• bcnl9401.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    first edition of the vpcus os/2 sig newsletter.

  • bulletin.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 games bulletin - march. second edition
    of os/2 games bulletin. games reviewed this
    month: entertainment pack 17 and doom 2;
    press release from frankenstein software- two
    new game titles for os/2. ibm works format.
  • caos1004.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    central alberta os/2 users group, on line
    versions about the group, windows & os/2
  • caos1112.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    on-line information pack for central alberta
    os/2 users group.
  • chgorept.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    the greater chicago report - a monthly
    newsletter from the midwest - inf and ascii
  • cnew7l.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    c set++ newsletter #7 in list3820 format.

  • cnew7p.zip (175K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    c set++ newsletter #7 in postscript format.

  • cnews5.zip (133K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    c-set/2 newsletter #5. (c-set++ announce
    edition). contains the newsletter in list3820
  • con0196.zip (679K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, jan. '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0197.zip (606K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, jan. 97, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con0198.zip (544K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, jan 98, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con0199.zip (672K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, jan. 1999,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0200.zip (603K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for February 2000
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0296.zip (570K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, feb. '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0297.zip (595K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, feb. 97, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con0298.zip (526K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, feb 98, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con0299.zip (676K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, feb. 1999,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0300.zip (632K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for March 2000
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0396.zip (526K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, march '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0397.zip (453K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, march 97,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0398.zip (586K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, march 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0399.zip (665K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, march 1999,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0495.zip (524K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect newsletter - april 1995 in inf
    format.  includes names, numbers & addresses
    of key os/2 contacts; news & dates also.
  • con0496.zip (608K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, april '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0497.zip (549K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, april 97,
    in html format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0498.zip (646K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, april 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0499.zip (681K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, april 1999,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0500.zip (569K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for May 2000
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0595.zip (627K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect newsletter, may 1995, in inf
    format requiring os/2 "view" utility.
    includes names, numbers, internet addresses.
  • con0596.zip (665K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, may '96, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con0597.zip (491K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, may 97, in
    html format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0598.zip (661K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, may 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0599.zip (662K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for May 1999
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0600.zip (781K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 2000
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0601.zip (558K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 2001
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0695.zip (558K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect newsletter, june 1995, in inf
    format.  includes contact info, news,
    calendar, software shopper, and "who's who"
  • con0696.zip (480K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, june '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0697.zip (579K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, june 97, in
    html format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0698.zip (648K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, june 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0699.zip (692K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1999
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0700.zip (642K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for July 2000
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0795.zip (499K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, july 1995,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt for
    installation instructions.
  • con0796.zip (553K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, july '96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0797.zip (651K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, july 97, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con0798.zip (667K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, july 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0895.zip (575K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect newsletter, august 1995, in inf
    format.  includes os/2 related news, dates,
    contacts, publications, etc.
  • con0896.zip (533K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, august 96,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0897.zip (671K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, august 97,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0898.zip (652K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:28

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for August 1998 in
    HTML format suitable for use with standard
    web browsers, such as the Netscape 
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0899.zip (687K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for August 1999
    in HTML format suitable for use with 
    standard web browsers, such as the 
    Netscape Navigator.
    See included 1README.TXT file for 
    description and installation instructions.
    Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and
    addresses (including Internet and BBS') of 
    key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along 
    with news and a calendar of events.
  • con0995.zip (459K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect newsletter, sept. 1995, in inf
    format.  see attached readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con0996.zip (506K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, sept. 96,
    in inf format. see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con0997.zip (522K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, sept 97, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con0998.zip (678K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, sept. 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con0999.zip (876K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    con0999.zip contains the os/2 connect
    newsletter for september 1999 in html file
    format suitable for use with standard web
    browsers, such as the netscape navigator.
  • con1095.zip (470K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, october '95
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con1096.zip (458K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, oct. 96, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con1097.zip (495K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, oct 97, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con1098.zip (689K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, oct. 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con1099.zip (744K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    con1099.zip contains the os/2 connect
    newsletter for october 1999 in html file
    format suitable for use with standard web
    browsers, such as the netscape navigator.
  • con1195.zip (609K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, nov. '95,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con1196.zip (487K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, nov. 96, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con1197.zip (482K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, nov 97, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con1198.zip (675K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, nov. 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con1199.zip (1,064K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    con1199.zip contains the os/2 connect
    newsletter for november 1999 in html file
    format suitable for use with standard web
    browsers, such as the netscape navigator.
  • con1295.zip (606K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, dec. '95,
    in inf format.  see included readme.txt file
    for installation/operating instructions.
  • con1296.zip (422K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, dec. 96, in
    inf format.  see included readme.txt file for
    installation/operating instructions.
  • con1297.zip (606K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, dec 97, in
    html format.  see included 1readme.txt file
  • con1298.zip (670K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 connect freeware newsletter, dec. 1998,
    in html format.  see included 1readme.txt
  • con1299.zip (896K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    con1299.zip contains the os/2 connect
    newsletter for december 1999 in html file
    format suitable for use with standard web
    browsers, such as the netscape navigator.
  • db2_nl01.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    db2 family newsletter v1 #1 01/93. the ibm
    toronto lab db2 family newsletter.
  • db2_nl02.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the ibm toronto lab db2 family newsletter v1
    #2 04/93. postscript. be sure to see the form
    on the last page, which you can mail or fax
    to us for a free mail subscription.
  • db2_nl03.zip (162K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm toronto db2 family newsletter: volume 1
    #3, 07/93. contains numerous stories,
    articles, tips & techniques for the db2
    family. see the back page for a form you can
    fax to us for a free subscription. - ibm
    toronto prgs lab
  • db2_nl04.zip (147K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 #4 of the ibm toronto database lab
    db2 family newsletter. postscript file. dated
    september 1993. be sure to see the form on
    the last page, which you may fax to us for a
    free subscription.
  • dsn3ga.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 7, 15 oct
    1993.  use pkunzip to unpack.
  • dsn3gi.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. os/2 inf format. use
    view to display. issue 7, 15 oct 1993.  use
    pkunzip to unpack.
  • dsn3gp.zip (168K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    seventh issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news. this file
    contains a postscript (.ps) version of the
    news. dsn3gi.zip is the .inf version and
    dsn3ga.zip is the ascii version.
  • dsn3ha.zip (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 8, 15 nov
  • dsn3hp.zip (106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news # 8, postscript

  • dsn3ia.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developers support news, dec 1993

  • dsn3ii.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news # 9, inf format

  • dsn3ip.zip (117K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news # 9, postscript

  • dsn4aa.zip (87K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. tenth issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4ai.zip (185K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    tenth issue of ibm personal software products
    developer support news produced by the ibm
    psp organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the .inf version
    of the news.
  • dsn4ap.zip (208K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    tenth issue of ibm personal software products
    developer support news produced by the ibm
    psp organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the .ps version
    of the news.
  • dsn4ba.zip (126K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. eleventh issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4bi.zip (245K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. eleventh issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    inf version of the news.
  • dsn4bp.zip (360K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. eleventh issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    postscript version of the news.
  • dsn4ca.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. third 1994 issue. produced by the ibm
    psp organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii verson
    of the news.
  • dsn4da.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #4 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4di.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #4 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    inf version of the news.
  • dsn4dp.zip (166K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #4 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    postscript version of the news.
  • dsn4ea.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #5 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4ei.zip (165K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news #5 april 15 .inf

  • dsn4ep.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news #5 april 15 .ps

  • dsn4fa.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #6 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this  file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4ga.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    dsnews 1994 issue 7 in ascii format.

  • dsn4ha.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    dsnews 1994 issue 8 in ascii format

  • dsn4ia.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    extra issue of developer support news 1994,
    issue #9, ascii version.
  • dsn4ja.zip (118K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. 1994 issue #10 of ibm personal software
    products developer support news produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta. this file contains the
    ascii version of the news.
  • dsn4ka.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    dsnews 1994 issue 11 in ascii format.

  • dsn4la.zip (167K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developers support news 1994 issues 12 and 13
    in ascii format. (two issues this time.)
  • dsn4na.zip (108K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1994 issue #14 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn4oa.zip (101K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1994 issue #15 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5aa.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #1 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ba.zip (78K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #2 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ca.zip (111K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #3 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5da.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #4 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ea.zip (77K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #5 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5fa.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #6 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ga.zip (150K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #7 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ha.zip (192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issues #8 & #9 produced by the ibm
    psp organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ja.zip (166K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issues #10 & #11 produced by the
    ibm psp organization in boca raton, austin,
    and atlanta. this file contains the ascii
    version of the news.
  • dsn5la.zip (127K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #12 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5ma.zip (189K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issues #13 & 14 produced by the
    ibm psp organization in boca raton, austin,
    and atlanta. this file contains the ascii
    version of the news.
  • dsn5oa.zip (141K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issues #15 & 16 produced by the
    ibm psp organization in boca raton, austin,
    and atlanta. this file contains the ascii
    version of the news.
  • dsn5qa.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news #17, 11/15/95 ascii edition.

  • dsn5ra.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #18 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn5sa.zip (142K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news, 1995 issue #19 produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
    atlanta. this file contains the ascii version
    of the news.
  • dsn9305.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news from psp. may 93, issue 1.

  • dsn93a.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal software products developer
    news. first issue of ibm personal software
    products developer support news, produced by
    the ibm psp organization in boca raton,
    austin, and atlanta.
  • dsn93b.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 2, 15 june
  • dsn93c.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 3, 15 july
    1993. use pkunzip to unpack.
  • dsn93d.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 4, 23 july
    1993. use pkunzip to unpack.
  • dsn93e.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm psp developer support news. psp's
    developer assistance program. ascii. issue 5,
    16 aug 1993. produced by the ibm psp
    organization in boca raton, austin, and
  • dsn93f.zip (112K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm psp developer support news 9/15/93, incl
    ascii & .inf formats.
  • dsn93g.zip (58K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm psp developer support news - issue 6.

  • dsnews27.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the 27th consecutive monthly newsletter from
    the nasa mlp bbs.  we've dumped pcborred, we
    are converting to os/2 v3.0.
  • dsnews35.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mlpnet central - our 35th newsletter. we are
    an os/2 (pcboard) system. this issue: win 95,
    chris deburgh, earthquakes, musicians needed!
  • dsnews36.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mlpnet central: this nov. 1995 os/2 mlpnet
    newsletter includes new os/2 files, a tribut
    to blind melon, and more.
  • dsnews3a.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    developer support news. psp's developer
    assistance program. ascii. issue 1, 17 may
    1993.  use pkunzip to unpack.
  • ed38ps.zip (346K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 3 issue 8 ps format 95/09/09.
    c++ compiler review (pt 2) gearing up for
    games (pt 3) os/2 warp game developer's
    seminar inside inf plugging into os/2 socket
    programming easy buttonbars intro to pm
    programming /dev/edm/bookreview
  • ed38sc.zip (165K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 8 issue 8 source code 95/08/27.
    edm/2 volume 3, issue 8-c++ compiler review
    pt.2, gearing up for games pt.3, os/2 warp
    game developer's seminar. inf plugging into
    os/2 socket programming easy buttonbars.
    intro to pm programming.
  • edm0402a.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 2 - ascii edition.

  • edm0402i.zip (348K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 2 - inf edition.

  • edm0402s.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 2 - source code.

  • edm0402x.zip (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 2 - index of contents.

  • edm0403i.zip (639K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 3, inf edition

  • edm0403s.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 3, source code.

  • edm0404i.zip (203K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 4 - inf edition.

  • edm0404s.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 4 - source code.

  • edm0405i.zip (206K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - electronic developer's magazine volume 4 issue 5

  • edm0405s.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 5 - source code for issue.

  • edm0406i.zip (217K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 6 (inf edition)

  • edm0406s.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 4, issue 6 (sample source code)

  • edm0407i.zip (152K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - the electronic developers' magazine
    for os/2 vol. 4 issue 7.
  • edm0407s.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - the electronic developers' magazine
    for os/2 vol. 4 issue 7: source code.
  • edm38.zip (236K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 3 issue 8 inf format 95/09/09.
    edm/2 volume 3, issue 8-c++ compiler review
    pt.2, gearing up for games pt.3, os/2 warp
    game developer's seminar. inf plugging into
    os/2 socket programming easy buttonbars.
    intro to pm programming.
  • edmi1-1.zip (134K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 1 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-2.zip (116K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 2 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-3.zip (174K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 3 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-4.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 4 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-5.zip (217K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 5 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-6.zip (166K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 6 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi1-7.zip (364K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 issue 7 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-1.zip (302K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 1 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-10.zip (148K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 2, issue 10.

  • edmi2-11.zip (252K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 11 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-2.zip (181K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 2 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-3.zip (424K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 3 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-4.zip (277K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 4 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-5.zip (228K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 5 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-6.zip (266K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 6 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-7.zip (256K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 7 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-8.zip (288K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 8 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi2-9.zip (358K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 issue 9 edm/2 - the electronic os/2
    developers magazine. contains programming
    articles with source code.
  • edmi3-1.zip (192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    electronic dev.'s magazine vol 3 issue 1
    95/01/05. electronic developer's magazine for
    os/2. volume 3, issue 1.
  • edmi3-2.zip (546K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm volume 3, issue 2 95/02/12. electronic
    developer's magazine. volume 3, issue 2. the
    electronic magazine for os/2 warp's growing
    number of developers.
  • edmi3-3.zip (180K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 vol 3 no 3 march 95. electronic
    developer's magazine. volume 3, number 3,
    march 1995. the electronic magazine for os/2
  • edmi3-4.zip (490K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 3, issue 4. incl: a brief look
    at personal rexx, building custom controls,
    design and implementation of viowin (part 7),
    book review - "the gui-ooui war - windows vs.
    os/2", oops avenue, intro to pm programming.
  • edmi3-5.zip (447K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 3 issue 5 may 1995. the design &
    implementation of viowin (part 8) rmx-os2: an
    in-depth view (part 4) /dev/edm/bookreview -
    "os/2 warp unleashed" (column) oops avenue
    (column) introduction to pm programming
  • edmi3-6.zip (312K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 3, issue 6

  • edmi3-7.zip (637K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 3, issue 7 95/08/03. c++
    compiler review (part 1) gearing up for games
    (part 2) programming the wps using the uicl
    32-bit i/o with warp speed
    /dev/edm/bookreview - "programming the os/2
    warp gpi" (column), oops avenue (column).
  • edmi3-8.zip (736K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 - volume 3, issue 8.

  • edmi3-9.zip (538K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 3 issue 9 95/11/06. building an
    editor (part 3) c++ compiler review (part 3)
    os/2 frequently asked questions
    /dev/edm2/bookreview - "os/2 certification
    handbook" (column) intro to pm programming
    (column) oops avenue (column).
  • edmi4-1.zip (256K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 4.1 january 1996. plugging into os/2
    socket programming (part 3)
    /dev/edm/bookreview (os/2 warp presentation
    manager api) oops avenue rexx inside and out
    under the scope.
  • edmi4-4.zip (209K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 4, issue 4.

  • edmi4-5.zip (231K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 4, issue 5.

  • edmi4-6.zip (249K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 4, issue 6.

  • edmi4-7.zip (180K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 volume 4, issue 7.

  • edmidx.zip (45K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    electronic developer's magazine index to
    topics. november 94.
  • edmidxv2.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    electronic developers' magazine index
    december 1994 - august 1996.
  • edmindex.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    index (inf) for fast searching of edm issues.

  • edmsuba.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    edm/2 article submission guides.

  • ex071495.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter for weeks of
    6/02, 6/16, 6/23, 7/07, and 7/14/95.
  • ex960126.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the warp weekly newsletter (1/26/96). issue 50.

  • ex960209.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the warp weekly newsletter (2/9/96). issue 51.

  • ez1-1asc.zip (32K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.1 (november '95) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - our
    first issue, various reviews.
  • ez1-1htm.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.1 (november '95) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - our first issue, various
  • ez1-2asc.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.2 (december '95) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include object desktop, html editors and
  • ez1-2htm.zip (352K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.2 (december '95) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - topics include object
    desktop, html editors and others.
  • ez1-3asc.zip (81K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.3 (january '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include word processors, ftp clients and
  • ez1-3htm.zip (471K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.3 (january '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - topics include word
    processors, ftp clients and others.
  • ez1-4asc.zip (64K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.4 (february '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include on-line services, file managers and
  • ez1-4htm.zip (381K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.4 (february '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - topics include on-line
    services, file managers and others.
  • ez1-5asc.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.5 (march '96) in ascii
    format for offline reading with a text editor
    (does not contain graphics) - topics include
    desktop topics, tax and finance software and
  • ez1-5htm.zip (443K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.5 (march '96) in html
    format for offline reading with webexplorer
    or similar www browser (includes all
    graphics) - topics include desktop topics,
    tax and finance software and others.
  • ez1-6asc.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.6 (april '96) in ascii
    format for offline reading with a text editor
    (does not contain graphics) - topics include
    e-mail clients, wordpro and od v1.5 sneak
    peeks and others.
  • ez1-6htm.zip (489K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.6 (april '96) in html
    format for offline reading with webexplorer
    or similar www browser (includes all
    graphics) - topics include e-mail clients,
    wordpro and od v1.5 sneak peeks and others.
  • ez1-7asc.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.7 (may '96) in ascii
    format for offline reading with a text editor
    (does not contain graphics) - topics include
    graphics software, simcity 2000 and others.
  • ez1-7htm.zip (723K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.7 (may '96) in html
    format for offline reading with webexplorer
    or similar www browser (includes all
    graphics) - topics include graphics software,
    simcity 2000 and others.
  • ez1-8asc.zip (69K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.8 (june '96) in ascii
    format for offline reading with a text editor
    (does not contain graphics) - topics include
    neologic network suite v4.5, maple for os/2
    and others.
  • ez1-8htm.zip (493K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.8 (june '96) in html
    format for offline reading with webexplorer
    or similar www browser (includes all
    graphics) - topics include neologic network
    suite v4.5, maple for os/2 and others.
  • ez1-9asc.zip (80K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.9 (july '96) in ascii
    format for offline reading with a text editor
    (does not contain graphics) - topics include
    merlin, object desktop v1.5, the secure wp
    v4.0 and others.
  • ez1-9htm.zip (655K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.9 (july '96) in html
    format for offline reading with webexplorer
    or similar www browser (includes all
    graphics) - topics include merlin, object
    desktop v1.5, the secure wp v4.0 and others.
  • ez110asc.zip (76K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.10 (august '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include retail mail order, prm, webextra,
    toyland and others.
  • ez110htm.zip (376K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.10 (august '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - topics include retail mail
    order, prm, webextra, toyland and others.
  • ez111asc.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.11 (september '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include netscape/2 coming, odpro, c/c++
    compilers and others.
  • ez111htm.zip (655K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.11 (september '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) -  topics netscape/2 coming,
    odpro, c/c++ compilers and others.
  • ez112asc.zip (62K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.12 (october '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include warp 4 launch, warp 4 and netscape
    first looks, avarice.
  • ez112htm.zip (528K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.12 (october '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer or similar www browser (includes
    all graphics) - topics include warp 4 launch,
    warp 4 and netscape first looks, avarice.
  • ez113asc.zip (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.13 (november '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include warp 4's java, opendoc, voicetype and
  • ez113htm.zip (433K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.12 (november '96) in
    html format for offline reading with
    webexplorer, netscape navigator or similar
    www browser (includes all graphics) - topics
    include warp 4's java, opendoc, voicetype and
  • ez114asc.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.14 (december '96) in
    ascii format for offline reading with a text
    editor (does not contain graphics) - topics
    include cd and mod player reviews, comdex
    report, first looks at corel office for java
    and more.
  • ez114htm.zip (559K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol.1, no.14 (december '96) in
    html format for offline reading with www
    browser (includes all graphics) - topics
    include cd and mod player reviews, comdex
    report, first looks at corel office for java
    and more.
  • ez2-1asc.zip (77K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 1 (january '97) in
    ascii format - topics include: pcs preloaded
    with os/2 warp 4!! mod players: take 2, md+f
    special effects for colorworks v2, rar v2.00
    and zipstream v1.20, backagain/2 pro v4.0,
  • ez2-1htm.zip (541K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 1 (january '97) in
    html format (incl graphics) - topics include:
    pcs preloaded with os/2 warp 4!! mod players:
    take 2, md+f special effects for colorworks
    v2, rar v2.00 and zipstream v1.20,
    backagain/2 pro v4.0, more
  • ez2-2asc.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 2 (february 16, '97)
    in ascii format - topics include: **1996 os/2
    e-zine! readers' choice awards voting
    results**, reviews of: matrox mystique,
    digitizer tablets, animated mouse pointer for
    os/2, more.
  • ez2-2htm.zip (500K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 2 (february 16, '97)
    in html format - topics include: **1996 os/2
    e-zine! readers' choice awards voting
    results**, reviews of: matrox mystique,
    digitizer tablets, animated mouse pointer for
    os/2, more.
  • ez2-3asc.zip (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 3 (march 16, '97) in
    ascii format - topics include: irc and os/2
    -- all you need to know, reader survey,
    syquest ezflyer 230, pluspak! for os/2, injoy
    ip masquerading, getting updated, staying
    updated, and more.
  • ez2-3htm.zip (580K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 e-zine! vol. 2, no. 3 (march 16, '97) in
    html format - topics include: irc and os/2 --
    all you need to know, reader survey, syquest
    ezflyer 230, pluspak! for os/2, injoy ip
    masquerading, getting updated, staying
    updated, and more.
  • gamerev1.zip (393K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 game review. 1st issue.  gives up to
    date info on latest in the os/2 gaming world!
    please upload to other places.
  • gamerev2.zip (260K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 game review - january 1995 issue.

  • gamerev3.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 game review issue #3: feb march 1995
    reviews current os/2 games. this issue
    reviews simcity for os/2.
  • gamerev4.zip (1,747K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 game review issue #4.  everything you
    want to know on os/2 gaming! get this! upload
    it to the internet!
  • gdoug1.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    gdoug volume 1 95/07/16. highlights from the
    first year of newsletters from the greater
    detroit os/2 user group.
  • gdoug11.zip (47K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    greater detroit os/2 user group vol 1.1 inf.
    the inf version of the gdoug volume 1
    collection of newsletter articles.
  • gdoug2.zip (72K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    Greater Detroit OS/2 User Group, Vol 2 (INF)
    The second collection of articles from the newsletter of the
    Greater Detroit OS/2 User Group.  This file is in .INF format
    and requires the VIEW program in OS/2 or IBM PC-DOS 7.
  • grasroot.zip (338K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2er's grassroots gazette - fall, 1995. the
    fall issue of the os/2er's grassroots gazette
    features the following: (among other things)
    someone you should know: nick knight (author
    of mr/2 offline mail reader) editorial on
    windows 95 & more
  • gzt0194.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 grassroots gazette - winter 94 issue
    features timothy sipples open letter to os/2
    developers - postscript format
  • gzt0196.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    text file describing gzt0196.zip - winter
    95/96 issue of the os/2er's grassroots
  • gzt0196.zip (929K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2er's grassroots gazette, winter 95/96
    articles by tim sipples, david whittle, bill
    cook, jonathan handler, stewed allslop, more
  • gzt0494.zip (131K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2er's grassroots gazette, spring '94.
    articles on tim sipples, who's who in os/2,
    review on ca-realizer, winos2 cartoon, more
  • gzt0496.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    text file describing contents of gzt0496.zip,
    the spring issue of the os/2er's grassroots
  • gzt0496.zip (480K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2er's grassroot gazette - spring 1996
    issue.  see gzt0496.txt for details on
  • gzt0794.zip (219K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2er's grassroots gazette - newsletter from
    the midwest.  inf and postscript versions -
    book review/tips/news about os/2 and os/2ers
  • gzt0795.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    midwest os/2ers grassroots gazette (summer 1995).

  • gzt1093.zip (136K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    midwestern os/2er's gazette - the goings-on
    of os/2 in the midwest - formatted for
  • gzt1095.txt (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    text file detailing contents of gzt1095.zip,
    the os/2er's grassroots gazette - fall, 1995
  • gzt1095.zip (338K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2er's grassroots gazette - fall, 1995
    features someone you should know, nick knight
    and a wealth of windows 95/warp discussion.
  • hhgos210.zip (15K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 newsletter

  • hhgos2_1.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #1.

  • hhgos2_2.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #2. covers os/2 1.x & 2.x.

  • hhgos2_3.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #3.

  • hhgos2_4.zip (152K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #4; an inf
    file of trivia and news.
  • hhgos2_5.zip (17K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #5.

  • hhgos2_6.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #6.

  • hhgos2_7.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #7.

  • hhgos2_8.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #8.

  • hhgos2_9.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the hitchhiker's guide to os/2 #9.

  • inews001.lzh (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the idlenews issue 1 a newsletter by and for
    the members of the fidonet os/2 echos
  • iss2al.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 warp monthly newsletter july 95/06/01.

  • jmos2-01.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #1

  • jmos2-02.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #2

  • jmos2-03.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #3

  • jmos2-04.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #4

  • jmos2-05.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #5

  • jmos2-06.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #6

  • jmos2-07.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #7

  • jmos2-08.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #8

  • jmos2-10.zip (59K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's os/2 tips edition #10

  • jmos2.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    joe's (informal) os/2 2.0 tips. lots of good
    tips and insights from downunder. includes
    gifs of ibm's new c/set compiler, kwq, and
  • joestips.zip (213K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    contains eight archived files, which
    constitute the bulk of the "joe's os/2 tips"
    series. each of these files is approximately
    3-5pgs of tips on using os/2 from joe
    mackinnon, a sysop in australia (operates
    proteus bbs).
  • kh0196.zip (140K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 01/96. (german)

  • kh0296.zip (141K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 02/96. (german)

  • kh0396.zip (151K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 03/96. (german)

  • kh0496.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 04/96. (german)

  • kh0596.zip (106K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 05/96. (german)

  • kh0696.zip (136K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 inside know-how corner 06/96. (german)

  • lios2507.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    long island os/2 users group newsletter for
    july '95 in ascii text format.
  • ls194.zip (36K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    lan systems network newsletter, jan/feb 1994.
    helps you keep up with the reast pace of the
    lan systems world. you will find the latest
    information about ibm lan systems software
    products, applications, events besteam
    program and much more.
  • lsnews.zip (61K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    lan systems network newsletter -- version
    4.0. contains marketing and technical
    marketing info about ibm lan systems software
    products, software products from other
    vendors and applications for lan systems.
    november/december issue.
  • lsnn9301.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm lan systems network news, february 1993.

  • lsnn9302.zip (20K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm lan systems network news, march 1993.

  • lsnn9303.zip (23K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm lan systems network news, july, 1993.

  • lsnn9304.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm lan systems network news, december 1993.

  • lsnn9405.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm lan systems network news, april, 1994.

  • lsnn9406.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    lan systems newsletter - june 1994 published
    by ibm's personal software products divison,
    lan systems in austin, tx.
  • lvos2jan.zip (41K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    january 1995 newsletter of the las vegas os/2
    user group.  issue #1.
  • mm0194.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 users group newsletter, 01/94

  • mm0594.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    may issue of the mid missouri os/2 users
    group newsletter.  available in inf and txt
  • mm0693.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 users group june 1993 newsletter

  • mm0793.zip (85K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 users group newsletter,
    july 1993. contains both inf and ascii
  • mm0893.zip (143K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 users group august 1993
    newsletter. contains both inf and ascii
  • mm0993.zip (207K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    this is the september issue of the
    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter.
  • mm1093.zip (194K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 users group october 1993
    newsletter. contains both inf and ascii
  • mm1193.zip (82K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    november issue of the mid-missouri os/2 users
    group newsletter.
  • mm1293.zip (110K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 users group december 1993
    newsletter. contains both inf and ascii
  • mmoug195.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    january edition of mid-missouri os/2 user
    group newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug196.zip (405K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    january, 1996 in inf and txt formats
  • mmoug295.zip (70K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    february, 1995.  in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug296.zip (154K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newlsetter in
    inf and txt format for februrary, 1996
  • mmoug395.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    march issue of the mid-missouri os/2 user
    group newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug396.zip (27K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    march, 1996 in inf format.
  • mmoug495.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newlsetter for
    april, 1995.  in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug595.zip (115K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    may issue of mid-missouri os/2 user group
    newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug695.zip (162K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 user group newsletter in
    inf and txt formats for june 95.
  • mmoug794.zip (55K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter in
    inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug795.zip (358K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    july, 1995 in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug894.zip (73K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group in inf and txt format.

  • mmoug895.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group august
    newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug994.zip (253K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group september
    newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmoug995.zip (272K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    september in inf and ascii formats.
  • mmouga94.zip (1,191K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    october issue of mid missouri os/2 user group
    newsletter in inf and txt formats.
  • mmouga95.zip (287K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    october, 1995 in inf and txt formats.
  • mmougb.zip (505K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 user group newsletter for november 1994.

  • mmougb94.zip (505K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter in
    inf and txt formats.  november issue.
  • mmougb95.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid missouri os/2 user group for november,
    1995 in inf and txt formats
  • mmougc94.zip (501K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    december 1994 in inf and txt formats.
  • mmougc95.zip (168K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter in
    inf and txt formats for december, 1995.
  • mmug0496.zip (179K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 user group newsletter for
    may 1996 in inf format
  • mmug19.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mid-missouri os/2 users group news-jan
    95/01/01. january 1995 edition of the mid
    missouri os/2 user group newsletter. please
    make sure you notice our change of address
    and if you want check out our home page on
    the net at owm.carenet.org.
  • mn0194.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mnos2 threads jan '94 newsletter - ipf
    version iewable online in os/2 with the view
  • mn0294.zip (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    MNOS2 Threads Feb '94 Newsletter - IPF Version
    Viewable online in OS/2 with the VIEW command.
    Produced for MNOS2 by Mat Kramer and MekTek (75746.2404@compuserve.com)
  • mn0394.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mnos2 threads mar '94 newsletter - ipf
    version viewable online in os/2 with the view
  • mn0494.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    minnesota os/2 users group - 04/94 newsletter
    (.inf format)
  • mn0694.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mnos2 threads jun '94 newsletter - ipf
    version iewable online in os/2 with the view
    command. roduced for mnos2 by mat
  • mn0893.zip (38K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    threads for august 1993 -> the mn os/2 user
    group newsletter.
  • mn0993.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    minnesota os/2 ug newsletter, sept 1993.

  • mn1093.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    threads: mnos2 october newsletter (inf
    format). threads is the newsletter of the
    minnesota os/2 user group (mnos2). this is
    the inf version which can be read online with
    the os/2 view command.
  • mn1293.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mnos2 threads dec '93 newsletter - ipf
    version viewable online in os/2 with the view
    command. produced for mnos2 by mat kramer and
  • mnl9511t.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2 warp monthly newsletter - november.
    issue 6 of the warp monthly newsletter
  • mnl95120.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2 warp monthly newsletter - dec. 95/11/30. issue 6.

  • mnl95815.zip (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 warp monthly newsletter (august).

  • mnl9601t.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2 warp monthly newsletter (january).
    the january issue of the os/2 warp monthly
  • mnl9602t.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2 warp monthly newsletter (2/1/96).

  • mnlsam.zip (154K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    june 1,1995.  os/2 warp monthly newsletter in
    amipro format.
  • mnltxt.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    june 1,1995. os/2 warp monthly newsletter in text format.

  • mtb_5_95.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    mt. baker software may 95 newsletter
    95/05/20. 1st edition of mt.baker software
    newsletter, in inf format. discusses efforts
    of mt. baker software to develop quality
    applications for os/2 environment.
  • nl951201.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter (12/01/95) issue 43.

  • nl951215.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter (12/15/95). issue
    43 of the warp weekly newsletter dated
    12/15/95 contents: good news from eastern
    europe. join the os/2 warp server beta 2
    program. new graphics toolkit for os/2. more
    exposure for your os/2 apps.
  • octlans.txt (22K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    october 1994. ibm lanscreamer newsletter: october 1994.

  • op101a.zip (281K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal hypermedia magazine - august
    1994 - 16 color vga inf format magazine
    published by allen- hamilton publishers.
  • op101b.zip (287K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal hypermedia magazine - august
    1994,- 256 color vga inf format magazine
    published by allen- hamilton publishers.
  • op102a.zip (440K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal issue 1, number 2, september
    1994. os/2 viewer (inf) 16 color vga
  • op102b.zip (444K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal on-line magazine sep 94
    256-color vga inf version
  • op102c.zip (588K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal issue 1, number 2, september
    1994. windows help format (hlp) 256 svga
  • op103a.zip (324K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal, issue 1, number 3, october
    1994. os/2 viewer (inf) 16 color vga.
  • op103b.zip (326K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal, issue 1, number 3, october
    1994. os/2 viewer (inf) 256 color svga.
  • op103c.zip (427K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal, issue 1, number 3, october
    1994. windows help format (hlp) 16 color vga.
  • op103x.txt (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    description of os/2 personal magazine formats in ascii.

  • op104a.zip (608K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal november 1994 -- vga inf.

  • op104b.zip (809K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal november 1994 -- svga

  • op104c.zip (997K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 personal november 1994 -- 16/256 colour
    windows version. this edition has 256-colour
    support. for os/2 "native" versions, get
    op104a.zip for 16 colour vga inf or
    op104b.zip for 256 color vga inf
  • os2cneps.zip (269K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm os/2 compiler news - volume 4 - postscript version.

  • os2cnevm.zip (136K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm os/2 compiler news - volume 4 - list3820 version.

  • os2cnew1.zip (49K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1 of the ibm os/2 compiler news.
    postscript printer required.
  • os2cnew2.zip (175K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2 of the ibm os/2 compiler news.
    postscript printer required.
  • os2cnew3.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 3 of the ibm os/2 compiler news.
    postscript printer required.
  • os2cnew4.zip (236K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 4 of the ibm os/2 compiler news.
    postscript printer required.
  • os2cnew5.zip (236K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 5 of the ibm os/2 compiler news.
    postscript printer required.
  • os2cnew6.zip (354K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 c/set newsletter #6 in both postscript
    and list3820 format.
  • os2cnews.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    postscript version of the os/2 c newsletter

  • os2nl694.zip (224K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the semi-official ibm os/2 newsletter (april-may)

  • os2nl894.exe (495K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm produced os/2 newsletter - excellent
    compendium of all past (6-94 to 8-94) ibm
    announcements, isv etc., self extracting exe.
  • os2nws03.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    public news os/2 electronic news magazine for
    os/2 2-1-94 edition - biweekly magazine
  • os2rev5.zip (538K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 review magazine: fall 1995 this issue
    reviews partion magic and object desktop.
  • os2zmag1.zip (905K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

             OS/2 Zipmag May 1996.  Issue Number 1  (in inf format, including Multimedia shots and film see Bill
       Gates, "What is OS/2")
             OS/2 is a 'free' support magazine includes:
             Various Articles
             Also contains New and Modified  Icons in Subdirectory                Scaned forViruses with IBM Scanner. 
    See contribution.txt
  • pli195.zip (24K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the pl/i connection - issue 2 - march 1995.
    issue 2 (march 1995) of "the pl/i connection"
    newsletter. for use with os/2 view command.
  • pli295.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    the pl/i connection - issue 3 - june 1995.
    issue 3 (june 1995) of "the pl/i connection"
    newsletter. for use with the os/2 view
  • pli494.inf (35K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pl/i connection newsletter, dec. 94 issue 1.
    to view the file, download it to a pc with
    os/2 installed, and issue the os/2 command
    "view pli494".
  • pnw194.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pacific northwest os/2 users group
    newsletter, january 1994.
  • pros0196.zip (212K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, january 1996, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0296.zip (330K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, february 1996, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0297.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, february 1997, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0396.zip (292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, march 1996, in ascii text,
    postscript, and inf formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0496.zip (231K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, april 1996, in ascii text,
    postscript, and inf formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0497.zip (192K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, april 1997, in ascii text,
    and inf formats.  from the tampa bay  os/2
    users' group (tboug).
  • pros0596.zip (247K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, may 1996, in ascii text,
    postscript, and inf formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0597.zip (233K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, may 1997, in ascii text,
    and inf formats.  from the tampa bay  os/2
    users' group (tboug).
  • pros0695.zip (309K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, june 1995, tampa bay os/2
    users' group - in ascii text format,
    postscript, and inf.
  • pros0696.zip (241K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, june 1996, in ascii text,
    postscript, and inf formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0697.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, june 1997, in ascii text,
    and inf formats.  from the tampa bay  os/2
    users' group (tboug).
  • pros0795.zip (276K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, july 1995, in ascii text
    format, postscript, and inf.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0796.zip (336K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, july 1996, in ascii text,
    postscript, and inf formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0797.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, july 1997, in ascii text,
    and inf formats.  from the tampa bay  os/2
    users' group (tboug).
  • pros0895.zip (223K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, august 1995, in inf, ascii
    text, and postscript formats.  from the tampa
    bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0896.zip (232K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, august 1996, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0897.zip (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, august 1997, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0995.zip (211K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, september 1995, in ascii
    text, inf, and postscript formats.  see
    attached readme.txt file for instructions.
  • pros0996.zip (189K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, september 1996, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros0997.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, september 1997, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1095.zip (438K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, october 1995, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1096.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter for october 1996 from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1195.zip (210K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, november 1995, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1196.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, november 1996, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1197.zip (122K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, november 1997, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1295.zip (337K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, december 1995, in ascii
    text, postscript, and inf formats.  from the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros1296.zip (277K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter, december 1996, in ascii
    text, and inf formats.  from the tampa bay
    os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros2apr.zip (196K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter april 1995 in various
    formats (txt, ps, inf).  newsletter of the
    tampa bay os/2 users' group (tboug).
  • pros2feb.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    tampa bay os/2 users-february, 1995 95/01/16.
    official newsletter of tampa bay os/2 users'
    group. provided in following formats: ascii
    text (txt), postscript (ps), & inf format for
    use w/ standard os/2 "view" utility; type:
    view pros2feb.inf.
  • pros2mar.zip (250K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    pros/2 newsletter; march 1995; in various
    formats; ascii text, postscript, and inf;
    type:  view pros2mar.inf.
  • pros2may.zip (250K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    tampa bay pros/2 newsletter, may 1995, in
    various file formats (txt, inf, ps).
  • psnl510a.zip (66K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newsletter (ascii)
    v5.10. november issue of the ibm personal
    systems newsletter in ascii format. monthly
    summary of ibm announcements and press
    releases with emphasis on personal systems.
  • psnl510e.zip (473K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newsletter (postscript)
    v5. november issue of the ibm personal
    systems newsletter in postscript format.
    monthly summary of ibm announcements and
    press releases with emphasis on personal
  • psnl510i.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newsletter (inf) v5.10.
    november issue of the ibm personal systems
    newsletter in inf format. monthly summary of
    ibm announcements and press releases with
    emphasis on personal systems.
  • psnl511a.zip (65K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    psnl v5.11 - dec. 95. the december edition of
    the ibm personal systems newsletter in ascii
    format. monthly summary of ibm announcements
    and press releases with emphasis on personal
  • psnl511e.zip (469K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    psnl v5.11 - dec. 95 (postscript) december
    issue of the ibm personal systems newsletter
    in postscript format. monthly summary of ibm
    announcements and press releases with the
    emphasis on personal systems.
  • psnl511i.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    psnl v5.11 - dec. 95 (inf). december issue of
    the ibm personal systems newsletter in inf
    format. monthly summary of ibm announcements
    and press releases with the emphasis on
    personal systems.
  • psnl607a.zip (48K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newsletter - july 96.
    ibm press releases, announcement letters and
    other information.
  • psnl607i.zip (68K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newletter - july 96 -
    inf format. ibm press releases, announcement
    letter and other information.
  • psnl607p.zip (415K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    ibm personal systems newsletter - july 96 -
    postscript ver. ibm press releases,
    announcement letters and other information.
  • review02.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 review, an italian os/2 electronic
    magazine, n.2. (italian version, the only
    one, for the moment).
  • review03.lzh (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    issue 03 of the italian elettronic os/2 magazine

  • revue1a.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    charter issue of the montreal os/2 users
    group newsletters.  bilingual (english &
    french).  use view.exe
  • revue1b.zip (194K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 1, number 2 of the montreal os/2 users
    group newsletters (bilingual).  use view.exe.
  • revue2a.zip (203K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    volume 2, number 1 of the montreal os/2 users
    group newsletters.  bilingual (english &
    french).  use view.exe
  • rvue1a.zip (50K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    montreal os/2 users group newsletter october
    '93. revue os/2 edition 1 volume 1. first
    issue of the montreal os/2 users group
    newsletter revue os/2. it's a bilingual
    (french/english), newsletter.
  • rvue1b.zip (196K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    montreal os/2 users group newsletter december
    '93. revue os/2 edition 1 volume 2. this
    edition includes an  initiation on how to
    program in c for the pm . also includes a
    full working demo  of what's explained in the
    revue os/2.
  • sdas9301.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 1/93.

  • sdas9302.zip (34K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 2/93.

  • sdas9303.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 3/93.

  • sdas9304.zip (42K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 4/93.

  • sdas9305.zip (46K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 5/93.

  • sdin9301.lzh (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter -
    january 1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9302.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter -
    february 1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9303.zip (263K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - march
    1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9304.zip (179K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter, april
    inf version. includes: an elegant operating
    system by w. postma; os/2 tips and hints;
    os/2 books on the market; stolen tagsoftware
    reviews; os/2 2.0 1st birthday list; and a
    humorous tidbit.
  • sdin9305.zip (178K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - may
    1993 issue - inf version
  • sdin9306.zip (275K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - june
    1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9307.zip (269K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - july
    1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9308.zip (262K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - august
    1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9309.zip (345K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter -
    september 1993 - inf version.
  • sdin9310.zip (253K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 users group journal for oct 93

  • sdin9311.zip (375K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 users group journal nov 93

  • sdin9312.zip (315K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 users group journal dec 93

  • sdin9401.zip (269K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 1/94.
    inf fmt - golden commpass review; dinosaur
    time; reviews of os/2 shareware; os/2 news;
    os/2 library; user group directory; software
    announcements, etc.
  • sdin9402.zip (327K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 2/94.
    inf fmt - software reviews - file
    commander/2, displaymaster; stacker for os/2
    & dos; os/2 wp comparisons - describe,
    wordperfect, amipro & textor; os/2 news; user
    group news & more.
  • sdin9403.zip (263K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 3/94.
    inf fmt - san diego teamos2 news; dos session
    tips, tricks & solutions; fidonet os/2 wish
    list part 1; os/2 library; user group
    directory; os/2 news; stolen taglines.
  • sdin9404.zip (256K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 4/94.
    inf fmt - fidonet wish list part 2; os/2
    peer-to-peer; workplace os rpt; open shutter
    1.11 review; where is the pc going?; san
    diego comp fair '94 - learning center update;
    and more.
  • sdin9405.zip (262K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter - 5/94.
    inf fmt - watcom vx-rexx review; quick &
    dirty ami pro 3.0 for os/2 review; os/2 tips
    - taming pkunzip in os/2 using parameters;
    chi-town report - who's who in os/2; more.
  • sdin9406.zip (269K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 user group newsletter. june
    1994 inf version - wake-up call for ibm pt 2;
    faxworks os/2 review; ug events & directory;
    os/2 books; waiting for powerpc; news, tips,
    books, etc.
  • sdin9407.zip (279K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 ug newsletter july 1994.
    software reviews - te/2, zoc, golden
    commpass; os/2 tips; os/2 media review; ug
    directory, tips, news, etc.
  • sdin9408.zip (287K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 ug newsletter august 1994 inf
    - os/2 beta review; tips, tricks & solutions;
    os/2 world reports; os/2 media review
    (electronic publications) pt. 2, books, ug
    directory, etc.
  • sdin9409.zip (320K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 ug newsletter september 1994
    inf - software reviews - qedit, rbase 4.5+
    for os/2, alpha4; tips & tricks - windows of
    oppty; summary of latest os/2 software; ug
    events & lots more!
  • sdin9410.zip (283K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    san diego os/2 ug newsletter october 1994.
    inf - warp launch news; san diego reports;
    software reviews - ami pro for 3.0b, stupid
    os/2 tricks; views-development of pc's-bill
    gates from 1989!; books, ug directory and the
    usual etc.
  • sdpn6a.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    issue 1 of ibm solution developer program (sdp) news.

  • sdpn6b.zip (61K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    issue 2 of ibm solution developer program (sdp) news.

  • sdpn6c.zip (88K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    issue 3 of ibm solution developer program (sdp) news.

  • sdpnews.end (1K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    issue 3 (sdpn6c) is the final issue of
    sdpnews in its current form. the ibm solution
    developer program will now provide its news
    via the world wide web at url
  • sos29605.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    singos/2 newsletter.

  • spockmay.zip (568K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:29

    os/2 resource guide, with an interesting
    newsletter/commentary section. inf viewable
  • st-win97.zip (2,319K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    stardock magazine.  winter 1997 issue. you'll
    need to get the free adobe acrobat reader to
    read this. (in acrobat pdf format).
  • tag1_1.zip (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    l.a. tag's first newsletter, volume 1 issue
    1. this is an electronic newsletter for the
    los angeles technical architect group. this
    is from the tag meeting which rick fishman
    spoke on programming notebook controls in pm.
  • tag1_2.zip (44K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    los angeles technical architect group
    newsletter. this is volume 1, issue 2 the
    topic for this meeting was programming in c++
    and discussing several ways to accomplish
    this. source code is provided in the
  • tag1_3.zip (31K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    l.a. os/2 tech. architect group newsletter,
    volume 1 issue 3 (june). rick fishman, the
    "king of controls" presented, "basic
    container programming" under os/2 2.x.
  • tag1_4.zip (84K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    los angeles os/2 technical architect group
    news#4. at this meeting rick fishman
    presented advanced container programming
    under os/2 pm and the source from his
    presentation is included.
  • tcpnewc1.txt (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    ibm tcp/ip connection news magazine. issue #1.

  • tcpnewc2.txt (10K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    ibm tcp/ip connection news magazine. issue #2.

  • tcpnewc3.txt (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    ibm tcp/ip connection news magazine. issue #3.

  • tcpnewc4.txt (8K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    ibm tcp/ip connection news magazine. issue #4.

  • tcpnewc5.txt (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    ibm tcp/ip connection news magazine. issue #5.

  • tcpnewv2.ps (362K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter in ps format

  • tcpnewv2.txt (28K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter

  • tcpnewv2.zip (56K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter in ps format

  • tcpnewv3.txt (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter

  • tcpnewv4.txt (67K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter.

  • tcpnewv5.ps (1,012K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter (postscript).

  • tcpnewv5.txt (51K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tcp/ip newsletter (ascii text).

  • teenos.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    teen os/2 user group newsletter #1. the first
    ever teenager os/2 user group newsletter.
    this group is for teens age 13 to 19 years of
    age and is in california.
  • threads5.zip (173K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    may 93 issue of the minnesota os/2 user
    group's newsletter in describe 4.0 format.
    includes articles on the new os/2 2.1 ga
    release, book minireviews, shareware review,
    informative (and funny) news from the
    internet, and more.
  • threads6.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    mn os/2 user group newsletter for june 1993
    in describe 4.0 format.
  • tmb0197.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 1/97.

  • tmb0198.zip (1,306K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter.

  • tmb0297.zip (92K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 2/97.

  • tmb0397.zip (157K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 3/97.

  • tmb0497.zip (176K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 4/97.

  • tmb0498.zip (2,092K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news brief.

  • tmb0597.zip (388K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 5/97.

  • tmb0697.zip (1,276K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 6/97.

  • tmb0797.zip (752K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 7/97.

  • tmb0798.zip (3,113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter.

  • tmb0897.zip (820K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter 8/97.

  • tmb0997.zip (1,457K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team brief for 09/97.

  • tmb1097.zip (5,289K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team brief -- team os/2 newsletter for 10/97.

  • tmb1197.zip (4,000K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter.

  • tmb1198.zip (3,741K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team brief, a team os/2 news letter.

  • tmb200.zip (7,470K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 news letter.

  • tmb299.zip (4,610K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team brief, a team os/2 news letter.

  • tmb599.zip (5,002K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team brief, a team os/2 news letter.

  • tnew01.zip (39K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter - issue 1 - october
    1993. this unzips to inf format only. learn
    how to join team os/2, what other team
    members are doing, information on os/2 user
    groups, testimonials and much, much more!
  • tnew02.zip (60K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter #2

  • tnew03.zip (259K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter for december 1993,
    inf-format only. information on team os/2,
    how to  join, what is happening world-wide
  • tnew04.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter, february, 1994.

  • tnew05.zip (102K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter (inf format), march/april 1994

  • tnew06.zip (654K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter #6

  • tnew07.zip (133K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter (inf format), june 1994

  • tnew08.zip (129K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter, august 94. read this
    for what's been happening with team os/2
  • tnew09.zip (235K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter #9

  • tnew10.zip (184K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter #10

  • tnew11.zip (161K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    team os/2 newsletter, july 1995. contains
    information on team os/2: how to join, what
    it is, and where to find members.
  • tnl23.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    performance and tuning newsletter that talks
    about the steps to take to identify
    performance bottlenecks. there is an
    companion file called perf22.zip that
    provides some sql scripts and software to
    assist in the performance tests.
  • to2apr96.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    toronto os/2 ug (to/2) newsletter - 4/96.

  • to2aug95.zip (12K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the to/2 august newsletter! toronto os/2 user
    group (to/2) newsletter for august 1995.
    straight text dump of the to/2 newsletter
    html page. tips, tricks, software reviews &
    meeting discussions. visit
    http://www.io/org/~to2 for more info.
  • to2dec95.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the toronto os/2 user group newsletter -
    12/95. straight text dump of the to/2
    newsletter html page. tips, tricks, software
    reviews and meeting discussions. visit
    http://www.io/org/~to2 for more info.
  • to2jan96.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the toronto os/2 user group newsletter -
    1/96. straight text dump of the to/2
    newsletter html page. tips, tricks, software
    reviews and meeting discussions. visit
    http://www.io/org/~to2 for more info.
  • to2nov95.zip (25K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the toronto os/2 ug newsletter - nov, 1995.
    the text version of the toronto os/2 user
    group's november, 1995 newsletter.
  • to2oct95.zip (18K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the toronto os/2 user group newsletter -
    10/95 straight text dump of the to/2
    newsletter html page. tips, tricks, software
    reviews and meeting discussions. visit
    http://www.io/org/~to2 for more info.
  • to2sep95.zip (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the to/2 newsletter - 9/95. toronto os/2 user
    group (to/2) newsletter for september 1995.
    straight text dump of the to/2 newsletter
    html page. tips, tricks, software reviews &
    meeting discussions. visit
    http://www.io/org/~to2 for more info.
  • tpaaug.zip (26K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group newsletter. august
    1994 meeting announcement and newsletter for
    the the tampa bay os/2 user's group.
  • tpadec.zip (145K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group newsletter
    94/11/18. december 1994 tboug newsletter and
    meeting announcement. the zip file contains
    the newsletter in text, postscript and inf
  • tpajan.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group jan 95 newsletter
    meeting announcement. zip file containing the
    newsletter in text, postscript and inf file
  • tpajul.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    july 1994 newsletter for the tampa bay os/2 user's group

  • tpajun.zip (9K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group newwsletter june
    94. newsletter announcing june 1994 meeting
    of the tampa bay os/2 users group.
  • tpanov.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    meeting announcement and newsletter for tampa
    bay os/2 user  group
  • tpaoct.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group newsletter (oct
    94). meeting announcement and newsletter for
    the tampa bay os/2 user group meeting.
  • tpasep.txt (14K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    tampa bay os/2 user group newsletter and
    meeting  announcement, sept 94.
  • vdg693.zip (108K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    viodevgrp newsletter - june 1993 (issue 2).
    monthly newsletter of the "victorian
    independent os/2 developers group" - june
    1993 (2nd issue) - in inf format.
  • viewedmi.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    rexx script to view several edmi issues at once.

  • vnl0198h.zip (266K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    january 1998 (html format).
  • vnl0198i.zip (248K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    january 1998 (inf format).
  • vnl0398h.zip (144K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for march 1998 (html).

  • vnl0498h.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for april
    1998, in html format.
  • vnl0498i.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for april
    1998, in inf format.
  • vnl0597h.zip (43K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice newsletter for may 1997 (html)

  • vnl0597i.zip (40K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice newsletter for may 1997 (inf)

  • vnl0598h.zip (297K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for may 1998 (html).

  • vnl0598i.zip (283K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for may 1998 (inf).

  • vnl0697h.zip (53K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for june 1997 (html).

  • vnl0697i.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for june 1997 (inf).

  • vnl0698h.zip (137K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for june 1998 (html).

  • vnl0698i.zip (124K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for june 1998 (inf).

  • vnl0797h.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for july 1997 (html).

  • vnl0797i.zip (52K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for july 1997 (inf).

  • vnl0798h.zip (352K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for july
    1998, in html format.
  • vnl0798i.zip (230K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for july
    1998, in inf format.
  • vnl0897h.zip (75K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    august 1997 (html).
  • vnl0897i.zip (71K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for august 1997 (inf).

  • vnl0898h.zip (292K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    august 1998, in html format.
  • vnl0898i.zip (277K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    august 1998, in inf format.
  • vnl0997h.zip (186K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    september 1997 (html format).
  • vnl0997i.zip (164K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    september 1997 (inf format).
  • vnl0998h.zip (217K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    september 1998 (html).
  • vnl0998i.zip (279K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    september 1998 (inf).
  • vnl1097h.zip (178K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    october 1997 (html format).
  • vnl1097i.zip (410K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    october 1997 (inf format).
  • vnl1098h.zip (346K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    october 1998 (html).
  • vnl1098i.zip (316K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    october 1998 (inf).
  • vnl1100h.zip (704K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the english version of the voice user group
    monthly newsletter for november 2000, in html
  • vnl1100i.zip (1,363K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the english version of the voice user group
    monthly newsletter for november 2000, in inf
  • vnl110de.zip (713K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    vnl1100h_de.zip) the german version of the
    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    november 2000, in html format.
  • vnl1297h.zip (155K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    december 1997, in html format.
  • vnl1297i.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    voice user group monthly newsletter for
    december 1997, in inf format.
  • wmnl0196.zip (30K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 warp monthly newsletter, january 1996.

  • wnl95072.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the warp weekly newsletter 7/28/95.

  • wnl95080.zip (2K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the warp weekly newsletter 8/4/95.

  • wnl95090.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter (9/8/95)

  • wnl95102.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter (10/27/95).
    issue 39 of the warp weekly newsletter dated
  • wnl95110.zip (6K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the warp weekly newsletter (11/3/95). issue
    40 of the warp weekly newsletter dated
  • wnl95111.zip (11K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter (11/10/95).
    issue 41 of the warp weekly newsletter dated
  • wnl95120.zip (7K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter (12/08/95). issue 44.

  • wnl95818.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter 8/18/95

  • wnl95825.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter 8/25/95

  • wnl95901.zip (3K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 warp weekly newsletter 9/1/95

  • wnl95915.zip (5K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    issue 33 of the warp weekly newsletter dated 9/15/95

  • wnl95922.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter 9/22/95.
    issue 34 of the warp weekly newsletter dated
  • wnl96011.zip (4K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    the os/2 warp weekly newsletter (1/19/96) issue 49.

  • wo0496og.zip (411K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    WARP ONLINE - Deutsche offline Version 4/95
    Warp Online ist ein OS/2 Magazin im HTML
    Format, das mit jedem Web-Browser lesbar ist,
    der das Laden von HTML-Files untersttzt. 
    Diese Erstausgabe bietet Tips und Tricks, 
    Reviews von Object Desktop und Partition 
    Magic, die Titelstory "13 Millionen OS/2 
    Anwender-Tendenz steigend" und vieles mehr.
  • wo0596og.zip (373K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    WARP ONLINE - Deutsche offline Version 5/95
    Warp Online ist ein OS/2 Magazin im HTML
    Format, das mit jedem Web-Browser lesbar ist,
    der das Laden von HTML-Files untersttzt. 
    In dieser Ausgabe: Iomegas Zip Drive, der
    neue Java fhige WebExplorer, eine neue
    monatliche Kolumne fr Programmierer, Warp
    auf der Indianapolis, Tips&Tricks und 
    vieles mehr.
  • wo0696og.zip (372K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    WARP ONLINE - Deutsche offline Version 6/95
    Warp Online ist ein OS/2 Magazin im HTML
    Format, das mit jedem Web-Browser lesbar ist,
    der das Laden von HTML-Files untersttzt. 
    In dieser Ausgabe: Ein Blick auf Lotus
    Wordpro, Neues von Major Weenie, das neue 
    Object Desktop 1.5, die Titelstory IBM, OS/2
    und die Olympischen Spiele in Atlanta und
    natrlich Tips&Tricks und  vieles mehr.
  • wo0796og.zip (404K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    WARP ONLINE - Deutsche offline Version 7/95
    Warp Online ist ein OS/2 Magazin im HTML
    Format, das mit jedem Web-Browser lesbar ist,
    der das Laden von HTML-Files untersttzt. 
    In dieser Ausgabe: Tips und Tricks zum
    Internet Access Kit, Test des CPU Monitor
    Plus und einer Erweiterung des WebExplorers
    sowie die Titelstory 'Ein erster Blick auf 
    Merlin - die neue OS/2 Version' und vieles
  • wol0896g.zip (644K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    WARP ONLINE - Deutsche offline Version 8/95
    Warp Online ist ein OS/2 Magazin im HTML
    Format, das mit jedem Web-Browser lesbar ist,
    der das Laden von HTML-Files untersttzt. 
    In dieser Ausgabe: IBMs Internet Connection
    Server, Die besten OS/2 Spiele, Neue OS/2
    Applikationen, ReXX mit Major Weenie, Tips
    und Trick, Fragen und Antworten und mehr.
  • wol9605.zip (367K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    warp online magazine issue 05/96.

  • wol9606.zip (368K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    warp online magazine issue 06/96.

  • wwnl1995.zip (132K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    all of the warp weekly newsletters produced
    and posted by ibm in 1995.
  • xmasasc.zip (29K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 e-zine! christmas special (december '96)
    in ascii format - topics include trials of
    battle, c-a-d commander, process commander,
    impos/2, neon storybook, netscape 2.02 for
    os/2 and report on john soyring's speech on
    the future of os/2.
  • xmashtm.zip (613K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

    os/2 e-zine! christmas special (december '96)
    in html format - topics include trials of
    battle, c-a-d commander, process commander,
    impos/2, neon storybook, netscape 2.02 for
    os/2 and report on john soyring's speech on
    the future of os/2.
  • zpmag1.zip (917K)

    Uploaded Sat Jun 25 2022 22:55:30

             OS/2 Zipmag May 1996.  (Ammended V.1A, All names now conform to
    FAT.) Issue Number 1  (in inf format, including Multimedia shots and film see Bill
       Gates, "What is OS/2")
             OS/2 is a 'free' support magazine includes:
             Various Articles
             Also contains New and Modified  Icons in Subdirectory                Scaned forViruses with IBM Scanner. 
    See contribution.txt