr 1997] and the netrexx
supplement 1.148.
netrx116.zip (1,082K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netrexx v1.16 - toolkit, compiler and
documentation(feb. 2000)
netut124.zip (94K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netutil v1.24  -  a rexx function package
that   simulate and enhance net commands of
the lan server. it also includes functions
that can perform what net commands do not
offer(oct., 22th 1999)
netutl.zip (140K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netutil.dll is a rexx function package which
includes rexx functions that simulate and
enhance net commands of ibm os/2 warp server
products. it also includes functions that can
perform what net commands do not offer.
netutl1.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx programs for file & disk management
95/01/03. contains three rexx programs
helpful for file managment. two display
totals for directories which can be parsed in
a spreadsheet. third is for deleteing files
on a daily basis.
new-lnch.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script to change the behavior of the
launchpad in warp. it will create a launchpad
that doesn't pop up when you double click on
empty space.
newfil11.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

newfiles v1.1 and the new newpicks helps you
pick out the newest files you want from the
os/2 shareware bbs.
newzips.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx utility to simplify the unpacking and
testing of zip and lzh files. unpacks to
unique sub and opens drive object for subdir
njpipes.zip (512K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is version 0.50 of njpipes, an
unofficial port of the cms/tso pipeline
product to netrexx and java.
nmaker.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx program to convert make files to the
inverted nmake file format
nrxsamp.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netrexx sample code from share. sample
netrexx code from the netrexx lab session at
the summer 1997 share conference in atlanta.
no supporting docs.
ntp.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx network time protocol client. requires
the rxsock dll.
numbr11.zip (23K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx function that converts any integer into
its equivalent in letters ("two hundred" for
200, etc.) in english, spanish and catalan.
nwos2utl.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netware functions for rexx 95/10/02. limited
rexx external function library for netware. 3
functions: attach to fileserver, check if
connnected to fileserver, and logout of
objdir.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

object directory changer v1.0.0. rexx utility
allows you to drag & drop any object on the
desktop on to it, opening a command prompt
window and automatically changing into the
drive and directory for the object. freeware.
objdsply.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

for os/2 users who execute vx-rexx prog.
this prog. will display your current version
of vrobj.dll.
objrexx.zip (2,063K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 version of object rexx, installable for warp also.

olbox100.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

listbox/menu object in orexx.

open.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

open wps objects from the command line.

openfdr4.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

open folders from a popup menu (req. rexx & 4os2).

orarex.zip (53K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

oracle rexx interface dll [pre-release]
95/07/27. sample programs, online doc, &
readme for the oracle rexx interface for
os/2. see readme.txt for install info. note
that a v7.1 client-side installation is
necessary before using this dll.
orexx.zip (2,120K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the objectrexx for os/2 warp. the
installation overwrites classic rexx!(1998)
orexxsql.zip (43K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

orexx/sql object framework. set of orexx
classes which encapsulate mark hessling's
rexx/sql interface to sql databases. the
rexx/sql interface provides cross platform
(os/2, unix, win 95/nt), rdbms independent
access to sql dbs. freeware.
orx7.zip (134K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

object rexx program to analyze object rexx programs.

orx7doc.zip (93K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

postscript documentation for orx7.zip.

orx8.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

object rexx utilities, routines and classes in source.

orx8doc.zip (171K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

postscript documentation for orx8.zip.

os2page.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script to send alpha page 95/10/27. rexx
script that will send a message to an alpha
pager. academic example of com i/o using
os2rndr.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

pm front end to persistence of vision
raytracer.  requires visual rexx
os2ver.zip (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx utility w/os2check to find os/2 ver
95/05/02. tests version of os/2 installed.
rexx script check to ensure warp installed
prior to executing instructions. needed to
avoid sys error on 2.11 systems when running
an exe compiled for warp.
page.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

simple rexx procedure using hayes modem cmds
to 'page' someones beeper.  handy to check
return codes then page someone.
passfull.zip (402K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

password 1.0b w/vrobj.dll 95/04/20.
unregistered password program, it's password
is "kool". see the program for information on
ordering the full version.
peerinst.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to recreate lost peer icons

pgmcfg.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample rexx procedures for programmable configuration.

pgpamp1.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrexx shell for using pgp. freeware.

pgprex12.zip (30K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

pgprexx 1.2 is a package of seven rexx
scripts to give pgp functionality to mail
pmdfinst.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to install pmdf support
files(apr 28 1997)
pmsw.zip (203K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

pmsw .exe, .dll rexx function to test active
task or switch to task by name.  c source.
free.  uploaded by local author bruce hogman.
pmsyslev.zip (29K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

pmsyslev is a vx-rexx dialog that will locate
all syslevel information in your system and
display it in an os/2 notebook format.
pnp12.zip (104K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

v1.2) pnp - programmers notepad for os/2 and
windows. march 1996 conversion between
decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary
integers. ascii table. mathematical, logical,
binary operations.
pnpos211.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

programmers notepad for os/2. new version
doesn't need runtime lib. conversion between
decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary
integers. ascii table. mathematical, logical,
binary operations.
ports.txt (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

adds lpt1-9 to os/2. text + rexx script.

postpr.zip (26K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

db2 code postprocessor for vispro rexx code.
contains text docs and a rexx .cmd file which
will enhance the generated code produced by
the vispro rexx (2.0-2.03) for db2
applications. v1.2
preprc.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx preprocessor resolves include files
94/12/21. will resolve #define (w/no macro
expansion) & #include statements to build
rexx code. supports 'ifdef' & 'ifndef' for
conditional "compilation/inclusion" written
in rexx.
printf.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx program prints files with headers, fixes
serial printer problems
prtgr22.zip (2,401K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the portgraph rexx library  v2.2 as a
shareware product. source is included(jul 2
prtgraph.txt (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

prtgraph for rexx v1.2 description. prtgraph
for rexx v2.1 graphics mode printing library
for rexx; text description.
prtgraph.zip (212K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

prtgraph for rexx v2.1. graphics mode
printing library for rexx gives access to
complex graphic printing functionality under
rexx. print images, boxes, justified, right
or left aligned or centered text, tables &
prtrxdem.zip (43K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

prtgraph for rexx v2.1 example files. upgrade
example project files for prtgraph for rexx
v2.1. this file is destined for registered
users of prtgraph for rexx.
prtrxinf.zip (93K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

prtgraph fort rexx on-line help. upgrade for
the on-line programming reference for
prtgraph for rexx v2.1. this file is destined
for registered users of prtgraph for rexx.
prtsmp.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

real' application printing for vispro/rexx.
this is a project in vispro/rexx that shows
how you can do 'real' printing to printer
queues using rxextras. you must have rxextras
v1.5 for this to work.
prune.cmd (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx program that removes (prunes)
directory trees. good examples of rexx
prxutils.zip (73K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 2.0 rexx utility library. replacement
for pedagogic software's rexxtacy.
psnsrexx.zip (559K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the psns backup/restore rexx api guide and
reference  psnsrexx.dll and psnskrnl.dll
v6.01 included(jul., 5th 2000)
pushd21.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx programs implementing unix csh
pushd/popd/dirs. this is an update to version
2.0 of pushd (pushd20.zip). this version adds
support for directory names with embedded
pushpop.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 command line (rexx) directory push/pop.
rexx routines to navigate drive/directory
changes via an env variable stack.
putlong.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx utility putlong.cmd v1.01 to assign a
longname (< 255 characters) extended
attribute for a file without changing its
real name (2001)
pyrxutil.zip (52K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx package to show and delete processes.
a test for xf86sup.sys is included(oct 20
qcd.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

quick change directory ver 1.0. rexx command
procedure which allows you to change
directories by specifing partial directory
names. type qcd -? form help
qdate.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

query date program. an interesting program
that provides the date and the phase of the
moon. another early rexx program.
qtime.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx query time program an interesting
program that provides the time of day in
english. one of the first rexx programs ever
written. author: mike cowlishaw, the inventor
of the rexx language.
quotword.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx word()-like function which recognizes quoted strings.

qwk2text.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx - reads messages.dat file from qwk
packet and selectively extracts messages to
text file.
r2e98204.zip (201K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx2exe v98.204 compiles rexx code to create
".exe" files. the resultant executable does
not contain the source and by default is
compressed and encrypted so people can't even
patch text strings.
ra2.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

soft recovery technology real audio launcher.
rexx program and doc file to allow an os/2
user to run the real audio player. does not
require feelx or objst.
rafl-v10.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx archive file lister -- uses vrexx as a
front end for unzip/unarj/lh to view
.zip/.arj/.lzh interiorfile listings.
ramsey.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

system monitor app from '95 rexx report
95/03/26. system monitor application
described in the rexx report article titled,
"e-mail enabling rexx". contains complete
source code for system monitor. must also
download rxvimd.zip to run applic.
randmod.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx procedure to randomize tracker modules
and send them to pm tracker
randomz4.zip (16K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

randomizer v4.0 - the rexx randomizer is a
lightweight database built with the specific
intention of selecting random items from
lists (fields, arrays, etc) - (jul 30 2001)
rc321.zip (229K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxcc 3.21 - a tiny rexx "compiler" that
substitutes the source code with any text,
preserving code in ea. freeware. use ea aware
unzipper, like infozip 5.2, or it won't work.
rcd14.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this rexx script can be used to quickly
change the current working directory, by
searching the directory structure for
directories that partially match the user
supplied argument.
rcdo_c02.zip (34K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

create pm (c) programs from .rc and .dlg
files. requires vrexx package. new release
has checkbox/radiobutton logic added.
rcdoc4.zip (47K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rc-do-c pm code generator. this vrexx program
reads .rc and .dlg files to create a pm
program that is fully compilable. check
boxes, radio buttons, entry fields, and mle
logic is added automatically.
rcf2102i.zip (1,231K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx code formater/2. os/2 rexx app written
using vispro/rexx and vispro/reports. allows
a rexx programmer to format a program in a
particular style & insures each element
conforms to that style. shareware, $15.
rcf2102j.zip (1,244K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx code formatter/2 (rcf/2).

rcopy.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

multiple-function rexx copy pgm - v1.12
96/03/06. multiple function rexx program that
extends functionality of the os/2 copy
command. with available rcopy options, a
single execution can perform tasks that would
require several os/2 commands.
rdebug21.zip (92K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a source-level debugger for rexx, vrexx and
kedit macros.  note: requires kedit in this
rdx200.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx command-line directory changer. optional
wildcards, search multiple drives and lookup
table for frequently-used directories.
rebuil.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx programs to rebuild ls, es, upm,
toolkt20, workframe/2 and c set/2 folders.
recrea.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

recreate lost standard wps objects. did you
delete command prompts? shreded your
shredder? this program restores the standard
wps desktop objects on 2.x.
recreate.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

recreate desktop and missing folders.
suitable for os/2 2 to warp 4 inclusive. run
from an os/2 window.
recreate.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx command file to recreate standard
desktop objects. by gregory czaja, analysts
international corp. at ibm lexington.
red98104.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxregexp v98.104 rexx dll (with sample .cmd)
that allows rexx programs to perform regular
expression searches and replaces.
redb1c.zip (75K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

RED By Black Pine Development
Version  Beta1

OS/2 PM REXX Editor

RED is planned to be a full functioning REXX/VXREXX drag
and drop editor. This Beta dosen't have the drag and drop
interface installed.


regin08e.zip (2,224K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

free alternate rexx interpreter.

regrexx.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

regrexx - regular expression for rexx -
source is included, emx is required(sept.,
4th 1999)
remcmd.zip (17K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

remote command util (uses rxu functions).
remote command utility based on appc and some
rxu functions. includes a doc file explaining
setup, etc.
renqwk.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx program to rename your qwk packets based
on it's file date.
repeat_.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

pmrexx script to play a multimedia file continuously.

reset.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

resets vispro/rexx desktop object. reset.cmd
will reset your vispro/rexx desktop, and
restore it as it was when you first
installed. this will help when you reinstall
os/2, so you won't have to reinstall
resyncpw.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx utility to resynchronize the password
of wseb(auroa) with the primary domain
controller with calling pwdexp.exe and
pwdimp.exe(dec., 15th 1998)
rex22emx.zip (721K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

          Regina Rexx Interpreter
 Version 2.2     OS/2 EMX      rex22emx.zip
 Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA
 Rexx API support.  OS/2 EMX version, runs
 on OS/2 2.1+.
 Ports also available for Win32, DOS, Unix,
 Amiga, QNX, BeOS.
 Freeware. Source available under GNU
 Library General License in file
 regina22.zip. See enclosed COPYING-LIB.

rex2u10.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

misc. rexx-os/2 utilities

rexegd01.zip (411K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxegd v0.1 - the rexx entropy gathering
daemon as an interface for communication
through a named pipe for audio applications.
see: http://www.math.berkeley.edu/~roconnor/r
exxegd/ and http://egd.sourceforge.net/
(oct., 28th 2001)
rexhlapi.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

version 2.0 of david ashley's rexx to ehllapi
external function package.
rexmaz.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script draws maze on crt. this rexx
script draws a maze on your crt using the ibm
graphics character set. this version corrects
a bug in the maze generation algorithm.
rexmenu2.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

very easy to use and powerful character based
rexx menu utility. brent noorda
rexprt21.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

enhanced version of matt johnson's rexxprt2
for identifing top-of-form code inbedded in a
file and properly handling it.
rexref.zip (96K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx online reference (draft.)

rexutil.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a great rexx utility to manipulate the wps
requires vrexx. recreate lost objects,
associate files, create new association types
rexvim.zip (142K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxvim: a vim toolkit for rexx. allows rexx
to interact with any vendor independent
message (vim) compliant mail system, like
cc:mail and lotus notes. allows the
ease-of-use of rexx to be used for full
access to the mail systems.
rexx25e.zip (469K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxedit 2.5 - rexx development system.
graphical debug program, vrexx/2 for pm
programing & can expand rexxedit w/ your code
tempates. create rexx procedures in an easy
way, use drag & drop & test code in its own
rexx2exe.zip (201K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

free rexx "compiler" (generates .exe from .cmd).

rexx_md5.zip (96K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

compute md5 digests from rexx.

rexx_rsp.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to test digital video(smv) - 1995

rexxac.txt (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx & autocad 12 automated dwg changes.
scripts to: make file list of files in
directories specified. rexx cmd to run acad
12 "script" on all files in file list. 3) for
a unix/nfs environment: will rename all
filenames in dir. to lowercase.
rexxacad.txt (17K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

v.2 os/2 rexx automate autocad script
running. make file list of all files in
dir's. run acad 12 "script" on all files.
make acad script that might say change a dwg
from one companies layering scheme to
another. run against list of files.
rexxalgo.zip (84K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxalgo 1.31 - some useful rexx algorithms -
searching and sorting of stem variables, -
time transformation (julian date to gregorian
date, year with century), - strings
formatting, - square root and cube root, and
rexxap.zip (55K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 2.0 rexx programming reference. draft
copy of the os/2 2.0 rexx programming
interfaces online documentation.
rexxapi.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx program reference - how to call rexx
under c/c++(1994)
rexxbok.zip (49K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

excellent introduction to rexx in inf format
by jeff glatt, author of rxdlg & filerexx
rexxboot.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sysreboot and syssyncdisk (2.1 only) calls
from rexx.  see test.cmd for example usage.
not for os/2 1.x.
rexxbtrv.zip (19K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx interface for os/2 btrieve.

rexxcc.20 (258K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxcc v3.20 - a tiny rexx "compiler" for
os/2 rexx programs. rexxcc "compiles" rexx
programs by substituting the source code with
any text. rexxcc "compress" rexx programs by
deleting all comments, superfluous
whitespaces and cr/lfs.
rexxch02.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a zip file containing the examples
from chapter 2 of the rexx users guide
rexxch03.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a zip file containing the rexx
examples from chapter 3 of the rexx users's
rexxcobj.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

information on how to create wps objects using rexx

rexxcomm.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxcomm is a simple utility for creating
better-documented rexx programs.
rexxcopy.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 some more sample rexx procedures

rexxdate.zip (39K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

dll with date functions for rexx.  difference
in days, is it leap year.  with inf file.
rexxea.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx extended attributes package. a dll
containing a package of rexx callable
functions for handling extended attributes of
a file or directory. exceeds function
available with rexxutil library. for release
2.0 only.
rexxedit.zip (110K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxedit v1.10 95/09/28. a rexx editor, to
develop and test your rexx programs in a fast
and easy way.
rexxeval.zip (1,152K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx 3.0 evaluation version.
full-featured visual programming tool for
os/2 rexx language. drag & drop coding,
multiple views of a form, standalone
executable files, team development, & visual
odbc database design/reverse engineering.
rexxface.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx xbm converter for different
applications as a japanese development(mar 21
rexxfaq.zip (35K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

frequently asked questions about rexx - last
revised:  august 12, 1994 (ascii and ps
rexxftp.zip (82K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

freeware automatic ftp rexx script.

rexxgdb2.zip (132K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 warp rexx api for db2/2 version 1.30 - aug. 9, 1997

rexxio46.zip (210K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxio v4.6 - a rexx library with 235 functions(jan. 2001)

rexxit.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx interactive tutorial advance materials.
materials for the online rexx tutorial on
december 10th.  download and unpack into a
seperate directory.
rexxlb.zip (261K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxlib-os/2 rexx function package library.
over 150 functions to extend capabilities of
rexx. 5 areas: compound variable handling,
interprocess communication, mathematical
functions, os/2 system services, & text-mode
user interfacing.
rexxma.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxmath - c runtime math functions. rexx dll
to access c runtime math functions. source
code included. makefiles for watcom c/c++ and
ibm c set++ compilers.
rexxne.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

another rexx dll for lan server 3.0. another
interpretation of lan server apis for rexx.
uses standard c calling conventions. includes
simple user maintenance utility and try.cmd
utility to try out apis.
rexxov.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 objectvision-rexx sample applications.
two simple objectvision applications
demonstrating the objectvision rexx hooks.
rexxpa.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxpack -- protect rexx programs from
change. rexxpack v1.0 --- rexxpack optimizes
a rexx exec to run faster and make changes
very difficult. this is a good way to protect
end-users from modifying a rexx program.
rexxppp.zip (23K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx ppp connections for vmodem and
mindspring. killem.exe is included(sep 16
rexxprnt.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx print program for hp jaserjet...

rexxprt2.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

formatted print utility for hp laserjet

rexxrand.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

random number generator in rexx/2

rexxref.zip (193K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a classic rexx course in 180 lessons as html files

rexxsamp.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 some sample rexx procedures

rexxsem.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

REXXSEM - A DLL to extend your OS/2 REXX system
to permit the use of native OS/2 semaphores,
both 16- and 32-bit.  Requires OS/2 2.0+.
rexxsock.zip (88K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a tutorial programming for a tcp/ip socket
with rexx. samples included.
rexxstrt.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

startup.cmd written in rexx/2

rexxtacy.zip (162K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxtacy - rexx-to-c compiler. re-written to
increase run-time performance, and to fix
bugs. rexxtacy generates microsoft c6.00
compatible source code from your rexx
rexxtk12.zip (331K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx/tk library v1.2 (in c source) as a
rexx interface to tcl/tk gui v8.0+. emx
runtime 0.9d+ is required(jul 22 2001)
rexxtool.zip (63K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx tools for os/2: demo versions of
development tools for rexx. speeds loading
and execution of rexx programs.
rexxtr.zip (186K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

extra functions for rexx and vispro/rexx!
sort stems, copy stems, global variables,
read and write stems  from/to files, query
drives, check the task list and more.
rexxtut2.zip (46K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

good rexx documentation. incl: rexx.txt: very
thorough docs derived from unix imc, much
better than os/2's online help; sysutils.txt:
this is some documentation about os/2
specific rexx extensions; and rexx.faq.
rexxupda.zip (107K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

an update of classic rexx with 12 new
functions. rexxutil.dll and rexxcrt.dll
included (nov 24 1999)
rexxutil.zip (27K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxutil information and samples rexxutil how
to info on shadows, folders, ini compiled by
mike lamb from ibm kingston.
rexxuuxx.zip (60K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

uu/xx/base64 encoders and decoders for os/2.
including rexx extension dll and commands.
freeware including source. needs
rexxvim.zip (141K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxvim: a vim toolkit for rexx, allowing
rexx to interact with any vendor independent
message compliant mail system.
rexxwav.zip (115K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the  rxwav library  as functions that allow
to manipulate riff wave audio files, i.e.
changing volume level, applying filters,
merging different files, etc. source is
included(jan 22 2003)
rexxwps.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this archive contains some rexx programs
discussed in "rexx report, summer 1995"
(miller & freeman, september '95) entitled
"the workplace shell: objects to the core",
pp: 42-51.
rgbcalc.zip (87K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

freeware. an rgb calculator designed for
vispro/rexx, but can be used for any other
app. generator. drop color onto text object
and save color and rgb components to
clipboard to paste as remark to rexx or c
code. requires rexx.
rgiserv.zip (110K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

function library for rexx cgi applications.

rickact.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rickact.cmd os/2 rexx dec'95 issue os/2
magazine. this rexx program tests the labels
feature of vispro/reports, creating name and
address mailing labels from a symantec act!
rio111.zip (25K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

netrexx class to implement rexx i/o functions.

rmmic100.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

v1.00) rmmico - rexx program to restore mmos2
icons - freeware.
rox.zip (84K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx function package which provides some
object oriented programming capabilities to
rplrxcre.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rplrxcre - a rexx tool to create a ripl
client using the library rxrplext(see file
rxrplext.zip)- febr.,  20th 1996
rplrxdel.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rplrxdel - a rexx tool to delete a ripl
client using the library rxrplext.dll(see
file rxrplext.zip) - feb. 20th 1996
rplrxenu.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rplrxenu - a rexx tool to list a specified
amount of information for all ripl machines
of a specific type. the library rxrplext.dll
is used(see file rxrplext.zip - febr. 20th
rplrxget.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rplrxget - a rexx tool to display information
about a specific ripl client using the
library rxrplext.dll(see file rxrplext.zip) -
febr., 20th 1996
rplrxset.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rplrxset- a rexx tool to set information for
a specific ripl client using  the library
rxrplext.dll(see file rxrplext.zip) - febr.,
20th  1996
rpvcs.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx pvcs macros. a starter set of rexx macro
files for interfacing sourcelink with the
pvcs source librarian. your specific
environment may dictate the changes required
to tailor these macros to fit your specific
rs960115.zip (106K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx sourcebook 01/15/96 version - a
collection of rexx faqs, tutorials and
rspgen.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a rexx-procedure to generate
response-files based on existing ones. user
specific entries will be substituted from an
rsvprexx.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this program extends the vispro/rexx language
by providing rexx external functions.
rsvpspace; rsvpsplit; rsvptext.
rx08eemx.zip (400K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

          Regina Rexx Interpreter
 Version 0.08e   OS/2 EMX      RX08EEMX.ZIP
 Port of Regina Rexx interpreter with SAA
 Rexx API support.  OS/2 EMX version, runs
 on OS/2 2.1+.
 Ports also available for Win32, DOS, Unix.
 Freeware. Source available under GNU 
 Library General License in file 
 regna08e.zip. See enclosed COPYING-LIB.

rx_net.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx - ibm lan server 3.0 interface dll
v1.001 (beta), 9.sep.93, bug fixed with
stem.0 = 0 implements logon assignments,
application selectors, var. queries.
rxansi12.zip (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

dll that provides i/o extensions to rexx --
very rich, even includes mouse support!
rxapfd.zip (58K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx appc (fullduplex) interface (for cm/2
v1.1). exposes the native os/2 appc interface
to rexx programs, including the new
full-duplex capabilities of appc under cm/2
v1.1. includes .inf file and some samples.
rxappc.zip (28K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

provides access to the os/2 communications
manager appc programming interface from rexx
rxast161.zip (267K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxautostart version 1.61  this program is a
workaround for timing problems that lead to a
wps hang on startup on certain os/2 versions
and fixlevels.  gives you a limited
possibility to control order of auto-started
rxast190.zip (497K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxautostart v1.90 - a program for timing
problems caused by wps hanging. with pm
support. source is included. see:
http://pws.prserv.net/mckinnis/rxautost/ (apr
4 2003)
rxasyn20.zip (138K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx dll which provides full exposure of
the os/2 async communications api and thus
enables rexx users to fully exploit the
scripting advantages of rexx and os/2 serial
communications. v2.0.
rxasync2.zip (138K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxasync v2.0 -  a rexx dll which provides
full exposure to os/2  async communications
api and os/2 serial communications for sio
and standard com drivers.  source is
included. (dec 26 1994)
rxawar.zip (157K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

designing rexx-aware applications. to
accompany article in the rexx report.
rxb97305.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexbuild v97.305. this preprocessor can be
used to generate html.
rxbas223.zip (469K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxbase v2.23. the dbase database for rexx -
rexx  api to access dbase iii and iv files -
dbf, dbt, ndx and mdx.  shareware.
rxbks.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

review of three rexx books: _programming in
rexx_ by charles daney, _rexx: advanced
techniques for programmers_ by peter kiesel,
and _the rexx handbook_ by gabe goldberg and
phil smith. the review was written by
jonathan story.
rxcalc.zip (242K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample c programs show how to use rexx as an
application macro language. this is a very
simple pm based calculator. rexx support is
added in steps, going from very simple
program function keys to an integrated macro
rxcht10a.zip (273K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxchat v1.0a: irc-like chat system written in rexx.

rxcls.zip (33K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx compiler, create .exe files 96/01/02.
use to compile rexx programs into standalone
.exe files. great for protecting your unique
rexx code from prying eyes. also prevents
others from changing your program.
rxcomm16.zip (46K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx communication library v1.6 as a
japanese version(oct., 19th 1999)
rxcp290.zip (188K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxcp290 is an extension of os/2's built-in
rexx language that provides functions for
communicating to the cp290 home control
interface for x-10.
rxcrc.zip (69K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxcrc rexx crc generator & compare tool
95/02/07. compares groups of files between
two or more systems.
rxcrc32.zip (36K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxcrc32 v1.00 - a rexx extension dll for
efficiently calculating crc-32 checksums of
rxcrypt.zip (46K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxcrypt - a rexx dll for sychronizing the
password on a tcp/ip daemon: mail, telnet,
apache, dial in.
rxd.zip (145K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ibm ews. a pm source level debugger for rexx

rxdate20.zip (23K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx calendar functions for manipulating dates.

rxdate21.zip (46K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx calendar functions for manipulating
dates, tweaked to work with objrexx(source
code included) - dec., 18th 2000
rxdates.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

set of rexx routines to manipulate various
date formats. can be used to calculate a
future/past date.
rxdecode.zip (46K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

intelligent uu/xx-decoder. enhancement:
1993-11-15, added scrcolor.cmd to the package
to keep it self-contained; enhanced the code
a little bit
rxdlg11.zip (215K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx dialog -- a dll used to extend rexx
scripts so that they may create presentation
manager windows with pm controls such as
menus, list and drop boxes, radio and push
buttons, checkmark buttons, sliders, etc.
rxdyndns.zip (29K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx client for ml.org's dyndns service.

rxedit03.zip (17K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx funcitons to edit single characters or strings.

rxendeco.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

base64 coding/encoding(see rfc 1521 section
"5.2.  base64 content-transfer-encoding" and
"5.1.  quoted-printable
content-transfer-encoding") as rexx
functions-source included(july, 15th 2001)
rxerror.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

disable/enable hard error pop-ups in rexx.

rxexp1.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx functions 95/02/11. this file contains
about 20 useful rexx functions for os/2.
note: do not download if you already have
'rexx tips & tricks v1.40'.
rxfiles.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

some rexx applications for pc dos 7 (oct 6 1998)

rxfmem.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

free memory" rexx api.

rxfnset.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx function dll.  added rexx functions
rxsetfh to set new number of fh for process.
rxgd101.zip (159K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

(v1.01) RXGDUTIL.DLL - An OS/2 Program REXX extension to build
GIF files.  This .DLL uses the GD library functions provided by
Tom http://sunsite.unc.edu/boutell/index.html Boutell.  You take
it for all its worth.
AB Software
122 Richland Road
Norwood, MA 02062-5540

rxgd16.zip (127K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxgdutil.dll v1.6 - a collection of rexx
functions to create png files.
rxgeturl.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx routine rxgeturl v0.2 : get http
document (result incl. http headers to
stdout)- use "connection: close" header,
avoid chunked data by specifying http/1.0
instead of 1.1(apr 9 2002)
rxgpib.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxGPIB ver. 1.00 - REXX-callable DLL
that enables REXX to access GPIB
functions (IEEE488). Works on OS/2
Warp 3.0 and later. Freeware.
Web site: http://home.att.net/~ASchw

rxgwa1.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ascii to ebcdic / ebcdic to ascii conversion in os/2 rexx.

rxgzlib.zip (131K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 rexx callable procedures to gzip strings and files.

rxhll.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample source code for various rexx routines
including  hllapi calls, db2/2 access.
rximc175.zip (262K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx/imc v1.75 beta - now with query
commands and saa api from os/2. source only
as c programs(nov 1 2000)
rxinfo.zip (83K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx information file. text file containing
all of the rexx information that is avaiable
in the online rexx information file. section
numbers and section dividing lines have been
added to make it easier to find the subject
of interest.
rxini.zip (13K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx functions for access to text ini files.
a dll that allows rexx programs to manipulate
data in text based ini files like win.ini.
rxinit (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

problem with e and rexx in pcdos 7.0. a
little rexx procedure that corrects problem
with calling rexx procedure and transfer
parameters from dos prompt or dos procedure
after loading e editor.
rxipc.zip (62K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx access to os/2 ipc services (v1.30)
96/01/14. the rexxipc library provides access
to os/2 inter process communication
capabilities for rexx programs. threads,
named pipes, semaphores (event, mutex and
muxwait) and queues are supported.
rxjiscmd.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

two sample rexx programs to use rxjis(see
files rxjisinf.zip and rxjis096.zip)
rxlan.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxnetfunc - get lan requester information.
rexx functions for retrieving userid and
domain from lan requester. includes
c/2-source and makefiles.
rxlan20.zip (412K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxlan/2 v2.0 evaluation. the extension of
rexx for the ibm lan server with the greatest
variety of functions & depth. combines info
quantity of the lan server c api with
advantages of rexx programming. support for
lan server 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0.
rxlbox13.zip (63K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxlbox v1.3 - a powerful textmode menu
program for os/2 written in plain rexx.
rxldp021.zip (551K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxldap v0.21 - ldap api for os/2 rexx(nov. 2001)

rxlepsom.zip (179K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx and objectrexx macros beta pack for
lotus 123 for os/2 rel 2.1.
rxlndemo.zip (213K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

lotus notes 3 api for rexx to create and
modify notes databases with rexx programs.
rxlog0b3.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

RxLogin v1.0b2 - An ultra-simple login program...
     originally written by Digital Productions,
     Rewritten by darkpoet - darkpoet@bellsouth.net
          copyright (c) 1997 darkpoet productions, inc.

rxlogin.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx program to restrict access to os/2.
this primitive login program will allow you
to restrict access to your os/2 machine -
simply slip it into your config.sys, and you
will be prompted for a password before the
wps is initialised.
rxls01.cmd (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this program is an example of a trap
processing routine utilizing rexxlib
(rexxlb.zip) from quercus systems. this
progam is intended as an accompaniment to the
rexx column in the november, 1994 issue of
os/2 magazine.
rxls02.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a working example using the associative array
capabilities of rexx. compares two
directories and displays the names of the
non-matching entries. intended as an
accompaniment to the rexx column in the
december, 1994 issue of os/2 magazine.
rxls03.cmd (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

jan 95 rexx column - 9501ls02.cmd file.
working example of using rexx data queues for
inter-process communication. intended as an
accompaniment to the rexx column in the
january, 1995 issue of os/2 magazine.
rxls04.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

mar 95 rexx column - 9503ls02.cmd file.
working example of using rexx to list
config.sys on lpt1 & to tally its line count.
intended as an accompaniment to the rexx
column in the march, '95 issue of os/2
rxls05.cmd (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

build your own launchpad rexx program. this
file contains the program which appeard in my
june, 1995 column about building your own
rxmath.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ibm os2ews util to add math functions to
rexx. the following functions are provided:
cos(x), sin(x), tan(x), acos(x), asin(x),
atan(x), cosh(x), sinh(x), tanh(x), ceil(x),
floor(x), exp(x), log(x), log10(x), sqrt(x),
pow(x,y), pi(), e().
rxmp.zip (53K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxmp v1.4 multiprocessing samples. rexx
programs for multiple-task programs. uses
stock rexx services plus pmsw2 function from
author (included). utility programs finddir,
findfile, inpath.
rxmulch2.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxmulch is a simple rexx-program which allows
for counting the occurrences of a string in a
file and for replacing strings in a file.
rxnet2.zip (27K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

lan server apis from rexx. another
implementation of the lan server apis being
made available to rexx programmers. supports
most apis using c like interface. great for
prototyping. includes examples. freeware.
rxnetb.zip (19K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

provides access to the os/2 netbios
programming interface from rexx programs.
rxneterr.zip (157K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx utility to read and clear lan error
messages from os/2 servers
rxnews1a.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxnews 1.0a nntp client newsreader for os/2
using rxsock.
rxnpip20.zip (31K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxnpipes v2.0 - a library for rexx named
pipes(dec., 22th 1995)
rxnulock.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx utility to manage the numlock function(jun 29 2002)

rxnum.zip (14K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxnum.dll additional functions for rexx
96/03/20. adds functions to rexx conversion
between decimal, hexadecimal, octal & binary
format of integers. bit or/and/xor, shift
left/right & basic math functions. shareware
w/o limitations.
rxod.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxod rexx object data tool 95/06/11. rexx
functions w/ related programs & external .cmd
functions to retrieve data from os/2
workplace persistent objects such as folders,
wpprogram abstract objects, etc. to
manipulate desktop objects.
rxpea11.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx program to modify .comments, .subject,
.history, .keyphrases, and .icon eas. doc is
inside the .cmd file.
rxphn.zip (729K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxphone development toolkit sample.
integrated extension of rexx language
designed to combine power of telephony,
multimedia, & extensive 3rd party tools. uses
dialogic equipment to produce voice mail,
interactive voice response, & more.
rxpmpapi.zip (42K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx interface to pm patrol's data collection
facility (dcf).
rxportio.zip (133K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxPortIO ver. 1.01 - REXX-callable DLL
that provides hardware I/O read and write
services to OS/2 Warp 3.0 and later REXX
programs. With rxPortIO you can easily
access hardware like digital I/O, data
acquisition and other boards that require
I/O read and writes. rxPortIO is ideal
for prototyping hardware for both,
the Professional and Hobbyist.
rxPortIO is copyrighted freeware.

rxprio.zip (16K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx syssetpriority function. includes source
and exe. this function can be called from any
rexx procedure to change its priority. a
sample rexx program that uses the function is
also included.
rxprior.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

source for rexx function package for os/2
from the os/2 developer magazine, jan/feb
1994, pg. 73. it implements functions
sysgetpriority() and syssetpriority() to set
and get a process's priority.
rxps17.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx process status command version 1.7.

rxregexp.zip (53K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxregexp.dll - the rexx regular expression
interface library(apr 4 1998)
rxrsync.zip (122K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxrsync contains several "os/2 rexx callable"
procedures that support rsync. rsync is a
"client/server" differencing protocol that
does not require that both parties have the
same copy of a prior version.
rxrtctrl.zip (69K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxRTCtrl.DLL ver. 2.0 - is a REXX-callable DLL
providing access to the AIMS RadioTrack FM radio
card for OS/2 Warp 3 and later REXX programs.
Includes documentation and sample REXX programs
to control the FM radio card. RxRTCtrl is
copyrighted freeware.

rxrun.zip (106K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxrun dosstartsession tools v2.1 95/11/01.
tools to run synchronous child session from
rexx or c programs, good for install program
use. new functions to min/restore,
max/restore, hide/show, make invisible,
switch focus to session window.
rxsem104.zip (120K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx extentions: 16/32-bit semaphores + extras.

rxsendat.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx file to use as send to set date to 2000.
rxset211.zip (28K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxfnset v.2.11 rexx os/2 fh task process fs
this is os/2 rexx callable 32 bit dll with
functions to manage processes (list, kill),
number of file handles, switch list, query
file system type, mask/convert text with the
rxship24.zip (29K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxship version 2.4 by timothy f. sipples.
convert any binary file into a self
extracting text file.  recipient can decode
the file using os/2 1.3/2.x's built-in rexx
interpreter.  other recipients can decode
using xxdecode.
rxsock.zip (51K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxsock is a rexx function package providing
access to the os/2 tcp/ip socket api as
provided by the ibm tcp/ip product, version
1.2.1. ibm employee written software for
os/2. 8/17/93
rxsockin.zip (27K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

updated rxsock.inf file from ibm for
rxsock.dll programers. fills in all those
little missing details of the original.
rxspool.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

two rexx tools to enable and disable the
spooler(nov., 18th 1998)
rxsqdc13.zip (38K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

documentation for rexx/sql external functions
provided in rxsqmn13.zip.
rxsql.zip (12K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a sample rexx interface to sybase sql
server (16-bit; works fine with 2.x) with
rxsql23.zip (1,050K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx library for database (sql) access.

rxsqldb2.zip (195K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/sql for db/2 v2.0. rexx interface to
db2/2 databases. os/2 version, runs on os/2
2.0+. ports also available for win95/nt and
unix and for other databases. freeware.
rxsqlmin.zip (153K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/sql for msql v2.0. rexx interface to
mini sql (msql) databases. os/2 version, runs
on os/2 2.0+ ports also available for
win95/nt and unix and for other databases.
rxsqlora.zip (199K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/sql for oracle v2.0. rexx interface to
oracle databases. os/2 version, runs on os/2
2.0+. ports also available for win95/nt, and
unix and for other databases. freeware.
rxsqlsaw.zip (193K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/sql for sybase sql anywhere v2.0. rexx
interface to sybase sql anywhere databases.
os/2 version, runs on os/2 2.0+ ports also
available for win95/nt and unix and for other
databases. freeware.
rxsqmn13.zip (153K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/sql provides interface for rexx programs
to sql databases via external functions. see
also rxsqdc13.zip & rxsqsm13.zip.
rxsqsm13.zip (25K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample programs for external functions
provided in rxsqmn13.zip, rexx/sql interface.
rxsvm10.zip (34K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

alternate rexx sockets api version 1.0.

rxswqry.zip (32K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxswitchquery.zip) rxswitchquery v1.00 - a
rexx extension dll for querying the os/2
system winswitchlist.
rxt304.exe (89K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

template.cmd v3.04 is a skeleton for an os/2
rexx program. it contains a complete runtime
system for rexx programs built with more than
20 routines which you can also use in other
rexx programs.
rxtcpa.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx commands create tcp/ip program objects.
create a new folder on the desktop and
populate it with program references for
common tcp/ip programs.
rxtmp2.zip (47K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

template v2.52 - rexx "runtime system"
95/01/08. new: fixed some minor bugs, added
the programs makecmd.cmd & makesrc.cmd to
update rexx programs based on older versions
of template.cmd.
rxtool.zip (63K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxpack compresses a rexx command file by
removing extra spaces, comments, and line
controls. rexxcomp generates an os/2 exe
program from a rexx command file. note: this
is a demo version.
rxtool1.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxpack compresses rexx command files by
removing extra lines/spaces/etc.  rexxcomp
creates an os/2 exe from a rexx command file.
rxtools.zip (19K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

set of small utilities written in rexx.

rxtraptr.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to trace trap events using
the pipe technics(apr 2002)
rxtt33.zip (696K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx tips & tricks v3.30 contains useful
hints and information about os/2 rexx.
includes information about literature for
rexx, further software for rexx, hints & tips
for os/2 commands and for rexx commands &
functions (jul 1 2002)
rxttf.zip (60K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxttf: a rexx callable dll for converting ttfs to bitmaps.

rxu19.zip (188K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxu v1.9 - rich set of rexx functions to
"enable" rexx for full function  programming
in os/2.
rxu1a.zip (201K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx utility library.

rxusmp.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample programs using v1.5 of rxu.zip

rxvidcfg.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the rexx videocfg utility library
rxvidcfg.dll(oct 25 2000)
rxvim.zip (269K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexxvim: the vim toolkit for os/2 rexx.
allows rexx applications to access vim
enabled mail systems such as cc:mail or lotus
notes. allows applications written in rexx to
easily perform functions such as send
messages, etc.
rxweb019.zip (114K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxweb v0.19 - rexx functions for cgi scripts
processing data validation, file uploads, ing
e-mail via smtp and pop3 mail, documents via
http, and building pdf documents(jun 27 2002)
rxx1g.zip (189K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxextras v1.g - a library with many externals
functions for rexx, vispro/rexx and vx-rexx
(april 2000).
rxxmath.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rxxmath v1.3 -- arbitrary precision math
functions for rexx.
rxxpl201.zip (17K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

embed rexx procedures in xywrite programs (dos/windows).

saarexx.zip (136K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

an online rexx reference. a complete update
and significant enhancement to brian buck's
samp.zip (22K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 23:11:42

small utilities written in rexx. may serve as
programming examples & ideas. general
routines are ini file updates, parsing
command lines into flags & positional parms,
sauce3.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ver. 3 - sel. delete, move & copy.  ver. 3
also includes disk info. such as free, used &
total disk space. also sector/cluster info.
screreso.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

screreso.cmd - a rexx utility to read the
configured vertical, horizontal screen
resolution and the number of colors.
search.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

find text in ascii-files (incl. subdirs).
similar program to find, but this
rexx-scripts include subdirectories
sector.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this rexx-extension has three functions. you
can query diskinfo, you can read and write
sectors on any disk (floppy, fat, hpfs,
cdrom). all disks are readable. some disks
cannot be locked for writing.
seldel.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

seldel is a vrexx program which selectively
deletes os/2 applets, unlike the program on
the service pak this procdure allows you to
choose productivity apps to keep rather than
deleting them in one fell swoop.
selfpr.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

selfprg is a rexx program that will unpack a
archived file to a user directory and create
and place objects from the archived file on
the desktop. freeware
sema4.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a sample program implementing
vispro/rexx's semaphore support. the example
will monitor a specified drive and swapper,
at a variable time interval.
server.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 interprocess comm demo using rexx queues

servprin.zip (289K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

three rexx tools for obtaining assigned
printers for each user, deleting all assigned
printers of all users, and reading all
assigned printers of all user on a
server(feb., 17th 2001)
setmouse.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script to change any of the default os/2
pointer icons.
sg244586.zip (1,993K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ibm's redbook 'object rexx for os/2 - rexx
bytes objects now or taking the "oh, oh!" out
of oo', sg24-4586-00 (oct. 15th 1996)
shadfl.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

shadow files of interest in a single folder.
rexx prog creates a folder on the desktop and
populates it with shadows of files of
interest. this version  removes the
restriction of limiting the files to a single
shelrexx.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

cmdshell - is an rexx program which allows
you to create icons for os/2 program manger
to run command line functions. the icon can
be set up to ask you for command line
parameters before the program is actually
shwini.zip (55K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx pgm allow examination/modification of
.ini file contents.
shwini32.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ini file editor/viewer/backup/restore (ascii
& binary). enhancement: 1993-09-20, changed
the definition of ansi-color-sequences; gets
them from the enclosed procedure scrcolor.cmd
sirexx.zip (19K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx interface to software installer putvar/getvar apis.

size!.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

directory/file size calculator. rexx utility
to list all sub-directories within a
specified directory. number of files and
bytes used is displayed for each
sub-directory and calculated for the total.
skeleton.zip (35K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx skeleton service provider v1.0 95/08/03.
extraction of embedded help code, automatic
external function registration, automatic
initialization of "global" variables,
trapping of rexx execution time events &
errors w/ dump file generation.
snpprexx.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a snpp rexx client. usage: snpp.cmd
 (aug 28 1998)
soundex.cmd (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx version of the soundex algorythmn to
match names based on the 'sound' of the name.
space2.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

space.cmd will add up the disk space used by
all the files in the current directory or
directory specified. minor update to
spacecmd.zip to account for dircmd
environment var with /p in it.  also adds
space used by system and hidden files.
spath.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

searches thru the path for com/exe/cmd/bat
files. a small rexx utility which looks
through the path to find where the file which
you can execute from the command line are
spcsave.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

check amt of space wasted on fat drives
95/05/08. rexx program will check all files
allocated on disk & see how much space is
wasted by cluster size picked. wrote it to
see what could gain by repartitioning 256.6mb
disk. it saved me 13mb.
sprd.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

spread 95/04/12. simple rexx utility to
create subdirectories for zip files and unzip
into them.
sqldpn.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample rexx program demonstrating a method
for determining the dependencies of a
pre-compiled sql statement. uses os/2 ee dbm.
srvrexx.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this small c program loads rexxinit.dll to
allow you to run rexx execs when booted from
diskette.  courtesy of sam detweiler (ibm).
stax92.zip (262K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

preliminary release of shareware tax program
for 1992.  docs indicate that this release is
based on early releases of irs forms.
strprexx.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

strip rexx script of extended attributes.
strips the tokenized form of a script stored
in the script's eas. useful when zipping the
script for email or when checking it into a
version control system to save space.
stubs.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

stubs.cmd allows you to automate your use of
templates ("stubs").
subject.cmd (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

setting/displaying os/2 file
subjects/comments. rexx command file to
set/display a comment on one or more files
from command line prompt e.g. command
"subject myfile.txt a nice comment" will
connect string "a nice comment" to file
swapper.cmd (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

simple rexx procedure that notifies you when
the size of your swapper.dat file changes.
must be run from the presentation manager
swrx2orx.zip (263K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a pm program to switch between classic and
object rexx(vispro/rexx source included)-
unzip source with the directory option to
recreate vispro/rexx project(march 2001)
sybaserx.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sybrexx.dll is a set of rexx extensions that
can be used to access sybase sql server.  in
most cases the functions are very similar to
the db-library functions.
tckr12.zip (20K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os2 ticker (new) 95/09/10. corrects problems
w/ display of text on ticker-bar, plus more.
simple utility that runs in an endless bar
the text from an input file. set color & font
using system font & color management
tem98233.zip (44K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

template v98.233. rexx utility accepts user
input and generates one or more output files
from a template. you specify (without coding)
what questions will be asked and what
validations should occur. some basic
validations are built in.
test164.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 rexx prog to test for pentium bios
error. will read copy of ?:\os2\dll\....dll
into storage for control use & will
concurrently reread dll file while copying
the same dll file to a floppy in drive a: in
another session.
test80.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

working example of rxqueue & interprog comm. (rexx)

testrexx.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

c source code to a rexx function library (ie,
add new commands to the rexx language). makes
a good template for your own function libs
threadrx.zip (44K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

sample rxextras-vispro/rexx multithreaded
app. a vispro/rexx project (source included)
that shows how you can multithread your
application. uses rxextras.
ticker.zip (21K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

tickertape object for vx-rexx. v1.0.0.
provides horizontal scrolling "ticker tape"
text object for use in the vx-rexx
environment. also available as an os/2 custom
control for c/c++ developers. create
real-time ticker feeds.
timeset.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

time setting utility. a small rexx program
which calls the naval observatory and resets
the system clock on your machine. read the
doc included for command line parameters.
timesync.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to synchronize the time via
a proxy for gmt(apr 9 2001)
tjdmacs.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

significant performance improvements for rexx
external functions.
tntfix.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx program to fix os2tnt.doc for
printing. a little rexx program that will
strip out extraneous lines from os2tnt.doc so
that each page has exactly 66 lines. the
resulting os2tnt.txt can then easily be
tracinet.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

traceinet - a rexx procedure to trace a net
connection using inetdbg(apr 22 2003)
trays09b.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

traysave v0.9b - a rexx program to backup the
warpcenter (april 2000).
trucker.zip (24K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

trucker. rexx game that takes you everywhere,
including os/2, unix, tso, amiga, os/400,
windows & other destinations. includes rexx
info. (10/94 version)
tso.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx/2 program to log on to tso session

umailpop.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

small rexx file which makes lampop work with ultimail.

unprot.cmd (51K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

unprot.cmd: unprotect databases that can not
be unprotected via the normal methods.
applicable to os/2 1.2 and above, including
es 1.0.
upmacr.txt (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rex0040 with upmacro.cmd. signs on to tso
with my scxxxxx and password and then uploads
a prn file to the mainframe using
communications manager.
uptruety.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx procedure to update the library
truetype.dll with the fonts of the os2.ini
vftp21.zip (368K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is a nice vx-rexx implementation of ftp
for os/2 2.0, this is a beta version (but
works fine). you will also need rxftp.
vhelp.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

view any valid os/2 .hlp file using view.exe
with this simple rexx procedure.
viewinf.zip (98K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx inf file finder/viewer (w/src)
95/10. viewinf searches the bookshelf & help
paths of system to find all inf files. select
& view as many as like simultaneously. online
help & vispro/rexx source code.
viewz2.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a vrexx cmd file to allow use of a file
dialog box to select a file to view. includes
an install.cmd file add object to desktop
vnwlog.zip (45K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

visual netware login - simple pm login for
netware. written in vispro/rexx.
vopnfdr3.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

open folders from a pm listbox (req. rexx & vrexx).

vpeval.zip (533K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

working evaluation version of vispro/rexx.

vprdb2.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx-db2/2 source smpl/ demo. you need
to have vispro/rexx and db2/2 installed in
order to run the demo program.
vprdemo.zip (117K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx by hockware -- self-running
demonstration. vispro/rexx allows you to use
the rexx programming language to create
powerful applications with a graphical user
vpreva.zip (798K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx gold 2.11 evaluation version.
full-featured visual programming tool for
os/2 rexx language. drag & drop coding,
multiple views of a form, standalone
executable files, & visual db2/2
design/reverse engineering.
vprupd.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this is the update.me file from vispro/rexx
version 1.1, in an inf file, making it easier
to search and read.
vprxeval.zip (565K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

evaluation version of vispro/rexx 1.1.

vprxsamp.zip (29K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a sample vispro rexx project. it is a pm
editor for .ini files. freeware with full
source code.
vprxx.zip (38K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vprxx is the first 3rd party vispro/rexx v2.0
toolbar object available! it adds an rxextras
object to your toolbar when installed, which
makes coding using rxextras as easy as using
vispro/rexx v2.0.
vptool.zip (229K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro objects generator. toolkit which
assists you in creating extra tools for the
vispro/rexx toolbar. in notebook metaphor,
can specify api's used for
vispro/rexx,vispro/c, and/or vispro/c++, the
style for object & any general settings.
vpxtra.zip (62K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vispro/rexx extras for the toolbar. free
objects for the vispro/rexx toolbar :- vpfile
(for i/o work) vpbevel (a bevelled box)
vpmtext (a mnemonic text object) vpevent (an
event semaphore object) vpibuttn (an image
vpzup.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

project zip and unzip command files. contains
two small .cmd files to ease the
archiving/mailing of vispro rexx projects.
vrextras.txt (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrextras description. text description of
vrextras object pack for vx-rexx.
vrextras.zip (121K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

v1.1 object pack for vx-rexx. 4 objects for
vx-rexx automatically installed on vx-rexx
tooolbar. fully enabled for drag drop
programming & contains objects: transparent
text, line, scroll bar, & formatted entry
vrexx2.zip (196K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ibm os2ews visual rexx for os/2 presentation
manager. vrexx2 is a library of os/2 2.0 rexx
functions that give rexx programs a pm
interface. see the vrexx.txt file for
vrexx_2.zip (192K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

ibm's iewp to allow you to add a pm interface
to rexx programs - dated 10/28/93. allows
multiple programs to run at the same time.
vrobj21d.zip (394K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

watcom vx-rexx vrobj.dll version 2.14 (2.1d)

vrpinf21.zip (108K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

help for vrprinter. upgrade for the on-line
programming reference for vrprinter v2.1.
this file is destined for registered users of
vrpmac21.zip (57K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

macros for vrprinter 2.1. upgrade for the
drag-drop programming macros for vrprinter
v2.1. this file is destined for registered
users of vrprinter.
vrprint.txt (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrprinter 2.1 description. vrprinter v2.1
graphics mode printing object for vx-rexx;
text description.
vrproj21.zip (55K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

project update for vrprinter 2.1. upgrade
example project files for vrprinter v2.1.
this file is destined for registered users of
vrprt21.zip (299K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrprinter v2.1 vx-rexx printer object. gives
access to complex graphic printing under
vx-rexx. automatically installed on toolbar &
fully enabled for drag drop programming.
print images, boxes, justified,
right/left/centered text, & tables.
vrxbeta2.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script for automatic virus scan and
archive validation for maximus/2 - freeware
w/ source.
vrxda.txt (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrxda description. text description of
vrdistributedconnection object for vx-rexx.
vrxda.zip (340K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrdistributedconnection object for vx-rexx
95/08. v1.2. create true client/server
applications with vx-rexx v2.1 or greater.
fully enabled for drag drop programming and
supports named pipes, netbios, & appc.
vrxda12.zip (330K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrxda v1.2 - vr-rexx distributed connection
for vx-rexx v1.2+ as shareware(oct 1 1995)
vrxdoc.zip (21K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vrexx2 package text file as a wordperfect
document that print to 8.5" x 11" paper.
vsecom3.zip (514K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 to vse/esa workstation interface
95/09/18. vxrexx based program with both
source and executables. it is a os/2 to
vse/esa command interface. it can be run with
a communications connection in place to view
how the interface works.
vxcliser.zip (6,081K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a vx-rexx client - server demonstration(dec 23 1994)

vxctls01.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx object library adds 3 new controls to
vx-rexx 2.0/2.1 toolbox: huge listbox, 3-d
needs dll's from lstbx4.zip & ctrldes.zip.
vxdemo.zip (1,253K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

working demo of watcom vx-rexx; from 12-93.
uses vx-rexx ver. 1.01.
vxenvvar.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

environment variables and vx-rexx -  in the
config.sys file an environment variable is
set using the set command examples in this
document(jan 30 1996)
vxftpsrc.zip (50K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

visual rexx ftp client v1.00 source code.

vxrexenv.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

samples to set environment variables for vx-rexx

vxrexodk.zip (1,531K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

the vx-rexx object development kit (mar., 23th 1995)

vxrez12.zip (38K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vxrez 1.2 allows you to bind resource to your
vx-rexx executables.  it requires vx-rexx 2.0
or above.
vxrun.zip (239K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

runtime dll for vxrexx programs. includes
nice calculator app
vxrxs21d.zip (200K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

patches to upgrade vx-rexx standard edition
from v2.1c to 2.1d(sep 27 1995)
vxs21d.zip (200K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx standard edition "d" patch for v2.1
upgrades vxrexx se from 2.1c to 2.1d
vxtech01.zip (23K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #1: build (vx)rexx ext. func. in c.

vxtech02.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #2: sendkeystring & postkeystring methods.

vxtech03.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #3: using rexx queue to start vio programs.

vxtech04.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #4: introduction to rexx queues.

vxtech05.zip (60K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #5: building your own custom pmexe.exe.

vxtech06.zip (221K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #6: application integration using vx-rexx.

vxtech07.zip (157K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #7: designing rexx-aware applications.

vxtech08.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #8: extending vx-rexx d'n'd programming.

vxtech09.zip (10K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #9: ami pro macros with vx-rexx.

vxtech10.zip (43K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #10: search method for query synchro.

vxtech11.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #11: vx-rexx .vrw file format.

vxtech12.zip (61K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

vx-rexx tech #12: splash page support.

warpdbmp.zip (471K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

change the wps background at each reboot or
at a selected timed interval while os/2 is
running, supports os/2 2.x and warp
warpxbmp.zip (86K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

change the wps desktop at each reboot or at
any timed interval. needs vrobj.dll.
wat2map.zip (3K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

wat2map v1.1 - a rexx routine to translate
symbol map from watcom format to ms format.
usage:  wat2map 
ms_mapfile(apr 27 2002)
watool10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a communications manager/2 ehllapi based rexx
exec designed to help ease the development of
automation applcations that interface with
cm/2 host sessions (3270/5250).
wcore101.zip (429K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

WarpCore v1.0
An OS/2 WARP PM 32-bit 
Perfomance Utility Helps you
get the most out of WARP!

webslice.zip (11K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx cmd file to create 'sliced' gif images
of a given bitmap for use with html tables.
requires impos/2 ver 2.10
wherebk.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx global finder and dir finder-fast!

whois.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx whois client. requires the rxsock dll.

winapp.zip (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

this rexx program allows you to serve dos or
windows applications with custom dos settings
under os/2.
wingedit.zip (324K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

wingeditor 1.52 - ide for netrexx by wingsoft
demo version, well worth the look and the
$30.00 to register it.
winico.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx file create a winos2 windows on desktop

wps2rexx.zip (61K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

creates rexx-procs to rebuild wps.

wpsobj.lzh (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

contains wpsobj.cmd, a rexx script to create
a new object of selected type and location.
wpsorexx.zip (30K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

procedures to control the wps with object rexx

wsrxutil.zip (387K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 warp server rexx utility dll and inf
file(v3.0 and 4.0).
x10rex.zip (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

home automation & rexx. home automation sdk
sample rexx code. this simple rexx file shows
how to turn an x-10 controlled ac powered
device on and off via external rexx functions
provided through the home automation sdk(tm)
x10os2.dll file.
xclasinf.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

os/2 inf file describing the netrexx xclass
functions from p.a.marchesini
xl2ps.cmd (5K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script to accept excelerator/rts screen
designs and convert them to postscript for
inclusion in documentation.
y2k.cmd (1K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

year 2000 display program (rexx).  displays
decimal years, months, weeks and days until
the year 2000.
ydbaacsm.zip (75K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

a rexx library ydbaacsm.dll to issue
communications manager dynamic configuration,
subsystem management, and display verbs. an
inf instruction included.works in a
vispro/rexx enviroment.(jan., 11th 1993)
yes2rexx.zip (2K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

an os/2 rexx implementation of the unix yes
"filter" optionally
zipbrexx.zip (7K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

zipbrand.cmd v1.0 - os/2 rexx routine for bbs
sysops.  automates branding of archive files
with bbs specific comments.
zp2exc.zip (4K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx front-end to unzipsfx.exe.

ztl17.zip (6K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:45:47

rexx script for converting any format archive
to any other format archive. includes ability
to update files.