abandon1.zip (949K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

cause & effect 90 second sound bite from star trek tng

abandon2.zip (121K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

second sound excerpt from abandon1.zip

aladdin.zip (1,884K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

robin williams movie clips from aladdin.  10k
years, did you rub my lamp?, i don't bring
people back from the dead.  hpfs names.
alarm.zip (49K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

quality wav of an alarm clock going off

aliens_2.zip (432K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

wav files from aliens the movie

applause.zip (249K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

quality wav of an applauding crowd

barneswv.zip (77K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

wavs of david barnes at hal-pc user group (june '93).

bazsadl1.zip (557K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

wav sound clips from the movie blazing
saddles file #1 of 2.
bazsadl2.zip (543K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

wav sound clips from the movie blazing
saddles file #2 of 2
beats.zip (34K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

midi files: various drum beats (ie, rock,
disco, latin, etc). realistic arrangements
with intros/fills/dynamics.
bestwave.zip (3,719K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

bestwave.zip - all the best .wav files for
os/2 - includes an edited selection of
startrek, cartoons, noises, and movie clips.
good clean fun for your sound card.
bl7sschm.zip (1,216K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

a os/2 sound scheme based on blakes 7.

bluegras.zip (234K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

collection of bluegrass midi files.

borgwa.lzh (198K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

this is a collection of wav's from a few star
trek: the next generation episodes. incl: "we
are borg." "i am locutus of borg."
"resistance is futile.", "you will be
assimilated." and "we have the borg on
bozobus1.zip (1,702K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

collection of .wav files, probably from
firesign theater.  includes: space.wav,
time.wav, unhappy.wav, welcome.wav,
whistle1.wav, and yes_dr.wav.
dcarmidi.zip (550K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

collection of midi files.

doom_s.zip (103K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:32

doom system sounds for os/2! system sounds
from the game doom! to replace default
sounds. unzip into mmos2/sounds directory
(readme.txt for intructions).
ds9wavs.zip (1,886K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

sound bites from the deep space 9 pilot episode.

fallen.zip (26K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

this is the original "i've fallen and i can't
get up" sound clip from the original
commercial.  perfect for warning or error
fiesta94.zip (1,021K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

the 1994 ibm os/2 fiesta bowl advertisements
in .wav format (audio files).
goodmods.zip (402K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

a collection of .mod type music files, for
use on any mod player. songs include star
trek theme, airwolf, quantum leap and monty
hal9000.zip (979K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

hal 9000 95/09/05. collection of 45 wav files
with the voice of the hal 9000 computer taken
from the movies 2001 and 2010. most of them
were gathered from the internet & converted
from original .au format to .wav.
hasta.zip (219K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

wav file "hasta la vista, baby"

lyle1.zip (426K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

lyle from snl, sound bite #1

lyle2.zip (313K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

lyle from snl, sound bite #2

lyle3.zip (204K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

lyle from snl, sound bite #3

midi.zip (2,315K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

a huge collection of midi files that include
rock, country, classical, alternative, dance,
and contempory titles.
military.zip (15K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

midi files: "marine corp anthem" and "anchors
away". drums/bass/horns/strings arrangement.
music.zip (44K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

music manager for os/2 95/09/09 (alpha
version). os/2 multi-threaded program that
maintains large music databases & provides
quick sort/queries. this is an alpha version
(read included readme) & provides many
features. beta testers needed.
numanw11.zip (835K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

some great system sounds for windows & os/2
(.wav format) this is an update of
numanw10.zip - nothing new here, just greatly
cleaned up sounds (plus some recommended
os2radio.zip (726K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

wav file of warp prerollout radio commercial

os2snd03.zip (666K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

wav files to use for your system sounds.

redalert.zip (1,490K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

My Red Alert sound schme for Os/2

renstimp.zip (1,087K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

sound bites from the ren & stimpy show.

sbwave.zip (206K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

soundblaster audio files for mmpm/2 toolkit samples.

shwapp.zip (103K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

quality wav of a quick build up & explosion

sndfix_m.zip (747K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

os/2 warp 4 riff compliant .wav files.

sndfix_w.zip (9K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

os/2 warp 3 riff compliant .wav files.

sndscape.zip (2,286K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

beta for ensoniq soundscape for os/2

sounds.zip (53K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

an assortment of comical wav files good for
associating with various system events.
startrek.zip (321K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

My StarTrek sound schme for Os/2

stngwav1.zip (724K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

star trek next generation sound clips
including computer voice - use for os/2
system sounds
stooges.zip (154K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

a collection of some good 3 stooges sounds.

thaiold.zip (130K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

collection of midi files.

thndrw.zip (85K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

voice sound files simulating the sounds of
the scarad on thunder in paradise. tired of
the same ol' boinks and gong type sounds? try
a few of these.
thxsound.zip (977K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

the thx opening sound in hi-fi stereo.

tina.zip (86K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

collection of midi files.

tuvok-w3.zip (43K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

wav file of tuvok saying "warp 3, engage."

var_wav5.zip (1,650K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

various sound files - part 1 of 2.

var_wav6.zip (1,341K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

various sound files - part 2 of 2.

wanewrld.zip (429K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

wayne's world bits. wav

warp-snd.zip (675K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

here's a small collection of sound files you
can use to replace the rather boring default
system sounds that warp ships with.
warpsnds.zip (267K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

trekkie "warp powerup" and "warp powerdown" wavs.

watch1.zip (5,270K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

os/2 watch: wav audio file "broadcast" from
the chicago os/2 users' groups. pilot
project. feedback wanted.  this is a 20
minute "radio program" devoted to os/2.
nicely done and well worth a listen.
wavhdrec.zip (97K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

records wav file directly to hd.

whoosh.wav (26K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

whooshing sound for the opening and closing
of objects. seems to fit the action pretty
well, since the ui of warp is faster now.
sound is stereo, 22khz, 8bit wave file.
wlcm2os2.zip (41K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

a soundfile (wav) appropriate for os2
openning. all the material used are royalty
free. and i waive all, if any, rights i have
xfwav.zip (233K)

Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:48:33

theme from the x-files tv series